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㈠ 關於一篇"假設你和朋友在一家餐館吃飯,自編一段對話,相互介紹自己喜歡的食物和飲品的英語作文

Yesterday my friend and I went to a restaurant. We sat down and began to talk about our favourate food.
"What is your favourite food, Tom?"I asked.
"Well, my favourite food is fried chicken,「answered Tom.
"Then, what'渣毀羨s your favourite drink?"I asked Tom.
"I like cola best. What about you? What'如拍s your favourite food and drink?"
"Oh!"I answered,"余帆My favourite food is hamburger. And my favourite drink is lemonade."
"Ah, that's nice!"
P.S: 全原創,絕無抄襲!望採納!

㈡ 求Cola---My favourite drink英語作文(急急急)80- 130字.

cola 因該是可樂罷帆悄在美國我們都叫仔轎辯可樂coke, coca cola才是可口可樂通常不分念缺開
My favourite drink is cola

My favorite drink is coke. I drink it for 14 years.
I like coke because I like throat of coke.
My first time drinking coke was I was 5 years old. I saw my father's drink, My father said, Do you try it? I answered soon. YES!

When I drank it, I got a sore throat. But, I drink coke many times I accustomed to this phenomenon and I can feel it is very delicious.
After that, I usually drink coke when I feel thirst.I like Coka Coke better than Pepusi Coke.
Because My first drinking coke is Coka Coke and I don't have opportunities to drink Pepusi Coke when I was child.

㈢ 關於一篇電影的英語作文,初二的,50次左右

最美的風景 星期天的上午,天氣晴朗,陽光明媚。我拿著攢了很久的錢,約同學劉小玲一同去超市,買我盼望已久的玩具小汽車。我們走著走著,看到二中門口聚集了很多人,我心裡納悶,莫非撞車或者吵架了?這些無聊的看客!正想著,只見一位稍大的同學手裡拿著20元錢往一個箱子里塞,幾個小同學手裡也拿著錢爭先恐後地往前擠,仔細一打聽,才知道二中有一名同學食物中毒,正在醫院搶救,她家境非常貧寒,拿不出錢治病,生命危在旦夕,學校正組織捐款。路過的行人也都踴躍捐助。一個三夫輪車,把車停在路旁,從他那身破舊的衣裳,那張飽經風霜的臉可以看出他的家境也一定很貧困,他要干什麼呢?沒想到他竟然拿出幾張皺皺巴巴的紙幣塞進了捐款箱。 我感到臉有點發熱,不由自主把手伸進了褲兜,可是一摸到錢,便想起了盼望已久的玩具。我該怎麼辦呢?是買心愛的玩具、還是救助那位同學?正當我猶豫不決的時候,突然聽到劉小玲的聲音:「我們把錢捐了吧,有什麼比生命更寶貴、更重要的呢!」我覺得沒什麼理由再往前走了,於是掏出所有的錢塞進捐款箱,擠出了人群,望望捐款處,捐款的人仍不見到少,看著這一幕感人的情景,我心裡想:「奼紫嫣紅的鮮花美;洶涌澎湃的大海美;巍峨險峻的高山美;繁星閃爍的夜空美。」然而我覺得再美的風景也莫過於此處的情景吧!朋友,你覺得呢?


㈣ 有關介紹茶的英語作文80到100詞和中文翻譯

Tea can be heat-clearing and detoxifying, has great benefits to the intestinal tract, can help digestion, more than a cup of tea can be refreshing, not sleepy ring the day, there is a lot of profit to the body, we should get into the habit of drinking tea. 茶可以清熱解毒,對腸道有很大的好處,可以幫助消化,多喝茶也可以提神,白天不瞌睡,對身體有很大的好處,我們要養成喝茶的習慣。(原創採納喔。)




大多數中國人都喜歡喝茶,茶除了有一種猜悶特別的味道之外,還有清理腸胃,滋潤口腔等等功能. It do good to peaple healthy。


常見的有鐵觀音,普洱. As we all know tea has a spacial taste。

It can clear the bowels,Moisten mouth and so on.There are various kind of tea.such as Tieh-Kuan-Yin,Pu-erh .Some is cheap while some is expensive.Tea is profound know knowledge in China even all over the world.在中國,茶的地位等同於西方國家的咖啡。


就像我們都知道的一樣Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western countries. Most chinese enjoy drinking tea...












Tea can be heat-clearing and detoxifying, has great benefits to the intestinal tract, can help digestion, more than a cup of tea can be refreshing, not sleepy ring the day, there is a lot of profit to the body, we should get into the habit of drinking tea. 茶可以清熱解毒,對腸道有很大的好處,可以幫助消化,多喝茶也可以提神,白天不瞌睡,對身體有很大的好處,我們要養成喝茶的習慣。



The Culture of The Chinese Tea -"When a guest es to my home from far away on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him." — Ancient Chinese poem China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. After Ming and Qing Dynasty, tea culture seemed to take on a tendency of returning to the most basics in nature with less people deliberately seeking quality water and less occasions on which tribute tea was blindly elaborated. People paid more attention to and placed more stress on the pure flavor of tea and its inherent taste through which spiritual pursuit could be realized, solace to soul could be obtained and the pursuit for a supreme bourn that human being and nature had been integrated into one entity could be attained Chinese tea culture Chinese tea culture has a long history.Tea culture entered its most prosperous ear in Tang and Song Dynasty, which had evolved into a condition that the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status as national beverage. And at that moment Luyu who was honored as 「 the Saint of Tea」 and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained. Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea instry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture. Tea culture is of much elegance. In the contemporary society, tea culture plays a role of enriching cultural and leisure life, promoting the development of tea-related economy and trade, and propelling culture exchange beeen nations. In the 21st century, tea culture will grow to an even larger scale, involve an even wider range of fields, perform an even stronger function and bring an even closer integration of tradition and modern times which will in turn promote tea culture to an international level Chinese tea is part of Chinese culture.Many people likes drinking tea,and a lot of kinds of tea have bee famous.Tea has a long history in China.There are a variety of good tea which attract many foreigns.So we must do more to improve Chinese tea and add up more history stories and culture to it.At the same time ,we should prevent some bad tea from damaging the fame of Chinese tea.Only by doing so can Chinese tea bee more and more popular and valuable. That the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status asnational beverage. And at that moment Luyu who was honored as 「 the Saint of Tea」 and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained. Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea instry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture. The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusia *** . You may also imbibe it slowly in *** all sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, fortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.

一篇題目為making tea的英語作文

【Making Tea】How to make tea?The first thing you need to do to make tea is to boil some water. While waiting for it to boil, You may get your teapot ready. Wash it and Make sure to put the right amount of tea leaves into it. When the water has boiled, you should pour it into the pot and wait for a few minutes, then pour the tea into some cups and send them to the guests. Everyone will sip it after the tea has getting not so hot to drink. You can also prepare some tea cake and snacks to enjoy the afternoon tea time!(大意:泡茶的正確步驟是先燒水,燒水時准備茶壺,倒入適量茶葉,等水燒開沖入茶壺等待一會,然後就可以把茶倒入茶杯,等水不那麼燙了再啜飲。



China Famous Tea ABSTRACT There are six types of teas: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong, and black. This classification is based on processing methods, degree of fermentation, and the oxidation of the polyphenols present in tea leaves. The polyphenols in green tea are hardly oxidized, but they are nonenzymatically oxidized in yellow and dark teas. White, oolong, and black teas are fermented, with white having the least and black, having the most fermentation. Some variations in processing of these different teas are discussed.CLASSIFICATION OF PROCESSED TEA A great variety of tea trees and procts can be found in the vast tea-procing areas of China. Classification of processed tea has been fairly well established based on quality and processing methods. There are six types of teas: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong, and black. This division is made based on the degree of fermentation and oxidation of the polyphones present in tea. Green, yellow, and dark teas are unfermented. Polyphones are hardly oxidized in green tea, but they are nonenzymatically oxdized in yellow and dark teas. White, oolong, and black teas are fermented, with white having the least fermentation and black the most. All six teas have distinct flavors and qualities determined by the degree of oxidation of the polyphones, whether enzymatic or no enzymatic. Each of the six types of teas can be further divided into several subclasses based on processing method and quality. For example, green tea can be categorized according to: (1) enzyme treatment, (2) drying method, and (3) appearance. Other teas are similarly sub classified, each type having its own standards. A classification of teas is given in Table IV.1. Table IV.2 presents a parison of flavones pounds found in different teas. A parison of tea quality is given in Table IV.3. Some variations in processing are as follows: 1. Most green teas in China are fixed by pan firing. A double roaster fixing machine is show in Figure IV.1. A *** all quantity is fixed by steam. 2. There are many methods for drying: pan drying, basket drying, bination of pan and basket drying, and sun drying. 3. Yellowing can be made to take place after fixing or after first firing. 4. Piling may occur after fixing or first firing, or ring fine processing. 5. Tea leaves may be cut rather than rolled.


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Longjing Tea, West Lake Dragon Well TeaAs a type of green tea gaining a great reputation all over the world, Longjing tea grows near West Lake, Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province, and is characterized by its green color, delicate aroma, mellow taste and beautiful shape.With a long history of over 1,200 years, Longjing tea was named after the Dragon Well in Longjing Village which lies at the north-west foot of Wengjiashan Mountain in the west part of West Lake. Thanks to Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty , Shifeng Longjing tea has earned a high reputation. The legend went that the Emperor Qianlong visited Lion Peak Mountain ring his Hangzhou travels, and he saw some ladies picking the tea at the foot of the mountain. He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself. While picking the tea, he received the news of his mother's illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and left Hangzhou for Beijing. He visited his mother immediately upon his arrival in Beijing, and Empress Dowager *** elt the fragrance of the leaves from his sleeves and wanted to have a taste. Emperor Qianlong ordered it to be brewed for her, and she found herself pletely refreshed after drinking a cup of tea, and she even praised it as a remedy for all ills. From then on, Shifeng Longjing tea was listed as the tribute tea especially for Empress Dowager.Both the picking and making processes of Longjing tea are elaborate in order to make sure it retains its high quality and original flavor, according to which Longjing tea is classified into six grades . Much importance is emphasized on the timeliness of the leaves being picked, and the tea leaves which are picked before the Qingming Festival or after the Grain Rain Period are considered to be the top grade, while the ones picked before the Grain Rain Period or after the Qingming Festival are considered worthless.Longjing tea is a delicious beverage with potential health benefits owing to its rich antioxidants; however, it's also rich in caffeine which could deleteriously affect some tea drinkers.


Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western countries. Most chinese enjoy drinking tea. It do good to peaple healthy. As we all know tea has a spacial taste。

It can clear the bowels,Moisten mouth and so on.There are various kind of tea.such as Tieh-Kuan-Yin,Pu-erh .Some is cheap while some is expensive.Tea is profound know knowledge in China even all over the world. 在中國,茶的地位等同於西方國家的咖啡。









In China, different people in different places have different ways about making tea.Generally, it takes several steps.First, making the hot-pot. In this way, we can clean the pot.Second, putting the tea into the pot. Make sure that the tea takes up one thirds of the pot.Third, making the tea-cup hot. We had better use the hot-potted water to do this.Next, after a short time pour the water into the cup. Seven tens of it is better.Then we can drink it.

轉載請註明出處作文大全網 » 有關介紹茶的英語作文80到100詞和中文翻譯

㈤ 關於飲料的英語作文 120字左右~

Tea is a globally well-known popular drink.As for tea,anyone can say a lot about it.Chinese people are very concerned with their health so they often drink green tea before or after dinner or whenever they want .British people usually drink black tea for high tea and often put some sugar and some milk or cream into the tea so that they can enjoy both the freshness of the tea and the sweetness of the cream.People in other parts of the world are also fund of drinking tea. For example, people in South America,such as Uraguay people love tea as part of their lives,they can't spend a day without drinking tea.Above all , tea is the global drink in the 21st century.Why don't you start drinking some ?希望可以幫到你,給分吧

㈥ 英語作文我最喜歡的食物和飲料

will become
good when

㈦ 英語作文 我最愛的食品和飲料帶翻譯

My favorite food is hamburger especially from fast restaurants like Kentucky. A hamburger can provide a lot of energy for me. Just one hamburger for lunch is Ok for me to continue my work in afternoon. There are also various flavors I may choose from. In McDonald, I'd like to have a Big Mac because I love beef. Since fastfood restaurants are staandarized, I may receive similar quality in every restaurant. That's another reason why I love hamburgers.


㈧ 用英語寫一遍作文請簡單描述你喜歡及不喜歡的食物、蔬菜水果飲料,並說明原因

unassailable can not be reconciled, ready to use imprisoned his wife and daughter. When unassailable to imprisoned retreat to the local report the five mountains Jianpai and imprisoned decided not confrontation, but dongfangbu can not be reconciled, they sent for grabbed Yingying; then imprisoned wife thinks is the five mountains Jianpai

㈨ 請你用英語寫一篇小短文 介紹你一周的飲食安排 包括你最喜歡的食物或飲料 以

During the week, I try to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. On Monday, I usually have oatmeal with berries for breakfast, a salad with grilled chicken for lunch, and grilled salmon with roasted vegetables for dinner. On Tuesday, I like to start my day with a smoothie made with spinach, banana, and almond milk. For lunch, I'll have a turkey and avocado wrap, and for dinner, I'll have a bowl of quinoa and black bean stir-fry. Wednesday is my "cheat day," so I'll allow myself to have a slice of pizza or a burger for lunch. For dinner, I'll have a tofu stir-fry with brown rice. On Thursday and Friday, I try to eat lighter meals, such as a Greek yogurt with granola for breakfast, a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch, and grilled chicken with a side of roasted broccoli for dinner. My favorite food is probably sushi, and I try to have it at least once a week. As for drinks, I mostly stick to water, but I also enjoy a cup of green tea or a glass of red wine on occasion.



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