導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 這個恐怖電影讓我感到害怕英語


發布時間:2023-04-10 17:35:40

Ⅰ 「一部成功的恐怖電影也需要適合的配樂才能烘托出恐怖的氣氛,讓觀眾感到更害怕」翻譯成英文

A successful scary movie need suitable music to show the scary environment, which leaves the audience in a more horrible mood~

Ⅱ 這部電影確實很恐怖。翻譯成英文

This movie really terrifies me.

Ⅲ 你讓我感到害怕,英語怎麼說謝謝。

you make me scared/i am afraid of you.
i have a lot of things to deal with.

Ⅳ 初一英語; 根據提示翻譯下列句子。 1、我認為恐怖片很可怕。 2、我的爸爸很風趣,他喜歡有趣的喜劇片。

1.I think horror films are terrible,
2.My father is humorous,he likes funny comedy.
3.Action movie makes people exciting, but this film is too sad.
4.What do you learn about English?
5.The film which I like best is Rush Hour.
6.Tom and his father are going to watch documentary.
7.What are you doing on the weekend?
8.That film is too boring,I don't like it,
9.Ziyi Zhang is a successful actress.


Ⅳ 怎樣用英語表達"害怕"

英語中有很多漏空棚詞語表達「害怕」之意,可是程度卻各不相同,面對這么多個「怕」,你是否怕了呢?先來看一些例句吧:1. I' m afraid I can' t come to your wedding. 我很抱歉,恐怕參加不了你的婚禮 2. He is really afraid of the dark. 他真的挺怕黑的。 3. I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鯊魚。 4. I' m worried it might rain today. 我擔心明天會下雨。 5. I fear I won' t finish my assignment on time. 我擔心我不能按時完成我的作業了虧大。 6. I' m frightened I might fall. 我很害怕我會掉下去。 7. James is scared to death of flying. 詹姆斯怕坐飛機怕得要命。 8. That movie was absolutely terrifying. 那部電影真夠恐怖的。 9. I was petrified when I heard a noise outside. 我聽到外面的聲響時都嚇呆了。 10. He' s been dreading this day for months. 他一連幾個月都在擔心這一天。 11. That guy gives me the creeps. 那傢伙讓返則我毛骨悚然。

Ⅵ 高中英語作文帶翻譯-恐怖片 Horror Movie

I like to see movie so much, before I was in middle school, science fiction movie is my favorite movie, like Harry Potter, for which I read the books for not only one time. But as I grow up, I start to watch other types of movie, like horror movie. I was afraid of watching horror movie before, because I would think about the horrible plots at night, even in my dreams, I would dream about it. One day, my friends asked me to watch horror movie with them, then I realized it was so exciting, the unknown plot caught my eyes. Sometimes I kept my eyes closed because of the scaring faces. But I loved this feeling. Since then, I fall in love with horror movie, I become more and more brave. Now watching horror movie has become an interesting activity with my friends.


Ⅶ 這部恐怖電影真的很嚇人的英語翻譯

This thriller is really scaring.

Ⅷ 恐怖電影讓我感到恐懼 的英語

Horror movies make me scared.

Ⅸ 請英語高手幫忙翻譯下(有關恐怖電影的)

Horror movies and other types of movies have similar circumstances as routine and visual mode, it is usually the type of features into one in the suspense thriller with the use of terror is the subject matter or some of the violence, and the performance of the evil crimes in the content Create the risk of casualties and destruction, or the display looks normal and the distorted body, or show other people suffered shock or experience; in form with light, sound, Yun Jing, rhythm, composition, editing and special effects, and so on To create a strange, gloomy and tense atmosphere. Horror movie is to arouse the audience rooted in the bottom of his heart and the subconscious of the most primitive of the strongest sense of fear and shows the audience horrified. Some of terror movies, or malformation of the evil character of the fine psychological problems, some manufacturers use of the environment of the mysterious atmosphere of suspense thriller story on some terrible demons of the story. The image of the danger of such a common feature is that they tend to come from an unknown or people know very little about the world, and it relates to the subject matter so often in excess of the normal human scope of knowledge and experience.

Ⅹ 我非常害怕不敢獨自看恐怖電影英語怎麼樣做

I was too scared to see a horror movie alone.



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