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發布時間:2023-03-26 04:55:16

㈠ 電影賞析網站(英文原版)的急!

IMDB網站(www.imdb.com)是目前互聯網上最為權威、系統、全面的電影資料網站,它所特有的電影評分系統深受影迷的歡迎,注冊的用戶可以給任何一部影片打分並加以評述,而網站又會根據影片所得平均分、選票的數目等計算得出影片的加權平均分並以此進行 TOP250(最佳250部影片)和Bottom100(最差100部影片)的排行。由於影片資料的更新和所得評分的不斷變化,TOP250和Bottom100必定是份動態的名單,但大部分出色(或者說是受大眾歡迎的)影片的位置會相對不變,於是這份TOP榜單也就有了窺視大眾電影口味的意義。評選最佳250部電影時只考慮正式的投票者的投票結果。分值系統採用10分制,最低為awful(令人厭惡)的1分,最高為excellent(出類拔萃)的10分。值得注意的是,雖然很多影片在資料系統中得分很高,但由於未能達到OP所要求的最低1250張的投票數而無法參加排行。因此,很多曲高和寡(至少在美國)的優秀影片未能列入其中。 盡管如此,這份名單對選看影片仍具有重要的參考價值。


㈡ 拜託各位電影達人們:有哪些權威的英文影評網站


IMDB 這個你應該知道http://www.imdb.com/





㈢ 那裡有英文電影賞析


Green Power

"Shrek" is fun. People who haven't seen this movie, and are wary of seeing what's popular, should give it a try. It's worth watching, and will probably win you over.

Taking a Fractured Fairy Tale approach to a "Beauty And The Beast"-type plot, throwing in a few mild profanities, flatulence jokes, and Michael Myers' over-the-top faux-Scots accent, "Shrek" shows off a very snarky humor, full of jokes that will likely go over the heads of a cartoon's target audience while registering with their parents. 'Sure it's big enough, but look at the location,' Shrek observes upon seeing a giant castle in the middle of nowhere. The kids, though, will love 'Shrek' every bit as much. It's impossible not to be carried along by its merry madness.

Myers, as the title character, is certainly easier to take than he was in his last Austin Powers movie, his voice work registering real tenderness as well as the expected laughs as a misunderstood ogre who would rather tell a group of frightened villagers about the cruelties he will inflict on them and their dead bodies than cause those villagers any genuine harm. He's a bit of a softie, actually, and scared to let anyone know it.

Cameron Diaz is as beautiful to listen to hear as she is to look at in her other films. Her character, Princess Fiona, doesn't have as much room to shine as Shrek (the balance turns out better in the sequel) but she does well with what she's given.

The comic highpoints in terms of voice characterization is Eddie Murphy as Shrek's donkey companion and John Lithgow as nasty Lord Farquaad, who wants to rid his domain of Duloc of all fairy tale creatures. Murphy never stops being funny even as he helps set up key plot moments; in fact he's never been this funny since the first "Beverly Hills Cop" movie. "We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles," the donkey tells a much put-upon Shrek, and you still laugh the fifth time you hear it. Lithgow just makes you smile whenever he opens his mouth, like when he grills a hapless gingerbread man in such a convoluted way it turns into a nursery-rhyme recitation.

Why exactly Farquaad is grilling this gingerbread man so closely isn't clear, and there are similar plot holes throughout the movie. Shrek may be too tame a character; we never really feel any worry around him. The donkey falls into a relationship with a dragon that screams "plot convenience," and there are strange little bits of cruelty, like turning a frog and snake into balloons, which just is thrown out there and let be.

But the central story, about how Shrek and Fiona struggle to overcome the odds and find true love, is really sweet and well-rendered. The animation is spectacular, a revolution for the eyes in its deep-dish panoramas and remarkable attention to textures. And the jokes keep flying, the major ones as well as hilarious bits of filigree you won't notice the first or second time but reward you for paying attention.

This is not a Disney movie, something "Shrek" makes very clear not only with its PG-13 humor but its knocks at Disney characters like Snow White and at the Magic Kingdom in the form of Duloc, where an array of "It's A Small World"-type dolls lecture Shrek and Donkey on all the things NOT to do. Frankly, "Shrek" could use a little injection of Disney heart, but Disney could use some of this picture's freshness as well. A very charming movie worth your time.

㈣ 純英文電影網站哪個比較好用,資源多的


㈤ 英語電影網站


以上都是中英字幕電影 資源海量




㈥ 看英語原版電影的網站



㈦ 哪個網站可以看到電影影評要英語的急用



你先登錄這個網站 www.answers.com

㈨ 請問哪裡有專業英文電影網站(既有英文字幕也有中文,可以的話還要有部分句子的語法解析等)

影評網 http://www.52yingping.cn 是專業的電影評論網站,網站收集,發布了大量的英文電影的介紹和英文影評 網站同時接收廣大電影愛好者的投稿,約稿!參考資料: http://www.52yingping.cn

㈩ 看英語電影的好網站




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