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『壹』 求2010年電影《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》瘋帽子與愛麗絲中英文所有對白!!拜託拜託!~


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/15MFivKYO3pD8-rWljcf8GQ

提取碼: mf7j

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立體電影,其靈感來自於英國童話大師劉易斯·卡羅爾的《愛麗斯漫遊仙境》和《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記》。由蒂姆·波頓執導,米婭·華希科沃斯卡、約翰尼·德普、海倫娜·邦漢·卡特和安妮·海瑟薇等聯袂出演。影片於2010年3月26日在中國內地上映。


『貳』 愛麗絲夢遊仙境英語對白是什麼

Alice have always been plagued by the same nightmare, until a party she attended at the age of 20. This is a boring party, unexpectedly is elaborate courtship ritual. In the face of provide for oneself and live comfortably lad Hamish come unexpectedly proposal, unprepared for Alice was frightened indeed jump. Alice was attracted by a single Ma3 jia3 rabbit, in pursuit of a Alice fell into a bottomless tree hole, came to a wonderland "unbelievable underground world". At this time, living in the world of good people are looking forward to her, but she thought it was a dream, only to wake up quickly back to the real world. However, after understanding the Mad Hatter, Alice knows the underground world is in "the Red Queen" bloody rule, in accordance with the "Almanac" prophecy, only she can help the "White Queen" over the "Queen of hearts", let the underground world return to peace and quiet......

『叄』 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中的英文經典句子。

1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time
【listen to your heart是很多電影的主題。】
2. "HAKUNA MATATA"...it means no worries - The Lion King
3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King
4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh考試大
5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio
6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you』ll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas
7. Nothing』s impossible. - Alice In Wonderland
8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid
9. I』m not worthless -- and I don』t have fleas. - Aladdin
10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan
11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book
12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella
13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella
14. It』s kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney
15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan
16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats
17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story
18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother
19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood
20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White

『肆』 英語翻譯 電影《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中的台詞

「Why is a raven like a writing desk?」

『伍』 求《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中的精彩對白(英文版)

from:Miss Wang




Number 10 spot is given to Eaglet:

Alice and many animals and birds along with a Duck, Dodo, Lory and Eaglet swam from a lake that was actually a pool of Alice"s tears. While at the shore they were discussing how to get dry. Dodo was talking in business terms about adjourning the meeting and adopting more energetic remedies. To this Eaglet called out this quoted sentence:

"Speak English! I don"t know the meaning of half those long words, and I don"t believe you do either!" -Eaglet



Number 9 is a quote from Alice herself。

This takes place ring the court scene. Alice argues with the Queen of Hearts about the order of a verdict and a sentence, and then Alice realizes that she is her normal size again and does not need to care what the Queen says. This is why she yells out:

"You"re nothing but a pack of cards!" -Alice



Number 8 is from the Duchess ring the game of croquet after she is released from prison to take part in the game. Alice is quietly thinking about how pepper and other spices affect people。

The Duchess is trying to remember what kind of a moral there is in thinking and not speaking. Alice thinks that there is no moral in it. Therefore the Duchess teaches Alice that:

"Everything"s got a moral, if only you can find it." -The Duchess



Number 7 is a quote from the Mock Turtle. He, the Gryphon and Alice are at the sea shore. Alice tells them about her adventures of the day and how she was repeating a poem to the Caterpillar and how the words came out all wrong. The Gryphon is very interested and asks Alice to repeat a poem called ""TIS THE VOICE OF THE SLUGGARD"". Of course the words come out all different again. This is what the Mock Turtle calls it:

"Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense." -The Mock Turtle



At number 6 is a quote from the White Rabbit. Alice follows the White Rabbit into the rabbit hole and finds herself in a long corridor. She sees the White Rabbit hurrying down the passage. Alice sprints after him just in time to hear the White Rabbit say:

"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it"s getting!" -White Rabbit



Number 5 place is given to a famous quote from the Queen of Hearts. She uses this expression quite often in the story. One time is when Alice meets the Queen for the first time. After Alice has introced herself, the Queen asks her about the three playing card gardeners lying on the ground. But because Alice does not know them and expresses that to the Queen quite casually, the Queen of Hearts gets furious and screams to Alice:

"Off with her head!" -Queen of Hearts



At number 4 is a quote from the King of Hearts. This happens at the hearing in court while the King asks the White Rabbit to read a set of verses in a letter, written by the prisoner to somebody. The White Rabbit does not know where to begin。

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." -The King



On the third spot is quite an odd question by the Mad Hatter。

Alice is at the March Hare"s house and the Mad Hatter is there with Dormouse as well. They are having a tea party. The March Hare and Alice get into an argument about Alice"s right to join the tea party. Then the Mad Hatter makes Alice even more furious by telling her she needs a haircut. Of course Alice declares that to be rude, but the Mad Hatter answers her with a riddle:

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" -The Mad Hatter



Here we are, getting 關了r to the best quotes of them all. At number 2 position is a short and famous exclamation from Alice。

Alice eats a cake and expects something peculiar to happen to her. And finally her neck grows and grows so much that in the end she does not even see her own feet. Alice is so surprised that for a moment she forgets to speak good English and cries out:

"Curiouser and curiouser." -Alice



Finally, number one, the most famous Alice in Wonderland quote. This quote comes from a conversation between Cheshire Cat and Alice. The grinning Cheshire Cat is giving directions to Alice and tells what sort of people live in each direction in the woods.Then he dis關了s as a matter of fact that:

"We"re all mad here." -Cheshire Cat

『陸』 愛麗絲夢遊仙境經典台詞中英對照

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立體電影,其靈感來自於英國童話大師劉易斯·卡羅爾的《愛麗斯漫遊仙境》和《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記》。由蒂姆·波頓執導,米婭·華希科沃斯卡、約翰尼·德普、海倫娜·邦漢·卡特和安妮·海瑟薇等聯袂出演。《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》影片講述了發生在愛麗絲上次夢遊仙境的十三年後的故事,已經19歲的愛麗絲去一個庄園參加一個聚會,愛麗絲選擇了逃跑,她跟著一隻白兔鑽進了一個洞,再次來到「仙境」。影片獲得第83屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳服裝設計獎 、最佳藝術指導獎。





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