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⑴ 請問大佬有喜福會1993年上映的由 周采芹主演的百度網盤資源嗎


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⑵ 喜福會的角色介紹

母親甲 (林多阿姨 LinDo)
終於,到了她得要離去的日子。送往婆家的前一天,母親跟她說 :「你耳朵比我大,將來一定比我有福氣。以後不管發生什麼事,絕對不要忘了你自己是誰。」
女兒甲 (微莉 Waverly)
反倒是她不弈棋後,自己茫然失措,她多希望母親求她再去弈棋 ,結果並不,母親繼續的無所謂,她撐了幾個月後,終於主動表達她要再去弈棋,她以為母親會稱贊她,結果也沒有,母親冷冷說:「一下要,一下不要,你以為弈棋這么簡單?以後不會再這么簡單了?」
母親乙 (鶯鶯阿姨 Ying Ying)
她青春十六、情竇初開之際,愛上了有錢少爺花花大少,奉腹中孩子之命匆匆成婚,婚後終於恍然大悟她永遠守不住他,他不僅花心 ,也以精神凌虐的方式羞辱她,他輕蔑她。
近兩年痛苦的婚姻,讓她心情抑鬱精神恍惚,終於有一天,她喃喃自語「他奪走了我的青春、愛與無知,我也要奪走我身邊唯一屬於 他的東西....。」她溺死了自己的孩子。
女兒乙 (李娜 LeNa)
偏偏她的婚姻是有讓人擔憂之處。她愛上她的老闆,他是吝嗇而自我中心、斤斤計較的男人,兩人從婚前到婚後,一切費用要求均分 ,處處找機會占她金錢的便宜,事實上,他的薪水是她的七倍半之多。
她訂雜志、他看,但她付費,她不吃冰淇淋,但冰淇淋均攤.... 當她日復一日看著他在計算機前面攤算費用,她知道他們婚姻的基礎正在逐步瓦解,但他一點都不覺得有任何不妥。
母親去拜訪他們的家,只看幾眼,知道了一切的問題。她呼喚女兒,跟她說:「其實你知道你在婚姻中要的是什麼。告訴我,是什麼?」女兒說:「尊重、溫柔與愛。」母親說:「那麼,除非他能給你 ,否則離開他。」
母親不要她再重蹈當年覆轍,若她當年勇於離開一個崩潰的婚姻 ,可能不會因抑鬱恍惚殺了自己的兒子。這時,她要用盡一切力量給女兒生命力,是她活在創痛中這么久以來不曾給女兒的——寧可離開這個自己曾深深愛過的男人,也不要一再在他的羞辱中失去尊嚴、最終失去一切,包括失去自我的生命力。
母親丙 (安美阿姨 An Mei)
這次母親再離開,她知道母親永遠不會回來了。所以她不管舅舅的反對,掙脫他們的手,奔向即將離開的母親,她聽見舅舅在後頭喊 :「你會讓你女兒一輩子抬不起頭來。」
很不幸的母親懷孕了。沒有人相信她是被強暴的,都認為她不守婦道,她被逐出婆家,而後娘家也不收留她。她只能去找吳清,因為她無路可走,她成了四姨太。母親去吳清家後,將腹中孩子生下,一發現是個男孩,立刻被吳清拿去送給二姨太,這是他答應給她的犒賞 ,二姨太地位因這個兒子而攀高。
女兒丙(露絲 Rose)
母親丁 (蘇 SuYuan)
她遺棄過一對雙胞胎女兒。那時碰到戰亂,她得帶兩個女兒逃往重慶,但她得了很嚴重的痢疾,勉強支撐著帶兩個孩子逃了一陣子後 ,終於不支,她懷疑她將死在路上。孩子怎麼辦呢?她知道她若死在孩子旁邊,會沒有人想要撿這兩個孩子,有誰要母親已死的鬼靈日夜跟著的孩子呢?她將一切財物留給這對雙胞胎,留下書信,托善心人把孩子送往重慶給她的父親。
女兒丁 (君 June)

⑶ 喜福會,英語影評

The first time I saw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness. However, out of my expectation, in the film, I saw many unpleasant things—conflicts, hardship, disappointment, sorrow, hurt, torture etc. Of course there were some moving parts, and fortunately, it was a happy ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a penetrating thinking.
The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other. The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, emphasizing on the first topic.
In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.
Take Jingmei and her mother Suyuan as an example. When Suyuan demands the little Jingmei to play piano, Jingmei shouts to her mother, 「You can』t make me!」 Even Jingmei cried that she wish she isn』t Suyuan』s daughter and Suyuan isn』t her mother, and that she wishes she were the dead like the babies Suyuan abandoned in China. The sad expression on Suyuan』s face indicates that she is hurt deeply by her daughter』s innocent words.
This reminds me of my similar experience. Once I hurt my mother as Jingmei did. I didn』t mean to hurt her, but those wounding words just slip out of my mouth unconsciously. Often, we hate that why our parents don』t know my feelings, why they like to make us be something and totally unaware that what their children are. While the parents don』t know why all their sacrifices to the children can』t be paid off, even incite hatred. Actually, this is the generation gap that causes the misunderstanding. We don』t know the hardship our parents underwent before. They can』t understand what we are thinking. So misunderstandings appear.
Maybe as a child, Jingmei cannot comprehend what her remarks mean to Suyuan, and just want to show her grudge. But another main reason is the different backgrounds of Suyuan and Jingmei bare. Chinese parents always like to put all their hopes on the next generation for they are the generation full with hardship and pain. All they do just want the children to be better, but they ignore that whether their children can accept or not, not along a child born in America, influenced by the American』s indivial freedom and knowing little about Chinese culture. The generation gap and culture conflict cause the misunderstanding of the mother and the daughter.
The other example is Waverly and her mother Lindo. Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn』t love. Waverly doesn』t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done. On the other side, Lindo thinks that her daughter is ashamed of her, which is her continual internal injury after Waverly』s winning that chess contest, when Waverly shouted to Lindo if Lindo wanted to show off, won the chest by herself. Every time, Lindo』s disagreement with or indifference to Waverly directly results from the thought that Waverly feels it shameful to be her daughter. Both of them deeply love each other, but in the meantime, they hostile and hurt one another. This is the way them get along with each other. Fortunately, they clear up their misunderstandings and discover themselves by communicating.
I am deeply moved by this scene:
Waverly Jong says to Lindo, sobbing,, 「You don't know, you don't know the power you have over me. One word from you, one look, and I'm four years old again, crying myself to sleep, because nothing I do can ever, ever please you.」 And after a short period of silence, Lindo smiles to Waverly with tears in her eyes, 「Now, you make me happy.」 Then they laugh heartily, teary-eyed with happiness.
Seeing the old Lindo bursts out laughing, like a child, and Waverly laughs joyfully, I sincerely feel delighted for them. Love needs communicating, understanding, and tolerance, which is what I learn from them.
Along with above mentioned, the struggle for the women to fight for equity is also brought to the surface. For instance, Ying-ying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. And An-mei tells her daughter Rose to learn to shout at the unfair fate, and express her own will because Rose has lost herself in her marriage. These two cases reveal that the women begin to release themselves from the restrains of being oppressed by the men and the old-fashioned thoughts as well as some Chinese traditional characters. Eventually, the women find their true value and win their own happiness.
View from the whole film, the title, the Joy Luck Club may just be the old generation』s hope of better life for the next generation. On the whole, this is a movie made specifically for women. It is worth our appreciation.

⑷ 電影喜福會人物介紹 電影喜福會簡介












⑸ 喜福會電影簡介英文

This movie to see the differences between Chinese and Western cultures from the Joy Luck Club
This movie to see the differences between Chinese and Western cultures from the Joy Luck Club

⑹ 求這句話的在《喜福會》中的英文原文翻譯。

是I am who I am, and I don't want her to change me. I made a promise to myself that I would always be who I was.







⑺ 英文電影《喜福會》總結,分析!

Between mother and daughter 奇瑰 story
In the book the language wisdom interest, was resourceful, is expressive, is humorous, lets my several experience the reading naked joyfulness, was vivid, the lifelike detail, the imagination beauty, often make person 叫絕. Her narration is unflustered, 有稜有角, is exquisite but does not reveal trivially, but in the book transforms completely carries on " tells the story " the different narration angle by the first person, lets me experience similarly is one kind of mind relaxes with is free (lets me remember childhood, winter night gathers round stove, our whole family listens to father to tell story scene). This kind " relaxes with is free " for me further understands the author writes the intention - to one (, was not very many) the story ponder - finishes the sufficient upholstery.
One string by four which " happy luck meets " may consider as to interweave the development clue twists, this string also is " the mother and the daughter " between passes and in the spatial shift development relations in the year. Four pair of mother and daughter - always are not narrate by daughter's 口吻 oneself with the mother (mother again with daughter) is thick the emotion connection, then " the growth with departs from " in the daily life vivid description extends the display thing culture in this kind the collision, blends and the evolution subject. Yes, on USA'S land, four Chinese mother with each one " the mind vicissitudes ", always is wants " the American daughter " to mold own " the Chinese scenery ", but USA'S soil after all is USA'S soil, regardless of Chinese mother how diligently, daughters finally or do have to grow into USA -like, because continually mother own also always is can in unconsciously center say " inferior English " (two kind of cultural confrontation most direct terrains now in two languages confrontation, Amy Tan should be deeply knows by heart this point. She said: " I confuse for the daily life in language. I use in the massive time to ponder language strength - it arouses one kind of emotion, one visual, one complex idea or one simple truth way." But the daughters can not but acknowledge China " the traditional culture " (always was along with their mother's form) still preserves in them blood vessels, regardless of coagulated or the flow, this kind of emotion always was wipes does not go. "... She is my child, she inborn is the girl; I again am my mother's child, inborn also is the girl. We like the stair same, one level of another level, every one, but walks all is one road." Amy Tan borrows in the novel character's spoken language, said this kind is unable to shear the shed (may throw eliminates novel all external forms)" the mood truth ".
The novel molds four pair of mother and daughter images, they present the different indiviality, all writes full of beauty and significance, the flesh and blood is plentiful. Amy Tan absolutely is the master which tells the story, we may discover these close buckles in her in story, also alternated the very many - mother says for daughter's small story - these stories completely is east the way " is strange and is mystical ", was the fruit nucleus (one kind forever lives plants in their cerebrum " cultural nightmare"), came by 婉婉 the road, layer upon layer to spread out all over, 生趣盎然. This is eliminates the novel the language charm, another attracts me uniquely place.
Talks about the novel the language charm, I may point out very unfold the Amy Tan talent the god come the pen. For instance she writes the daughter to mother's respect fear, the daughter wants to let the mother admit when the oneself boyfriend's disturbed psychology, describes boyfriend is easily forgotten, " likes at the funeral some indivial nephew child "; Writes the daughter to mother's resistance: " I said when this saying a little fears, the picture is the silkworm, the toad or other repugnant thing puts out from the mouth." Writes the mother understands oneself the daughter: " If I wants to remember what, the picture seeks you in the bowl has not eaten the grain of cooked rice equally is only easy." These splendid words, I want only to have Amy Tan like this have the original feeling writer to two languages only then can write obtain, she will grasp the daily slight life, shifts strength which came up to the language core. Also has one point needs to supplement, " happy luck meets " is Tan's maiden work, a little 橫空 is born the flavor, this book continuously 9 months was once included " New York Times " the bestselling novel rank first place, and won " the entire American books prize " and so on the prize item.
Certainly, I also see " happy luck met " the center some slight defect, for the time being leaves out in here does not discuss, I only wanted to read joyfully own (I accidentally obtain infinite am pleasantly surprised), with liked reading the novel the friend share.

⑻ 《喜福會》英文讀後感


《喜福會》英文讀後感 篇1

Reading the novel is not the first time of my knowing The Joy Luck Club . When I watched the film , the meaning of the title , the theme of the novel , the reason for the arrangement of stories from four mothers and their daughters and other important things were all unknown to me . But I knew that was my type for it is about feelings between mothers and daughters , and especially chinese speaking Eglish .

Amy Tan , a Chinese American writer , is the author of the book in which she explors the mother-daughter relationships . Originally , the relationships between mother and daughter seem to be quite complex in a family but in Amy Tan"s work , it is perfectly typical for its portrayal of conflicts between the traditional Chinese mothers speaking shabby English and the open wholly Americanized daughters who just wear a Chinese face but speak fluent English . I never think it is richly dramatical , and instead these kinds of conflicts , in fact , truly ecists in many Chinese immigrants" family . The novel is written impressively and deeply especially , I think , in understanding of mothers" love for their daughters for reasons that the previous experience of her with her mother provided the basis for her novel . It is said that the exprience of anthor is similar to that of Jingmei woo . Maybe , the novel implies the deep and complex feelings of auther for her mother and her closest relatives in China .

It gives me a greatly deep impression that the book is begun with Feathers From a Thousand LI Away . It penetrates the mothers" hope and love for their daughters through a swan"s feather . Through the old woman"s words In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband"s belch. Over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English. And over there she will always be too full to swallow any sorrow! She will know my meaning, because I will give her this swana creature that became more than what was hoped for. and the mothers" former tragic sufferings , we will find that all the mothers are in hope of their daughters never suffering from their sufferings . And the mothers waited, year after year, for the day , they could tell their daughters it is their hope through a feather of the swan in perfect American English . At first , it is a little difficult to understand the reason for these words . However , through the whole novel , in fact , you will find the old woman represents the four mothers , the feather of swan embodies the hope of mothers for their daughters . These sentences show implicitly the feelings of author and her understandings for mothers . In fact , in the Joy Luck Club , the feather indeed is gained by Jingmei Woo . And from the beginning to the end ,the feather has been existing .

Only if one high-quality novel , like a perfect verse , needs you spending much time reading once more , you will understand something . I thought that the novel is loosely plotted and is in disorder . But the fact verifies that I am wrong . Through the whole story , the novel begins with the death of Jingmei"s mother and ends in Jingmei visiting China to see the twin-half sisters whom her mother had been forced to abandon when the Japanese attacked China many years ago . What"s more , in detail , the stories of four mothers and four daughters have relative connections in theme about love between them and the mothers" hope for their daughters . And the theme shows the comflicts and harmonization between different cultures .Then I think why the author titled the novel Joy Luck Club . I am puzzled by it and the purpose of writer . The name of club made mention of by Jingmei"s mother . And the author directly titling the novel the name of their meeting implies her feelings for her mother . I can guess that the title originated from a kind of hope or belief . According to mothers" former sufferings , they were not happy . Even at the present , all of them hides the previous tragic experiences . Maybe , the club is a place where they can pretend to be happy or avoid the past memory or worries or even the shock of culture .

Reading the novel is as we are reading our life and then think our past , present and futere . Especially , the conflict between Waverly Jang and her mother impresses me most . Waverly is a woman who is quite independent-mined and intelligent , but her mother"s constant criticism is terribly annoying . She once had a gift for international chess.however , when she realized her mother taking advantage of her achievement and talent to show off in public , especially to the strangers , she felt terribly ashamed and annoyed . She shouted to you can not make me . From then on , her mother felt cold at Waverly and were particularabout her favorite things . In fact , I think Waverly felt sacred subconsciously at letting her mother down and something that she did was aimed at flattering her mother . When waverly brought her boyfriend , Rich , to her families , her mother just smiled but she still was particular about Rich"s appearance , having many spots on his face . Description about the conflicts of manners between Chinese tradition and American notions has given me a greatly deep impression and quite interesting . These words of And then he had helped himself to big portions of the shrimp and snow peas , not realizing he should have taken only a polite spoonful, until everybody had had a morsel . vividly express the American character of being casual which counts as discourtesy in China . The part of Rich criticizing her mother"s cooking is quite funny and impressive . Our Chinese habit of making disparaging remarks seems to be extremely common . Being modest and avoiding showing off are parts of Chinese traditional manners . Her mother complaining about This dish not salty enough , no flavor , in fact , was a cue to eat some and proclaim it it the best she had ever made . But the Rich did not understand . From the following description of her mother being horrified , I judged that her mother was bly objective against Rich and even their marriage . Waverly also had such an opinion . But I am wrong and from their conversation I understand something more important . Mother is the only one that understands their daughters or sons in the world.And none of the mothers do not love their children . And the heaty conversattion can make a b bridge between the different generation or even the peonple from the different cultures . I find that if you would not like to tell your hearty words out , others are not able to know what you are and what you think . People each have different opinions about the same things . Waverly had thought that her mother disapproved of her marriage and hated her Rich . However , her mother"s meaningful words surprised Waverly and even me . Just be particular about who I really care for and love. It occured to me that whoever we hurt is always who we really love for reasons that others would not care for our complaint . Yes , who will care for those who you do not love ? The answer is known by us fron the beginning to the end . It is the love for Waverly that her mother has been showing her . Waverly , a wholly Americanized girl , never trully knew her mother and was ignorant of the love for her . Indeed , the language and the culture did make a great difference in the exchange of feelings , which is a terribly high barrier between Waverly and her mother , also between other three mothers and their daughters . But love and understandings , finally will prevail over others .

Personally , through the whole novel , the conflict between mothers and daughters , virtually , is that of the cultures between the East and the West . Mothers represent the classic, traditional Chinese culture but the daughters are the symbol of just , free , open and modern American one , which are two kinds of contradictory elements . However , through the whole novel , it is easier to find that finally they can understand each other and be in harmony . When Jing-Mei saw her twin-half sisters , she was surprised at this kind of familiarity . And now I also see what part of me is Chinese. It is so obvious. It is my family. It is in our blood. After all these years, it can finally be let go. shows that Jing-Mei understood her mother"s stubbornness and love and was struck by mother"s greatness . The resolution of the contradiction shows that the cultures of the East and the West can be in harmony with each other .

《喜福會》英文讀後感 篇2

The first time I saw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness. However, out of my expectation, in the film, I saw many unpleasant thingsconflicts, hardship, disappointment, sorrow, hurt, torture etc. Of course there were some moving parts, and fortunately, it was a happy ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a penetrating thinking.

The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other. The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, emphasizing on the first topic.

In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.

Take Jingmei and her mother Suyuan as an example. When Suyuan demands the little Jingmei to play piano, Jingmei shouts to her mother, You can』t make me! Even Jingmei cried that she wish she isn』t Suyuan』s daughter and Suyuan isn』t her mother, and that she wishes she were the dead like the babies Suyuan abandoned in China. The sad expression on Suyuan』s face indicates that she is hurt deeply by her daughter』s innocent words.

This reminds me of my similar experience. Once I hurt my mother as Jingmei did. I didn』t mean to hurt her, but those wounding words just slip out of my mouth unconsciously. Often, we hate that why our parents don』t know my feelings, why they like to make us be something and totally unaware that what their children are. While the parents don』t know why all their sacrifices to the children can』t be paid off, even incite hatred. Actually, this is the generation gap that causes the misunderstanding. We don』t know the hardship our parents underwent before. They can』t understand what we are thinking. So misunderstandings appear.

Maybe as a child, Jingmei cannot comprehend what her remarks mean to Suyuan, and just want to show her grudge. But another main reason is the different backgrounds of Suyuan and Jingmei bare. Chinese parents always like to put all their hopes on the next generation for they are the generation full with hardship and pain. All they do just want the children to be better, but they ignore that whether their children can accept or not, not along a child born in America, influenced by the American』s indivial freedom and knowing little about Chinese culture. The generation gap and culture conflict cause the misunderstanding of the mother and the daughter.

The other example is Waverly and her mother Lindo. Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn』t love. Waverly doesn』t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done. On the other side, Lindo thinks that her daughter is ashamed of her, which is her continual internal injury after Waverly』s winning that chess contest, when Waverly shouted to Lindo if Lindo wanted to show off, won the chest by herself. Every time, Lindo』s disagreement with or indifference to Waverly directly results from the thought that Waverly feels it shameful to be her daughter. Both of them deeply love each other, but in the meantime, they hostile and hurt one another. This is the way them get along with each other. Fortunately, they clear up their misunderstandings and discover themselves by communicating.

I am deeply moved by this scene:

Waverly Jong says to Lindo, sobbing,You don"t know, you don"t know the power you have over me. One word from you, one look, and I"m four years old again, crying myself to sleep, because nothing I do can ever, ever please you. And after a short period of silence, Lindo smiles to Waverly with tears in her eyes, Now, you make me happy. Then they laugh heartily, teary-eyed with happiness.

Seeing the old Lindo bursts out laughing, like a child, and Waverly laughs joyfully, I sincerely feel delighted for them. Love needs communicating, understanding, and tolerance, which is what I learn from them.

Along with above mentioned, the struggle for the women to fight for equity is also brought to the surface. For instance, Ying-ying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. And An-mei tells her daughter Rose to learn to shout at the unfair fate, and express her own will because Rose has lost herself in her marriage. These two cases reveal that the women begin to release themselves from the restrains of being oppressed by the men and the old-fashioned thoughts as well as some Chinese traditional characters. Eventually, the women find their true value and win their own happiness.

View from the whole film, the title, the Joy Luck Club may just be the old generation』s hope of better life for the next generation. On the whole, this is a movie made specifically for women. It is worth our appreciation.

⑼ 求《喜福會》英文版影評!!!

誰幫我寫一個電影《喜福會》的影評啊!拜託啊! 《喜福會》所講述的是四位華人移民婦女和她們在美國長大的兒女各自之間的故事。小說的題目《喜福會》

⑽ 喜福會(the Joy Luck Club)中主要人物的名子(英文)

The four women:
Suyuan (Kieu Chinh), Lindo (Tsai Chin), Ying Ying (France Nuyen), and An Mei (Lisa Lu)

The four daughters:
June (Ming-Na Wen)--Suyuan's daughter
Waverly (Tamlyn Tomita)--Lindo's daughter
Lena (Lauren Tom)--Ying Ying's daughter
Rose (Rosalind Chao)--An Mei's daughter.

Andrew McCarthy .... Ted Jordan
Diane Baker .... Mrs. Jordan, Ted's Mother
Rosalind Chao .... Rose Hsu Jordan
Ming-Na .... Jing-Mei 'June' Woo
Russell Wong .... Lin Xiao
Qugen Cao .... Lindo's Father
Michael Paul Chan .... Harold, Lena's Husband
Kim Chew .... Mrs. Chew
Chao Li Chi .... Canning Woo
Guo-Rong Chin .... Huang Tai Tai
You Ming Chong .... An Mei's Uncle



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諾亞奧特曼中文大電影 瀏覽:688
布吉島電影泰國 瀏覽:826
鄉村題材好看電影大全 瀏覽:220
2017年春節檔電影票房排行榜 瀏覽:755
印度古代戰爭電影大全電影 瀏覽:89
電影婚事結局是什麼 瀏覽:523
奧特曼五十周年大電影迅雷下載 瀏覽:376
瘋狂歌女電影電影完整版 瀏覽:295
塞班島戰役電影名字 瀏覽:510
燃燒的歲月主題曲音樂電影 瀏覽:471
除暴高清hd電影完整免費 瀏覽:682
台灣許冠文電影 瀏覽:713