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發布時間:2023-05-08 05:05:33

A. 曾泰元:「朗讀者」的英文是reader嗎

reader 英[ˈri:də(r)] 美[ˈridɚ]
n. 讀本; 讀者,朗讀者; 講讀者,講師含滑; 審稿人;
[例句]If you are a regular reader of Homes& Gardens you will know what an invaluable source of inspiration it is

B. 誰有《朗讀者》這部電影的英文簡介急!!

THE READER opens in post-WWII Germany when teenager Michael Berg becomes ill and is helped home by Hanna, a stranger twice his age. Michael recovers from scarlet fever and seeks out Hanna to thank her. The two are quickly drawn into a passionate but secretive affair. Michael discovers that Hanna loves being read to and their physical relationship deepens. Hanna is enthralled as Michael reads to her from "The Odyssey," "Huck Finn" and "The Lady with the Little Dog." Despite their intense bond, Hanna mysteriously disappears one day and Michael is left confused and heartbroken. Eight years later, while Michael is a law student observing the Nazi war crime trials, he is stunned to find Hanna back in his life - this time as a defendant in the courtroom. As Hanna's past is revealed, Michael uncovers a deep secret that will impact both of their lives. THE READER is a story about truth and reconciliation, about how one generation comes to terms with the crimes of another. Written by The Weinstein Company

Middle aged German barrister Michael Berg recollects to himself his lifelong acquaintance with Hanna Schmitz, a relationship with whom he never disclosed to anyone close to him. Michael first met Hanna in 1958, when he was fifteen, she thirty-one. The two had a turbulent summer long love affair, dictated by Hanna that their encounters would begin with him reading to her followed by lovemaking. Michael next encountered Hanna in 1966, when Michael, now a law student, attended the Nazi war crimes trial of five female former S.S. concentration camp guards, one of whom is Hanna. Through listening to the testimony, Michael comes to the realization that he is in possession of information which could save Hanna from a life in prison, information which she herself is unwilling to disclose. In deciding what to do, Michael is torn between his differing views of justice.

Michael Berg (David Kross), a fifteen year old young man living in Berlin in 1958, gets off the tram, cks into a doorway and vomits. An woman in her mid thirties (Kate Winslet) sees him and, after cleaning up after him, helps him get home. The doctor diagnoses him with scarlet fever and orders three months bedrest. All Michael can do is examine his stamps and bide his time.

When he is better, he returns to the apartment building to deliver a bouquet of flowers in thanks to the woman. She is matter of fact with him but asks him to escort her to work on the tramline. But when she catches him spying on her as she dresses, he runs away in shame. When he returns to apologize a few days later, she seces him. He persuades her to tell him her name -- Hanna. Michael returns to her every day after school, rejecting the clear interest of girls his own age. She asks him to read to her, and he brings her great works of world literature. He sells his stamps so they can go on a bicycle tour in the countryside. When Hanna is promoted by the tram company, she becomes unsettled and snaps at Michael when he tries to read her Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog." They make love one last time and she then moves away without telling him where she is going. Michael is heartbroken.

Eight years later (1966), Michael attends Heidelberg Law School. He is part of a seminar on the Holocaust, taught by Rohl (Bruno Ganz). The class attends the joint trial of six former guards at Auschwitz. Michael is shocked to learn that Hanna is one of the defendants. He is appalled to learn that Hanna was responsible for selecting Jewish women to be sent to death camps and was part of the forced march of hundreds of Jews from one camp to another; when the building in which the Jewish women were being housed overnight was set afire, Hanna and the other guards let them burn to death because to free them would have risked too much chaos. Hanna does not deny what she did and even rationalizes it. During testimony, it is revealed that Hanna had had camp prisoners read to her at night. The other guards claim that Hanna was the instigator of all the crimes and, rather than submit to a handwriting sample to disprove their claims, agrees with them. In the audience, Michael realizes that Hanna wanted others to read to her because she is illiterate. Urged on by Rohl but disturbed by a classmate who believes former Nazis should be killed, Michael tries to visit Hanna in prison to encourage her to tell the truth but, ashamed of his past with her, decides not to. Hanna is sentenced to life in prison.

As an alt, Michael (Ralph Fiennes) marries and has a daughter but remains emotionally withdrawn. His marriage ends and he becomes distant from his daughter. Discovering the books he had read to Hanna decades earlier, he re-establishes contact with her by reading the books into a tape recorder and sending them to her in prison. Using them as a guide, Hanna teaches herself to read and write. She sends him letters in return but he never responds. When it is time for her parole in 1990, Michael is the only person the prison social worker can contact. He reluctantly agrees to sponsor Hanna. He finds an apartment and job for her but, when he visits her a week before she is to be released, he is aloof to her. She tells him that before the trial, she never thought about what she did as an SS guard but thinks about nothing else now. After he leaves, she commits suicide. In her will, she asks Michael to give her life's savings to the family of one of the prisoners at Auschwitz. Michael visits the woman's daughter (Lena Olin) in New York and confesses his affair with Hanna for the first time. She refuses to forgive or accept the money but instead takes the tea tin Hanna had kept the money in, as it reminds her of a tin she had before she was sent to Auschwitz as a child. They agree to give the money to a Jewish literacy organization.

In 1995, Michael reunites with his daughter, Julia (Hannah Herzsprung), who has just returned from a year in Paris. He admits his failings as a father and drives her to a church that he and Hanna had visited ring their bicycle tour nearly forty years earlier. He shows her Hanna's grave and begins to tell her his and Hanna's story.


''The Reader'' begins in 1995 Berlin, where a well-dressed Michael Berg is preparing breakfast for a woman who has one-night stand|spent the night at his apartment. The two part awkwardly, and as Michael watches an Berlin S-Bahn pass by outside afterwards the film flashes back to another tram in 1958 Neustadt. An unhappy-looking teenaged Michael gets off but wanders around the streets afterwards, finally pausing in the entryway of a nearby apartment building where he starts to vomiting|vomit. Hanna Schmitz, the tram Conctor, comes in and assists him in returning home. Michael is diagnosed with scarlet fever and must rest at home for the next three months. After he recovers he visits Hanna at her apartment and thanks her. The two begin an affair that lasts through that summer. Their liaisons, at her apartment, are characterized by him reading literary works he is studying in school to her, such as ''The Odyssey'', "The Lady with the Dog" and ''The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn''. After the two go on a bicycling trip and Hanna is promoted to the offices at the tram company, she abruptly moves without letting Michael know where she has gone.

After another brief return to the alt Michael, who drives to a court where he is a lawyer, we see him again at Heidelberg University in 1966. As part of a special seminar taught by Professor Rohl, a camp survivor, he observes a trial of several women who were accused of letting 300 Jewish women die in a burning church when they were SS guards on the Death marches following the 1944 evacuation of Auschwitz concentration camp. Michael is stunned to see that Hanna is one of the defendants.

He visits a former camp himself to try to come to terms with this. The trial divides the seminar, with one student angrily saying there is nothing to be learned from it other than that evil acts occurred. He tells Rohl that the older generation of Germans should kill themselves for their failure to act then and now.

The key evidence is the testimony of Ilana Mather, a young Jewish woman who has written a memoir about how she and her mother survived. When Hanna testifies, unlike her fellow defendants, she admits that she was aware Auschwitz was an extermination camp and that the ten women she chose ring each month's were subsequently gassed. She denies authorship of a report on the barn fire, despite pressure from the other defendants, but then admits it when asked to provide a handwriting sample.

Michael then realizes Hanna's secret: she is illiterate and has made many of her life choices to conceal that. Even her choice to join the SS was made because of her desire to avoid a job promotion meaning she would have had to reveal her illiteracy. Without being specific, Michael informs Rohl that he has information favorable to one of the defendants but is not sure what to do since the defendant herself wants to avoid disclosing this. Rohl tells him that if he has learned nothing from the past there is no point in having the seminar.

Hanna receives a ife sentence for her role in the church deaths while the other defendants get terms of a few years. Michael meanwhile marries, has a daughter and divorces. Rediscovering his books and notes from the time of his affair with Hanna, he begins reading some of those works into a tape recorder. He sends the cassettes and another tape recorder to her in prison. Eventually she uses these to teach herself to read the books themselves from the prison library, and writes back to him.

Michael does not write back or visit, but keeps sending tapes, and in 1988 the prison's warden writes to him to seek his help in arranging for her after her forthcoming release. He finds a place for her to live and a job, and sees her in person to tell her these things. The night before her sentence ends she hangs herself and leaves a note to Michael and a tea tin with cash in it.

Later, Michael travels to New York. He meets Ilana and confesses his past relationship with Hanna to her. He tells her that Hanna was illiterate for most of her life but that her suicide note told him to give both the cash, some money she had in a bank account and the tea tin to Ilana. After telling Michael there is nothing to be learned from the camps and that he should go to the theater if he is seeking catharsis. Michael suggests that he donate the money to a organization that combats alt illiteracy, preferably a Jewish one, and she agrees. Ilana keeps the tea tin since it is similar to one she herself had owned before being sent to the camps, where it was taken from her to be melted down.

The film ends with Michael getting back together with his daughter, Julia, whom he admits he has grown apart from. He takes her to Hanna's grave and begins to tell her the story.

以上都是來自英文網站 不存在語法上的錯誤

C. 請推薦幾部學英語的好電影,即雙語電影,最好是搞笑喜劇片


*楚門的世界 The Truman Show

*時間旅行者的妻子 The Time Traveler's Wife

重返十七歲 17 Again

*朗讀者 The Reader

*外星人E.T. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

*本傑明·巴頓奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

明星助理 Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

第五元素 The Fifth Element

*聞香識女人 Scent of a Woman

完美浪漫 Perfect Romance

*極限特工 xXx P.S.:范•迪塞爾 Vin Diesel 在裡面太帥了!!

天生一對 The Parent Trap

*K歌情人 Music and Lyrics P.S.:裡面的歌超好聽!!

緣分天註定 Serendipity

*情約今生 Meet Joe Black

公主日記 The Princess Diaries

*附註:我愛你 P.S. I Love You P.S.:很好看的片子!!

*這個殺手不太冷 Léon P.S.:讓•雷諾!!

BJ單身日記 Bridget Jones's Diary

我是傳奇 I Am Legend

美味情緣 No Reservations

真愛之吻 Penelope

我去世的吃醋女友 Over Her Dead Body

*大學新生 Sydney White P.S.:適合新入學的大學生看,立志+人際交往

*羅馬假日 Roman Holiday P.S.:從此愛上赫本!!

*蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's P.S.:赫本的又一經典電影

魔法奇緣 Enchanted

*阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump

*美麗人生 La vita è bella

*肖申克的救贖 The Shawshank Redemption

*黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark

她比煙花寂寞 Hilary and Jackie


天堂電影院 Nuovo cinema Paradiso

曾經 Once

海上鋼琴師 La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano

心靈捕手 Good Will Hunting

雨人 Rain Man

死亡詩社 Dead Poets Society


*放牛班的春天 Les choristes

*兩小無猜 Jeux d'enfants

*天使愛美麗 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain


D. 誰有《the reader》 (譯名有朗讀者、生死朗讀、讀愛等)的英文中字高清


E. 求電影《朗讀者》的英文影評~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




F. 《朗讀者》是Readers還是Reciters


G. 曾泰元:央視節目「朗讀者」的英文是reader嗎

reader 英[?ri:d?(r)] 美[?rid?]
n. 讀本; 讀者,朗讀者; 講讀者,講師; 審稿人;
[例句]If you are a regular reader of Homes Gardens you will know what an invaluable source of inspiration it is

H. 朗讀者英文

The reade.

No.4 Heaven will take you back and look at you and say: Only one thing can make a soul complete and that thing is love.

你會回到天堂,上帝會看著你,然後說: 只有一種東西才能使靈魂完整,那個東西就是愛。

I. 電影《朗讀者》字幕

我沒被嚇倒,我不怕任何事,承受的越多,我就越愛她,危險只會增加我的愛,它會讓愛變得尖銳,變得趣味怏然,我會是你需要的 唯一天使,你丟下生命時會比你擁有生命時更美,天堂會把你帶走,看著你,對你說,只有一件事可以讓靈魂完整,那就是愛

I'm not frightened. I'm not frightened of anything. The more suffering,the more I love. Danger will only increase my love,it will sharpen it,it will give it spice.

I'll be the only angel you need.You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it.Heaven will take you back and look at you and say only one thing can make a soul complete,and that thing is love.

J. 《朗讀者》小說原著和電影是德語的還是英語的

  1. 《朗讀者》(Der Vorleser)是德國作家Bernhard Schlink 1995年寫的小說,原著為德文,1997年翻乎碧襪成英語版,名為The Reader,很快成為暢銷書;

  2. 2008年,英國歲激導演史蒂芬·戴德利慧灶將這部小說拍成了電影,由凱特·溫絲萊特/大衛·克勞斯/拉爾夫·費因斯主演,影片為英語原聲,但同時也有德語音軌。



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