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① 跪求末代皇帝完整版。218分鍾未刪減的那個版本。英語配音的!!

《末代皇帝猛碼察 The Last Emperor》網路網盤枝茄高清資源免費在線觀看:

鏈模基接: https://pan..com/s/1SGlnWN4NyaPuEMMlCVdVJw



② 末代皇帝英文

"末代皇帝"的英文是"The Last Emperor"

除了"The Last Emperor",還有一些其他的表達方式,例如"The Final Emperor"(最後一位皇帝)、"The End of the Imperial Era"(帝制時代的終結)等。但是,如果想要表達具體某個國家或地區的末代皇帝,需要根據當地的歷史背景和文化傳統來進行翻譯。

③ 跪求末代皇帝完整版。218分鍾未刪減的那個版本。英語配音的!!




④ 電影《末代皇帝》的簡介



1908年的一個冬夜,清宮衛隊長敲開了醇親王府的大門,按慈禧太後旨意把3歲的溥儀接進宮中教養,准備接位。 在香煙繚繞的坤寧宮內,即將咽氣的慈禧接見了溥儀,告訴他要即日登基。在太和殿上隆重舉行登基大典時,溥儀在大臣陳寶琛身上發現了一個裝著蟈蟈的小籠子。他對蟈蟈的興趣顯然要超過幾千名跪在他腳下的文武大臣。登基之後,溥儀成了世界上最缺少管教、也是最孤獨的孩子。




1988年,該片獲得第60屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳改編劇本、最佳攝影、最佳美工、最佳服裝設計、最佳剪輯、最佳音響效果、最佳原始音樂等九個獎項 。







⑤ 誰有未刪減版的《末代皇帝》高清資源,英文版帶中文字幕的。

末代皇帝 The Last Emperor (1987)

導演: 貝納爾多·貝托魯奇
編劇: 貝納爾多·貝托魯奇 / 馬克·派普羅
主演: 尊龍 / 陳沖 / 彼得·奧圖爾 / 鄔君梅 / 英若誠 / 盧燕 / 黃自強 / 陳凱歌 / 坂本龍一 / 吳濤
類型: 劇情 / 傳記 / 歷史
製片國家/地區: 義大利 / 中國大陸 / 英國 / 法國
語言: 英語 / 漢語普通話 / 日語 / 俄語
上映日期: 1987-10-23(義大利) / 1987-10-04(東京國際電影節)
片長: 163分鍾 / 219分鍾 (電視版)
又名: 末代皇帝溥儀(港)

⑥ 末代皇帝什麼時候的電影啊

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1aGhXX8Wwoem50AXfsh4eVQ

提取碼: smgh
《末代皇帝 The Last Emperor(1987)》網路網盤資源在線播放
導演: 貝納薯晌爾多·貝托魯奇
編劇: 貝納爾多·貝托魯奇、馬克·派普羅
主演: 尊龍、陳沖、鄔君梅、彼得·奧圖爾、英若誠、碼手坦吳濤、黃自強、丹尼斯·鄧、坂本龍一、馬吉·漢、里克·揚、田川洋行、苟傑德、理查德·吳、皺緹格、陳凱歌、盧燕、區亨利、陳述、鮑皓昕、黃文捷、邵茹貞、亨利·基、張良斌、梁冬、康斯坦丁·格雷戈里、黃漢琪、王濤、宋懷桂、蔡鴻翔、程淑艷、張遲桐天民
類型: 劇情、傳記、歷史
製片國家/地區: 英國、義大利、中國大陸、法國
語言: 英語、漢語普通話、日語
上映日期: 1987-10-04(東京國際電影節)、1987-10-23(義大利)
片長: 163分鍾、219分鍾 (電視版)
又名: 末代皇帝溥儀(港)
溥儀(尊龍 飾)的一生在電影中娓娓道來。他從三歲起登基,年幼的眼光中只有大臣身上的一隻蟈蟈,江山在他心中只是一個不明所以的名詞。長大了,他以為可以變革,卻被太監一把火燒了朝廷賬本。他以為自己是大清江山的主人,卻做了日本人的傀儡。

⑦ 陳凱歌 英文簡介,包括出生,籍貫,留學經歷,代表作品等,代表作品翻譯後,用括弧標注電影名哦。

Chen Kaige was born in Beijing, China into
a family of FuzhouChangle origin, and grew up with fellow Fifth Generation
alumnus Tian Zhuangzhuang as a childhood friend. During the Cultural
Revolution, Chen joined the Red Guards. His father, Chen Huai'ai was a
well-known director in his own right.

As a teenage member of the Red Guards,
Chen, like many other youths, denounced his own father, a fateful decision he
eventually learned to regret. Indeed, this period of his life continues to
influence much of his work today, notably in the unblinking depictions of the
Cultural Revolution in Farewell My Concubine(霸王別姬), and in the
father-son relationship in Together(和你在一起).With the end
of the Cultural Revolution, Chen, in 1978 joined the Beijing Film Academy,
where he graated from in 1982 as part of the so-called Fifth Generation of
Chinese filmmakers.

Upon graating, Chen was assigned to the
inland studio at Guangxi, along with fellow graate, Zhang Yimou.His first
movie, Yellow Earth(黃土地) (1984) established itself as one of the most important works of
Fifth Generation filmmaking; though simple, its powerful visual imagery (courtesy
of cinematography by Zhang) and revolutionary storytelling style marked a sea
change in how films were seen and perceived in the People's Republic of
China.The Big Parade(大閱兵) (1986) and King of the Children(孩子王) (1987) expanded
on his filmic repertoire. In 1987, he was awarded a fellowship by the Asian
Cultural Council and served as a visiting scholar at the New York University
Film School.Early in 1989, he did further experimenting in a music video
for the song "Do You Believe In Shame" by Duran Duran.Later that
year, he made Life on a String, a highly esoteric movie which uses
mythicalallegory and lush scenery to tell the story of a blind sanxian musician
and his student. In the same year, he was a member of the jury at the 39th
Berlin International Film Festival.

His most famous film in the West, Farewell
My Concubine (霸王別姬)(1993), nominated for two Academy Awards and winner of the Palme
d'Or at 1993 Cannes Film Festival, follows two Beijing opera stars through
decades of change in China ring the twentieth century. Chen followed up the
unprecedented success of Farewell My Concubine with Temptress Moon (風月), another
period drama starring Gong Li. Though it was well received by most critics, it
did not achieve the accolades that Concubine did, and many were put off by the
film's convoluted plot line. Almost as famous is his The Emperor and the
Assassin(荊柯刺秦王) (1999), an epic involving the legendary King of Qin and the
reluctant assassin who aims to kill him.

In 2002, Chen made his first, and to-date
only English-language film, Killing Me Softly(《十分鍾年華老去——百花深處》), a
thriller starring Heather Graham and Joseph Fiennes, though it proved to be
both a critical and popular disappointment. His more recent Together (2002) is
an intimate film about a young violinist and his father. In 2005, he directed
The Promise, a fantasy wuxia picture. The Promise saw Chen shifting to a more
commercial mindset, a shift regarded by some as a "radical stylistic
turn" from his previous works.

In 2008 Chen directed the semi-biography
Forever Enthralled(梅蘭芳)which is a return for him in the sense of directing a film based on
Chinese opera. He later went on to direct Sacrifice(趙氏孤兒)(2010),
which is a re-imagine of the famous play The Orphan of Zhao. The film was a
box-office hit and many critics saw it as his "return to form".Chen
has also acted in several films, including Bertolucci's The Last Emperor(末代皇帝) (1987)
and his own The Emperor and the Assassin and Together.His 2012 film Caught in
the Web(搜索) was selected as the Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language
Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards, but it did not make the final shortlist.

⑧ 末代皇帝電影的英文翻譯

The Last Emperor

⑨ 末代皇帝總片長到底是多少

末代皇帝 The Last Emperor (1987)

導演: 貝納爾多·貝托魯奇
編劇: 貝納爾多·貝托魯奇 / 馬克·派普羅
主演: 尊龍 / 陳沖 / 彼得·奧圖爾 / 鄔君梅 / 英若誠 / 盧燕 / 黃自強 / 陳凱歌 / 坂本龍一 /碧沒 吳濤
類型: 劇情 / 傳記 / 歷史
製片國家/地區: 義大利 / 中國大陸 / 英國 / 法國
語言: 英語 / 漢語普通話 / 日語 / 俄語
上映日期: 1987-10-23(義大利) / 1987-10-04(東京國際電影節)
片悔帆納長: 163分鍾 / 219分鍾 (電視版)
又名: 末代皇帝轎拆溥儀(港)

⑩ 電影《末代皇帝》共幾版





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