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A. 看動畫片寫5到10句觀後感英文

Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.
This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.
I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I'm not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.
動畫喜劇 海底總動員
Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.
Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...
The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running
There are so many amazing things in the world.這個世界上有太多不可思議的事情.If tomorrow is the end of the world,what can we do?如果明天是世界末日,我們可以做什麼?So now,i think we should keep smile everyday.所以現在,我覺得我們應該每天都微笑.After i finish the movie of "2012The end of the world",I feel very upset about that.我看完「2012世界末日」這電影之後,我感到很悲傷.When I saw the people die in the movie,I thought about if this event will happen to us,will we die very helpless?當我看到人類在這個電影里死了,我想到了如果這件事情發生在我們身上,我們會死得很無助嗎?If we have to die,I'll choose the one happy ending,like we have to cherish what we have now.如果我們一定要死,我會選擇一個開心的結局,就好像我們一定要珍惜我們現在擁有的一切!My family and my friends are love me,there are so many people love me!我的家人和我的朋友都很愛我,有很多人都愛我!I should thanks God for gave me so many things.我應該感激上天給我的一切.When the end really came in the world,I will not feel regret!當世界末日真的來臨了,我也不會感到遺憾!Beginning at this minute,I'll be happy everyday!從這一分鍾開始,我會開心每一天!

B. 求三篇英文電影的觀後感 用英語寫(30詞)

Impression on "Forrest Gump"
Last night,I saw a great film,Forrest Gump.I am greatly impressed by this film,by the stories of Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump was born in a small village.He was born mentally retarded,and he was discriminated by others.But his mother is a strong female who encourages Gump to be strong and live the same as normal people.

C. 求牧羊少年奇幻之旅的讀後感要英文300詞


"At some point in life, we lose control of our own life, and fate dominates our life. This is the biggest lie in the world" and "when you want something, the whole universe will work together to help you realize your wish" are the two words that impressed me most. These two words spoken by the king of Salem are the core theme of the story - pursuing dreams.

The meaning they want to convey is very simple: believe in your dream. As long as you really want to realize it, it will become a reality. With such a simple understanding, this seemingly ridiculous view is so empty and pale; However, as the book says, "when great wealth is in front of us, we never notice it; this is because people don't believe in treasure."

In the face of desire, what we have to do is simpler than we think. That's what alchemists say - "try it."







D. 迪斯尼動畫片英語觀後感2篇

Why Mulan sticks out as a great Disney film.

I was impressed by this Disney film for so many reasons, too many to list here, but I will go on the record as saying that Mulan has got to be one of the best Disney female characters that ever saw proction, in the midst of a colorful and artistic film, that will resonate in your memory.

Mulan sticks out in my mind for this reason. For once, we have a strong female lead, or at the least, stronger than most of them. She isn't counted among the Disney "princesses" line-up. She doesn't want for herself, and she seeks to look deeper within herself to discover her inner being. She isn't like Ariel, who wants to be someone else. She isn't like Jasmine, who sits in luxury, waiting to be swept off her feet by Prince Charming, just like Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and almost any female character that Disney brings to life. And while she does share some traits among this list, she stands out because she does something that these do not. She uses her mind.

Mulan, in fact, has more in common with male Disney leads than the female Disney leads. Mulan is a thinker, and a do-er. She's resourceful, like Aladdin. She is quick to act, like Eric (mermaid.) And she sacrifices herself for the sake of others, like Hercules. She also speaks her mind, even in a culture that does not allow such a thing. She doesn't waste time pining about "will I ever find true love?" Indeed, we see that she has an attraction to Shang (as he was her husband in the legends,) but we see her uncomfortable and unsure of meeting the Match-maker. She begs for her father's life when Chi-Fu came to the village. When you see her make her decision to take her father's place in the army, she does so out of her love for him, valuing his life above hers. She doesn't wish to become a man to see what it is like or for a change. Only to save his life. She later doubts herself and her reasons for going, but she did so because of her inner strengths, something other female Disney leads too often lack. (And it is these strengths that Shang is attracted to at the end.)

This movie also has a simple, but very effective villain, Shan Yu. Though not as memorable as Jafar or Ursula, he is more effective and more menacing because he is not fantastic. By that, I mean that he is not magical, he holds no special power. He is portrayed as a man, and as a man that could have truly existed, performing vicious acts that men do. We see the destruction that his army lays to a village, and when Mulan finds the doll, it shows that Shan Yu left no one living, man, woman or child. This is what makes him so effective as a villain, showing how truly human he indeed is. Granted, the procers did not develop him in any great depth, but they showed enough of him to remind us of his threat to China. Besides, sometimes the better villains are the ones you don't know too much about, or see a lot of.

Of the rest of the supporting cast, I will only mention four of them as being memorable in any real way. Chi-Fu, the emperor's consultant, was a reminder of the way many men looked at women in this culture. He thrusts his head up when Mulan begs for her father's life, and when she is discovered to be a woman, though she is a hero, he is quick to insult her, and to order her execution, simply because she impersonated a man. The other three were, of course, her comrades, Ling, Yao, and Chian Po. Though they were mainly comic relief (almost like a 3 stooges set,) they remained loyal to Mulan and trusted her fully, even after she was discovered. I like them, because they were not discriminatory to her in any way, even trying to stop her execution. When Mulan told them she had an idea to help the emperor faster, they were the first to her side, even when Shang was still reluctant to do so.

Overall, a wonderful movie to the Disney list. If you haven't seen it, then

E. 瘋狂動物城英文讀後感有300字的嗎

"Crazy Town animal" proced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation, a modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can become animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy force in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found that behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, they had to cooperate together, to try uncover the hidden truth in this huge conspiracy.


F. 瘋狂動物城電影觀後感30字用英語寫


I just watched "Crazy Town animal",That's a great movie.The story es from a modern animal City, where the animals coexist peacefully. Judy, a rabbit, dreamed of being a policeman from an early age. But everyone thought that the rabbit couldn't be a policeman, but she still worked hard to bee the first rabbit officer. In order to prove herself, she was determined to detect a mysterious case. The way to pursuit the truth, Judy is forced to help Nick fox they teamed up bluff and deceive yourself, but found a huge conspiracy behind the case with a hidden desire to subvert the animal City, finally uncovered the truth.This film gives me a lot of inspiration, and as long as it's unremitting, "TryEverything", it will be a suess.


"Crazy Town animal" proced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation, a modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can bee animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy force in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found that behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, they had to cooperate together, to try uncover the hidden truth in this huge conspiracy.


由迪士尼影業出品、迪士尼動畫工作室製作、中影/華夏全國發行的《瘋狂動物城》(Zooia) 今日登陸全國影院,與北美同步上映!影片由《冰雪奇緣》、《超能陸戰隊》金牌主創傾力打造,講述兔朱迪和狐尼克這兩位性格相左的天敵陰差陽錯成為拍檔,一同踏上冒險旅程,破解驚天懸案的故事。
未映先紅 國際票房火爆好評如潮


The movie Zooia is interesting, my family and I all like the charecters in it


迪士尼並沒有塑造一個所謂的完美烏托邦,即使是動物的世界,該有的所有生存的殘酷與博弈、臉譜化的成見、文化與種族的各種偏見……不僅一一俱全而且毫發畢現,好的是迪士尼創作者用美好的共存和包容的願望讓烏托邦在動物世界得到了實現,這是對整個人類未來共同想像力和願景的一個美好期待吧,這也是他們在內心願意把一個真實而又值得期待的未來美好世界留給孩子們的一種展現。一想到數千個人都在這樣的願望 *** 同努力創作的場景,就讓人不禁心有戚戚焉。

雖然大量的台詞對於不成熟的觀眾來說會有些稍嫌嘮叨,但電影傳遞的信息非常明顯:偏見和固有印象是極度危險的。面對這個偉光正到無法指摘的主題,《瘋狂動物城》的主題曲應該是邁克爾·傑克遜的《Heal the World》。







電影講的是一隻有夢想的兔子,面對父母的不理解、朋友的嘲諷以及各種的刁難,經過不懈努力,終於實現夢想成為第一個兔子警察,來到夢寐已久的動物城。這是一個和諧的城市,不管是兇猛的食肉動物還是溫柔的食草動物以及所有的動物都已經進化到共產主義社會階段了,褪去惡之本性,只有善的一面,所以所有動物都能在這個美好的城市和諧共存。(難怪這部電影的英文直譯為動物托邦,動物的烏托邦)。兔警官深深被這個城市吸引,再破的牆壁,再爛的床,再吵的鄰居在她眼裡都是那麼的美好,就和所有的追夢的年輕人第一天面對地下室出租房的新鮮和興奮。但是縱使在這么美好的城市裡,並不是所有的事物都是美好啊。就算你是警校第一名,也不免被上司看扁,只好去當交警。這點兔警官也不必悲哀,想當年飛虎隊的周星星也有過相似的經歷。雖然和夢想有差距,但是她還是很努力工作,希望能靠自己的努力改變什麼,直到那隻狐狸的一番話,讓她被殘酷的現實打得體無完膚。狐狸說的沒錯,你再努力還是個交通警察。面對冰冷的房間,面對父母的關心只能強顏歡笑,多麼相似的畫面啊。 還好,兔警官沒有因此沉淪,勇敢面對挑戰,依靠自己的堅毅和智慧破獲了失蹤大案,揭穿了今天大陰謀,成為了城市的英雄。



G. 《三傻大鬧寶萊塢》英語觀後感(中英對照)

Yesterday / Last week / ... I went to saw a movie named Three Idiots. It was quite a funny but meaningless one which made me have tears and laughter. It told a story of several college students. I saw something behind the scene, which criticize the harm made to students under the inappropriate ecational system and people in hyprocitical society. But luckily, it does not only deal with negative affairs. The movie inspires us to be different, without being restricted to the rigid doctrines, which made it an excellent work.

It looks like a burleque, but indeed a mixture of mirth and teardrops



H. 迪斯尼動畫電影英語讀後感50字




I. 玩具總動員3以英文觀後感

要多少字 我給你哦
Today, I watched "Toy Story 3" movie, in the "Toy Story 3" in the master toy they have grown up and left home for college, the toys had to face the fate of being shelved. Toys are frustrated because of misunderstanding of the way Andy and kindergartens to the sun. Big Bear and other toys have been oppression. Woody was a leading toy Rebel Road off their home. Their ultimate choice is left, leaving Andy and wait for Andy to come back. To make the toys are a good place, safety first decided to give them a love like him, care for Bonnie, where the little girl toys.

I am most impressed is the film's final, Andy sat in the car, looked at Bonnie is holding his toys, toys, a very heartfelt way they said loudly: "Thank you, guys!" Yes ah, he Should not his toy they say "thank you" you! These toys to accompany his 10 years, brought him countless happy, now they will have to leave him, say "thank you" it should be. Without these toys, Andean childhood how to be pale, the movie has playback of the Andean childhood and toys are a fun scene, precisely because of these toys, Andy's life was not boring, full of joy. So safety first want to say "thank you", and his guys say goodbye!

Watching the film, I can not wait to open their own toy box, I saw a new toy, there are old toys, I believe that toys are alive, like "Toy Story 3" in the same!
順便和你說我是金桂臣 -,-

J. 英語的動畫片的觀後感100字

在古老的中國,有一位個性爽朗,性情善良的好女孩,名字叫作花木蘭,身為花家的大女兒,花木蘭在父母開明的教悔下,一直很期待自己能花家帶來榮耀。不過就在北方匈奴來犯,國家正大舉徵兵的時候,木蘭年邁的父親竟也被徵召上戰場,傷心的花木蘭害怕父親會一去不返,便趁著午夜假扮成男裝,偷走父親的盔甲,代替父親上戰場去。花家的祖宗為保護花木蘭,於是派出一隻心地善良的木須龍去陪伴她,這只講話像連珠炮又愛生氣的小龍,在一路上為木蘭帶來許多歡笑與協助。 而迪士尼在第36部年度長篇動畫鉅片,首次採用中國古老的傳奇故事「花木蘭」,在600位多位迪士尼動畫師,孜孜不倦歷時四年的時間,將傳說內容幻化為令人目不暇給的動畫場面,其中當然不乏優美的配樂與令人捧腹大笑的幽默羅!影片中的一對活寶--木須龍和蟋蟀,兩個原本毫無拉攏的個體出現在了劇中,成了影片的一大看點,他們極盡搞笑之能事,木須龍活躍萬分,蟋蟀則低調行事,但兩者結合在一起則鬧出了很多笑料,觀後感《英文動畫片觀後感》。這條龍虛榮心強,愛面子,具有人性一面,此外,這龍還有瘋的特點,讓人極為喜愛,活脫就是活寶一個。在雪山跟匈奴一戰的時候,這頭龍還在雪崩的時候拿個鎧甲沖浪,令人發笑不已。 而對於出身於古老中國家庭的花木蘭,她自小便是個聰明伶俐,志氣高昂的女孩,雖然她一心一意想要父母為她這個女兒感到驕傲,但似乎常常弄巧成拙,令她自己傷心不已。當她得知年邁的父親將被徵召入伍,以對抗日漸入侵的匈奴時,花木蘭不禁為父親的安危感到憂心,突生的勇氣促使木蘭決定告別家鄉,女扮男裝「代父從軍」,就像是得到祖先們的庇蔭般,。由被排斥到接受,就在花木蘭的軍人生活漸入佳境時,她女扮男裝的身份被揭穿了,她與木須被拋棄在冰天雪地的邊疆,即使在如此惡劣的情勢之下,木蘭都沒有放棄對抗挫折的勇氣,但是原想要為家人帶來驕傲的花木蘭,要如何回到中原,並證明自己的一片心意?而瞞騙父母出征,欺騙長官從軍的欺君之罪,又要會讓花木蘭如何面對自己的家人呢?



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