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A. 求篇60字作文觀新3D泰坦尼克號有感英文

Titanic", tells the story of a ship hit an iceberg on the luxury liner story, when I saw the film, by Ruth Jack, the hero of the two emotional shock.

The film tells the story of the protagonist Jack and Ruth meet on a luxury liner, two of them fell in love with each other, a luxury liner sailing on the sea, but crashed into a sea of ice water, ship, the captain let the elderly and infirm lifeboats, the rest of the people were waiting for death, when Ruth boat she returned to the ship, the search for Jack, the two decided to wait until the ship sinking to escape, into the water, they are prone to a piece of wood, but wood can only sit quietly alone, Jack pushed Ruth up, in cold water ... ...

Life and death in a moment between, Jack chose Ruth, his great love to save Ruth 's life, he froze to death in the water, he is divine, and in between life and death, but there is a lot of shameless, someone money money captain, defile pure life, someone actually not himself did not sink, Ruth head press, human nature is good or bad, here will be able to show, between life and death, human obviously fear of death, however, something more important than life, choose someone else life is noble, great love to defeat the fear, Jack let Ruth live, he let your life and love life escape from death, to the students.

In contrast, those for their own interests to hurt others, such as Li Jia, he sold Du Shiniang to the others for money, he compared with Jack, he is so brazen, small, disdain!

Die although scary, but everyone can live well can make people feel happy, life does not mean just one person, other people or animal life, egoistic people right away, your life will not be happy,

When you see someone who is happy, he will be happy.

In front of great love, a person's life is very tiny, Jack for his love and give up his own life. Love, can make people laugh, but also can be painful, but saved others, their will be happy. Death can never win but a great love, love can let a person not in the face of death fear, Jack and Lucy, in my mind forever is worth learning, memory of the people!

Cool wind dispersed the hot summer, I think of the Titanic, a moving story ... ...

B. 什麼叫做3D電影啊

  1. 立體電影(ANAGLYPH):將兩影像重合,產生三維立體效果,當觀眾戴上立體眼鏡觀看時,有身臨其境的感覺。亦稱「3D立體電影」。

  2. 立體電影是利用人雙眼的視角差和會聚功能製作的可產生立體效果的電影。出現於1922年。這種電影放映時兩幅畫面重疊在銀幕上,通過觀眾的特製眼鏡或幕前輻射狀半錐形透鏡光柵,使觀眾左眼看到從左視角拍攝的畫面,右眼看到從右視角拍攝的畫面,通過雙眼的會聚功能,合成為立體視覺影像。

  3. 3D電影是立體電影,1953年5月24日立體電影首次出現,為了把觀眾從電視奪回來,好萊塢推出了一種新玩意兒--立體電影。戴著特殊眼鏡的觀眾像在觀看《布瓦那魔鬼》及《蠟屋》這類驚險片那樣,發現自己躲在逃跑的火車及魔鬼的後面。從而為我們帶入了立體電影的時代。

C. 3d電影的利與弊英語作文

2D movie is great , but not greater than 3d movie.3d movie gets you closer to the movie's characters and you can even feel that you could touch them.More than that, 3d movie rapids the development of a revolutional technology called Actual Reality. But every coin has two different sides.Recently,the debate to "whether 3d movie harms people's eyes" is getting hit.

D. 要一篇暑假去看電影的英語作文,電影是藍精靈,60字就夠了,初一作文電影是3D的, 快

The day before yesterday,I with excited mood to watch 3 D version of the film- "the blue".A good 3 D eyes,I can't wait to sit to the seat.
The whole movie is about six blue accidentally came to New York,and lived in a house.Finally,the blue all safety return to his home.I think they are very unity,their height only three apples high,but they did win over a tall than them several times,and very powerful wizard,unity is strength,this spirit is worth us to learn.

E. 什麼是3D電影




3D是英文「Three Dimensions」的簡稱,中文是指三維、三個維度、三個坐標,即有長、寬、高。今天的3D,主要特指是基於電腦/互聯網的數字化的3D/三維/立體技術,也就是三維數字化。包括3D軟體技術和硬體技術。


3D什麼意思概括的說,3D存在立體空間,比如我們可以看到多個面,比如前後,相比2D平面具有更強的立體感,更逼正的效果,就猶如我們身在場景中一樣。3D技術的應用普及,有面向影視動畫、動漫、游戲等視覺表現類的文化藝術類產品的開發和製作,有面向汽車、飛機、家電、傢具等實物物質產品的設計和生產,也有面向人與環境交互的虛擬現實的模擬和摸擬等。具體講包括: 3D軟體行業、3D硬體行業、數字娛樂行業、 製造業、 建築業、 虛擬現實、地理信息GIS、3D互聯網等等。





F. 電影《小黃人》內容簡介中文和英文

Minions is a 2015 3D computer-animated family comedy film, and a prequel/spin-off to the Despicable Me franchise. Proced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures, it was directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, written by Brian Lynch, and proced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. The film stars Coffin (as the Minions), Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, and Steve Coogan, and is narrated by Geoffrey Rush. It was first foreshadowed in the end credits of Despicable Me 2, where Stuart, Kevin, and Bob, three of the Minions, are seen auditioning for the film.

G. 對於3d電影的褒貶看法的英語作文

The disadvantages of 3D films

Now, China's development of science and technology better and better, the movie is not exceptional also, have the so-called immersive 3D movie. But at the same time, it has a bad influence, it is worth our thinking.

First, 3D movies for a long time, will deepen myopia glasses, also can proce tears disease. Can cause visual fatigue, dry eyes and other problems. Harm to our health.

Second, a long time to stay in the darkness of the screens, easy to make, elevated intraocular pressure aggravate the symptoms of patients with glaucoma.

So, how do we avoid the above problems?

We Should consciously when watching 3D movies, blinking his eyes shut your eyes every 15 minutes. Feeling unwell to remove 3D glasses eyes, close your eyes to have a rest.

3D 電影的壞處


H. 什麼是原版3D電影


3D是英文「3 Dimensions」的頃緩態簡稱,中文是指三維、三個維度、三個坐標,即有長、寬、高。換句話說,就是立體的雀源,3D就是空間的概念也就是由X、Y、Z三個軸組成的空間,是相對於只有長和寬的平面(2D)而哪畢言。






I. 電影《瘋狂原始人》英文介紹

Eep is a girl in a family of Neanderthal Cavemen living and hunting in pre-historic times, talking about how her family is one of the few to survive nearby, mainly e to the strict rules of her overprotective father, Grug. Grug never allow to explore. This irritates the bored and adventurous Eep, and when the family falls asleep after dark, she ignores her father's advice and leaves the cave when she sees a light moving outside the cave. Eep是生活在史前的穴居獵人家庭的一個女孩。她的家庭是附近少有的倖存下來的種族,這都源於他父親過於嚴苛的規定,他禁止外出冒險。但正是這項禁止反而激起了Eep的冒險精神,當晚家族成員都睡著時,她看到洞外的光亮,不顧父親的告誡,離開洞穴。Seeking the light's source, she meets Guy, an intelligent Cro-Magnon caveboy. She becomes fascinated with the fire he manages to create and is eager to learn more. He tells her about his theory that the world is reaching its 'end' and asks her to join him. She refuses and Guy leaves, but not before giving her a noise-making shell to call him if she feels the need for help. Shortly afterwards, Eep is then caught by Grug, he brings Eep back home, planning to keep her in the cave for the rest of her life. An earthquake then occurs, sending everyone running for the cave, only to be stopped by Grug moments before the cave is destroyed by falling rocks. Grug takes his family into the deep forest to find a new cave. 她追尋著光亮,遇到了一個聰明的男孩。她開始著迷於他製造的火種,並且渴望能夠學會。男孩告訴她自己的理論,他覺得世界末日將盡,邀請她加入他的隊伍。她拒絕了,但表示在他需要幫助時可以找她。Eep被爸爸抓到了,帶回了家並且打算讓她的餘生都在洞穴里度過。忽然地震發生了,恰好在洞塌之前,所有人都跑了出來。爸爸不得不帶著家族深入森林尋找一個新的洞穴。After they leave, they soon found a colorful world.They meet a lot of animals and the guy who created fire. A new life has just begun. 他們離開之後,很快發現了外面的世界豐富多彩。他們遇到了很多動物,以及會生火的男孩。新生活才剛剛開始

J. 什麼是3D電影!

3D電影就是「三維電影」(英語:3-D film),是使用一種立體鏡視覺顯示系統,再制畫面將左右眼平面投影影像立體顯現成像,令觀眾對影像產生非現實的立體深度。



在放映時通過兩個放映機用振動方向互相垂直的兩種先偏振光重疊地放映到銀幕上,人眼通過上述的偏振眼鏡觀看,每隻眼睛只能看到相應獨立的一個圖像。 就會像直接觀看時那樣產生立體的感覺。



1936年利用雙鏡頭攝影機和偏振片可以造出具立體效果的影片,但此技術具有不少限制。之後從RealD 3D等技術發展及《阿凡達》等三維電影流行後,立體影片才近一步被廣泛推廣。有一名澳大利亞導演宣稱,1936年納粹德國時期已經成功拍攝兩部三維電影



在影院看的是立體版本的IMAX和 RealD技術。為營造出立體景深,IMAX 3D採用了雙攝影機及雙投映機拍攝及放映。RealD則採用雙投影機及圓偏振光放映,目前IMAX 3D放映時採用偏光式放映,觀看時以配戴偏光眼鏡來分析立體影像。



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