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A. 雷雨的電影劇情


B. 雷雨這部電影好看嗎,講的什麼

雷雨故事梗概(簡介):四鳳是周家女傭, 周萍, 周乃同父異母兄弟, 同樣愛上四鳳. 周萍本與繁漪 (即周的母親) 有染, 自與四鳳偷偷相戀, 便不再理會繁漪, 繁漪傷心欲絕. 繁漪知周沖喜歡四鳳, 邀請四鳳的母親魯媽到訪, 希望魯媽立即帶四鳳離開. 魯媽離開之際, 卻遇上周老爺, 繁漪才知道三十年前, 魯媽在周家打工, 與老爺懷了周萍和大海, 但終被拋棄, 魯媽帶著大海改嫁魯貴, 生了四鳳. 因而魯媽對老爺恨之入骨. 魯媽計劃帶四鳳遠離周家, 四鳳卻因已懷孕, 要求周萍帶她走, 魯媽幾欲暈倒, 事到如今, 只有催促兩人快走, 繁漪阻止周萍離去不成, 抖出各人錯綜復雜的關系, 周萍和四鳳知鑄成大錯, 周萍吞槍自殺, 四鳳觸電自殺, 周沖為救四鳳同樣觸電身亡.

C. 話劇《雷雨》翻譯成英語該怎麼說





D. 雷雨英文版


弟聲 姐姐,你去問她。
姊聲 (低聲)不,弟弟你問她,你問她。
姊 你問她,她知道。
弟 我不,我怕,你,你去(推姊姊,外面合唱聲止)
姑乙 (扶她)起來吧,魯奶奶!起來吧!(扶她至右邊火爐旁坐,忙走至姊弟前,安慰地
姊 謝謝您,姑奶奶。(替弟弟穿衣服)
姑乙 外面冷得很,你們都把衣服穿好。
姊 再見!
姑乙 再見。(姊領弟弟出中門)
姑乙 噓,(指魯媽)她出來了。
姑甲 (低聲)周先生就下來看她,你照護照護。我要出去。
姑乙 好,你等一等,(從牆角拿一把雨傘)頃粗悉外頭怕要下雪,你要這一把雨傘吧。
姑甲 (和藹地)謝謝你。(拿著雨傘由中門出去)
姑乙 (指魯媽,向老翁)她在這兒!
老人 哦!
老人 (關心地,向姑乙)她現在怎麼樣?
姑乙 (輕嘆)還是那樣!
老人 吃飯還好么?
姑乙 不多。
老人 (指頭)她這兒?
姑乙 (搖頭)不,還是不認識人。
姑乙 樓上你的太太,看見了?
老人 (呆滯地)嗯。
姑乙 (鼓勵地)這兩人,她倒好。
老人 是的。--(指魯媽)這些天沒有人看她么?
姑乙 您說她的兒子,是么?
老人 嗯。一個姓魯叫大海的。
姑乙 (同情地)沒有。可憐。她就是想著兒子;每到節期總在窗前望一晚上。
老人 (嘆氣,絕望地,自語)我怕,我怕他是死了。
姑乙 (希望地)不會吧?
老人 (搖頭)我找了十年了,--沒有一點影子。
姑乙 唉,我想她的兒子回家,她一定會明白的。
老人 (走到爐前,低頭)侍萍!
老人 (低聲)侍萍!侍--
姑乙 (向老人擺手,低聲)讓她走,不要叫她!
姊 (向弟)在這兒?一定在這兒?
弟 (落淚,點著頭)嗯!嗯!
姑乙 (喜歡他們來打破這沉靜)弟弟,你怎麼哭了?
弟 (抽咽)我的手套丟了!外面下雪,我的手套,我的新手套丟了。
姑乙 不要緊,弟弟,我跟你找。
姊 弟弟,我們找。
姑乙 (向姊)有么?
姊 沒有!
弟 (鑽到沙發背後,忽然跳出來)在這兒,在這兒!(舞著手套)媽,在這兒!(跑出
姑乙 (羨慕地)好了,去吧。
姊 謝謝,姑奶奶!
老人 (抬頭)雀乎什麼?外頭又下雪了?
姑乙 (沉靜地點頭)嗯。

4 screen

[Stage at the opening of the dark. Only heard the distant sound with the church choir mass winds Chords, Zidi prelude to the voices of:
Sound younger brother and sister, you ask her.
Sister sound (quietly) No, you asked her brother, you ask her.
[Stage that graally, beginning with the King, back after 10 years Layue 30 pm. The old woman (Luma) is Taiwan
In the Wai, Zidi in the next.
You asked her sister, she knew.
Brother I do not, I fear, you, you (pushing his sister, the only sound outside the chorus)
[B from the door into the Kou, see the woman on the floor, big shock, Fuqi her busy.
Regardless B (help her) up bar, Lu Grandma! Up! (Help her to sit right next to stove, busy to take Zidi, comfort and
) Brother, you do not have Xiazhuo bar, go fast, the mother on the outside waiting for you, sister, brother, you go from.
Thank you, your sister, Gu Nainai. (Wear clothes for my brother)
Regardless B very cold outside, you put clothes Chuanhao.
Sister Goodbye!
Regardless B Good-bye. (From sister to brother in the door)
[Kou B busy come before the fireplace, care old woman.
[Kou by a right into the dining room door.
Kou Xu B, (referring to Luma) her out.
Regardless A (quietly) Mr. Zhou look at her on the next, you care care. I have to go out.
Regardless B, and you wait, (from the corner with an umbrella) to be afraid of snow outside, you have to bar the umbrellas.
Regardless A (和藹to) Thank you. (Carrying an umbrella by the door off)
[Elderly from the left to the Office, Li door, watching.
Regardless B (Luma refers to the man) in her here!
The elderly!
The elderly (with interest to Kou b) how kind she is now »
Regardless B (Qingtan) or so!
Fortunately, the elderly eat Mody »
Regardless B limited.
The elderly (finger) she here »
Regardless B (shaking his head) No, people still do not know.
Regardless of your wife upstairs B, see »
The elderly (and sluggish) ah.
Regardless B (to encourage) the two men, she Daohao.
The elderly are. -- (Referring to Luma) These days no one looking at her Mody »
Regardless B you said her son, Mody »
Ah elderly. A surname Lu called the sea.
Regardless B (and sympathy) no. Pitiful. She is thinking about his son; every section of the window looking in a night.
The elderly (sigh, despair, Ziyu) I am afraid, I am afraid he is dead.
Regardless B (hope) it will not »
The elderly (shaking his head) I found a decade, - not that shadow.
Regardless B Oh, I think her son home, she will understand.
The elderly (go Front, bow) Shiping!
[Woman back, Daidai De Looking at him, not understanding, face no slightest facial expression, 1:00, she direction
The elderly (quietly) Shiping! Paternity --
Regardless B (to the elderly Baishou, quietly) let her go, do not tell her!
[Woman to the window, and opened Weiman Man Tuntun, dementia and looked at the window.
[Elderly despair passed the first, watching the flames in the furnace, outside Huernaozhao children's laughter sound, with the foot-step
Sound. In the door wide open, Zidi Jin.
Her sister (the brother) here » Certainly here »
Di (tears, Dian Zhuotou) ah! Ah!
Regardless B (like them to break the quiet) brother, how can you cry »
Di (Chou Yan) lost my gloves! Snow outside, my gloves, my new gloves lost.
Regardless B does not matter, the younger brother, I told you to find.
Brother, sister, we look for.
[Looking for three people in Zuojiao gloves.
Regardless B (the sister) Mody »
Her sister did not!
Di (drilling behind the sofa, suddenly jumped out to) Here, here! (Wuzhe gloves) mother, here! (Outside the
Regardless B (and envy) Okay, go.
Thank you, sister, Gu Nainai!
[Sister from subglottic, regardless B behind closed doors.
The elderly (the rise) What » And the snow outside »
Regardless B (quiet and nodded his head) ah.
[Wang Yiwang window and the elderly woman, turns sitting next to the furnace round chair, Daidai De Looking at the fire, then Kou B
Changsha, on the left to sit down, took a Bible Duzhe.
[Stage Jianan.

E. 雷雨劇情介紹 電影雷雨劇情介紹






F. 電影雷雨大結局



G. 雷雨的電影資料

編劇:朱石麟 攝影:溫貴
片長:98 min
IMDb鏈接: tt0205209

H. 求1984年版電影《雷雨》的下載地址





I. 求《雷雨》英語版簡介


Xie Yuan (three less) game (Waizhao neck): Davis, I was really in love with Sifeng, you please let us Chengqin
Fangfang (Sifeng) prudent said: Sifeng Although the origin Han Wei, but Sifeng Xunguiju set to be a Xianliang Shude daughter-in-law.
The sister (Fanchuan Men Taishao Ye) Paizhuo Zi: Oh! You can not Chengqin ~ ~
Xianjie (the Shaonai) Lut handkerchief asked: Oops why you do not agree to it
Baozhu (Sifeng her mother) Qiang: the less, you can not say it ~! !
The sister (a little) and sigh, hands Yi ~ Yiziyin said: Oh! Now to the matter, I can not say no. . Sifeng, I was born with the housekeeper Touqing……
Xianjie (the Shaonai) surprised handkerchief Yankou: ah » ~ ~

People eat shocked! !

To sound off - only with a white plate buffeting Jian Yiren, one with an in-Huang Po Lo soybeans, the Voice of simulated thunder rain.

Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) came Sifeng mother asked: Well, I, not with the green hat ``Ah
Fangfang (Sifeng) come before the Da Shaoye, holding handkerchief, a means Dashao Ye said: You » Is my father »
The sister (a little) desolate hands grasp the hand of Sifeng: Guainv Er ~ ~ ~ (crying)
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: phbbbbt to good causes her to a Jianfu ~ ~ (Chouqi), I grasp them out to the Baptist pig! !
Baozhu (Sifeng mother) out to dissuade: Oops - not, ah, the Shaonai, I pray for you!
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: ah, walked away to (cry)
The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai
Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)
Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !

People are quiet down.

Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me first Suan Yisuan…… you ~ (referring to Xie Yuan) is old son, Sifeng, is the daughter of Tai Shaoye, March 1 in the third, June 1 in 6. Suanqi Lai , Sifeng Sanshu should only call you out!
Fangfang (Sifeng) handkerchief Yankou, shocking said: Sanshu » »
Qiao Feng (two small people) to a bird cage: How Shu Liang Cheng Qin ~ How can it

In the Big Sister (Fan Yi) Paizhuo Zi, it seems like with the idea, said station stood up: do not fear! (Big Sister Kouchibuqing, only a voice off-the sister of the eldest sister-in counterparts, Oh) you can Chengqin na!
Qiao Feng (2 small): This remark, how stresses
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Twenty years ago, a storm of the evening, the lords of the Guangzhou to collect rent, so I was a masked black people raped ~ ~ (crying) results ~ ~……
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis) Chazui: classic, original, like you and me with the green hat. .
Pai Zhuozai a classic: Qiyoucili! Unfortunately the house! Unfortunately the house ah ~ ~

Xie Yuan (three less) remained one hand into the shape Kudai: Davis, now I am not your son, that I can tell Sifengchengqin the » (Surface with joy)
Fangfang (Sifeng): (agitated) 3 Shaoye, we can Chengqin! »
Qiao Feng (2 small): No!
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): Why is it »
Qiao Feng (2 small): The mother, you, I simply tell you honestly,… the evening of black people… is me!

Everyone - surprise! ! Ah!

Thunderstorm voice sounded off again (Screen soybeans, buffeting tin plate)

Qiao Feng (2 small): I raped you (do not carry Qitou Lai)
In the Big Sister (Fan Yi): ah (screaming) that the original Gouzei you ~ ~ ~ (two fingers less)
Xie Yuan (three less) very politely asked two less: you are not my father had »
Qiao Feng (2 less) exciting: son! !
Xie Yuan (three less) stopped, turned around: hey to all of a sudden I can not accept your ~
Old station to get up: ah » Then I would not, as your grandfather
Xie Yuan (three less): Grandpa »
Kusang a classic: hey, it is unfortunate the house ah!

Baozhu (Sifeng mother): Third then Shaoye and Sifeng you can Chengqin ah »
Azithromycin (Sifeng Davis): hey, let me Suanyi Suan (see it at this time, the original azithromycin has been holding a Zhuge Liang Yu Maoshan, no wonder so can count, Kazakhstan) on March 1 in the third, June 1 In the six, three Shaoye is the son of two Shaoye, Sifeng Taishao Ye is the daughter of Suanqi Lai, it is you should appear, brother, sister! Therefore, the same can not Chengqin!

Classic: Oh ~ ~ ~ ~
Everyone together: the home, unfortunately ah! ! !

(People falling behind the plaque)

J. 雷雨電影簡介
















故事發生在20世紀初葉的一個盛夏。在北方城市的一幢豪華住宅內,住著某煤礦公司董事長周朴園(孫道臨飾)一家。董事長忙於礦務,龐大的住宅,只住著年輕的續弦夫人繁漪(顧永菲 飾)、兒子周沖(鍾浩 飾)和前妻的長子周萍(馬曉偉 飾)。


然而,對繁漪厭倦了的周萍,後來又愛上了侍女四鳳(張瑜 飾),並想撇下繁漪離家一走了事。繁漪不甘受兩代人對她的欺侮,她要反抗,要報復。

這天下午,四鳳的母親魯媽(秦怡 飾)來到周家看女兒,她驚異地發現四鳳的東家竟是30年前狠心拋棄了自己的大少爺周朴園。而且,她又得知自己心愛的女兒和大少爺相愛,這更使她痛苦萬狀。






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