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❶ 有關劇院的英文詞彙

box 包廂
exit 出口
cinema 電影院
gallery 頂層樓座
opera house 歌劇院
audience, spectators 觀眾
aisle (座位中的)走道
programme 節目單
theatre 劇院
opera glasses 看戲望遠鏡
house full, full house 客滿,滿座
auditorium 禮堂
upper circle 樓廳(二樓)後座
dress circle 樓廳(二樓)前座
open-air theatre, amphitheatre 露天劇場
puppet show theatre 木偶劇場
usher 男引座員
usherette 女引座員
row 排
day show matinée 日場
entrance 入口
balcony 三層樓座
box-office, ticket office 售票處
refreshments room 小吃部
lobby, foyer 休息室
evening show 夜場
cloakroom 衣帽間
concert hall 音樂
morning show 早場
pit 正廳後座
stalls 正廳前座
seat 座位
to book seats, to book tickets 訂票
to queue up for tickets 排隊買票
tragedy 悲劇
one-act play 獨幕劇
opera 歌劇
farce 滑稽戲,趣劇
(stage) play 話劇
Beijing opera 京劇
historical play 歷史劇
puppet show 木偶戲
(a play) in three acts and five scenes 三幕五場(劇)
comedy 喜劇
operetta 小歌劇
pantomime 啞劇
playwright 編劇,劇作家
dress rehearsal 綵排
traditional theatrical pieces 傳統劇目
director 導演
climax 高潮
libretto 歌劇腳本
intermezzo 間奏曲
part, role 角色
title role 劇名角色
rehearsal 排演
plot 情節
episode 情節中的插曲
character 人物
stage version 上演本
(one's) lines 台詞
prologue 序幕
leading role (character) 主角
chief actress 女主角
chief actor 男主角
to present on the stage 搬上舞台
to rehearse 排演
to play the role of... 扮演(某一角色)
to put on a play 演出,上演
announcer, master of ceremonies 報幕員
repertoire 保留節目(總稱)
scenery, decor 布景
scene-painter 布景畫家
setting designer 布景設計人
scene-man 布景員
properties, props 道具
property man 道具管理員
top light 頂燈
costume 服裝
farewell performance 告別演出
back stage 後台
applause 喝采
make-up 化裝
make-up man 化裝師
dressing room 化裝室
foot light 腳燈
synopsis 劇情簡介
company, troupe 劇團
spotlight 聚光燈
curtain 幕
first performance, premiere 首次演出
prompter 提詞人
prompters' box 提詞廂
stage 舞台
stage manager 舞台監督
stage effect 舞台效果
stage illumination, lighting 舞台照明
interval, intermission 休息
revolving stage 旋轉舞台
mobile troupe 巡迴演出隊
art director 藝術指導
sound effect 音響效果
possible encore 預備節目
orchestra pit 樂池
to applaud 喝彩
The curtain falls. 幕落
The curtain rises. 幕啟
to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to... 獻花
to answer a curtain call; to respond to a curtain call 謝幕
Encore! 再來一次。
to give an encore 再唱(演奏)一次

❷ 求「辛普森一家人電影」的英文台詞

Principal Skinner: Next is the performance of the last show.
Homer: Woohoo!
Principal Skinner: Washington described the president's stage.
Homer: D'oh!

Hey hey! To see the country (on the globe, pointing to the Uruguay Uruguay) - UR Gay (You are gay).

I do not have to worry about health, Marge. The level of well-being of our country in the first three in the world, second only to Canada, Iceland, Britain, uh ... ... and all European countries.

Damn the gay, so that our navy has become a laughing stock.

Russian navy: Please explain your submarine trespass our waters.
Acting captain Homer: uh, this is my first day on the job.

British court, Homer clamored for: the first batch of our people than you, the British band the Rolling Stones's harsh!

Homer: merciful God, I know you are busy, busy all day to see a woman changing clothes. However, if you would let me have this evening to collect enough oil, I will come up with half of the profits donated to charity.
Bart: uh, father, he is not a fool.

Homer: There are three ways of doing things - right, wrong and my own.
Bart: You do not own the second is it?
Homer: That's right, but it is faster than the second.

Homer's family: Homer, you all right? This is a quick look at a few fingers?
Homer: Poor boy, a few even have their own fingers do not know, uh ... ... (Faint)

Homer: ... ah ... "widow maker"? This danger must be dedicated President.

Homer: If you look at why the Japanese have to go to Japan? Zoo will be able to see ah.
Marge: Homer!
Homer: a how? To bathe the elephants that guy.

Indigenous people: Why do you build temples?
Homer: because you are a sinner.
Indigenous people: from the start when?
Homer: I come from. Now, I have to either help or go to hell.

Marge: Oh, when are we going to be able to enter high society ah?
Homer: it is estimated that influenza pandemic, all in all aristocracy died.

Selmar: Hey, Marge, guess we look at three sisters who have been among the most perfect marriage?
Homer: I know that I know, you Selmar!

Homer: how do I use the dirty money?
Lisa: Dad, you know? There are many children living in much-needed money.
Homer: I know I should buy a gun.

Homer: If Lisa finished, we did not expect the home.
Marge: Homer, in addition to Lisa so we have two children.
Homer: Marge, pet dogs can not be called a child.
Marge: I mean Maggie!
Homer: Oh, right.

Indian casino security: children are not allowed into the casino.
Homer: no way, Bart. We have to respect Indian traditions.

Homer: We have to stay in their homes well, why go to America junior (referring to Canada)?

Homer: Oh, why everyone is winning, and I am the only exception?
Lisa: Dad, you have won a Grammy Award.
Homer: I mean a real prize.

Marge: Lisa, love Welcome to the world, here is full of suspicion, jealousy, hatred. Once you have the face of real love, and also the advent of pain.
Homer: Who is that?
Marge: You are.
Homer: Woohoo!

Homer: Hello, sir. We come from a great country - the United States of America, the economic crisis in our country when you save the life of Britain. So at least now nonsense, now give me dollar coins.

Marge: You lie, you have not read the novel I wrote!
Homer: I did not lie, I just used my mouth to write science fiction.

Homer: a comic selling 200? ! Who painted it? Michelangelo?

Homer: psychologists? We do not have psychologists can also conclude that this kid Bart crazy.

Homer: Marge, you have the beautiful Princess Liya and Master Yoda's wisdom. (After two "Star Wars")

Homer: What has four legs will not walk?
Lisa: a chair!
Homer: correct. What has not Queting both ears?
Lisa: Grandpa!
Homer: Unfortunately, right.

Lisa: Dad, you have 2 hours of beating about the bush. Why do not you admit that you do not know to go to the hospital course of action?
Homer: Why do not you admit that in this hospital in the vicinity of it? !

Homer: There Bingo? ! This is my favorite game! But I forgot to call later won what.
Father: "Bingo!"
Homer: This is my favorite game! But I forgot to call later won what.
Father: "Bingo!"
Homer: right right, this is my favorite game! But I forgot to call later won what.
Father: "Oh, God! I did it!" How?
Homer: Bingo!

Homer: (pick up the phone) Hello! I was. ... ... Yes, I can not come to work. ... ... Because I had chicken pox. ... ... Right right right, so last week I was talking about. However, it is because I was a liar. ... ... Ah ha. ... ... Ah, yes, thank you. (To lay down their phone) I was fired.

Homer: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baldest of the world?

Bart: uh! My heart! As if giving a blow after another fight.
Homer: Hey hey! I love the little boy.
Lisa: No, Dad. Bart had a heart attack.

Bart: Dad, do you remember the lines of Santa Claus to play it?
Homer: Of course. "Ho-ho-ho, Ho-ho-ho ... ...", ... uh ...
Bart: "Merry Christmas".
Homer: What? I used to look at the script.

Bart: Dad, if you take me to Las Vegas, I teach you how to play at 21:00 when cheating.
Homer: If you have a set of mechanisms simply do not have to cheat.
Bart: What is your mechanism?
Homer: I can not tell you how much money lost her mother.

Bart: Why God is always money?
Homer: God, there are many small employees. Workshop to give him the Pac-opening salary, but also to his planet to packaging, one can see that given that Saturn's rings.

Homer: ah! I was stuck, and urgency! ... ... Well, I was just stuck.

Homer: I am from small to large is the most uncomfortable when I know better than my father, my son and 8-year-old when realized this.

Homer: I am not God, God has a long white beard, the invention of The Da Vinci Code.

Homer: Do not become discouraged and son, I believe that Einstein invented before the lights must have suffered a lot to eat.

Lisa: Albania's currency unit called the lek.
Homer: Hey hey! There are as many as their national currency called the "Lack"? !

Homer: Sorry, Dad, do not let you to see the last time I am very sorry.
Abe: It was in me and you? I did not hear.
Homer: Oh no! Hearing loss of a father!
Abe: You idiot months, I deliberately ignored it in you!

(Maggie later lost)
Homer: Marge, if I tell you that our family lost a dog, do you have any ideas?
Marge: Oh! That is horrible.
Homer: uh, good news came: We have no dog Zoudiu.

Homer: Lisa, you would most like what?
Lisa: stay away from the secular vision.
Homer: The second you wish to participate in Springfield is not the Miss Universe competition?

Announcer: The next program is unfinished Schubert Serenade.
Homer: Well! Unfinished business, it has to be very short.

Homer: OK, the brain, you do not like me, and I do not like you. Today, you can give me Zhengkou Qi, otherwise I would go back and kill you with beer.
Homer's brain: turnover.

Homer: how well-off, son?
Bart: tomorrow father and son camping activities.
Homer: Hey hey, you do not son.

Lisa: Oh, ah! Mom! Bart to use Bean bullets me!
Marge: Homer! To say a few words!
Homer: Oh! Well Well! Lisa, another pop-up Dangzhuo your brother to the beans on the way!

Homer: (pointing to Patty and Selma a) I wanna never see you again!
(Point to another) You neither!

Marge: Homer, God only requires us to church once a week to go!
Homer: that he should have let a week longer.

Lisa: You promised over the weekend, we took us to the lake!
Homer: Of course, I promised you a lot of things, so I can become a good father.
Lisa: promises to become a good father.
Homer: I make promises to become a great father.

Homer: children, you tried, resulting in failure. So is the lesson - never to try.

Homer: Marge, which has 1,000,000, we are a millionaire! You can buy any of the things we want, including love.

Homer: Marge, the need to lie two people - a person lying one letter.

Homer: test results - and then I can only live 4 years! Oh, God! I can not live to see my children die!

Homer (drunk): Marge, guess what I saw today, a total number of breast - 15 months!

Instructor: Well, you do not like me, and I do not like ... you ...
Homer: I like you.
Instructor: Well, I like you, and I do not like ... you ...
Homer: a long time, you will like me.
Instructor: ... ... ... ... ... ...

Marge: Homer, you have done this is the worst thing of the!
Homer: I listened to these words countless times, did not have the feeling.

marge: I promise you serious selma to find a target, it is necessary to good care, it is necessary to be rich and handsome ... ...
homer: Well! What do you want me to find a better person than I to selma? ?

Homer: Now to the girl to recover. No woman would like to give up falling in love with a man.
Bart: But Dad, in case she did not listen to me how to do?
Homer: Oh! I gave up. In any case, I would say you would not listen.

Homer: Today is the last day of filing tax returns? ! Fast, Marge! We have many children? No time, you guess a number - 9.

Homer: Are you saying that cold weather in the Southern Hemisphere in August, hot days in February? That is the opposite of myself in the world? Will not break the glass, the dog will not grow up ... ...

Bart: Well, I have a completely Spanish Institute.
Marge: kind of good. However, we want to go to Brazil, said the Portuguese.
Homer: Bart, it's useless to forget the language.
Marge: But, Homer ... ...
Homer: I forget!

The good funny ha ha ..
Homer: If you look at why the Japanese have to go to Japan? Zoo will be able to see ah.
Marge: Homer!
Homer: a how? To bathe the elephants that guy.

Bart: Dad, I can fire by robbery Qiangdian anything?
Homer: No!
Bart: I can Qiangdian beer?
Homer: All right, but not imports.
Marge: Homer!
Homer: a how? Appropriate restriction is necessary.

Moe: the failure of the aircraft, we would have to most people throw away.
(Everyone to see Homer)
Homer: Do not, I will work hard to lose weight! (2 campaign after the jump) forget it, I would rather die.

Homer: You know, the word sorry out of date (when suspended from the Shengquan)

Homer: OK, the brain, you do not like me, and I do not like you. Today, you can give me Zhengkou Qi, otherwise I would go back and kill you with beer.
Homer's brain: turnover.

Wrong .... "beer can then use to kill you," "so i can keep killing you with beer"

Bart: We do not know the gang life and how to take over the work of gangs?
Homer: It does not matter, we need only refer to the greatest mafia movie - "Shark Tale".

Bart: Dad, the power of the fishing is so unfair.
Homer: children, if you like fishing you'll hope that some of the fish die with dignity.

Very funny!

Homer: Marge, you have to lock themselves in a room one day, and he should be out of something to eat. So you can go to the kitchen to do dinner? The best for me to be a sandwich.

Homer: children are our future. That is why we must act now to prevent it from happening.

Homer: Who is your boss?
Other people in the town of trailer: he in the car! (Referring to his own purpose)
Homer (looked to see): do not, and (ponder a will): Oh ~ ~ Is it me? ! Now I have to be expelled from you!

Homer (on Lisa & Bart): That yes, right in your home is to have a baby just a fun game; I do, however, changing diapers, feeding the middle of the night to give them the Arab-Israeli

Homer, you thought about it in the future

Oh, Marge, of course, thought ah

Are thinking of it

Oh, no;
boys, ahh;
i mean, you

Homer, you thought about it in the future

Oh, Marge, of course, thought ah

Are thinking of it

(Without hesitation, blurted out) Girls;
(Not found, and quickly corrected himself) Oh, no;
boys, ahh; (to the more worse)
(Pei Xiaolian and brazen manner, but with the application) i mean, you

Homer (to Miyi tenderness): in the future I will give you buy a real castle
Marge: You do not need the ...
Homer (very relaxing to go out hiss): Oh, good

Homer: Lisa, I am not going to let it all happened!
Lisa: really? There are ways you help me?
Homer: Oh, sorry, no, I will let you get me wrong has.

Bart, 1000 that we have the money, we can become a millionaire. We can buy all kinds of useful things, for instance, love

Burns: The Brat must be small, right?
Bart: is Bart!
Homer: Do not correct him, Brat!

Marge: We have to sell my TV? We can not substitute for the engagement ring?
Homer: I am very grateful, Marge! But we need now is 150 yuan.

Homer: school of doing things the truth - not to talk; always make fun of their own and different people; shut up, unless you have other people to determine their own share the same feelings.

Homer: Of course I have a feeling! I remember it? "My stomach pains", and "I'm going crazy."

Homer: my life is the saddest day I realized that I can go beyond my father. Bart and the 4-year-old went through when the time.

Homer computer check credit file alert
Homer: This is a good warning that it?

Lisa: Remember, Daddy, Big Dipper's handle spoon, pointing to the North.
Homer: very good, Lisa. But we are not in astronomy class, we are trapped in the forest.

Homer: Marge, I know I was wrong.
Marge: Homer, you even apologies and do not know why.
Homer: I know, of course, I am hungry, clothing the smell, also tired.

Marge: "exile"? ! You mean the expulsion of Bart?
Homer: Marge, let someone else finish.

Homer: My little girl wants a gift?
Lisa: moving away from the life and stability.
Homer: ... uh ... how like a pony?

Bart has been knocked Homer's hair tonic
Homer: Well, I have decided not to kill you. But I have to tell you that you have 3 months to allow the rest of his life in the guts of the war through the heart in the fact: You ruined your father, do you destroy the family, our family is bald genetic!

Homer: children, left here today for the next scene, I do not want to see you!
The children left
Homer to Marge down: Please please please please please please please please please please please please ...



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