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『壹』 要快!英文翻譯 誰能幫忙翻譯通俗的話劇劇本 荊軻刺秦王 很短的!

侍山輪衛:報~~~~~燕國使臣荊軻,秦武陽覲見~~~~~ Bodyguard: newspaper teeth to bite Yan envoy Jing Ke, Qin Wuyang to see teeth to bite 秦:這些都是生活必需品,我大老遠從家來,離開了他們,生活上就會遇到麻煩,最近咸陽物價又漲,買這么多東西就花了我不少銀子,我哪 還有錢買票看兵馬俑啊! Qin: These are the necessities of life, I came all the way from home, leave them, life would be in trouble, most recently Xianyang prices rose again, to buy so many things I spent a lot of money, which I had tickets to see Terracotta Army! 荊:少羅嗦!正事要緊! Jing : bitch! Business before pleasure! 秦:不許碰,這是燕太子丹獻給大王的地圖,我們要呈給大王的,快把你的臟手拿開,討厭! Qin: don't touch, it is YAN Dan prince gives king map, we want to present to the king, get your filthy hands off me, hate! 荊:這孩子就是沒見過什麼世面逗睜信,昨天還吵著嚷著要見大王的,怎麼今天見到又不好意思了 。 Jing: the child is not seen much of the world, yesterday was also noisy shouting to the king, how today see and feel shy. 秦:我聽說那秦早脊王是繼F4之後的又一少女殺手F5,今日一見,真是比青蛙還恐龍,比恐龍還青蛙啊,見到帥哥難免手軟,見諒,見諒。 Qin: I heard that the king of Qin is afterwards F4after another girl killer F5, when I saw him today, really than frog also dinosaur, dinosaur also than frog ah, see a handsome boy is soft, forgive me, forgive me. 秦對荊軻:"情況不妙,我先跑了,兄弟好好乾." Qin on Jing Ke:" the worst comes to the worst, I run, brother to do a good job" 荊軻:"喂,你這傢伙. 轉身對秦王:不好意思,這小孩回家看動畫片了. Jing Ke:" Hey, you guys. Turn to the king: feel shy, the child home watching cartoons. 秦王:阿丹不是發簡訊說你直升飛機,5分鍾就到嗎?你怎麼玩了三個月? Qin: Adan is not a text message saying that your helicopter,5minutes arrive? How do you play three months? 荊軻:您認為現在還有人會開直升飛機嗎? Jing Ke: you think it will also open the helicopter? 秦王:哦,原來如此!那我就問你一個問題好了 ! Qin: Oh, so that is what it is! I asked you a question! 荊軻:說! 秦王:如果你和狗熊賽跑,你希望誰跑得快? 荊軻:我! Jing Ke said! Qin: if you and the coward race, you want someone who runs faster? Jing Ke: i! 秦王:狗熊,禽獸呼!沒想到你比禽獸還要禽獸! Qin: bears, beast called! I didn't think you than the animals and animals! 侍衛:不過大王慈悲,你還有一次從新選擇的機會! Bodyguard: but king compassion, you have a new choice! 荊軻:狗熊! Jing Ke: bear! 秦王:沒想到你連禽獸都不如! Qin : I didn't think you worse than animals! 秦王:不過看你這么可憐,最後再給你一次機會! 荊軻:一樣快! King: but you look so miserable, finally to give you a second chance! Jing Ke: as fast as! 秦王:沒想到你和禽獸一個樣! Qin : I didn't think you and a kind of animals! 荊軻:你,你,你…… Jing Ke: you, you, you ... ... 秦王:你什麼呀你,你你個頭呀你! King: you what you, your head ah you! 王:你一個人把東西呈上來 荊:大王請看,此十五城皆是燕國繁華之地,為能使百姓免於戰亂,太子願以此表臣服之心王:燕王似乎在責怪寡人挑起戰亂? King: you put something was up Jing: King please see, the fifteen cities are Yan flourishing ground, to enable people from war, Prince would like to watch surrender heart: Yan King seems to blame I provoke a war? 荊:恕臣愚見,若無戰事,天下太平,親人可以團聚,有情人可以成眷屬,化戾氣為祥和,豈不美哉? Jing : forgive his opinion, if there is no war, peace reigns over the land., family can reunite, the lovers can be together, turn hostility into harmony, not beautiful? 王:寡人正是此意,若萬民一心,再無異端,則太平盛世不遠,大丈夫一生只求統一天下,又何必太拘小節? Wang: what is the intention, if all nations, no heresy is a time of national peace and order, not far from her life, but unified the world, why should it be too squeamish? 荊:這么說大王不願停戰了? Jing: King to say truce? 王:你既知我心,又何必多問? King: you know my heart, why ask? 荊:說:"那我就在這里送你上西天吧。 Jing: said:" I'm here send you to your grave. 侍衛:大王小心! Bodyguard: King watch! 秦王:哈哈哈…… Qin: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... ... 荊軻:風蕭蕭兮易水寒,壯士已去兮不復還…… Jing Ke: the wind blows strongly the Yi River is so cold, he has been to Xi never return ... ... 畫外音:次日,燕國太子丹得到了荊軻被殺的消息…… Narrator: the next day, YAN Dan prince had Jing Ke been killed ... ... 畫卷立起. Scroll stand.

『貳』 李雪健演的秦始皇是什麼電影










『叄』 中國古代歷史題材電影(英文版)


『肆』 有一部關於荊軻刺秦王的電影


『伍』 請問周迅演的一些電影的英文名字

分類: 娛樂休閑 >> 電影


1. 夜宴 Ye yan ( 2006)

The Banquet

2. 如果·愛 Ru guo · Ai ( 2005) Sun Na

Perhaps Love (International: English title)

毋忘我 / 勿忘我

3. 生死劫 Sheng si jie ( 2005) Yan'ni

Life and death Plunder

4. 戀愛中的寶貝 Lian ai zhong de Bao Bei ( 2004) Baober

Baober in Love (International: English title)

5. 美人依舊 Mei ren yi jiu ( 2004) Fei

The Beauty Remains

6. 鴛鴦蝴蝶 Yuan yang hu die ( 2004) Xiao Yu

A West Lake Moment (International: English title)


7. 巴爾扎克和小裁縫 Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise ( 2002) Little Chinese Seamstress

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (UK) (USA)

The Little Chinese Seamstress (International: English title)


8. 那時花開 Na shi hua kai ( 2002) Mirth (Huanzi)

Where Have All the Flowers Gone (International: English title)

9. 煙雨紅顏 Yan yu hong yan ( 2002) Zhao Ningjing

A Pinwheel Without Wind


10. 香港有個荷里活 Heung gong yau gok hor lei wood ( 2001) Hung Hung

Hollywood Hong-Kong (International: English title)


11. 十七歲的單車 Shiqi sui de dan che ( 2001) Qin

Beijing Bicycle (International: English title)

12. 人間四月天 "Ren jian si yue tian" ( 2000) Lin Weiyin

April Rhapsody (Hong Kong: English title)

13. 蘇州河 Suzhou he ( 2000) Meimei/Moudan

Suzhou River (International: English title)

14. 荊軻刺秦王 Jing ke ci qin wang ( 1999) Blind Girl

Empereur et l'assassin, L' (France)

The Assassin

The Emperor and the Assassin (Europe: English title)

The First Emperor (Singapore: English title)

15. 桂林榮記 Gui lin rong ji ( 1998)

My Rice Noodle Shop (Hong Kong: English title)

16. 風月 Feng yue ( 1996) Nightclub girl (uncredited)

Temptress Moon

17. 小嬌妻謀生記 Xiao jiao qi mou sheng ji ( 1996)

The Pampered Wife

『陸』 荊軻刺秦王英文版話劇,不要搞笑版的,完全按照歷史翻譯的

( the day just broke, Jing Ke carry enormous volume map onto the throne room, reporters, journalists, reporters Yang Qin dance with him, all the officials held wat stood, Robocop arranged along both sides, he hit a big yawn, Zhao Gao issues an order: take it. ----! )
Reporter: what the fuck Qin? Early in the morning to get up, I haven't brushing teeth!
The reporter Dance : according to my experience, we are going to kill. Gone for so many days, although when please we drank the tea?
The reporter Yang: get the money! Last night losing, you said this morning.
Reporter: Qin have no way, you see this hall, a bubble machine are not, how to rinse the card?
Reporter: dance since unable to pay, we have to continue to play cards. Handicap has been opened out, I bet bet at the footwall, takes into!
Reporter: don't worry, open Yang thorn before makers will certainly adjustment, want to win? Ask Jing Ke himself well, anyway, Sohu people inside live, we played cards first, later making draft change became.
( Jing Ke went to the front of the hall, suddenly found not the journalist immediately behind, bottom with three points, angrily ran back. )
Jing Ke: three lack one didn't even call me, no loyalty!
Zhao Gao: dear friends good morning everyone! Welcome to the world, we now King is a unified China, $six for a super utilities, referred to as the super! Rich with the help of a money, do not have the money for a crematorium. Well, the unknown is who? Immortal? A monster? Thank you.
Jing Ke: in Jing Ke, especially from the Yan Ran to his.
Zhao Gao: I didn't ask you not to answer, the following people!
Jing Ke: that's my three assistants, they are fighting against a landlord.
Zhao Gao: I didn't ask you not to answer, the landlord of the man next!
The audience a: I was a fan of Jing Ke's, said Qin today finally with Assassin's dialogue, on behalf of the majority of fans came here specially for the warriors stand cheer. This is our slogan, Luke!
( audience a show a few lines of the Yan army shirt, a black word: strongly supported Jing Ke qin!!! The cruel immediately after class!!! )
Jing Ke: do not worry do not worry, take it easy, everyone has a share. The brothers, please put the guy now! Two steps to two steps!
( audience B, C, D audience audience with " rebellious rational, Qin innocence " banner on stage )
The a second third Ding (singing ): I live in, two loop inside, no trick anyone, nor did anyone ... ...
Jing Ke: you laugh at me! These are our village that feel today, please come out, no other meaning, it is necessary for the Jing Ke when the idler, breathe out, he really is too much! Each of you mean 100 million people, is 4000000!
( reporter Qin Wuyang rushed, respectively holding camera, camera, sound recording pen a thrashing. )
Zhao Gao: according to the last census data shows, our country only 1300000 people.
Jing Ke ( banged on the head of Zhao Gao ): I didn't ask you not to answer, Duojiwan how diligent students, parents, sooner or later!
The throne room ( on both sides of the wall has been filled with the slogan: " you take one, I took a casual, war must be approved. " " God has given everyone arbitrary power " about " the penalty of fine, dissipate one's fortune " " one red card, the " glorious " kick, " mining ", blowing to strike hard " )
Jing Ke: Qin Wuyang, this house is very strange! I have a sinking feeling.
Reporter Qin Wuyang: nonsense! His heel think you will understand, this is the king of Qin. "!
Jing Ke: I Kao! I. YOU!
( Gao, Qin in a daze, Zhao Gao in the book, although the run. )
Zhao Gao: King watch! Yan assassin has been holding a dagger that came before it!!
Qin : diarrhea! Do not take the dagger which is also called the assassin? Meanwhile, in addition to assassinate you are good at?
Jing Ke: back to the king, dance!
Qin: come here, we jump on the song, to consensus, the friendship with Jing Ke long, like the water ring one or two day and night, singing!
Reporter Qin Wuyang ( booing ) : don't jump! We all went to Xianyang specially to see Jing Ke, how can the Qin king!
Jing Ke : diarrhea! Dagger see Fig poor ability, now he don't want to see the map, what can I do.
( the crown prince hand-held green dragon crescent moon clippers, singing " silent night Overture ", and channeling blood. )
The audience a: I KAO! Come see the immortals fighting!
The crown prince ( hold the ): I just to interfere, we don't make a fuss! Meanwhile, also not quickly begin?
Audience B: partial frame! The crown prince what motivates you? Revolution is to qualify the oh!
Jing Ke: map is too long, the dagger clamp tight, not pulling out.
Audience C: do not want to stab don't stabbed, personality problems, pack what to pack!
Zhao Gao: Jing ke! He has to meet you face, anyhow you is also a member of the standing committee!
D: in front of the audience please step aside a little, careful spattered with blood!
Robocop: Jing Ke, killing? Kill kill? Kill kill?
( the crown prince picked up Jing Ke threw down the atlas, the scene audience spread, written on a line above the headline " the emperor turns to do next to my house ." )
The crown prince : the mother takes me white revolution is not thorough, the gun to him aside, look at me! There are 13 files, pressure was also killed him!
Qin: Jing Ke Qin, bad is good! The crown prince 's attitude is positive.
Robocop: King watch! His hand is not a map, is a dagger!
Qin: play with my file, spell the Constitution? Sample! Forget my work was born?
Zhao Gao ( in front of the crown prince ): Chicken with his knife! I he a man, is enough to resist the a powerful army.
( Zhao Gao hands holding a hardcover files, one for " International Alliance charter " a thorn, " fighting method " upside-down, the crown prince in the hands of 13 files one by one shot down on the ground. )
King: Well, come on. Reporter Qin Wuyang was outside waiting to hear the result, back all think, write a 2000 words above review book
Bring to me, scattered in the!
Reporter: the original Qin they had settled out of court, really boring!
Reporter: Dance arm but thigh, anyway, not people.
The reporter Yang: back on Sohu copied manuscripts! Next time who shouted again I interview Jing Ke, I told ya Sike, like the crown prince Qin!

『柒』 荊軻刺秦這個故事的英文翻譯

The Qin General Zhao Jian attack, captured the king of Zhao, all occupied to the land of Zhao Guo, to enter the north land occupation, to the southern boundary of yan.
YAN Dan Prince very fear, ask Jing Ke said: "the Qin immediately to cross water, so although I think long serve you, and how to do it? " Jing Ke said: " without the prince said, I would like to request action. Now if away empty-handed, nothing true thing, it cannot be close to the king. Now the general fan, with one thousand kg of gold and ten thousand population. As a reward to buy with his head. It can obtain the general fan head and Yan Du Kang area map to Qin, Qin must be pleased to see me, I have a way to repay the prince. " The prince said: " general fan because cornered, Plight and come over me, I could not bear to because of his personal vendetta and hurt the elderly heart, I hope you consider other solutions! "
Jing Ke knew that the prince could not bear to, then privately met with fan in the period, said: " Qin treat general, can be said to be the wicked go. Father, mother and brother were killed or no revenue officer for the slave. Now hear the one thousand kg of gold and ten thousand households population. As a reward to buy General's head, you will be how to do? " General fan sigh, and tearfully said: " when I think of this point, often hate to the marrow, but cannot think of a plan! " Jing Ke said: " there is now a proposal, can be used to lift the Yan's hardship, reported general bear a deep grudge against sb.,? " Fan in and he came near and asked: " how to do? " Jing Ke said: " I hope to get general fan head to the Qin, Qin always happy and friendly to meet me. My left hand grabbed his sleeve, the right hand ( with a dagger thrust his chest ). Thus, the general avenged, Yan was also removed the stigma. The general is there is the mind? " Fan to take off a sleeve with one arm, the left hand holds the right wrist, closer said: " this is my day and night gnash the teeth in anger, hate mourn, today just to get your advice! " then the Dutch act.
Prince heard about it, driving a wagon ran, V in the fan to the body very sad cry. It has now, no way to save, so pack placed fan to head in a box, sealed it.
So the prince to seek world sharp dagger, get Mrs Zhao Guoxu's dagger, with one hundred gold bought it, called craftsmen ring the quenching the poison is dipped into a dagger on. So pack up, sent Jing Ke.
Yan is a warrior Qin Wuyang, was twelve years old when I killed people, people dare not and he said so, and asked Qin Wuyang aide.
Jing Ke is waiting for a person, want to go with him. The people who live far away, didn't come, so stop waiting for him.
After a while doesn't leave, Prince Xian Jingke came late, suspected that he had a change of mind and regret thoughts, and asked him: " the sun has been completely fell, you wouldn't leave for? Please allow me to advance send Qin Yang Jing Ke! " Angry, scold prince said: " today went to come back to you, it is no use! Now holding a dagger into unexpected violence Qin, the reason why I stayed, because waiting for my guests with him walk together. Now the prince too I go late, please allow me to say goodbye! " Then start.
The prince and his guests know about this person, all dressed in white, wearing white hat off to him. To easy, offerings to God the way, must be on the road. Gao Jianli knocks the building, Jing Ke and the rhythm of singing, a variable characteristic sound, all the guests were in tears weeping. Jing Ke and then as sings: " Xiao Xiao. Ah Yi cold warriors, the go will never return! " also issued a buskined feather sound. All the guests were zhengdaileyan eye, hair sticking up at the hat. Then Jing Ke left by bus, never look back.
After arrived in Qin, holding a priceless gift, richly presented to the minions of Meng Jia.
Meng Jia for his prior to the proposal, said: " the king is very afraid of King pomp, dare not to resist, to the whole nation do Qin subjects, the princes in the ranks (meaning: Yan with other princes with respect to the emperor of Qin ) as county taxes as gunner they can hold, ancestral temple. They with profound respect and humility, not their statements, politely cut fan to head and offer the Yan state governor Kang area map, with the box cover, the king in court uplink bow gift sent out, sent messengers to tell the king. Let the king commanded all. "
The emperor heard by her words, very happy. I wear the dress, arrangement of the grand nine bin gift ceremony, in the Xianyang palace with Yan's messenger.
Jing Ke held the dress in head box fan, Qin Wuyang is holding the map box, in order to enter the palace, temple stage, Qin Wuyang face, very afraid, because men are strange. Jing Ke turned to Qin Wuyang smiled, for he came to the king to say: " northern barbarian regions of the vulgar people, did not see too emperor, fear, hope, slightly to forgive him, let him in front of the king to complete his mission. " The king said to Jing Ke: " get up, Yang with the map! "
Jing Ke took up the map to open the map, the map, all open, dagger sticking out. Jing Ke then left to seize the sleeves, the right hand holding a dagger Qin wang. No stab Qin 's body, he was horrified, he straightened up and stand up, break the sleeves. The sword, the sword is too long, will hold scabbard. At that time he was frightened and anxious, sword is very tight, so not immediately pull out.
Jing Ke chase the king of Qin, Qin around poles run. The Qin emperor were stunned, things happen suddenly, unexpectedly, all lost normalcy. In accordance with the law and state officials, were standing in the house, not with a weapon; the palace guards hold weapons, are arranged in the palace steps, without the king's command not house. When the critical moment, too late to call order guards, so Jing Ke chase him, everybody abruptly be thrown into a panic, no weapon used to kill Jing Ke, only using bare hands together with Jing Ke.
Then, the attendant medical officer Xia Wuqie ( J ū) with his hands holding the medicine bag put Jing ke. He is also around poles run abruptly, be thrown into a panic, do not know how to do. The servants said: " king sword on his back! King sword on his back! " he then pulled out the sword to attack Jing Ke, cut off Jing Ke's left thigh. Jing Ke fell, he raises his dagger put him, did not hit, hit the post. He cut to Jing Ke, Jing Ke was cut eight.
Jing Ke himself knew things can not be successful, on the pillar smile, like the as open legs sitting on the ground, said: " it is not successful, to living to hijack your, be sure to get Yueqi to return Yan Prince! "
The courtiers to execute, Jing ke. Afterwards, he was dazed for a long time.

『捌』 《荊軻刺秦王》《孔雀東南飛》用英語怎麼說

Peacocks Southeast Travelling 孔雹衫雀東南飛謹亂
The Emperor and the Assassin/Jing Ke Assassinating King Qin 荊軻刺秦王祥肆檔

『玖』 請幫我用最簡潔的英語翻譯下面這個<荊軻刺秦王>的故事,高分懸賞!

Jing Ke arrives in Qin Guo , sees the Qin king with General Fan's head and national map of swallow. Extraordinary Qin king being glad. Jing Ke demands to open the national map of swallow before Qin king in person. Jing Ke has gone to the Qin king thereupon in front of spreading out the map slowly, has hidden before knife dew inside the map abruptly coming out, Jing Ke is prompt in taking up knife thorn not to stab with a dagger to Qin king. Extraordinary Qin king astonishment, wants to draw self's sword fighting back , sword drawing does not come out but , the Qin king runs away thereupon immediately , Jing Ke goes up to have gone after , the Qin king runs be winding a pillar , Jing Ke hot pursuit does not abandon. The Qin king has pulled out a sword abruptly, coming out , Jing Ke has started fighting and, by that after one times of battle, the final Qin king has cut the Jing Ke left leg in two. Jing Ke is wounded upside down in ground , the knife goes to the Qin king for help to starting from he being scratched, but in still not stabbing with a dagger. The Qin king has gone up to have walked then , has used sword thorn eight time of Jing Ke. Jing Ke has accepted the very serious wound having died imminently. This moment the soldier has heard noise , has rushed to come in, Jing Ke having controlled stop, Jing Ke says be leaning against the pillar , be laughing at": Unsuccessful cause of thing, is that I want to capture you alive , forces you to conclude a crown prince who comes to repay the swallow country treaty! The Qin king has been afflicted with vertigo very for a long time with fear , the soldier has killed Jing Ke hurriedly.

『拾』 荊軻刺秦王歷史背景英文介紹

(Introction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman and was sent to kill king of Qing, 「Yingzheng」. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I太子丹(上,掏出鏡子梳頭,做自戀狀):

Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (畫外音:It』s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高興狀) Thank u mirror! (面對觀眾)
I』m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?
阿三(畢恭畢敬) : Honey, I am coming.
太子丹:I』ve told you again and again that you should call me 「my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan」!
阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~
(作殺狀)太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世紀最需要的是什麼,人才!這句話要跟觀眾交流,最好由觀眾來回答,然後拍阿三肩膀,做贊許狀) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?
阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.
太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?
阿三:Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中劉德華&金成武決斗時的音樂)荊軻Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荊軻OK. I』m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers』 world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?
荊軻Off course! 聳聳肩表示譽脊同意李莫愁Come on!音樂起兩人沖上前來「人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,兩刀砍死你啊慶拆滲。。。。」李莫愁倒地荊軻大笑李莫愁痛苦狀:What happened? Why aren』t you hurt?荊軻: We don\'t need any reason to win a person. Don\'t we? Do we? (贏一個人需要御橡理由么,不需要麼,需要麼?)李莫愁:Momma always said: \"Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou. You never know what you\'re gonna get.\" I got it, Momma is right.
荊軻再次大笑太子丹上(抱拳):How are you?
荊柯:Fine, thank you, and you?太子丹:Oh my God! Could you give me an innovative answer to 「How are you」?
荊柯:Sure!太子丹:How are you?

荊柯:Fine, thank you, and your wife?
荊柯:Hey, man, I』m kidding!
太子丹:Oh, I』m kidding too!(畢恭畢敬)May I have your name card, please?

To be or not to be, that's a question.

阿三:Hero,we need your help.
荊柯:I am busy now!
太子丹:You can get a lot of money.
荊柯:I am very busy now!
阿三:IC, ID, IQ card?
荊柯:I am very very busy now!
阿三(手指上場的美女,激動狀): Look! She is the most beautiful girl in the world. If you say O.K., she is yours.

荊柯(流口水):I have to say she is a very sexy and beautiful girl, but TCM is my only love!
阿三:What? What』s the TCM?
荊柯; Hey, guy! You look so smart but why you didn』t know TCM? Any of them can give you the answer.
阿三:Excuse me? What』s the TCM?
觀眾甲:TCM - Traditional Chinese MM .
太子丹:I must show you the trump card. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lipton Slimming tea. It is a brand new proct of Unilever China.
荊柯(激動):Slimming tea! I have dreamed of it for thousands of times. My wife always threatens to leave me if I couldn』t rece my weight.
阿三:You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I』m very glad, you still have to speak up. Take it! Do you really like? Really?你不是真的想要吧?難道你真的想要嗎……
(《No matter》音樂起,荊軻先與阿三跳探戈,擁入懷中,又甩出去,阿三做嘔吐狀。然後荊軻與太子丹跳倫巴,最後太子丹擺一個女性化的造型,向後彎腰並抬其中一條腿,荊軻做調戲狀。)
荊柯(誠懇狀) Just tell me what should I do? I will do anything for you.

Action Ш
阿三:Hero, we have already reached Yishui River.
荊珂:Just stop here, please. Farewell, my friends
太子丹:I will miss you, baby.
荊珂(急忙收斂):Darling, I love you.
妻子:I love you! You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!(《肖申克的救贖》)
荊珂(流淚) :I love you more. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. (哪怕是世界末日我都會愛著你,選自《飄》)
妻子:Well. Be a man, just do it! I will be right here waiting for you.
荊珂(欲走還留,執子之手又曰):Sweetheart! You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise(泰坦尼克號沉船時,Jack對Rose的傾訴).
妻子:"I promise."
荊軻:"Never let go. 「
妻子:"I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."
妻子:It』s a good day to die. Never come back. Never…… Never……
妻子(掏出手機撥號,阿三接手機): Thank you very much. As soon as I get the life assurance $1000, 000, I will transfer half of it, $500,000 to your account.
阿三:Okay okay!

旁白:Then Jingke was sent to Qin and finally killed by Yingzheng.

The End



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