導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我經常周末和好朋友去看電影的英文


發布時間:2023-03-08 09:58:05

A. 在周末她經常和她的朋友去看電影用英語怎麼說

she often goes to see movies/films with her friends at weekend.

B. 在周末她經常和她的朋友去看電影用英語怎麼說

she usually goes to the cinema with her friends on weekends

C. 在周末她經常和她的朋友去看電影用英語怎麼說

On weekends she and her friends ofen go to the movies.

She ofen go to movies with her friends on weekends.

D. 她常常在周日和朋友們一起去看電影(翻譯成英文

She often goes to the movies with her friends on Sundays 。

E. 我經常和我的朋友約翰去看電影.用英語怎麼說知道的有獎分哦!急用!

經常是often,not always.
I often go to see a flim/movie with my friend Jhon.

F. 我經常和朋友看電影(英語怎麼說)

My friends and I often go to movies.我經常和朋友看電影.

G. 在周末我和朋友常去電影院看電影與書店買書英文怎麼說


I often go to movies and go to the bookstore to buy books with my friends on weekends.




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