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發布時間:2023-03-27 13:46:19

1. 用英語寫的花木蘭的觀後感字數兩百

Film about hua mulan is a smart, handsome, brave, a little girl, very filial piety at that time his father to command was practicing kung fu, practice the leg is very painful, every time my father mulan disguised as men for father on the battlefield.
In barracks, well there's a little dragon named mushu and remind a lucky little cricket or exposed, hua mulan is very serious after studying the general's every move, hua mulan finally on the battlefield, with troops defeated the huns, to protect their country.
Watched the movie I think hua mulan spirit is worth me to learn, I usually very timid, saw the bugs he turned pale with fear, and learning mulan filial piety to parents, later to study hard, try not to let the parents worry about.

2. 美國迪士尼電影《花木蘭》並指出其特點


3. 如何看待迪士尼的《花木蘭》講的是英語







4. 美國迪士尼電影《花木蘭》並指出其特點






中國的皇帝頒布法令,要求每家出一名男子服兵役,抵禦北方侵略者。作為一名受人尊敬的戰士的長女,花木蘭(劉亦菲飾)站出來替生病的父親應征入伍。她裝扮成男人,化名花軍(Hua Jun),經受了種種考驗,同時必須利用內在的力量,接納自己真正的潛能。這是一場史詩般的旅程,讓木蘭蛻變為一名受人尊敬的戰士,也贏得來自國家與驕傲的父親的尊重。

5. 看完動畫片《花木蘭》鑒賞









6. 《花木蘭》這部影視告訴我們什麼道理英文50個單詞左右

After reading "Mulan", I really understand what "heroes and tears" are. The kind of chaos, that kind of tragic battlefield, that kind of reluctant love.
In the movie, Magnolia women dress as men and fathers to join the army, leading the soldiers to protect their homeland and love the country. Love has become the hope of people in the period of war.
At this moment, who says war must be ruthless? People without love cannot resolve "who to fight for", and they will inevitably become a bandit. And Mulan successfully unified "love","righteousness", "loyalty" and "filial piety ".

7. 美國迪士尼電影《花木蘭1》的理解

該片除了精良的製作和充滿想像力的畫面外,還真正做到了深刻的思想性和鮮明的藝術性的完美統一。影片的故事情節基本上依照原著所敘述的順序,以時間為線索貫穿所有的事件,通過描寫花木蘭替父從軍,身經百戰和榮歸故里的過程,成功地塑造了一位活潑好強、機智勇敢的巾幗英雄的形象。在花木蘭的身上,既體現出精忠報國、孝順父母的傳統觀念,又有建功立業、追求榮譽的崇高品質,而這些正是中國古代傳統道德觀念與倫理意識的精髓之所在。此外,影片的表現形式和藝術風格也頗具中國特色,畫面上的人物造型以及服飾兼顧古風而不失現代感,其線條柔和,構畫均勻,情景轉換自然流暢,融入了中國水墨畫的特色和意蘊,因而能夠在中國觀眾的心目中激起強烈的感應和共鳴。 該片中電腦技術的運用達到了出神入化,無以復加的地步,其中尤以雪地作戰的場景最為神奇:畫面上成千上萬的匈奴騎兵鋪天蓋地而來,而花木蘭則挾著火炮迎敵而上,炮擊山頂導致雪崩,轉眼間將單於的千軍萬馬掩埋得乾乾凈凈。其場面恢弘,酣暢淋漓,三維動感令人目眩神迷,驚心動魄,具有強烈的藝術震撼力和感染力。中國古典文學中的優美詩篇,能夠在西方的銀幕上表現得如此生動精彩、美侖美奐,這充分說明不同民族的優秀文化是屬於全世界、全人類的。同時,這部影片的巨大成功,也為中華民族的文學藝術走向世界,提供了生動的樣板和有益的借鑒。

8. 花木蘭電影迪士尼英語影評70字


Reception of Mulan was mostly positive, gathering a 86% fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes. Stephen Wong described the visuals as "stunning," Kyle Suggs described the visuals as "breathtaking," and Dan Jardine described the visuals as "magnificently animated." Many praise the movie for attempting something new. Fa Mulan is unlike a traditional Disney heroine, suggesting that she is independent and brave; without being overtly glamorous.

Mulan is a 1998 animated feature film proced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998. The thirty-sixth animated feature in the Disney Animated Canon and the ninth film in the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, and was the first of three proced primarily at the animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with the story by Robert D. San Souci and Rita Hsiao, among others.
While the film today is very popular among young alts, many of which praise it for being the most progressive Disney Princess film, the film did well at the box office, though it's success didn't quite reach the standards of previous Disney Renaissance movies such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, or The Lion King

9. 求動畫片《花木蘭》英語影評

I really held back from Disney's later animated features, most of them started to slid down hill after The Lion King, excluding The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but it seemed like Mulan was going to be a disappointment for Disney. It turned out to be an actual pleasure watching this film. It had great animation, a good soundtrack, and a wonderful story about courage and strength.

Mulan is a girl in China who is ready for marriage but seems like she isn't ready to settle down in this man's world where she must have permission to speak and only cook and please her husband. When her father is called to war, she fears for his life and dresses like him and fights in his place disguised as him. Mushu, her "guardian" dragon per say, comes to help her out and make sure she doesn't get herself killed out there in battle. She also falls for the captain that doesn't kill her when he finds out her secret.

It is a visually stunning masterpiece that I am glad that I had a chance to watch. It had great morals and values for children, even if it was a bit unrealistic, we have to let go. Still, I don't think a film will compare yet to The Lion King or Beauty and The Beast, but Mulan is a treasure of it's own.


10. 英文《花木蘭》觀後感




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