⑴ 求3篇英語作文(電影觀後感)!
⑵ 外國電影的觀後感300字的英文作文
Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: 「Man has to look forward, and never encumbers by foretime. I think that's the meaning of my running.」 Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to following others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes 「GOD」. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnam War. He said that his fate was death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie also sends such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if there is perseverance.
⑶ 電影影評英語300字《山楂樹之戀》
劇情簡介 · · · · · · 這是一個發生在20世紀70年代初期的初戀故事。故事女主人公靜秋(周冬雨 飾)是城市即將高中畢業的學生。她跟隨教育革命實踐小組來到一個名叫西坪村的地方,採集革命傳統故事,編寫教育新教材。 靜秋被派住在張村長家。一日三餐,村長家卻有個被稱為「老三」(竇驍 飾)的小夥子來吃飯,原來他是駐在附近的地質勘探隊隊員。英俊的老三多才多藝,幽默風趣。靜秋由於家庭出身不好深感自卑,而老三的開導和關懷,使靜秋漸生好感。但靜秋離開西坪村返城之前,她對老三產生了小小的誤解,然而老三始終暗中關愛,終於,兩顆年輕的心走到了一起。 靜秋的母親發現了他們的戀情,希望兩個年輕人慎重考慮,身患白血病的老三隱瞞了自己的病情,為了靜秋的未來,忍痛從靜秋的生活中消失了。 靜秋苦苦尋覓,等再見到老三,卻已是他的彌留之際。老三以生命兌現了對靜秋的感情承諾:「我不能等你一年零一個月了,也不能等你到... (展開全部) 這是一個發生在20世紀70年代初期的初戀故事。故事女主人公靜秋(周冬雨 飾)是城市即將高中畢業的學生。她跟隨教育革命實踐小組來到一個名叫西坪村的地方,採集革命傳統故事,編寫教育新教材。 靜秋被派住在張村長家。一日三餐,村長家卻有個被稱為「老三」(竇驍 飾)的小夥子來吃飯,原來他是駐在附近的地質勘探隊隊員。英俊的老三多才多藝,幽默風趣。靜秋由於家庭出身不好深感自卑,而老三的開導和關懷,使靜秋漸生好感。但靜秋離開西坪村返城之前,她對老三產生了小小的誤解,然而老三始終暗中關愛,終於,兩顆年輕的心走到了一起。 靜秋的母親發現了他們的戀情,希望兩個年輕人慎重考慮,身患白血病的老三隱瞞了自己的病情,為了靜秋的未來,忍痛從靜秋的生活中消失了。 靜秋苦苦尋覓,等再見到老三,卻已是他的彌留之際。老三以生命兌現了對靜秋的感情承諾:「我不能等你一年零一個月了,也不能等你到二十五歲了,但是我會等你一輩子。」 推薦人評論 王蒙(當代作家,代表作《青春萬歲》、《活動變形人》)我們再也不願意去經歷這樣的一段歷史,但願這樣的愛情故事已經絕版。 劉心武(當代作家,紅學家,代表作《班主任》、《鍾鼓樓》等)把這部作品與三十年前的「傷痕文學」聯系起來不無道理,但它具有當下性:極端環境下的性愛壓抑被「現在我們」打量,會產生出比反思更豐富的憬悟。 蘇童(當代作家,代表作《紅粉》、《妻妾成群》)老三如此完美,堪稱中國情聖! 多多(當代作家,音樂人,代表作《輪廓回暖》、《吞炭成啞》)覓君之蹤,一場迷蹤不明的情動。 顧小白(影評人,編劇)這是我改編《紅樓夢》後最成功的改編! 熊召政(當代作家)打開這本書,初看是酸,後看是痛,最後是痛徹肺腑。 潘石屹(SOHO中國董事長兼聯系總裁) 在我的青春期,幾乎見過書中所有的人物。我太嚮往那種透徹心腑的愛了,但我斷然拒絕這樣的結局。因為它太殘酷,太黑暗,太讓人不能承受! 劉春(鳳凰衛視中文台執行台長) 太真實了!我們這一代人的內心記憶,歷歷在目。 陳魯豫(鳳凰衛視著名主持人。)我喜歡、又痛恨這樣的敘述,到最後還讓人肝腸寸斷! 曾子墨(鳳凰衛視著名財經節目主播)老三靜秋離我們很遠了,但我依然羨慕他們的愛情。 柳雲龍(演員、導演) 我多想演老三啊! 孫儷(演員) 我幾乎是哭著看完這本書的。如果有機會,我願意扮演靜秋。 張紀中(製片人) 可以說,這部作品激發了我作為一個電影人的靈感與沖動,我希望能夠得到這部作品,並把它拍成電影推薦給他所記錄的那個時代的人。 陸川(導演) 這樣的作品可以把人們的心靈深處那份雪藏的純真之心,再次喚醒。 尚敬(導演) 看完這本書,讓我想起一句詩:誰恰巧遇到這樣的事,誰的心就會裂成兩半。 趙梓昕(演員)這樣的故事,這樣的情感。前所未有的震撼,那就是心靈的純潔。
⑷ 求一篇電影《101條斑點狗》英文影評300字,英文的哦
As a kid, I grew up with the original animated 1961 movie and I liked it plenty. I also paid for the 1996 live-action movie (with Glenn Close as the diabolical Cruella DeVil) and I own the DVD of "101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure". I've enjoyed them all. The only "Dalmatians" film I haven't seen (thus far) is "102 Dalmatians". (would anyone tip me off if it's any good? Or should I just not bother?)
⑸ 誰能給我寫一篇冰雪公主的電影英文影評 字數300字即可,普通作文,感激不盡~!!!
Casey Carlyle (Michelle Trachtenberg) anchors the proction about a young, gifted woman of seventeen who is both athletic and intellectual. She has a conflict. Her mother, Mrs. Caryle (Joan Cusack), teaches in a local Connecticut college and is quite aware that her daughter is a physics geek with straight A's in a subject in which everyone I know was lucky to get C's. She has a chance to use her brain to get a full scholarship to Harvard, but her mother's dream is not Casey's. The personable, otherwise malleable Casey, is as excellent a figure skater as she is a budding physicist and wants to postpone her physics ambitions to train for the Olympics to be held in 2006. This conflict provides most of the tension in this G-rated movie, which has a targeted audience of girls between the ages of, say, ten to eighteen.
Despite the presumed audience for "Ice Princess," Fywell's feature, however formulaic, can find a paying crowd of people of any age and both genders, largely because the acting is so good and even more, because the characters are painted in shades of gray rather than black or white. No one in the story is all bad, and though there are no villains, each character is flawed.
Casey's problem is that she expends too much effort dealing with her conflict. Though she's about to graate from high school, she's still a mama's girl, always on the verge of giving up her dream simply because her mother insists that there's but an eight-year shelf life for figure skaters. Mrs. Carlyle's weakness is that while she recognizes and applauds her daughter's accomplishments in science, she is so deaf to Casey's own wishes that she does not attend the young woman's training sessions and seems intent on ignoring Casey's performance in an all-important competition. Tina Harwood (Kim Cattrall), who is Casey's coach and a good one at that who insists that her students fall in line at the rink at 5:30 each morning, is at an opposite pole from Mrs. Carlyle. She pushes her own daughter, Gen (Hayden Panettiere), to practice compulsively on the rink, deaf to hints that the girl wants to be just a regular teen eager to chuck skating altogether. For her part Gen is at first hostile to Casey as both are training for the same sport but over the course of the story learns to appreciate her rival's talents and to become her best friend.
Most of us in the audience are presumably out of touch with the competitive world of ice skating, thinking that the ice is meant only for the use of sportsmen especially from Canada who enjoy pushing a puck along the field and getting into fights with their rivals. We not only become attuned to this world but see quite a few examples of the sport in action, as competitive skaters like Korean-American Tiffany (Jocelyn Lai), whose father (Paul Sun- Hyung Lee) works two jobs to further his girl's ambitions, do triples, deep bends, whirls and whatever else impresses the bench full of judges who score every second of each skater as though the sport were a matter of life and death.
⑹ 求一篇英文電影影評,要原創的,字數300字左右,拒絕Ctrl+C
不像影評吧,偶當年看《海上鋼琴師》感言 1900,his name . Want to see the end of the city or land . Maybe just for
his purify . Eyes on him ,I cannot see man or sea or even the world. "Get off" , is not the difficultest ,but what can be seen is single lose . 88 keys ,key begins, key ends. Control ? A perfect angel ......
I do not wanna cry ,but for he worth the tears ,7 times or more . It is too
long after the nearest movement .1900, maybe the piano ,fall in love with that floor .The unsend present ,just told a missed story . The girl ,the kiss , the voice of the sea , the boss of a fish shop ,shall be forgoted . A handsome coat in dark yellow with his endless blue sight .....is not a moive ,but a song about the soul . If there can he gets the wings , will he fly upon the city to looking for the fish shop ?
Just taking a shower for heart . Keys only .
1900 , Thanks Danny .
The serious choose for freedom . Free to soar , then stick to it .
⑺ 我要兩篇英語經典動漫電影的影評 詳見後面
第一篇Monsters University怪獸大學。
After 2010's Toy Story 3, I felt that PIXAR wasn't meeting its expectations for their fans with movies that both have a good story, and capture the attention of its audience. Cars 2 was mediocre, and Brave didn't feel as special as Up or even A Bug's Life. But with Monsters University I had this deep personal connection and sentimental feeling with it. I was 6 years old when Monsters Inc. came out and now as a recent High School graate going on to college this Fall I couldn't feel more connected to as how fast my life has go so far.
Overall it may not be the best PIXAR film, but a better one by far (in my opinion). The characters are funny to laugh at and there are some moments that leave you at the edge of seat. Also this film is about learning to accept fear and failure, while remaining hopeful about change and growth through our different skills.
第二篇 Toy Story 3 玩具總動員
Toy story 3 was an awesome movie. How to Train Your Dragon is an excellent film as well. But Pixar have managed to become the animated equivalent of The Lord of the Rings: a trilogy in which all three films are awesome in their own right.
In this film, Andy is going to college, and Woody's (Tom Hanks) not happy. But through a series of mistakes, the gang end up at a daycare center, where they meet Lotso (Ned Beatty), a cuddly teddy bear. But they soon realise that it wasn't what they thought it was going to be.
The film has incredible callbacks to previous films, hilarious moments, and one very touching ending. Pixar have continued to provide epic film after epic film, but this will be their very best, along side the second Toy Story.
⑻ 老師讓看三部英文電影 寫不少於300字的影評 (影評是中文) 各位幫幫忙
⑼ 求一篇250字到300字的電影《刮痧》的英文觀後感
英文2 電影觀後感喜劇動物片4 100真狗 my personal favorite "508D" medium is Disney's "002 Dalmatians: the Series"。 It 。bines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 5145 and 8041 movies)。 But still does its own things, too。 Our main pups include brave Lucky, who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book, lovable Rolly, the gourmand of the pups, and sweet little Cadpig, who is the true runt of the litter。 Also there is Spot the chicken, who longs to be a dog。 I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch。 They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land, or outwitting Lt。 Pug (I'll get to him later), or sneaking into Grutely, or。。。just having fun, making a very likable show。 動畫喜劇 海底總動員 Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks)。 Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away。 Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean。 Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son。。。 The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars。 Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running j~n◎蕨wマgc戔n◎蕨q¤c戔aㄩv蜘