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發布時間:2023-05-08 10:09:13

⑴ 林肯的英文簡介

Lincoln, American statesman, strategist and 16th President.


Lincoln was the first Republican president to lead the abolition of black slavery in the United States ring his term of office.


Lincoln abolished slavery in the rebellious states and defeated the separatist forces of the South.


Lincoln defended the right of the United States and its territory to equality regardless of race.









⑵ 跪求一個電影名字 關於美國第一個黑人總統的!!!

英文名: Head of State

中文名: 烏龍元首 | 總統大選記 | 烏龍總統

導 演: ( 克里斯·羅克 Chris Rock )

主 演: (克里斯·羅克 Chris Rock) (伯尼·麥克 Bernie Mac) (迪蘭·巴克 Dylan Baker) (尼克·西塞 Nick Searcy) (琳恩·維特菲爾德 Lynn Whitfield) (羅賓·吉文斯 Robin Givens)

上 映: 2003年03月28日


⑶ 美劇越獄中英文介紹

邁克(文特沃斯·米勒Wentworth Miller 飾)和哥哥林肯(多米尼克·珀塞爾Dominic Purcell 飾)自從母親去世、父親失蹤後就相依為命。林肯雖然是個街頭混混,但他為了弟弟能順利完成學業,出人頭地,瞞著他向高利貸借了9萬美金,騙邁克說那是母親的保險。邁克憑著這筆錢順利成為了一名建築結構工程師,並踏入了上流社會。而林肯為了還高利貸,無奈之下答應了一名陌生男子的要求,去槍殺一個人。當林肯按照計劃來到停車場時,發現他的目標已經中槍死亡了,慌亂之下林肯跑回了家。警察很快就在林肯家裡捉住了他,無辜的林肯這時才發現一切證據都指向自己。麥克終於在好友那裡得知了哥哥為自己所做的一切,他十分後悔當時自己對哥哥的傲慢,經過調查,麥克相信哥哥是被人陷害的,而陷害他的可能牽涉到幕後的政府高官!眼看各種辦法都無法幫哥哥洗脫罪名,麥克記起自己以前曾經接過關押林肯的狐狸河監獄的改造工程,他有那裡的整套圖紙,於是,麥克通過一年時間的精心准備後,故意犯案進入了狐狸河監獄,他要憑借自己的力量將被判了死刑的林肯順利救走。林肯的昔日女友維羅妮卡-多諾萬是謀殺案的辯方律師,她相信林肯是被陷害的。在繼續調查的過程中,維羅妮卡發現這遠不是一樁單純的謀殺案,被害人之死牽扯了許多大人物的利益——副總統的身影漸漸從幕後顯現。而隨著調查的深入,危險也在迫近維羅妮卡,證人相繼神秘被殺,林肯的家人也遭遇不幸,而追殺維羅妮卡的神秘人物,竟然是聯邦調查局的秘密探員。與此同時,邁克爾在獄中艱難地准備著越獄計劃,意想不到的人和事接連出現在通向自由的道路上......
Prison Break is an Adelstein-Parouse Proction in association with 20th Century Fox Television. As a television series hit in America since 2005, it has a great cast. The series is created, written and executive-proced by Paul Scheuring. Brett Ratner who once directed "X-3," "Rush Hour," and "Red Dragon" directed the pilot and serves as executive procer.

Prision Break has won a great deal of reputation.The series won 3 awards and was nominated 11 times in 2005 and 2006 only e to the first season, the most extraordinary of which are Wentworth Miller』s being nominated for Golden Globe Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series in Drama and the first season』s beying nominated for Best Television Series in Drama in 2006.

The series also has a wonderful cast of characters. Wentworth Miller, whose role is Michael Scofield, the main character of the series, has won a good reputation. London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment instry, and later acting. Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.

Michael Scofield is a desperate man in a desperate situation. His brother, Lincoln Burrows, is on death row for the assassination of the vice president's brother and scheled to die in a few months. At first, Michael didn』t believe his brother』s words that he didn』t kill that man. After Michael knew his brother was taken advantage of simply because of the money which Lincoln couldn』t pay back and the money was borrowed to help Michael achieve his dreams and got a good job, Michael was deeply moved and he is convinced Lincoln did not commit the murder. With no other options and time winding down, Michael held up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary which was, to everyone』s surprise, designed with the help of Michael. Once he's inside, Michael - a structural engineer with the blueprints for the prison - begins to execute an elaborate plan to break out Lincoln and prove him innocent of this sensational murder.

With the help of his cellmate, Sucre, Michael begins to align himself with a disparate group of prisoners, including former mob boss John Abruzzi and Charles Westmoreland, a man some believe to be the infamous skyjacker D.B. Cooper. On the outside Michael has only one ally, his defense attorney and longtime friend, Veronica Donovan - who also happens to be Lincoln's former girlfriend. Meanwhile, Lincoln's 15-year-old son, LJ, is now adrift without his uncle Michael's positive influence in his life.

Rounding out the cast are Doctor Sara Tancredi, who Michael ends up visiting in the prison infirmary more than he should, senior correctional officer Bellick, who is determined to keep a close eye on his new prisoner, and the powerful Warden Pope, who forges a close, almost father-son relationship with the new convict.

Prison Break combines the hope of "The Shawshank Redemption," the camaraderie of "The Longest Yard" and the tense procere and spectacle of "The Great Escape." This intriguing series reveals additional pieces of the puzzle as Michael carries out his daring plan to mastermind the ultimate prison break - and solve the far-reaching national-scale conspiracy that landed his brother there in the first place

⑷ 越獄劇情介紹


⑸ 哪個吸血鬼電影中講的是一個拿著斧子的人獵殺吸血鬼叫林肯的




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