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發布時間:2023-04-08 15:31:38

⑴ 求將下面文字翻譯成英語的四分鍾演講稿!拒絕機翻,用詞要精準!

Everybody is good! Today I to share the pictures: Hayao Miyazaki and his animation works.
As everyone knows, Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animation director of world famous, his works convey the humanities concern, environmental protection concept is good, make known to every family, deeply love the world. This picture, is Japan a netizen by painting method, showing us the Hayao Miyazaki directed the animation works.
This painting as the background to the blue sky and white clouds, tone is relatively soft, reflects two things Hayao Miyazaki cartoon which often convey: flying and sky. Occupy the largest proportion in the picture is Hayao Miyazaki, the old man's head and face, we can clearly see Hayao Miyazaki his personal characteristics, including that a head of white hair, a white beard, and that a pair of decades have not replaced the glasses. But in his facial features and hair surrounding, it is a series of animation works he directed. Want to know what these works? Let me give you details: the "by" in his glasses around, respectively is: the upper left corner of the "Totoro", tells us the alien gods Japanese Village Forest in the lower left corner of the sun, "Prince" and "lupin III", tells the story of a series about the teenage stories of adventure, the upper right corner of the "Kiki", tells the story of a magical girl back and grow in another city, the lower right corner of the "sky city", tells the story of the air, and a rogue army of young children in the city of the sky adventures and battles, and glasses in the lower right corner collapsed, it is shown the villain Mooska eventually fell from the crack of the sky city ending; those on his hair "run", respectively is: the "Heidi of the Alps", is about a shepherdess Heidi story; the middle of the "Princess Mononoke", "Howl's Moving Castle", "valley of the wind", the three film with fantastic technique, expounds the concept of environmental protection, love to the world; the right is short for "Habitat", is also about environmental protection. Don't forget to fly in his head on the red plane, from the "red", is about a dislike of war men into pigs story; finally, those on his chin free "fly", respectively is: the left most "spirited away", is about girls and their parents into Chihiro the Japanese spirit world after various adventures, this also is I most loves one works, is very touching, the right is "whisper of the heart", with the reality and fantasy insertion method, told us the mentality of a female high school students. More interesting, red fish Ponyo or in his nose with a nose form the drill out, from the film "Ponyo on the cliff", tells the story of a fish into the story of mankind; and out of his mouth, "detective Sherlock" the cat is a cat in the detective Sherlock, as we now see TV series "Holmes" plot almost, but is a kitty cat; while around his glasses and hair, we can see which covered with green grass and vines, this is Hayao Miyazaki the most loving thing to use in the film, is the performance of the love for nature sincerely.

⑵ 用英文介紹宮崎駿,不用太復雜,但要重點(附帶翻譯),,謝啦

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, procer, screenwriter, animator, author, and manga artist. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest animation directors.

宮崎駿是日本電影導演,制世陵片人,編劇,動畫師,作家和漫畫家。 作為電影和動畫工作室吉卜力工作室的聯合創始人,他作為一名精湛的講故事者和動漫電影製片人獲得了國際贊譽,並被廣泛認為是最偉大的動畫導演之一。

Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan.

宮崎駿是日本最偉大的動畫導演之一。 他的電影中充滿娛樂性的情節,引人注目的人物和令人驚嘆的動畫,使他在評論界享有國際聲譽,並在日本獲攔洞得公眾認可。










⑶ 求宮崎駿《起風了》之中,男女主角第一次見面對話的英語

一、Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre. 縱有疾風起,人生不言棄。(參考滬江小D詞典)
漢語拼音諧音:lu wang se lai wu yi fu dong ti 率 wei wu 注:率的漢語拼音不能用鍵盤打出這里註明發「率」的音。
二、這句話引用自法國詩人保羅·瓦勒里的著作《海濱墓園》(Le cimetière marin)中的一句詩——Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre,意為:縱有疾風起,人生不言棄。更白話的翻譯是:起風了,唯有努力生存。也在宮崎駿的一步電影《起風了》)中被引用

⑷ 求一篇介紹宮崎駿英語短文。


⑸ 求宮崎駿《龍貓》英語簡介

My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The film was originally released in the U.S. on VHS and Laserdisc with the title, My Friend Totoro.



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