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1. 湯姆索亞歷險記英文版好詞中英對照







Thinking hard, elated, meritorious, weather beaten, crying, tears, all over the body, fighting with blood.

Be indifferent, act rashly, lose no time, dance and dance, stagger, gloomy, out of reach and helpless.

Reluctantly give up love, gloat, disappear without a trace, disperse in a mass, do everything possible, haunt one's soul, be knowledgeable and learn more, and there are deficiencies in the United States.

They are genuine, deceived, powerless, unspeakable, worthless, earnestly teach, laugh and get tired of it.

Be polite, run away, act as if nothing had happened, be helpless, serious, out of the sky and enjoy it.

2. 湯姆索亞歷險記英文版好句40句謝謝(英文,不要中文百度翻譯)

s faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust

3. 《湯姆索亞歷險記》中的好句(要中英對照)

中文; 這算什麼——連貓也會夢見我的——不過話說回來了,這總比沒夢見過我的好。你夢見我什麼了?」
This calculated that anything - - Lian Mao will also dream of me - - however, this compared to having not always dreamed of my good. What did you dream of my?」 「, is this, on Wednesday night, I dream of you to sit in that bedside, hopes Germany to sit depending on the wooden crate, Mary leaves him not to be far.」 「not wrong, we at that time were such sit. We often are punished for a crime like this. I am very happy you also such to worry in the dream for us.」 「I also dream of Aunt Qiao ·ha handkerchief's also in here.」 「oh, she has come! Also has?」 「, are being many, but the present recorded has been not greatly clear.」 「that as far as possible recalled that is good?」 「I remembered that resembled the wind - - wind to blow out - - blew out - -」 「to think well, Tom! The wind indeed blew out any thing, said!」 Tom places the finger on the forehead, worries very much appearance. He had thought one will say: 「I thought! The wind blew out the candle!」 「I Oh! Too right! Then said that Tom - - then said again!」 「I remembered that probably you said that disobeyed the ant peptide to knock twists 「downward saying that Tom!」 「lets me recall slightly - - do not worry. Oh, has been right, you said that you thought the gate is opening.」 「I at that time looked like like this sit now in here, I have said truly! Right, Mary! Tom downward said!」 「afterward ......Afterward ......Afterward occurred the matter, I a little ate do not permit. However I remembered as if you let hope Germany to go ......Going to .......」 where does 「go to? Said? Tom, what do I let him do? What does he do?」 「you let him ......You ......Oh, you let him close the gate.」 「, I Oh! I lived the most lifetime not to hear that had such strange event! Now I had understood the dream not is false. My this goes with the match Renne · handkerchief (Qiao's mother) saying that lets her explain this. She does not believe the superstition all along, this looked that she also had anything to say. Then downward said again, Tom!」 「, all thought now. Afterward, you said that I do not go bad, but is mischievous. A little impetuous, harebrained. You added that I am the baby child (I thought you were such say), did not have a spot bad mind.」 「no error! Oh, Oh! Then says, Tom!」 「you have then cried.」 「I cried. I have cried, that already was the routine matter. That afterward?」

4. 《湯姆索亞歷險記》中經典英文句子有哪些

  1. 家就像根,永遠是樹葉的家;家就像紅布條,永遠系著遊子的心,家就像大衣一件,不會提高溫度,但卻給予人們連火爐都不能替代的溫暖.
    The home resembles root, is always leaves home, Home like red cloth, with the mind wandering forever, like the coat will not increase, temperature, but gives people even furnace cannot replace warmth.

  2. 夢像一片雪花 在空中飄舞 想抓住他,他已經融化了

    Like a dream in the air blowing snow to seize him, he has melted

  3. 蜘蛛把蒼蠅拖來拖去,等蒼蠅累得筋疲力盡,蜘蛛才高高興興地享用了這頓美餐。
    Spiders drag to drag the fly, fly tired out after etc, the spider to happily enjoying the delicious meal

  4. 我沐浴在大自然的懷抱中,讓柔和的晚風輕撫著鬢角,吹去一切郁悶和煩惱。
    I bathed in the bosom of nature, gentle breeze blow lightly stroking temples, all depressed and troubles.

  5. 樹縫里也漏著一兩點路燈光,沒精打彩的,是渴睡人的眼。
    Through the branches are also lighting, trailed, is thirsty sleepy eyes.

  6. 仲夏夜,清風徐徐吹來,明月追趕晚霞,早早爬過山頭,掛在中天,那月光似乎帶著一股清涼,驅趕著酷日留下的余熱。

    Midsummer night, wind blowing, moon slowly after sunset, climbed mountains, hang in transit, the moonlight seems to take a cool and refreshing, driving cool, leaving heat.

  7. 晚霞,早早爬過山頭,掛在中天,那月光似乎帶著一股清涼,驅趕著酷日留下的余熱。
    Early evening, climb a mountain, the moon hangs in transit, seems to take a cool and refreshing, driving cool, leaving heat.

  8. 陽春三月,沉睡了一冬的銀梨樹被蒙蒙細雨淋醒。

    In march, a winter rain drizzle is silver pear trees.

  9. 這些流雲在落日的映照下,轉眼間變成一道銀灰、一道橘黃、一道血紅、一道絳紫,就像是美麗的仙女在空中抖動著五彩斑斕的錦緞。

    The cloud in the backdrop, turn into a silver, an orange, a red, a reddish purple, like beautiful fairy in air quivered multicoloured brocade

  10. 樹縫里也漏著一兩點路燈光,沒精打彩的,是渴睡人的眼。

    Through the branches are also lighting, trailed, is thirsty sleepy eyes.



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