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❶ 急需電影《人工智慧》和《勇敢的心》的英文劇情介紹

勇敢的心 braveheart
Unfortunately, I have yet to find a film of quite this caliber again. Braveheart contains elements of Romance (several heart- wrenching and warming instances), Epic/Action (spectacular scenes), Mystery (can take a few viewings to put it all together), History (albeit romanticised) and of course Drama (perfectly unravelled). This level of uncompromised multi-tasking allows the film to move you to laugh and cry, love and hate or even to think and be taught. I'm trying to avoid the clichés of glowing reviews (almost as bad as entirely negative ones) - but this is one of the few movies that I feel deserves one.

The witty banter between friends/foes/lovers/relatives is, in my opinion, flawless and aids the film's claim as a true classic. The soundtrack is similarly top-notch and encapsulates and refracts the patriotic theme ring several key moments. The political sub-plot and gorgeous scenery also serve as refreshers ring otherwise heavy areas of the story. Perhaps Braveheart's only flaw (but if you share my sentiments it's actually a bonus) is its length so you'll want to prepare a comfy seat and maybe even two pots of tea (complete with cosies!).

I suppose it's also relevant to touch on the historic inaccuracies as I expect this is what people might dislike most about this film. However, "History is written by those who have hanged heroes"; also, the overall sketchiness of such periods coupled with the right of artistic license are enough for me to personally dismiss such thoughts. On that note, I hope you also enjoy what, to me, is the greatest film created (so far).

The movie begins in the small town of Elerslie, Scotland. William lives with his father, who is not named in the film, and his older brother Malcolm. William's father and older brother are called to a meeting a few miles from their home where they find the entire nobility of Scotland hanging. Malcolm and his father then go to a battle between the British and their clan, both die tragically. At the funeral William meets his uncle Argyle who fought in the battle with Malcolm and his father. He takes him away to live with him. The scene then cuts to an alt William on his horse. William later runs into a girl he knew before he went to live with Argyle, her name, Murron, we discover that Lords have the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night, so William marries Murron in secret. Murron is the assaulted by a British guard, the guard is killed by William, a fight ensues, and eventually Murron is killed by the lord. This enrages Wallace who then build himself a fine army entering city's and killing all Englishman within. Wallace prepares to move on to Sterling where he prepared for his greatest battle yet, in the forest he realises that he must find a way to beat the heavy cavalry from the ground, he decided to create spears twice as long as men. These were used in the battle to kill the entire heavy cavalry raised at the last minute to kill the on coming horses. Eventually Wallace reaches York, the most important military city he gains control. Williams final battle at Falkirk ends in his betrayal by two nobles, whom he later kills. William is betrayed by the leper father of Robert the Bruce, is captured and refuses to bow down as a loyal subject of the king Edward I, Longshanks. Therefore, instead of mere beheading William Wallace is subject to being Hung, hung within an inch of death. Drawn, being stretched by his ankles and wrists and then having his insides shown to him before he died. Then Quartered, he was beheaded and his head was put on the London Bridge his body was torn into for pieces one sent to each corner of Britain as a warning to the citizens. After Wallace's death we see Robert the Bruce led the battle of Bannockburn the last battle for Scotland's freedom.

In 14th Century Scotland, William Wallace leads his people in a rebellion against the tyranny of the English King, who has given English nobility the 'Prima Nocta'.. a right to take all new brides for the first night. The Scots are none too pleased with the brutal English invaders, but they lack leadership to fight back. Wallace creates a legend of himself, with his courageous defence of his people and attacks on the English.

人工智慧 artificial intelligence A.I
In the not-so-far future the polar ice caps have melted and the resulting raise of the ocean waters has drowned all the coastal cities of the world. Withdrawn to the interior of the continents, the human race keeps advancing, reaching to the point of creating realistic robots (called mechas) to serve him. One of the mecha-procing companies builds David, an artificial kid which is the first to have real feelings, especially a never-ending love for his "mother", Monica. Monica is the woman who adopted him as a substitute for her real son, who remains in cryo-stasis, stricken by an incurable disease. David is living happily with Monica and her husband, but when their real son returns home after a cure is discovered, his life changes dramatically. A futuristic adaptation of the tale of Pinocchio, with David being the "fake" boy who desperately wants to become "real".

The "literalists" are clearly not happy with A.I. So now is a good time to recall that "2001: A Space Odyssey" was greeted upon release with derision, confusion, dismissive reviews, public consternation, and, oh yeah, some thought it was an absolute masterpiece. Beyond the monolithic influence of that film (think of Han Solo's jump to lightspeed, etc.), the symbols of "2001" -- TO THIS VERY DAY -- cannot be decoded using anything but the most personal, interpretive language. The obelisks, the message of the obelisks, the Star Child, Cosmonaut Dave's "room", HAL-9000's true motivation – all these things remain in our collective subconscious as indelible images that refuse to be concretely defined between or among viewers. WHAT CAUSES THIS CONFLICT OF PERCEPTION? IS IT INTENTIONAL? Again and again, Kubrick's films take us to a No-Man's Land of narrative and moral ambiguity, stranding us, forcing us to make decisions, demanding interpretation (or we can judge the surface, walk away, hate the film). To my perception, Kubrick is the only, true "Brechtian" film director. The device Brecht proposed is "Alienation Effect", or put simply, Leading the audience down two, divergent paths at once. My favorite example is "Barry Lyndon". Being the adventures of a young man, handsome, virtuous, well-meaning, ambitious, full of promise. Yet in every scene, the camera "pulls-back" revealing Barry (but never to himself) to be womanizing, self-absorbed, criminally inclined, socially inept, not very bright, morally bankrupt, and at last, a broken shell of a man. Or let's consider "Strangelove": Did Kubrick really create a headbanger, slapstick comedy about nuclear proliferation, mass destruction, and military/political incompetence? The real question is "Who else could have?" Well, that's my take on Kubrick's artistic sensibility, and, without daring to presume Spielberg's motivation, it's what drew them both to "A.I." Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy, cuddly Teddy Bears on one hand, but on the other hand – social institutions are faltering forever -- parenthood, childhood, science, instry, sexuality -- all distorted beyond repair. And Humans, the ultimate A.I. protagonist, seem blissed-out, in denial, more interested in creating "Davids", "Darlenes" and "Gigolo Joes" than in rising water levels and the imminent threat of extinction. Therefore, I believe A.I. is getting precisely the response all Kubrick films "INITIALLY" get. Spielberg's reputation and career can withstand anything that public perception might bring to his films, but I keep thinking that A.I. is the riskiest moment of his artistic life.

❷ 電影《人工智慧》英文名

《人工智慧》(英文名《A.I.: Artificial Intelligence》)
本片是導演監制於一身的斯皮爾伯格根據電影大師史丹利庫布里克生前所留下的八十頁劇本改編而成的。影片的故事有點兒象童話皮諾曹的現代科幻版,和2年前羅賓威廉斯的《兩百年人》(Bicentennial Man)也有幾分相似。而片名 A.I. 是 Artificial Intelligence 的縮寫,就是人工智慧的意思,影片的全名也應該是 A.I.: Artificial Intelligence。
斯皮爾伯格自98年的《拯救大兵瑞恩》後就一直在猶豫他的下一部作品,他手頭的計劃包括《藝妓回憶錄》(Memoirs of a Geisha)、《印地安那瓊斯第四集》(Indiana Jones 4)和《少數派報告》(Minority Report)等。但由於和他有20年交情的庫布里克於1999年突然去世,《大開眼界》(Eyes Wide Shut)在無奈中帶著一絲遺憾成了大師的絕響,而大師生前最後一個計劃也就是本片《A.I.》暫時擱淺,這一突變使得斯皮爾伯格把本片列入了他的計劃之中。


❸ 跪求~~!關於機器人的電影的英文簡介

Bicentennial Man

Genre: Comedy
Movie Type: Domestic Comedy, Sci-Fi Comedy
Themes: Journey of Self-Discovery, Opposites Attract, Robots and Androids
Director: Chris Columbus
Main Cast: Robin Williams, Sam Neill, Wendy Crewson, Embeth Davidtz, Oliver Platt
Release Year: 1999
Country: US
Run Time: 131 minutes
MPAA Rating: PG
If a robot spends enough time around humans, can he learn to become one of them? The Martin family purchases a domestic android as a servant and names him Andrew (Robin Williams). Andrew comes to know the man of the house as Sir (Sam Neill), his wife as Ma'am Wendy Crewson, and their daughter as Portia (Embeth Davidtz); before long, the Martins suspect that they do not have an ordinary robot on their hands. Andrew seems capable of expressing emotion and generating original thoughts, and the longer he stays with the Martins, the more strongly these human traits manifest themselves. Over the next 200 years, Andrew becomes less a machine and more a member of the family, until a mechanic (Oliver Platt) tells Andrew that he might be able to turn him into a human being. Based on a short story by renowned science fiction author Isaac Asimov (surprisingly, it's only the second Asimov story to be brought to the screen), Bicentennial Man was directed by Chris Columbus, who previously worked with Robin Williams on Mrs. Doubtfire. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide.

機器管家/變人 Bicentennial Man (1999)

導 演:克里斯·哥倫布 Chris Columbus
主 演:羅賓·威廉斯 Robin Williams 山姆·內爾 Sam Neill 艾伯斯·戴維斯 Embeth Davidtz 奧利弗·普萊特 Oliver Platt 海麗·凱特·艾森伯格 Hallie Kate Eisenberg Kevin Tiny Ancell Joe Bellan Merridee Book
上 映:1999年12月13日 ( 美國 )更多地區
地 區:美國 德國 ( 拍攝地 )
對 白:英語
評 分:6.1/10( 7330票 ) 詳細
顏 色:彩色
聲 音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
時 長:132 分鍾
類 型:劇情 科幻 愛情
分 級:瑞典:Btl 澳大利亞:PG 英國:PG 阿根廷:13 德國:0 美國:PG 紐西蘭:PG 法國:U

這個機器人,是好萊塢喜劇天王、羅賓威廉斯最新的嘗試。 擅長以溫馨喜感演出取勝的、好萊塢影星,羅賓威廉斯,在新片《機器人》中,飾演的機器人,在經歷兩百年後,終於透過先進科技,變成真正人類的故事。


❹ 有關人工智慧的名言英語

1.for the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand

2.you quest will be perilous yet the reward is beyond price

3.our blue fairy does exist in one place and only in one place

❺ 在電影人工智慧里Monica啟動David時說的那七個單詞代表什麼


❻ 人工智慧相關名言佳句

1. 人工智慧語言的名家名言


(1)溫斯頓認為,LISP 語言是AI的數學,不僅對AI的機器實現有重要意義,而且是AI理論研究的重要工具。



(3)概括地說,計算機語言的發展正是一個從HOW型低級語言向WHAT型高級語言進化的過程.在HOW型語言中,程序編制者必須詳細說明運算是怎樣(HOW)一步一步進行的;而在WHAT型語言中,程序編制者只需簡單說明要做的事情是什麼(WHAT) 。 …現代的LISP語言是這些語言的佼佼者,因為採用Common Lisp格式的Lisp具有非凡的表現力,但是如何做某件事情仍然是有待於Lisp程序編制者來表達的東西.相反,Prolog是一種明顯地沖破了HOW型語言陳規的語言, 它鼓勵程序編制者去描述情況和問題,而不是那些用來解決問題的詳細步驟。」


一般來說,LISP可以稱為人工智慧的匯編語言, Prolog是人工智慧更高級的語言。

2. 描寫機器人的好詞好句有哪些










3. 與"智慧"有關的名言警句

敏而好學,不恥下問,是以謂之文也。 -----孔 丘

不登高山,不知天之高也;不臨深淵,不知地之厚也;不聞先王之遺言,不知學問之大也。 -----荀 況

人之學問,知能成就,猶骨象玉石,切磋琢磨也。 -----王 充

泰嘗論學問之事,有三端焉。曰:義理也,考證也,文章也。 -----姚 鼐

學問是不容易得到的,只有在不倦的勞動中才能取得。 -----加里寧

打開一切科學的鑰匙都毫無異議地是問號,……而生活的智慧大概就在於逢迅掘寬事都問個為什麼。 -----巴爾扎克

多詐的人渺視學問,愚魯的人羨慕學問,聰明的人運用學問。 -----培 根























——雨 果




——雨 果


——戈 雅

4. 描寫機器人的好詞好句

1. 現在的世界,已經看不到人類了,卻隨時可以看到機器人在街道上走來走去。

原來機器人裡面什麼也沒有,只有操縱器和一個透明的東西,從裡面看得到外面,從外面看不到裡面。2. 不管你擁有多麼驚人的武器,不管你擁有多少可憐的機器人,只要離開土地就沒辦法生存。

3. 各有各的生活,每個人都是機器人,重復著每天的日子,一朝一夕,不得不感嘆時光的能力啊,一直帶領人類前行,永遠那麼急匆匆的離去……4. 如果是個機器人,現在一定超負荷了,零件掉了一路,頭上呼呼地冒著煙,直到能量用完,倒地散架,眼睜睜看著她的仇人消失在濃雲密布的天邊。5. 根要扎在土壤里,和風一起生存,和竹子一起過冬,和鳥兒一起歌頌春天,不管你擁有了多麼驚人的武器,也不管你操縱了多少可憐的機器人,只要離開土地,就沒辦法生存。

6. 別把任何人說的話,任何書中的道理當真理,要有自己的思考,有自己的主見,結合實際有自己的判斷。別當只相信書的機器人,別越讀書越傻,任何事都要辯證來看待。

7. 要有一個制度能將人們由「吃米飯機器人「的地位提高為真正的人──在人權的保障下,能夠自由思考,暢所欲言,昂首挺胸。8. 一但你活在當下,你是有意識的。


9. 當你不停的換工作時,你會看到很多你不知道的東西;當你停留在一個工作時,你會非常熟悉這個東西,然後每天重復同樣的工作,最後變成人工機器人,像個植物人。10. 我曾經愛上一個人,我想知道她到底喜不喜歡我。

我發現這個機器人很像她,我開始嘗試在她身上尋找答案。11. 無數個日日夜夜,我像輸入好程序的機器人一樣工作、應酬、健身、吃飯、睡覺,我不敢留出一點一滴的個人空間,我怕一停下來,從胸腔處那處空洞泛濫上來的寒冷,會將空氣變得凝重壓迫,直至我窒息。

12. 西蒙的書簡明扼要地概括了人工智慧及其在機器人技術方面的應用。13. 這對活人說來很容易,而對現實世界的R2D2機器人說來卻是十分棘手的事情。

14. 對警衛來說,這些馴良的,機器人般的瘋子和家畜一樣不會帶來多大的麻煩。15. 在過去人們面臨的危險是變成奴隸,而在將來危險是人類可能變成機器人。

16. 我知道你們每個人都了解像個機器人般,被強迫服從MSA的痛苦,是吧?17. chroino是一個小機器人與友好的外表和復雜的運動。一種新的外殼,也作為一個框架,被稱為「單體框架」,是由碳和塑料,給chroino友好的外觀,重量輕,強大的框架。

18. 我把他帶到這個世界,一個能夠思考與感知的機器人。19. 你說哆啦A夢是會陪你到永遠的機器人,我好想做你的哆啦A夢。

20. 我想做個機器人,因為機器人不會痛,不會哭,但我卻忘了,機器人也不會愛。21. 如果人是上帝製造的,而機器人是人製造的,那人可以懷疑上帝,為什麼機器人不可以懷疑人?22. 上帝創造了人類,人類卻懷疑上帝。

人類創造了機器人,機器人為何不能懷疑人類?23. 2050年世界沒有末日,但是愛,無以為繼。這是一個精心打造的未來世界,人類科學家創造出的人工智慧機器人誕生,機器人也能懂得愛。

藉以傳達這張新專輯的主旨:愛。24. 當楚城走到擂台前。

正准備上擂台的時候,守在擂台口的機器人突然抬起手,機械手閃電般掠過,將他嘴上的牙簽被抽走了。25. 真正的危機不是機器人像人一樣思考,而是人像機器一樣思考。

26. 有鬧騷很慶幸,那因為你還智能,我們都是生活和社會製造出來的機器人,按部就班,朝朝暮暮。27. 雖然不是世界第一,不過我的確是貓型機器人的前兩三名。

28. 我不是萬能的小叮當,不是你用完就可以拍拍屁股走人的機器人!29. 科學過於發達,人類反倒難以操控了啊,這樣下去,離機器人造反的日子也不遠了吧!30. 在這種情況下,聯邦法律要求這個智能機器人的性格特徵被擦除。

5. 電影《AI人工智慧》經典台詞

電影《AI人工智慧》經典台詞: David: Is it a game? 大衛:這是一個游戲嗎? Monica: Yes. 莫尼卡:是的。

Monica: You won't understand the reasons but I have to leave you here. 莫尼文卡:你不會明白的,但是我不得不把你留在這兒。 David: Is it a game? 大衛:這是一個游戲嗎? Monica: No. 莫尼卡:不。

David: When will you come back for me? 大衛:你什麼時候會回來? Monica: I'm not, David. You'll have to be here by yourself. 莫尼卡:我不會回來,大衛。你將獨自留在這兒。

David: Alone? 開始的時候,那個無所不知的博士回答的都是不沾邊的,後來喬選了「常識」和「童話故事」兩個新項目是,大衛重新提問,畫面狂閃,然後屏幕就出來一段話,下面的: came away,o human child,to the waters and the wild,with the fairy hand in hand,for the word's more full of weeping than you can understand.you quest will be perilous,yet the reward is beyond price. 真正的小男孩,越過高山和大海,和仙女手牽手,世人皆悲哀,你不會明白,為愛走天涯,報答終無價! 我個人覺得最經典的一句是在最後,莫妮卡被復活後,剛睜開眼,大衛緩緩的流下眼淚,說:"I found you。」,"Hi!","Hi!"。

還有在最後莫妮卡給大衛過生日是,讓大衛吹蠟燭,並許願的時候說的:"now,make a wish.""it came true already."。

6. 電影《AI人工智慧》經典台詞


came away,o human child,to the waters and the wild,with the fairy hand in hand,for the word's more full of weeping than you can understand.you quest will be perilous,yet the reward is beyond price.


我個人覺得最經典的一句是在最後,莫妮卡被復活後,剛睜開眼,大衛緩緩的流下眼淚,說:"I found you。」,"Hi!","Hi!"。

還有在最後莫妮卡給大衛過生日是,讓大衛吹蠟燭,並許願的時候說的:"now,make a wish.""it came true already."

❼ 電影《人工智慧》的台詞。

David: Is it a game?
Monica: Yes.
Monica: You won't understand the reasons but I have to leave you here.
David: Is it a game?
Monica: No.
David: When will you come back for me?
Monica: I'm not, David. You'll have to be here by yourself.
David: Alone?
Monica: With Teddy.
David: No. No, no, no! No, Mommy, please! No, no. Please, Mommy.
Monica: They would destroy you, David!
David: I'm sorry I broke myself. I'm so sorry I cut your hair off. I'm sorry I hurt Martin.
Monica: I have to go. I ahve to go! Stop it! I have to go now.
David: Mommy, don't! Mommy if Pinocchio became real and I become a real boy can I come home?
Monica: That's just a story.
David: But a story tells what happen.
Monica: Stories are not real! You're not real! Now, look. Take this, alright? Don't let anyone see how much it is. Look. Don't go that way. Go anywhere but that way or they'll catch you. Don't ever let them catch you! Listen, stay away from Flesh Fairs, away from where there are lots of people. Stay away from all people. Only others like you, only Mecha are safe!
David: Why do you want to leave me? Why? I'm sorry I'm not real. If you let me, I'll be so real for you!
Monica: Let go, David! Let go! I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the world.
Narrator: 289 Those were the years when the icecaps melted e to the greenhouse gases and the oceans had risen and drowned so many cities along all the shorelines of the world. Amsterdam, Venice, New York forever lost. Millions of people were displaced. Climate became chaotic. Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries. Elsewhere a high degree of prosperity survived when most governments in the developed world introced legal sanctions to license pregnancies. Which was why robots, who were never hungry and did not consume resources beyond those of their first manufacture were so essential an economic link in the chain mail society.
fe8 Female Colleague: It occurs to me with all this animus existing against Mechas today it isn't just a question of creating a robot that can love. Isn't the real conundrum, can you get a human to love them back?
Professor Hobby: Ours will be a perfect child caught in a freezeframe. Always loving, never ill, never changing. With all the childless couples yearning in vain for a license our Mecha will not only open up a new market but fill a great human need.
Female Colleague: But you haven't answered my question. If a robot could genuinely love a person what responsibility does that person hold toward that Mecha in return? It's a moral question, isn't it?
Professor Hobby: The oldest one of all. But in the beginning, didn't God create Adam to love him?
David: Mommy? Will you die?
Monica: Well, one day, David, yes, I will.
David: I'll be alone.
Monica: Don't worry yourself so.
David: How long will you live?
Monica: For ages. For 50 years.
David: I love you, Mommy. I hope you never die. Never.
Patricia in mirrored room: I'm afraid.
Gigolo Joe: Of me?
Patricia in mirrored room: Yes.
Gigolo Joe: That I will hurt you?
Patricia in mirrored room: Yes.
Gigolo Joe: I think... you're afraid of letting go. I think you're afraid of happiness. And this is starting to excite me. Are you afraid of seeing the stars... Patricia? I can show you how to reach them.
Patricia in mirrored room: I'm afraid of what you've got under there. May I see what it looks like first?
Gigolo Joe: Is this your first time... with something like me?
Patricia in mirrored room: I've never been with Mecha.
Gigolo Joe: That makes two of us.
Patricia in mirrored room: I'm afraid it will hurt.
Gigolo Joe: Patricia... once you've had a lover-robot you'll never want a real man again. Are these the wounds of passion?
Patricia in mirrored room: Do you hear that music?
Gigolo Joe: You... are a goddess, Patricia. You wind me up inside. But you deserve so much better in your life. You deserve... me.
Gigolo Joe: Miss Bevins, it's Joe, at your service. I've been counting the seconds since last we met. Have you been crying, Samantha? I found a tear.
The Murderer: Hey Joe, what do you know? How many seconds has it been since the last time you two were together?
Gigolo Joe: 255,133.
The Murderer: Goodbye, Sam, and never forget: you killed me first.
Gigolo Joe: I'm in bad trouble.
Gigolo Joe: Are you in trouble? Have you run away from someone?
David: 25 My mother told me to run away.
ef5 Gigolo Joe: Why did she say that?
David: I guess because Henry didn't like me.
Gigolo Joe: Why was that?
David: Martin came home.
David: Martin is Mommy and Henry's real son. After i find the Blue Fairy then I can go home. Mommy will love a real boy. The Blue Fairy will make me into one.
Gigolo Joe: Is Blue Fairy Mecha, Orga, man or woman?
David: Woman.
Gigolo Joe: Woman? I know women! They sometimes ask for me by name. I know all about women. About as much as there is to know. No two are ever alike, And after they've met me, no two are ever the same. And I know where most of them can be found.
David: Where?
Gigolo Joe: Rouge City. Across the Delaware. Too far for our feet. We'll need help to get there. And it's not without peril. We will have to journey towards the moon.
David: Are there many women in Rouge City?
Gigolo Joe: As there are stars at night.
David: How do we find just one?
Gigolo Joe: We will ask Dr. Know. There is nothing he doesn't. Exactly what name do you give this woman?
David: She is just Blue Fairy.
Gigolo Joe: Blue Fairy. In the world of Orga, blue is the color of melancholy. Yet the services I provide will put a blush back on anyone's cheek. I will change the color of your fairy for you. She will scream out: 'Oh yes! Oh God! Oh, yes! Oh, God! Oh, God!' She will make you a real boy for I will make her a real woman and all will be right with the world because you held my hand and saved my brain so that once again my customers my ask for me by name: 'Gigolo Joe, what do you know?'
Gigolo Joe: There are girls your age that are just like me. We are the guiltless pleasures of the lonely human being. You won't get us pregnant or have us to supper with mommy and daddy. We work under you, we work on you and we work for you. Man made us better at what we do than was ever humanly possible.
David: I like your floor.
David: Please make me a real boy?
David: My brain is falling out.
Gigolo Joe: When you become a real boy, remember me to the ladies when you grow up.
Gigolo Joe: I *am*.
[Being taken into custody]
Gigolo Joe: I was!
Professor Hobby: You are a real boy. At least as real as I've ever made one.
Monica: David, this is your new toy.
Teddy: I am *not* a toy!
Gigolo Joe: 27b She loves what you do for her, as my customers love what it is I do for them. But she does not love you David, she cannot love you. You are neither flesh, nor blood. You are not a dog, a cat, or a canary. You were designed and built specific, like the rest of us. And you are alone now only because they tired of you, or replaced you with a younger model, or were displeased with something you said, or broke. They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us, and that is why you must stay here, with me.
fb5 Gigolo Joe: They ask for me by name. Gigolo Joe, What do you know?
Gigolo Jane: Hey Joe, what do you know?
Gigolo Joe: Hey Jane, how's the game?
Dr. Know: Come away O human child / To the waters and the wild / With a fairy hand in hand / For the world's more full of weeping / Than you can understand.
David: I never had a birthday.
Monica: Cirrus, Socrates, particle, decibel, hurricane, dolphin, tulip.
Gigolo Joe: You are a goddess, Patricia. You wind me up inside. But you deserve much better in your life. You deserve... me.
Gigolo Joe: I know women! They sometimes ask for me by name. I know all about women. About as much as there is to know. No two are ever alike, and after they've met me, no two are ever the same!
Lord Johnson-Johnson: He who is without "sim", cast the first stone.
David: What's for dinner tonight?
Monica: You know you don't eat.
David: Yes. But I like sitting at the table.
David: Mommy... I'm sorry I broke myself.
Monica: I can't accept this! There is no substitute for you own child!
Dr. Know: Starving minds, welcome to Dr. Know! Where fast food for thought is served up 24 hours a day, in 40, 000 locations nationwide. Ask. Dr. Know - there's nothing I don't.
[Finding a of himself in Hobby's office/library]
David: Is this the place they make you real?
David 2: This is the place they make you read.
Professor Hobby: My son was one of a kind. You're the first of a kind.
Gigolo Joe: I'm in bad trouble.
Gigolo Joe: All roads lead to Rouge.
David: Is 50 years a long time
Teddy: I don't think so
Gigolo Joe: In this day and age, David, nothing costs more than information.
Junky Mecha: Would you be so kind and shut down my pain receivers?
Gigolo Joe: Many a mecha has gone to the end of the world... never to come back! That is why they call the end of the world 'MAN-hattan'.
Gigolo Joe: They hate us, you know... The humans. They'll stop at nothing.
Gigolo Joe: e7 She will make you a real boy for I will make her a real woman and all will be right with the world, because you held my hand and saved my brain. So once again my customers may ask for me by name: 'Gigolo Joe, wha'd'ya know'!
f56 [Joe starts dancing]
David: Why do you do that?
Gigolo Joe: That's just what I do.
David: My mommy doesn't hate me! Because I'm special! And unique! Because there's never been anyone like me before, ever! Mommy loves Martin because he is real, and when I am real Mommy's going to read to me and tuck me in my bed and sing to me and listen to what I say and she will cuddle with me and tell me every day a hundred times a day that she loves me!
David: I can never go to sleep... but I can lay quietly and not make a peep.
Female Colleague: If a robot could genuinely love a person, what responsibility does that person hold toward that mecha in return? It's a moral question, isn't it?
Professor Hobby: The oldest one of all. But in the beginning, didn't God create Adam to love him?
Monica: I do love you, you know.
Monica: I have always loved you.
Professor Hobby: The greatest single human gift - the ability to chase down our dreams.
Gigolo Joe: I am... I was.

❽ 人工智慧經典語錄

一,未來你的同事將是機器人,你的朋友將是機器人,也許你的戀人也將是機器人,親行磨眼看著你離開這個世界的朋友也將是機器人。世界各地的多家醫院也已採用機器照顧病危病人。 那麼,你不再與人來往後,人性會發生什麼變化?——皮埃羅《人工智慧簡史》


❾ 如何評價史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格執導的電影《人工智慧》

受其中的酒保機器人阿瑟(這個名字莫名的就讓我想起《2001:太空漫遊》的作者阿瑟 克拉克)的啟發,對於人工智慧這件事又有了新看法

<img src="https://pic1.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg" class="content_image">

He is so real.



He is so gentleman.








thats why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!















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