導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 這部電影真無聊的英文


發布時間:2023-05-15 15:24:55

1. 我們昨天看了一部電影但很遺憾它很無聊英語翻譯

Did you have fun last night?
Yesterday, Sophia bought MOM a picture of her favorite dish.
Shelly boring just watching a movie, but the movie is boring.

2. 這個電影很無聊英文

This movie is very bore I don'like

3. 這部電影是我看過最無聊的一部用英語怎麼寫兩個

This movie is the most boring I have ever seen.
I have never seen a more boring movie than this.

4. 我覺得這部電影很無聊。怎麼會呢應怎樣翻譯成英語

我覺得這部電影很無聊。 I think the film is boring.

怎麼會呢? How did that happen?

5. 這部電影太無聊了以至於我很早就離開了影院英語

The film was so boring that we all felt bored (with it)

6. 英文翻譯 :那部電影太無聊了,許多人看到一半就離開了

That movie was so boring that many people left at its half.

7. 這部電影似乎很無聊用英語翻譯初二英語

This movie seems very boring!



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