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⑴ 埃及艷後的生平 英文版的

Cleopatra VII as a Female Ruler and Diplomat

Cleopatra VII was the last Ptolemaic queen who ruled Egypt from 10 BCE to 30 BCE for a total of nearly two decades and was one of the most influential women in the Hellenistic Age. At the age of thirty-seven, Cleopatra ruled over nearly the entire eastern Mediterranean coast. However, instead of a woman who merely seced and depended on Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, Cleopatra had great leadership and ruled Egypt effectively by winning her people』s hearts and solving crises; meanwhile, Cleopatra was also an outstanding diplomat and strategist who won Egypt the crucial support from Rome, the most power empire at her time. The combination of her ability of dealing with both domestic troubles and foreign pressures skillfully determines her to be a successful politician.
In Egypt, Cleopatra had great leadership; she knew how to win her people』s heart and managed to cement her position as a Ptolemaic pharaoh by following Egyptian cultures, practicing Egyptian traditions and worshipping the Egyptian gods. Although she was ethnically Greek as 「an heir of Alexander the Great's general, Ptolemy I Soter」 and 「had a traditional Greek ecation」, she 「mastered Egyptian」 and had involved herself closely with native Egyptian religious life by developing her divinity, Isis the Egyptian goddess and by visiting temples frequently. By identifying herself with the Egyptian values, Cleopatra solidified her links with the Egyptians; also, by building herself into a popular native god, Cleopatra became the ultimate authority of the Egyptians so that everyone would follow her, including the aristocrats since the priests in ancient Egypt took very important roles. The Egyptian priests were known to enjoy many privileges and usually worked as government officials. With her effort, Cleopatra successfully became a persuasive and popular pharaoh amongst her people and the officials, and thus could use the loyalty of the people to proce wealth and prosperity for her empire.
Besides her capability of becoming a popular ruler, Cleopatra was an effective ruler, even when confronted with many natural and economic crises. She was a good crisis solver and also stimulated the economy in Egypt with trade and monetary policies. 「When the Nile did not flood, resulting in failing crops, high inflation and hunger,」 Cleopatra dealt with the economic crisis by recing the value of the currency and encouraging international trade with countries as far as Egypt. She was also meticulous, leaving nothing to chance; she prevented the traders from weighing out these new coins by 「having them inscribed with their official denominations.」 She was good at responding to crisis ruled her country effectively for several difficult yet essentially peaceful years, which again proved her capability of governing. Cleopatra』s emphasis on the country』s economy contributed to the stability of Egypt and her wealth, which later also added to the clout ring negotiations with the Roman generals such as Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.
Cleopatra was an astute diplomat with strong rhetoric speaking skills, and the key reason why Caesar chose her to be the client ruler of Egypt was based on her capability to support him and her successful negotiation with him. Cleopatra had 「the facility of attuning her tongue, like an instrument with many strings」. With her sophisticated negotiation skills, Cleopatra persuaded Caesar and then Antony that she was the right choice as a client ruler. She feasted with Caesar lavishly even though 「Caesar was a remarkably abstemious man who legislated against lavish food.」 It also turned out that her banquet filled with luxury and her 「dissolving pearls in vinegar…quite exceeded his (Antony』s) expectations.」 Cleopatra must be very rhetoric and persuasive in order to get Caesar to the banquet so that she could use this strategy to convince her prospective alliances. Cleopatra』s strategy of holding banquets was highly effective because she managed to astonish Caesar and Antony both overwhelmingly with her magnificent wealth and ingratiatingly as she showed her willingness to support them. Cleopatra』s actions with the pearls showed or at least it was what she wanted Antony to see, that she was extremely generous and did not care about giving away part of her wealth. By astonishing her targets, Cleopatra definitely took the initiative in the negotiations and thus succeeded swiftly. Instead of corrupting Caesar or Antony, Cleopatra proved her capability and used her tragedies to win the alliance.
Though Cleopatra had made many political achievements, she was excessively blackened as a dissolute woman who merely seced the Roman generals. The Romans saw this woman as 「a coquettish temptress who led men to their doom」 while they also believed that 「all women should be under the control of male guardians.」 However, according to the coins of Cleopatra that were released at her time, she had 「a hooked nose, a strong chin and razor-sharp cheekbones.」 Since Cleopatra was not a great beauty and Caesar could not be considered as naïve since he was more experienced than Cleopatra, the saying that Caesar was bewitched by her sexual charm and appearance was unreliable. The reasons why so many history resources exaggerated or even fabricated her beauty and simply described her as a female fatale were that first, Cleopatra』s enemy, Octavian and the Romans wrote the history eventually as the winners and they wanted people to believe that she was no more than a temptress; second, the male-dominated Romans believed that Cleopatra, as a woman in great power went against their cultural values that women should stay chaste and remain at home. The Romans did not judge Cleopatra fairly since they did not see her as a politician but as an infamous woman who failed to reach their social expectations and cultural values for a woman. Cleopatra was thus wronged in many historical resources kept by the western world.
As a powerful woman, Cleopatra was very controversial even at her time. Cicero once said that 「he did not believe a man of any sense could be happy given the fact that a woman (Cleopatra) could have such great power,」 and all the other the Romans seem to think in the same way. However, the fact that Cleopatra was a great leader of her own empire and successfully convinced the most powerful people of her time to align with her was undeniable. Regardless of her eventual failure, Cleopatra』s influence and accomplishments in her short life was magnificent and she was indeed a talented politician.

⑵ 泰勒主演的電影埃及艷後最後兩句台詞究竟是什麼意思


⑶ 給我10部英語電影的好詞好句摘抄

1、原文:「Bond,James Bond.」
Sean Connery,「Dr.No」


2、原文:「Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,sshewalksintomine.」
Humphrey Bogart,「Casablanca」



3、原文:「It』s not the men in your life that counts,it』s the life in your men.」
Mae West,「I』m No Angel」



4、原文:「I』ll be back.」

Arnol Schwarzenegger,「The Terminator」




5、原文:「Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comˉfortable?.」
Jean Harlow,「Hell』s Angels」



6、原文:「Life is like a box of chocolates:you never know what you』re gonna get.」
Tom Hanks,「Forrest Gump」



7、原文:「I could dance with you』til the cows come home. On second thought,I』d rather dance with the cows until you came home.」
Groucho Marx,「Duck Soup」



8、原文:「Frankly my dear,I don』t give a damn.」
Clark Gable,「Gone With The Wind」



9、原文:「You talkin』to me?.」
Robert De Niro,「Taxi Driver」



10、原文:「Gimme a visky with a ginger ale on the side?and don』t be stinchy,beby.」
Greta Garbo,「Anna Christie」



⑷ 簡介一下歷史上的埃及艷後要英文版!!!

埃及艷後的統治時期(公元前69到30年)是埃及的鼎盛時期。作為一個傳奇的政治家,克里奧佩特拉在十七歲的時候就登上了王位,她是埃及的最後一個法老,也是最後一個女王。 但不久,年輕的女王與自己的弟弟/丈夫托勒密十三世開始爭奪王位。為了把大權收歸己有,她決定與愷撒結盟。當她還是個孩子的時候,她曾親眼目睹愷撒打敗龐貝。
雖然後人都稱頌克里奧佩特拉為埃及艷後,但她其實並不是個美人。有一枚流傳下來的古幣上刻著她的肖像,她的鼻子長而鷹鉤,五官很有男子氣概。盡管如此,她仍然非常迷人,尤其是聲音,極其悅耳動聽。她的超凡魅力大部分歸功於她的聰明智慧。她會說九種語言,而且是個非常精明的政治家 - 可能這就是為什麼她能令愷撒一見鍾情。
當愷撒於公元前48年離開羅馬前往亞歷山大的時候,他收到了歷史上最有名的一件禮物:一條東方地毯,22歲的埃及艷後藏身其間。她要依靠愷撒的支持趕走托勒密十三世。她的計劃成功了。羅馬的援軍在她和愷撒訂下盟約之後迅速趕到,經過幾場戰事,托勒密十三世大敗並被殺。 公元前47年的夏季,克里奧佩特拉與她的弟弟托勒密十四世結婚。
公元前44年,愷撒被敵人暗殺,克里奧佩特拉找到了她的新聯盟 - 安東尼。隨後,她成為安東尼的情人。他將羅馬帝國的部分疆土,包括塔爾蘇斯、昔蘭尼、克利特島、塞普勒斯和巴勒斯坦賜給了女王,以示愛意。

⑸ 埃及艷後的影片評價

《埃及艷後》的確以驚人氣魄重現了古羅馬時代一段波濤壯闊的歷史,導演約瑟夫·L·曼凱維奇維奇駕馭大場面的功力還是不簡單。影片描述野心勃勃的埃及女王克萊奧帕特拉為了政治目的跟羅馬帝國的凱撒聯姻,後來她卻跟羅馬大將馬克安東尼產生了暴風雨般的愛情。這個三角關系的刻劃因外部景觀的賣弄而相對顯得不夠深入,但片中幾場戰役和女王入襲舉城的場面則使人嘆為觀止。(新華網 評)
作為50-60年代好萊塢巨片風潮的產物,《埃及艷後》的拍攝過程可謂是極其奢華。由於當時沒有先進的計算鎮陪機數碼技術,而製作人又一定要追求最真實的效果,結果導致進行大規模的布景修建。例如片中的著名場景,埃及艷後訪問羅馬的進城儀式,場面雄偉壯觀,街道和城門都是用真正的建築材料搭建,以至於有人說《埃及艷後》劇組打算重建一個羅馬城。然而投入和產出並不總是成正比,《埃及艷後》成為電影史上最賠本的影片,而它的失敗也為福克斯公司最後的破產種下禍根。當然也有人從中獲益,該片的兩位主演,好萊塢女明星伊麗莎白·泰勒和英國影星理查德御禪蠢·波頓就在拍片過程里假戲真做,演出一段纏綿悱惻的愛情故事。而這也被當時大小媒體炒得沸沸揚揚。(新浪娛樂 評)

⑹ 關於埃及艷後的故事











《埃及艷後》是2007年上映的劇情類巴西電影,由喬洛·比薩尼執導,Josi AntelloMiguel Falabella、Taumaturgo Ferreira主演。
















⑺ 埃及艷後的英文

The Great Egyptian — The Real Cleopatra
Egyptian queen (51-49 and 48-30) noted for her beauty and charisma. Octavian defeated the forces led by Cleopatra and Mark Antony at Actium (31).

⑻ 埃及艷後英文簡介



Cleopatra VII (about 12 years before December or January 2009 - about 11 years ago on August 12), known as the Egyptian Yan. Is the ancient Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty last female pharaoh. She let a snake bit herself to end herself and her life in Egypt (but the study proves that she is more likely to die from the house). Since then, Egypt has become part of the Roman Empire, until the fifth century the death of the Western Roman Empire.

She was outstanding, intelligent wit, good at means, ulterior motives, life full of drama. In particular, the political whirlpool, which was involved in the late Roman Republic, was closely associated with Caesar and Anthony, and accompanied by rumors that made her famous figures in literary and artistic works.

According to legend, although she was strict with all, she managed to get a farmer sent a basket of figs, built a called "Asp" small snake, she let the snake bites the arm coma and died. Octavius met her request before dying and buried her with Anthony. And the eldest son of Alexandria, and the son of Anthony, who was born by Caileopatra VII and Caesar's son, were ordered to be ordered by the house. With the death of Kleepopatra VII, up to 300 years of the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty also ended, Egypt into Rome, became the head of the private property.

Literature or film, she was considered to be to keep the country from the Roman Empire annexation, had painted Gayus Ruisi Caesar the Great and his men Anthony, so also known as the Egyptian brilliant.


Talented appearance

Cleopatra was born in 69 BC, was the descendants of the then-ruled kingdom of Egypt's Macedonia. When Alexander established a vast empire in the territory, the Egyptian gave himself a general - Ptolemy Sauter, Ptolemy Sauter immediately established the Egyptian history of Ptolemy · Sauter dynasty. And Cleopatra is the second daughter of King Kroodis Ptolemy Oreret.

Cleopatra is one of the monarchs of the Alexander the Great to conquer Egypt after the Ptolemaic dynasty. Her father Ptolemy II, Olette, designated his eldest son Ptolemy XIII and her co-ruling (according to the law of the time, Cleopatra must marry his brother, that is, Ptolemy III), rule of Egypt. In 51 BC, Clio Petra ascended the throne. Klein Petra in ancient Egypt is undoubtedly a focal figure, in the narrative of the descendants, the Egyptian peerless beauty by virtue of its Empress Dowager's posture, not only temporarily preserved a dynasty, but also the powerful Roman Empire The king has bowed down in its pomegranate skirt, willing to work for their lives. Dante, Shakespeare and so on the legendary woman described as "masterpieces of the sexy demon"; and Bernard Shaw also called her "a wayward and not dedicated women." Klein Patera VII was the daughter of the Egyptian king of Ptolemy II and of Creole Prada V (the sister of Cleopatra VII), born in 69 BC, from small In the extravagant extravagant palace grew up. In 51 BC his father died, leaving the will designated Klein Patera VII and her aunt brother Ptolemy XIII (BC 63 ~ 47 years ago) as heir, co-govern. But the two of them because of factional struggle and competition for power and loss. After the expulsion of Alexandria in 48 BC, Kelopatra VII gathered troops in Egypt and the Syrian border to prepare for Egypt. Under his father's arrangement, Cleopatra became a couple in accordance with the custom of her brother (later Croydis Ptolemy III), and the two of them were in power. The great ambition of Cleopatra would like to gain further rights, but then the two ministers, Bohemius and Ochiavian, worked together against her and drove her to Syria where she raised the army and prepared To compete for the throne of Egypt.

Charming Caesar

At this time, Gayus Ruisi Caesar pursued Pompey to Egypt, Claudius Ptolemy XIII's men under the Bodenos will Pompey kill, his head dedicated to the Gayus Julia Caesar, in order to discuss his favor, would like to use Geithius Jula Caesar to remove his sister Cleopatra. But this move did not let him get Gervis Julia Caesar's goodwill. And Cleopatra would also like to take advantage of this opportunity to use the cover of Julius Julius Caesar to help her win the throne, ordered his own dress up as a businessman, wrapped himself in a large blanket, the businessman to cover When she met Gaius Ruase Caesar, she came out of the blanket and met with Gayus Ruase Caesar. At that time Cleopatra was young, glamorous and amazing, and she used her beauty and wisdom to fascinate Gaius Ruisen Caesar, and Gayus Ruase Caesar ordered the execution of Clio Patra's father's will was governed by Cleopatra and Claudius Ptolemy III.

Subsequently, Bo Sinius launched a rebellion, the rebellion after the defeat was killed, Claudius Ptolemy XIII in the time of flight also died. Gayus Ruase Caesar conquered Egypt, but did not turn Egypt into the territory of Rome. Since then, Cleopatra has lived with Gayus Ruase Caesar, and has a son named Geithius Ruisai Caesar, meaning "Little Gayus Ruase Caesar ". At the same time, Gayus Ruase Caesar restored the throne of Cleopatra. In 45 years BC, Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XIV were invited to Rome, highly acclaimed, living in the Caesar private residence on the other side of the tree. Caesar's practice vowed to build a temple in Rome that had sacrificed the Venus of its Elius family ancestors, and erected the golden statue of Cleopatra VII on the goddess. Seeing that she would become the first lady of the Roman world, but Caesar was stabbed on March 15, Cleopatra VII's dream instantly into a bubble, sadly left Rome.

Cleopatra VII returned to Egypt, poisoned Ptolemy 14, set her and Caesar's son for Ptolemy 15, co-rule of Egypt. His son was declared the son of Amon God. At this time in Rome, Gayus Ruisi Caesar's son of the child and his son Mark Anthony put down the turmoil of Rome, the two divided the sphere of influence. House Dawei ruled the west, Anthony dominated the east. Anthony summoned Cleopatra to Tulsus at the time of the attack, hoping to get Egypt's wealth to solve the problem of military supplies.

Conquer Anthony

Cleopatra took the golden ship, wearing a beautiful came to Tulsus saw Anthony. Her beauty also conquered Anthony for two years in Tarsus, while Cleopatra gave birth to three children to Anthony. The queen succeeded in keeping her throne and the kingdom of Egypt.

After Caesar's death, Anthony dominated Rome. In the battle of Philip, he finally defeated the Republican leaders of Brutus and Kazio's army, in accordance with the agreement with the House Dayview to visit the Eastern provinces, to raise funds. In 41 BC he arrived in Tulsus, Silesia, and left Egypt, and summoned Kleepopatra VII. Kleepopatra VII on the Roman political and the head of the characters quite understand that this is a great opportunity, so clever arrangements to be used. It is said that Klein Patera VII ride a luxury ship, starting from Egypt, first to Silesia, and then by the Denis River arrived in Tulsos. This hand cabin hanging with expensive rhododendron dye dyed sail, the stern floor with gold package inlaid, in the voyage with the blue waves shine, sparkling glory. The Queen dressed as Venus goddess of the appearance, lying in the string of gold thread, thin as onion skin within the yarn. Beautiful boy like Zhu Bite general stand on both sides, each fan fan gently shake. Dressed as a fairy servant in the sea, holding silver oars, in the drums in a rhythmic move. Residents see this scene, is suspected to love God Venus ride Jinlong to this and Dionysus (Anthony) to find pleasure. People rush to tell the audience as the tide. Anthony was invited to the boat to dinner, to see the charm of the charm of the charm of the charm of the seven, elegant conversation, captivated, at a loss. Not only did he not hesitate to question the question of the ambiguity of the Republican opposition against the "three-head" war, and immediately agreed to her request, and even promised her to kill Egypt The throne's heirs and contenders were then refuge in Ephesus's aunt Sisi. Not a few days, the Wu Fu completely became her captive, followed her to go to Egypt. They spent the year 41-40 years in the winter in Egypt.

Political marriage

In the summer of 40 BC, Anthony returned to Italy. At this time, the contradiction between Anthony and Dwyane has been eased, he married a large dimension of the sister Octavia as a wife, the traditional way of marriage to consolidate the political alliance of Rome. To 37 BC, the contradictions of Anthony and Dwyane deepened, Anthony returned to the East, preparing the expedition Patti. He to travel hard, should not be placed on the barracks as a reason to send Okavavea back to Rome. And when Anthony arrived at Antioch, he invited Kleppa Patera VII to meet, and, in violation of Rome's traditional habit of marriage with Kleepopella VII.

The combination of Anthony and Cleopatra VII is not driven by lust, but politically. Anthony tried to stabilize the Eastern preparations for Rome, prepare the expedition Patti, and the same room to fight, need to get Egypt's financial support. And when she was in a profound social crisis in the Kingdom of Ptolemaic, she showed all sorts of wrist, including the use of the way of confusing Anthony, under the power of Rome, to maintain and develop Ptolemy The kingdom, to strengthen and expand their own ruling power. In order to meet the ambitions of Cleopatra VII, Anthony to Syria Central region, some cities along the Phoenician, Cyprus, as well as parts of the Kingdom of Nabat, presented to the Cleopatra VII. Klein Patera VII support the Anthony expedition Patti, the results failed to win. In 34 BC, Anthony set off after Armenia victory, not in Rome but in Egypt, Alexandria, according to the Egyptian ritual to hold the triumphant, the two made with the throne of gold, Klein Patra "King of the kings", his son Ptolemy fifteen known as the "King of kings." Anthony's actions in the East, and in particular his relationship with Kleepopatra VII, were preached by the Romans, and then stirred up their anger. They denounced Anthony to the Roman conquest of the gift of the United States and his children, ready to move to the new dynasty of Alexandria. In Rome, the people of Kleepopella VII hated, that she is in addition to Hannibal outside constitute the greatest threat to Rome queen. This makes Antoni prestige sweeping, the loss of the strong domestic support. This is the use of the House Dawei, but also caused Anthony in the struggle with the House of Victoria one of the reasons for the failure.

The contradiction between Anthony and Dwyane in 32 BC tended to be sharp. Anthony should be grams of the Austrian Palatra VII of the request, the official repair book abandoned his wife Octavia. Octavian also vowed to avenge the grievances of his sister. He did not hesitate to offend the traditional customs of Rome from the hands of Vesta virgin Anthony placed in the temple of the will, published to the public. Anthony's will describes his distribution of the territory of Kleepopella VII and his children, and also ordered Kleepopatra VII to conceal his remains in Alexandria. The will of a promulgated, public outcry, anger. Accordingly, the Senate and the Citizen Assembly [the Tirbis Congress] declared war on Kleepopatra VII on the grounds of encroaching upon the Roman people's property and depriving Anthony's ties of the Archon and all other powers.

Yaxing sea war

31 years of the year Anthony and the House of the Grand Army battle in the Akti Um Cape [Yake Xing sea war]. At the time of the fighting side, when the Anthony fleet was frustrated, the carboats of Kleepopatra VII were suddenly evacuated from the battlefield and returned to Egypt, and the reason was so far different. Anthony then catch up, leaving the fighting forces to suffer their wiped out. In 30 years BC, the house of David attacked Egypt, surrounded by Alexandria. Anthony saw the trend has gone, Fu Jian commit suicide.

⑼ 《埃及艷後》的台詞翻譯

屋大維: 就像我的黃金,我把它們使用在最有價值的地方。

安東州滑尼: 那你的品德呢? 我的朋友還有朋友。(所以要當心)

屋大維: 那也一樣。

(參考:Thy friend has a friend and thy friend's friend has a friend so be discreet.
你的朋冊或臘友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要謹慎團或小心。 )

⑽ 埃及艷後的傳奇故事










































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