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❶ 星球大戰英文介紹

附 : 電影概要作參考

Star Wars (1977) plot summary

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away . . .

Palpatine, an evil Sith Lord, has overthrown the galactic Republic and become emperor of the new Empire. The Jedi Knights, an ancient peacekeeping order empowered and guided by the Force, have been eradicated.

Princess Leia Organa is a member of the Rebel Alliance, a group fighting to defeat the Empire and restore the Republic. She』s on a mission to bring Obi Wan Kenobi, an exiled Jedi living on Tatooine, to Alderan. The mission fails when her spaceship falls under attack by an Imperial star cruiser. Leia hides stolen schematics of the Empire』s Death Star, a powerful new space station, inside R2D2, a small droid, R2 and another android, C3P0 stow away in an escape pod and jettison to Tatooine.

The two droids are found by Jawas and sold to farmer Owen Lars. Owen』s young nephew and farmhand, Luke Skywalker dreams of leaving Tatooine and becoming a pilot like his late father. While cleaning the small droid, Luke stumbles across a partial holographic message for Obi Wan Kenobi. Intrigued by the beautiful young woman in the holograph, he thinks the message may be for Ben Kenobi, a hermit living on the outskirts.

When Luke discovers R2 missing the next morning, he and C3P0 search for him in Luke』s land speeder. They locate him, but encounter the hostile sand people. Ben Kenobi rescues them, and Luke learns Ben is actually Obi Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight. They watch the holograph in which Princess Leia implores Obi Wan to deliver the Death Star technical plans to her father. It』s hoped a weakness in its defenses can be found. Obi Wan tells Luke that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was also a Jedi, and he was betrayed and murdered by Darth Vader, Obi Wan』s former apprentice. Vader was seced by the dark side of the Force and now serves the emperor. Obi Wan tells Luke he must learn the ways of the Force and go with him to Alderan. An increlous Luke refuses, but agrees to take Ben to nearby Mos Eisley to find transportation. Realizing R2 and C3P0 could be traced to his family, Luke rushes home only to find his aunt and uncle murdered by Imperial storm troopers searching for the droids.

Luke now wants to become a Jedi and goes with Obi Wan. In Mos Eisley they meet Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca, a wookie and Han』s first mate. Han, a smuggler with a bounty on his head, agrees to fly the passengers to Alderan for a hefty fee. Just as they』re about to depart, storm troopers swarm the hanger, and the Falcon barely escapes.

Meanwhile, Princess Leia is captive aboard the unfinished Death Star. Darth Vader demands the location of the rebel base camp, but Leia resists. Death Star Commander, Grand Moff Tarkin plots a course for Alderan, and threatens to destroy Leia』s home world if she refuses to reveal where the rebels are hidden. Unable to sacrifice Alderan, she provides coordinates, but Tarkin blasts the planet to demonstrate the Death Star』s full power. The information Leia gave Vader is false, and he scheles her execution.

The Millennium Falcon arrives in the Alderan system, only to encounter the planet』s shattered remains. Han spots an Imperial fighter near a small moon, but Obi Wan realizes too late that it』s actually a massive space station. As they attempt to retreat, the ship is caught by a tractor beam and pulled towards the Death Star. There is no escape, but Han has a plan.

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❸ 《星球大戰》講的是什麼


❹ 星球大戰故事背景



《星球大戰前傳一:幽靈的威脅(The Phantom Menace)》將帶領觀眾們來到《星球大戰》傳奇的最開始時候。正傳三部曲(星球大戰正傳一:新的希望;星球大戰正傳二:帝國反擊戰;星球大戰正傳三:絕地歸來)告訴了我們盧克·天行者從一個年輕的農場男孩成長為一個對抗邪惡的銀河帝國的英雄,並不得不對抗帝國最具神秘色彩的軍事領袖,掌握他父親命運的黑面人達斯·維德(Darth Vader)。


《幽靈的威脅(The Phantom Menace)》後的第10年,此時銀河系正處於一片混亂和動盪之中。在變節的杜庫伯爵策動下,有幾千個星系決定一起脫離銀河共和國(Galictic Republic)獨立,然而銀河共和國(Galictic Republic)還不具備足夠的軍事實力來鎮壓這些分離主義份子,在武力不足的狀況下,銀河共和國(Galictic Republic)的銀河議會(Galictic Senate)決定組成臨時軍隊攻打分離主義份子;



克隆人戰爭已經進行了三年。銀河共和國的殲星艦和獨立星系邦聯(Confederacy of Independent Systems)的戰艦在首都上空,正進行著一場壯觀的太空大戰。共和國取得了勝利,邦聯(Confederacy)的格里弗斯將軍和杜庫伯爵劫持了議會的帕爾帕廷(Palpatine)議長作為人質,正准備逃離科洛桑。歐比旺和阿納金(Anakin)分別駕著共和國的戰機去營救議長,途中遭到邦聯(Confederacy)機器軍的攔截。最終,兩人降落在貿易聯盟的飛船上,與格里弗斯將軍的機器軍展開一場大戰。


銀河帝國的超級武器——死星終於完工,奧德朗星的萊婭公主(卡里·費什爾 Carrie Fisher 飾)領導義軍同盟對抗銀河帝國,卻不幸被銀河帝國的維德尊主(大衛·普勞斯 David Prowse 飾)所俘。機器人R2-D2攜銀河帝國新武器「死星」的結構圖與同伴翻譯機器人C-3PO逃至塔圖因星,途中被賈瓦人抓住賣給青年盧克·天行者(馬克·哈米爾 Mark Hamill 飾)的叔父。

在盧克的幫助下,眾人陰錯陽差找到了隱居的絕地武士歐比旺·克諾比(亞歷克·吉尼斯 Alec Guinness 飾)。歐比旺教授盧克絕地之道,並帶盧克與兩機器人到港口城市莫斯埃斯利,僱傭走私者漢·索羅(哈里森·福特飾)的千年隼飛船前往奧德朗……


維德尊主(大衛·普勞斯 David Prowse 飾)把義軍同盟趕出基地,並派出數以千計的機器人尋找盧克·天行者(馬克·哈米爾 Mark Hamill 飾)。義軍同盟埋伏到冰天雪地的霍斯星,盧克在一次巡邏任務中意外被雪人所俘,運用「原力」逃生後暈厥中聽到歐比旺·克諾比(亞歷克·吉尼斯 Alec Guinness 飾)要他前往狄剋星尋找絕地武士尤達大師受訓。

銀河帝國派出大軍進攻霍斯星,韓·索羅(哈里森·福特飾)攜猿人丘巴卡(彼得·梅林 Peter Mayhew 飾)帶萊婭公主(卡里·費什爾 Carrie Fisher 飾)和機器人C-3PO乘千年隼飛船逃生,到達漢·索羅的舊識總督藍多·卡瑞辛(比利·迪·威廉姆斯 Billy Dee Williams 飾)的貝斯平雲城暫時歇腳,卻發現藍多早與維德尊主達成協議,出賣韓·索羅設計陷阱誘惑盧克前來。學業未成的盧克不顧尤達的勸阻執意孤身付險,一場惡戰在所難免。


銀河帝國再建威力更大的新「死星」,試圖徹底消滅義軍同盟。盧克·天行者(馬克·哈米爾 Mark Hamill 飾)派機器人R2-D2和C-3PO前往塔圖因星賈巴處協商交換被冷凍的韓·索羅(哈里森·福特飾)未果;後在莉亞公主(卡里·費什爾 Carrie Fisher 飾),猿人丘巴卡(彼得·梅林 Peter Mayhew 飾)和藍多·卡瑞辛(比利·迪·威廉姆斯 Billy Dee Williams 飾)的幫助下終於營救成功。在尤達師傅處,盧克發現了更多關於自己身世的秘密,也終於決定迎接成為一個絕地武士的終極挑戰。



自從銀河帝國衰敗之後,正邪輪回再度開始,第一秩序的黑暗力量蔓延滋長,重新為銀河系帶來威脅。與此同時,對於凱洛·倫的墮落深感內疚的盧克天行者宣告失蹤,而圍繞盧克下落的一份星系地圖,則引起敵我雙方的爭奪。不願成為戰爭機器的第一秩序沖鋒隊員芬恩(約翰·波耶加 John Boyega 飾)協助抵抗組織成員波·達摩龍(奧斯卡·伊薩克 Oscar Isaac 飾)逃到蠻荒星球賈庫,尋找藏有地圖的機器人BB8。

兩人失散後,芬邂逅拾荒者蕾伊(黛茜·雷德利 Daisy Ridley 飾)和BB8。他們乘坐破舊的千年隼號躲過了第一秩序的追殺,此後更遇到千年隼號的主人漢·索洛(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 飾)。


講述第一秩序全面侵襲之下,蕾伊(黛西·雷德利 Daisy Ridley 飾)、芬恩(約翰·博耶加 John Boyega 飾)、波·達默龍(奧斯卡·伊薩克 Oscar Isaac 飾)三位年輕主角各自的抉 擇和冒險故事。前作中覺醒強大原力的蕾伊獨自尋訪隱居的絕地大師盧克·天行者(馬克·哈米爾 Mark Hamill 飾),在後者的指導下接受原力訓練。

芬恩接受了一項幾乎不可能完成的任務,為此他不得不勇闖敵營,面對自己的過去。波·達默龍則要適應從戰士向領袖的角色轉換,這一過程中他也將接受一些血的教訓 。


《星球大戰》(英文:Star Wars),中文可簡稱星戰,是美國導演/製作人喬治·盧卡斯所製作拍攝的一系列科幻電影。《星球大戰》三部曲,首部星球大戰的人物及故事是參照越南戰爭還有日本導演黑澤明的《戰國英豪》所創作而成。


❺ 星球大戰是什麼


❻ 星球大戰英文介紹

This article is about the media franchise. For the 1977 film, see Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. For other uses, see Star Wars (disambiguation).

The Star Wars logo, as seen in all filmsStar Wars is a space opera franchise conceived by George Lucas. The first film in the franchise was originally released on May 25, 1977, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released, again released at three-year intervals, with the final film released on May 19, 2005.

As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately $4.3 billion, making it the third-highest-grossing film series,[1] behind only the James Bond and Harry Potter films.

The Star Wars film series has spawned other media including books, television series, video games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies comprise the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise going in the interim between the film trilogies. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released to theaters as the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main trilogies. It was the franchise's first animated film, and was intended as an introction to the Expanded Universe series of the same name, a 3D CGI animated series based on a previous 2D animated series of a similar name.



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