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Ⅰ 適合中學生看的十部英文電影



01《美麗人生》( Life is Beautiful)

二次世界大戰期間的義大利,由羅伯托·貝里尼(Roberto Benigni)飾演的小人物─基多,來到圖斯坎尼小鎮追求他的理想與愛情,全然不顧法西斯主義之下的政府管制,在這里他與小學老師桃拉墜入情網。幾年後,他們擁有了一個小男孩─約書亞,而基多也開了一間書店。但好景不常,在法西斯主義政府統治下,一家人失散,被關入集中營,爸爸和兒子關在一起,媽媽則被關在另外一處,在殘酷無比的集中營里,爸爸以玩游戲的方式讓兒子仍保有童年的快樂與天真。最後,爸爸犧牲了自己,死於納粹的槍下,而兒子回到媽媽身邊。


阿甘(湯姆·漢克斯 飾)於二戰結束後不久出生在美國南方阿拉巴馬州一個閉塞的小鎮,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的媽媽是一個性格堅強的女性,她常常鼓勵阿甘「傻人有傻福」,要他自強不息。阿甘像普通孩子一樣上學,並且認識了一生的朋友和至愛珍妮(羅賓·萊特·潘 飾),在珍妮和媽媽的愛護下,阿甘憑著上帝賜予的「飛毛腿」開始了一生不停的奔跑。阿甘成為橄欖球巨星、越戰英雄、乒乓球外交使者、億萬富翁,但是,他始終忘不了珍妮,幾次匆匆的相聚和離別,更是加深了阿甘的思念。有一天,阿甘收到珍妮的信,他們終於又要見面。

03《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption)



一個美麗的親情童話。父親愛德華(亞伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney 飾)年輕時,很愛給年幼的兒子講自己的傳奇經歷,他自稱在阿拉巴馬旅行推銷員時,經歷過很多光怪陸離,魔幻荒誕的事情。威爾(比利·克魯德普 Billy Crup 飾)並不相信,覺得是父親在虛榮和浮誇,父子關系漸漸疏離。直到父親得了癌症,不久於人世了,兒子決定回去見父親最後一面。兒子面對病榻上的父親時,父親又開始說他早年的經歷:他曾經為了離開小村莊去大城市闖盪,在途中遇到巫婆和巨人,還一起去了幽靈庄,再後來,認識了一個神奇的馬戲團演員,一個亞洲藝人,一條怎麼也抓不到的大魚,還有怎樣跟母親一見鍾情,定下終身……從父親病弱的氣息里,威爾彷彿領悟到以前從來沒有過的感受,也許父親的敘述有修飾的成分,但在他的心中,那些經歷到生命的最後一刻仍是充滿激情和想像,而父親終於在兒子的理解和深愛下閉上眼睛。








本片講述了一個鋼琴天才傳奇的一生。1900年,Virginian號豪華郵輪上,一個孤兒被遺棄在頭等艙,由船上的水手撫養長大,取名1900(蒂姆羅斯 飾)。1900慢慢長大,顯示了出了無師自通的非凡鋼琴天賦,在船上的樂隊表演鋼琴,每個聽過他演奏的人,都被深深打動。爵士樂鼻祖傑尼聽說了1900的高超技藝,專門上船和他比賽,最後自嘆弗如,黯然離去。可惜,這一切的事情都發生在海上,1900從來不願踏上陸地,直到有一天,他愛上了一個女孩,情愫在琴鍵上流淌。他會不會為了愛情,踏上陸地開始新的生活,用他的琴聲驚艷世界?他將怎樣譜寫自己非凡的人生。




瑪利亞(朱麗·安德魯斯 飾)是一個年輕活潑的修女,喜歡在大自然下高聲歌唱,所以她常常忘記了修道院里的規矩。院長認為瑪利亞並不屬於規矩嚴格的修道院。院長與眾嬤嬤商量後,決定安排瑪利亞到一位名叫特拉普(克里斯托弗·普盧默 飾)上校家當家庭教師。上校的妻子去世多年,留下7個孩子,他要求對孩子嚴格管教。他告訴瑪利亞在他家的家庭教師都做不長久,都是因為孩子的惡作劇。瑪利亞果然也遭到了惡作劇,可是這位善良的老師並沒有告訴他們的父親,而是像個母親一樣照顧孩子,很快跟孩子打成一片。上校也漸漸在瑪利亞的引導下改變了對孩子們的態度。上校與瑪利亞之間發生了感情,他們完婚後回到了已被納粹佔領的奧地利,上校並不想為納粹辦事,一家人准備逃跑。


第一名《阿甘正傳(Forrest Gump)》




第二名《當幸福來敲門(The Pursuit of Happyness)》

彷彿影片講的是我們似曾相似的往昔再現,又彷彿對我們未來前進的叮囑,在感動之餘,對我們進行了人生的洗禮,只要不放棄,就一定會成功。威爾·史密斯主演。《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happyness)取材於發生在美國真實故事。故事的主角就是當今美國著名黑人投資專家Chris Gardner。影片詮釋出一位瀕臨破產、老婆離家的落魄業務員,刻苦耐勞的善盡單親責任,奮發向上成為股市交易員,最後成為知名的金融投資家的勵志故事


第三名 《畢業生(The Graate)》




第四名 心靈捕手(Good Will Hunting)

麻省理工學院的數學教授藍波在席上公布了一道困難的數學題,卻被年輕的清潔工威爾(馬特·戴蒙 飾)解了出來。可是威爾卻是個問題少年,成天和好朋友查克(本·阿弗萊特飾)等人四處閑逛,打架滋事。當藍波找到這個天才的時候,他正因為打架襲警被法庭宣判送進看守所。藍波向法官求情保釋,才使他免於牢獄之災。

藍波為了讓威爾找到自己的人生目標,不浪費他的數學天賦,請了很多心理學專家為威爾做輔導,但是威爾十分抗拒,專家們都束手無策。無計可施之下,藍波求助於他大學的好友,心理學教授尚恩(羅賓·威廉姆斯 飾),希望能夠幫助威爾打開心房。


第五名 美麗心靈(A Beautiful Mind)


第六名 百萬美元寶貝(Million Dollar Baby)

正如導演伊斯特伍德所說的,」這不是一個關於拳擊的故事,是關於希望、夢想和愛的故事」,看過這部電影,相信大家就會知道今年奧斯卡典禮上的大 獲全勝真的是實至名歸。


第七名 時尚女魔頭(The devil wears in Prada)



第八名 永不妥協(Erin Brockovich)



第九名 光輝歲月(Remember the Titans)

該片是根據真人真事改編,故事發生於1971年,兩間黑人中學和一間白人中學合並,於是這三個學校的足球隊必須重新組成一支混合球隊。白人教練約特(韋爾· 帕頓飾)將此視為「人格侮辱」而憤然辭職,於是黑人教練赫爾曼·布恩(丹澤爾·華盛頓飾)接手統領。他除了需要解決各隊的分歧外,還要應付當時徘徊於種族間的緊張狀況。最終,他排除萬難,帶領他的隊伍打開勝利之門。


第十名. 黑暗中的舞者(Dancer in the Dark)



Ⅱ 電影《畢業生》的英文評價和社會背景

The Graate is a 1967 American comedy-drama film directed by Mike Nichols. It is based on the 1963 novel The Graate by Charles Webb, who wrote it shortly after graating from Williams College. The screenplay was by Buck Henry, who makes a cameo appearance as a hotel clerk, and Calder Willingham. The film tells the story of Benjamin Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman), a recent university graate with no well-defined aim in life, who is seced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), and then proceeds to fall in love with her daughter Elaine.
A.D. Murphy of Variety and Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times praised the film upon its release, with Murphy describing it as a "delightful satirical comedy-drama" and Ebert claiming it was the "funniest American comedy of the year".
For the film's thirtieth anniversary reissue, Roger Ebert retracted some of his previous praise for the film, noting that he now felt its time has passed and he now had more sympathy for Mrs. Robinson than Benjamin, whom he considered "an insufferable creep."He, along with Gene Siskel, gave the film a mediocre review on the television program Siskel & Ebert.

Ⅲ 畢業生看什麼英語電影 請教大家

the graate畢業生,寫的是一個畢業生的迷茫;

dead poet society死亡詩社(死詩人詩社),勵志片,很好看;
a goodwill hunting心靈捕手,勵志片;
The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救贖,很勵志,公認的;
the rock school搖滾校園;勵志片;
a million-dollar baby,百萬寶貝,勵志片;


Ⅳ 有誰知道好萊塢經典影片《畢業生》的主題思想是什麼


Ⅳ 畢業生英語影評80字

Ben has recently graated college, with his parents now expecting great things from him. At his "Homecoming" party, Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's business partner, has Ben drive her home, which leads to an affair between the two. The affair eventually ends, but comes back to haunt him when he finds himself falling for Elaine, Mrs. Robinson's daughter. It makes us understand why Ben just has to do what he does, also telling us that Ben is not the strongest person in the world. Ross is quite nice too, although her character is pretty forgettable. If Ben would have chosen for Mrs. Robinson instead of the daughter it would probably have been more believable. Captain of the Crosscountry Team Head of the Debating Club Associate Editor of the college newspaper in his Junior year Managing Editor in his Senior ………... Overall I think this is a great film, with only the ending as really implausible, although I must admit I liked it this way. Even if it has flaws, even if it is a little dated at times, it feels fresh and is more entertaining than most films today. The Graate was a movie that everyone could relate to. The feeling of being thrown out into the world and life just passing you by is overwhelming which is how we find out main character Benjamin feeling. When we first meet him he stares straight ahead with a look that could mean so many things and in fact I felt that through out the movie I could never really tell how he felt except by the change if music and its tempo. I found Hoffman's character hard to grasp except that he is just going through the motions in his monkey suit to make his parents happy. The action is mainly seen through the eyes of Benjamin Braddock, a confused twenty-one year old, who is worried about his future but who does not simply want to follow the commercial path of his affluent family and their friends. When Benjamin is on the plane there is a head shot of him staring straight ahead and his head seems to be enveloped by the brilliantly white head rest. I found that shot to be amusing because it showed the innocence that he possessed even after completing four years of college. Benjamin was the prodigal son who did everything to make his parents happy, even when he voiced complaints to his father about the party or the diving suit; he was never heard, throughout the movie his character is ignored until he meets Elaine. One of the many great scenes that drive the point across that he is lost in his own world where he can only hear himself is when he comes out for his 21st birthday party and his father will not listen to his objections. The audience is taken into the back yard through Benjamin's perspective (his own world) looking through the goggles. All we can hear is his breath and all he can hear is himself which is what he is used to. His breath blocks every body out and he is pushed repeatedly back into the pool by his father. Benjamin decides to stay submerged and avoid reality. This theme of submersion is present in the beginning of the movie when he is looking through the fish tank and watches the fish swim around, they seem so free yet they can only swim so far before they are back where they started. Benjamin feels alone in the beginning until Mrs. Robinson begins to show an interest in him and pretty soon that white 'halo' from the plane turns to black. As far as the viewer can tell there is no emotional connection between Ben and Mrs. Robinson, he still walks around aimlessly and his manner turns from that of a paranoid youth, like many of us, to an almost cocky young man. An interesting aspect between the relationship of Ben and Mrs. Robinson is the way the gender roles are switched. Ben is interested in involving conversation to their meetings and feels like he is being used while Mrs. Robison just wants to be purely physical. Ben has a more feminine personality then Mrs. Robison because she has so many secrets kept inside. The romance between Ben and Elaine is somewhat rushed because one second they are in a alt club where Elaine feels insulted and wants nothing to do with Ben, and then the next thing we know they are laughing and getting along and going on another date. The next instance Elaine is being married off yet she does not object. When Ben shows up to the wedding it is hard to say whether she is happy because she loves him or if she is happy because he offers and escape for her. All she can hear is Ben screaming her name, everyone else is blocked out.

Ⅵ 電影《畢業生》的英文名 插曲有幾個 都是什麼 要英文的

《畢業生》英文名:The Graate
插曲:01.The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel02.The Singleman Party Foxtrot - David Grusin03.Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel04.Sunporch Cha-Cha-Cha - David Grusin05.Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Interlude) - Simon & Garfunkel06.On the Strip - David Grusin07.April Come She Will - Simon & Garfunkel08.The Folks - David Grusin09.Scarborough Fair/Canticle - Simon & Garfunkel10.A Great Effect - David Grusin11.The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine - Simon & Garfunkel12.Whew - David Grusin13.Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel14.Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel

Ⅶ 畢業生英文原片



Ⅷ 誰知道<畢業生>的電影台詞!

讀電影台詞學英語:《The Graate》畢業生



MRS. ROBINSON: Hello, Benjamin.

BEN: Oh. Hello.

MRS. ROBINSON: May I sit down?

BEN: Of course.

MRS. ROBINSON: Thank you.

MRS. ROBINSON: How are you?

BEN: Very well. Thank you.

MRS. ROBINSON: May I have a drink?

BEN: A drink? Of course.

(Ben looks toward a passing WAITER and raises his hand.

The waiter pays no attention. Ben looks back at Mrs. Robinson apologetically.)

BEN: He didn''t see me.


MRS. ROBINSON: I will have a martini.

WAITER #1: Yes, madam.

MRS. ROBINSON: You don''t have to be so nervous, you know.

BEN: Nervous. Well, I am a bit nervous. I mean it''s –

it''s pretty hard to be suave when you''re –

MRS. ROBINSON: Did you get us a room?

BEN: What?

MRS. ROBINSON: Have you gotten us a room yet?

BEN: I haven''t. No.

MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want to?

BEN: Well – I don''t. I mean I could. Or we could just talk.

MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want me to get it?

BEN: You? Oh no. No. I''ll get it.

MRS. ROBINSON: Do you want to get it now?

BEN: Now?


BEN: Well – I don''t know.

MRS. ROBINSON: Why don''t you get it.

BEN: Why don''t I get it? Well – I will then. If you''ll excuse me.

(Ben walks out of the Veranda Room and into the lobby.)

ROOM CLERK: Yes sir?

BEN: A room. I''d like a room, please.

ROOM CLERK: A single room or a double room?

BEN: A single. Just for myself, please.

ROOM CLERK: Will you sign the register, please?

He pushes the card and a pen toward Ben.

Ben writes his name on the card and then stares

at it for a moment, crumples it up and fills out a second card.

ROOM CLERK: Is anything wrong, sir?

BEN: What? No. Nothing.

ROOM CLERK: Do you have any luggage, Mister –Gladstone?

BEN: Luggage? Yes. Yes. I do.

ROOM CLERK: Where is it?

BEN: What?

ROOM CLERK: Where is your luggage?

BEN: Well it''s in the car. It''s out in the car.

ROOM CLERK: Very good, sir. I''ll have a porter bring it in.

BEN: Oh no.


BEN: I mean I''d – I''d rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in.

I just have a toothbrush. I can get it myself. If that''s all right.

ROOM CLERK: Of course.

ROOM CLERK: I''ll have a porter show you the room.

BEN: Oh. Well actually, I''d just as soon find it myself.

I just have the toothbrush to carry up and I think I can manage it myself.

ROOM CLERK: Whatever you say, sir.

BEN: Thank you.


*apologetically: 抱歉的


*A single room or a double room?單人間還是雙人間?


*Do you have any luggage?你有行李嗎?


*I''d rather not…我寧願不…

*toothbrush: 牙刷

*manage it:解決

*Whatever you say.隨你的便

Ⅸ 電影畢業生的英文簡介

After a successful stint away at an eastern college, twenty-one year old
Benjamin Braddock returns to his parents' Los Angeles area home a
graate. Although the world should be his oyster, Ben is instead in a
state of extreme anxiety as he has no idea what to do with his life,
which is made all the more difficult since everybody asks him what he
plans on doing or tells him what he should do. In his confused state
ring which he would rather be alone to wallow in self-pity, he is easy
prey for the aggressive Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's
business partner who he's known all his life and who seces him.
Thinking about and then eventually succumbing to her advances only adds
to his anxiety and confusion as he hides what they're doing from the
rest of the world, and as he needs more than just sex in a relationship,
sex which is all she wants from him. His confusion is lessened but his
life becomes more complicated when he is reacquainted with Elaine
Robinson, the Robinsons' daughter who too is home from college at
Berkeley and who he has not seen since high school. Despite a rocky
start directed largely by the wants of Mrs. Robinson, Ben and Elaine
start to fall for each other. In this complicated situation, Ben has to
try to figure out how at least to start to strive for what he believes
should be that successful post-graate life.

Ⅹ 請問哪裡有電影《畢業生》的英文簡介

The young ex had just graated from university, although his parents are busy with preparations for the boisterous family evening to celebrate for him, But the TU own life but the future is very bleak about. In his graation ceremony, the guests of Robinson's wife, this guy had a keen interest in and let the TU drove her home in his car. The Merry Lady in the continuous provocative, and with more and more days were boring, The TU began shortly after Mrs. Robinson with the appointments, so my wife's stumble across a beautiful daughter Elaine. Elaine pure kindness make the TU most exciting and deeply in love with each other. While the ex finally found the opportunity to express the love Elaine, his former absurd behavior has been Elaine pardon. But the feelings they quickly Mrs. Robinson was strongly opposed, and Elaine finally figured his mother and the TU special relationship. She grief I chose to do it like a boy hasty marriage. The TU Upon learning of the news, regardless of all to the church-to. His efforts can not stop this happy marriage? They can break through the many obstacles secular, to get true love?



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