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⑴ 誰可以給我《公主日記1》的英文簡介


Mia Thermopolis is the average teenager - sweet, a little geeky and pretty much invisible to everyone with the exception of her mother, best friend Lilly and Lilly's older brother Michael. Making it through high school without throwing up is a challenge in itself for Mia, so it doesn't come as welcome news when her estranged grandmother shows up out of the blue and calmly informs her that she is in fact the heir to the throne of a European country called Genovia. Suddenly Mia's life is thrown into complete overload. She's being taught about scarves, waves and pears in order to become a perfect princess, she gets a makeover and a tough looking yet sweet bodyguard/limo driver called Joe. Things get out of hand when the media gets a hold of the story and suddenly Mia is thrust into the spotlight in both the newspapers and in school. On top of all that Mia has a choice to make. She must decide by Genovia's Independence Day Ball whether she longs to relinquish her claim on the throne or to... Written by LadyN1

⑵ 求電影公主日記1中10段經典英文對白

怎麼要那麼多啊 ~~~只找到這些~
The Princess Diaries

1 hr. 50 min.
Release Date: August 3, 2001
Starring: Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews, Hector Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo
Directed by: Garry Marshall
Proced by: Whitney Houston, Debra Martin Chase, Mario Iscovich
Written by: Gina Wendkos
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures

上映日期: 2001年8月3日
演員:安妮-海瑟薇 茱莉-安德魯斯 哈克特-埃利桑多 海瑟-馬托拉佐
製作: Whitney Houston, Debra Martin Chase, Mario Iscovich
編劇: Gina Wendkos

Fifteen-year-old Mia discovers that her father is the Prince of Genovia and she is the sole heir to the throne. She must decide, by her sixteenth birthday, whether she will live as a princess and move to Genovia or remain in Manhattan where she lives with her artist mom. She must suffer through the indignity of princess lessons at the hands of her stern grandmother…


Julie Andrews has been here before. Back in the '50s, she played Eliza Doolittle in the classic musical "My Fair Lady," making Broadway history as the lower-class lass who passes as an aristocrat after Professor Henry Higgins teaches her to talk and walk like a lady.

Decades later, "The Princess Diaries" lets Andrews (see interview) try the Higgins role herself. Here, she plays the queen of Genovia, who has decided Genovia's next ruler should be her granddaughter, Mia, a San Francisco teenager who's never been told that her long-estranged father had royal blood.

Mia knows little about Europe, and nothing about the tricks of running a country, but the queen is willing to mold her manners, coach her diction, dictate her wardrobe, and do anything needed to make her a proper Old World princess. The job carries plenty of perks - a limo is mighty tempting to a girl whose Mustang can barely make it up a hill - but Mia's a shy type who dreads the spotlight a royal perch would bring. Can her well-meaning grandma put her on the road to monarchy? Or do her Californian values run so deep that Henry Higgins himself couldn't change them?
"The Princess Diaries" unfolds its story from Mia's point of view, aiming at teen viewers who'll identify with her identity crisis and with the everyday details of adolescent life - quarrels with mom , rivalries, and romances at school - that the movie convincingly paints. A well-chosen cast helps the picture come alive: Andrews as the queen; Anne Hathaway as her undecided granddaughter; Caroline Goodall as Mia's mom; Hector Elizondo as a royal assistant; and Heather Matarazzo in a perfect performance as Mia's closest pal. Only the boys in Mia's life tend to look like generic teenpic characters.
With its leisurely pace and unfancy filmmaking, "The Princess Diaries" is a likable throwback to an old tradition of pictures from the Disney studio. While most of today's youth-targeted movies unleash bombardments of visual effects and pop-culture distractions, director Garry Marshall spins this yarn with a quiet dignity that Genovia's staid queen would applaud.

The film isn't backward-looking in its attitudes toward modern society, though. Two or three decades ago, Mia would surely have ended the story by refusing her royal opportunity in the name of American values like democracy and indivialism. By contrast, the Mia of 2001 decides to grab the job. How else could a middle-class girl get enough influence and power to make the world listen to her ideas?

Julie Andrews不是第一次出演這類題材的電影.早在50年代,在經典音樂片<<窈窕淑女>> 中,她扮演的百老匯底層少女,經過Henry Higgins教授的調教,成為了一個舉止幽雅得體的貴族式小姐.
米婭對歐洲一無所知,更不要說如何治理國家了,但女王卻十分樂於指正她的舉止和言語措辭,以及如何衣著得體……以便把她調教成一個真正的傳統意義上的公主.公主這差事固然有許多好處——正如對於只有一輛爬坡都費力的老爺車的女孩子來說,豪華轎車實在是不可抗拒的誘惑;然而,米婭生性靦腆害怕皇室高位帶來的聚光燈.那麼,善意的祖母是否能使米婭順利成為君主呢?亦或是在加里福尼亞形成的價值觀如此根深蒂固,以至於連Henry Higgins自己也不能改變米婭呢?
<<公主日記>>以米婭的視角展開故事情節,迎合了十多歲的觀眾群,因為他們有著和米婭相似的的個性沖突和青少年特有的生活細節——與母親拌嘴,叛逆,以及學校里的戀愛故事——這些都在電影里一一展現.此外,角色的成功選擇使整部電影充滿了生氣: Andrews扮演的女王: Anne Hathaway扮演的外孫女; Caroline Goodall扮演的米婭的母親;還有Hector Elizondo扮演的皇室助理;以及成功扮演米婭密友的Heather Matarazzo.而劇中米婭生活中的男孩就顯得十分普通了.
從容的節奏加上並不花哨的製作,<<公主日記>>倒更像是迪斯尼拍的傳統老片.當眾多電影為了吸引年輕人而不斷發起視覺沖擊波和流行浪潮時,導演Garry Marshall卻向我們講述了一個連端莊的吉尼維亞女王也鼓掌認可的故事.

heir n. 繼承人 stern adj. 嚴厲的
indignity n. 侮辱,無禮 Broadway n. 百老匯
lass n. 少女 aristocrat n. 貴族,上流社會人士
estrange v. 使……隔離 mold v. 對……產生影響
limo n. 豪華轎車 perch n. 高位
monarchy n. 君主國 adolescent adj. 青少年的
throwback n. 倒退 unleash v. 發動
spin v. 編造 yarn n. 故事
Mia: me? A princess? Shut up!

Queen: I beg your pardon, shut up? Nevertheless you are the princess. And I am the queen Clarisse Renaldi.

Mia: why on earth would you pick me to be your princess?

Queen: Since your father died, you are the natural heir to the throne of Geneva. That』s our law. I』m royal by marriage. You are royal by blood. You can rule.

Mia: Rule? Oh, no! oh, no. no, no no. now you have really got the wrong girl. I never lead anybody, not at brownies, not at camp fire girls. Queen Clarisse my expectation in life is to be invisible and I』m good at it.

Queen: Amelia I have other expectations also. In my wildest dreams, I never expected this to happen. But you are the legal heir, the only heir to the Genovian throne and we』ll accept the challenge of helping you become the princess that you are. Oh, I can give you books. You』ll study languages, history, art, political science. I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand, eat, dress like a princess. And given time, I think you』ll find the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to live.

Mia: live in Genovia?

Queen: it』s a wonderful country! Amelia, really!

Mia: whoa, whoa, just. Rewind and Freeze. I』m no princess. I』m still waiting for normal body parts to arrive. I refused to move to and rule a country. And do you want another reason? I don』t want to be a princess.

⑶ 觀公主日記有感英文50詞

This is a very cute,heartwarming and postivie and uplifting movie.i loved watching it over and over again-it's very uplifting.It is a very postive movie-which there isn't a lot of in today's world.There is a good reason why this movie is so good-because it's funny and classic and a good movie about a young girl who finds herself.The plot is this:it's about a dorky girl named Mia who deals with highs school and the mean girls and cliques at her school and is also very shy.She finds out one day from her regal grandmother that she is a princess of a small Euorpean country.This makes her sort of fearful and she doesn't want to be a princess anyway since she can't lead anything not in camp fire girls or Brownies or anything.She is afraid,and runs off.Her grandmother goes after her and convinces her she should do it.She agrees,and she gets princess lessons from her royal grandmother.She transforms and becomes cool and proper and beautiful.She becomes the queen at the end and decides to take the throne.I hate Julie Andrews though-she stinks.I hate "Marry Poppins" and I can't stand the woman.I love Anne Hathaway-she is beautiful and amazing to watch.This is actually a cute and funny movie.

⑷ 感人至深的英文電影經典台詞



1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called present!


2. If there’s any kind of magic in the world, it must be the attempt of understanding someone or share something。


3. I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you。


4. Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish… is the wonderful workings of your mind. Your humor, your kindness… and your moral courage。


5. I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face.You were right there for me。

在我的生命中有你是多麼幸運,當我回憶過去, 眼前就會浮現你的臉龐 ,你總會在那守候著我。——《珍珠港》

6. I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen, but it hurt just as badly when I had to watch you go。

我想,我們的故事永遠不會出現在銀幕上,可是當我看著你離去,我的心一樣的痛楚。 ——《卡薩布蘭卡》

7. If you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind。


8. Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear.Such people become crazy,or they become legends …


9. To be a princess, you have to believe you are one. You’ve got to walk the way you think a princess would walk. Smile and wave, and just have fun。


10. You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it。




⑸ 英文電影獨白,適合一個女生,3-4分,採納後追加

一部是講威尼斯女詩人,政績veronica franco的影片叫紅顏禍水。(the Honest courtsan.)


I will confess, Your Grace.

法官: That will please God.Proceed.

I confess...as a girl I loved a man who would not marry me for want of a dowry.
I confess I had a mother who taught me a different way of life.
One I resisted at first but learned to embrace.
I confess I became a courtesan.
Traded yearning for power, welcomed many
rather than be owned by one.
I confess I embraced a whore's freedom
over a wife's obedience.

法官:This is not repentance.

What am I to do?
I must confess my evil.
These are my sins.

修道士:She must repent witchcraft.

國王:I see no harm in hearing her.
She will save or damn herself.

法官:The prisoner has already damned herself,But if it pleases the esteemed doge of Venice...she may continue her heresy.

I confess I find more ecstasy
in passion than in prayer.
I confess...
I confess I pray still......to feel the touch of my lover's lips...
...his hands upon me...
...his arms enfolding me.
Such surrender has been mine.

I confess I hunger still
to be filled and inflamed.
To melt into the dream of us......beyond this troubled place...

...to where we are not even ourselves.
To know that always...
...always this is mine.
If this had not been mine,
if I had lived another way...
...a child to a husband's whim...my soul hardened from lack of touch
and lack of love...
...I confess such endless days
and nights...
...would be punishment greater
than any you could mete out.


No, Your Grace.
You, all of you...
...who hunger for what I give but cannot bear to see such power in a woman...
...you call God's greatest gift...
...our yearning, our need to love,
you call it filth...and sin and heresy...
你們稱它為 污穢,罪惡和邪教。。。
法官:Enough. One last time before you are condemned: Do you repent or not?

I repent there was no other way
open to me. I do not repent my life.
我懺悔我沒有其他選擇, 但我並不對我的人生而懺悔!

Ten Things I Hate About You 《對面惡女看過來》
Kat: I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare I hate your big mb combat boots. And the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick-- it even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh -- even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you're not around. And the fact that you didnt call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you - - not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

The Hours 《時時刻刻》

Background: Laura (Julianne Moore) has come to Clarissa's apartment after being informed of the death of Richard (Ed Harris), her estranged son. Here she explains to Clarissa (Meryl Streep), Richard』s closest friend and could've-been lover, why she left her family one day.

Laura: There are times when you don』t belong and you think you』re going to kill yourself. Once I went to a hotel. That night…later that night, I made a plan. Plan was, I would leave my family when my second child was born. And that』s what I did. Got up one morning, made breakfast, went to the bus stop, got on a bus. I』d left a note. (pause) I got a job in a library in Canada. It would be wonderful to say you regretted it. It would be easy. But what does it mean? What does it mean to regret when you have no choice? It』s what you can bear. There it is. No one is going to forgive me. (Laura looks at Clarissa, steady, unapologetic.) It was death. I chose life.

Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡西的早餐

Holly: Look, I know what you think. And I don't blame you, I've always thrown out such a jazzy line. But really...except for Doc...and you...Jose is my first non-rat romance. Oh, not that he's my ideal of the absolute finito. He tells little lies and worries about what people think and he wants to be the President of Brazil. I mean it's such a useless thing for a grown man to want to be and takes about fifty baths a day. I think a man should smell...at least a little bit. No, he's too prim and cautious to be my absolute ideal. If I were free to choose from anybody alive...just snap my fingers and say "Come here, you!"...I wouldn't pick Jose. Nehru maybe...or Adlai Stevenson or Sidney Poiter or Leonard Bernstein...but I do love Jose. I honestly think I'd give up smoking if he asked me to!

The Blair Witch Project 《布萊爾女巫》
很經典的紀實恐怖片,女主角自拍特寫的鏡頭並很害怕的敘述著。。。。 如果你想嘗試一下特別的。 這個是整部片最經典的鏡頭,被很多人拿來翻版,惡搞。但據說女主角當時是真的很害怕,所以才特別真實,鼻涕眼淚的一大把。
Heather: I just want to apologize to Mike's mom and Josh's mom and my mom and I'm sorry to everyone. I was very naive. (looks away from camera, scared) I was very naive and very stupid and I shouldn't have put other people in danger for something that was all about me and my selfish motives. I'm so sorry for everything that has happened because in spite of what Mike says now it is my fault. Because it was my project and I insisted on everything. I insisted we weren't lost. I insisted we keep going. I insisted we walk south. Everything had to be my way and this is where we've ended up. And it's all because of me we're here now hungry and cold and hunted. I love you mom and dad. I am so sorry. It was never my intention to hurt any one and I hope that's clear. (begins to hyperventilate) I am so scared. What was that? I'm scared to close my eyes and I'm scared to open them. I'm going to die out here. Every night we just wait for them to come. (breaks down and sobs)

Bridget Jones's Diary 《BJ單身日記》
Bridget: There's something that i have to say. You once said that you liked me just as I was... and I just wanted to say... well... likewise you know? I mean you wear stupid things your mum buys you- that tie's another classic- you're hauty, and you always say the wrong thing in every situation, and I seriously believe you should reconsider the length of your sideburns. But you're a nice man and I like you. And if you wanted to pop by sometime, it would be nice... more than nice.

芮妮齊薇格演的roxie,雖然和上面的是同一個人,但角色迥然不同。 友一句唱。
Roxie: (speaking to Mama) I always wanted to have my name in all the papers. Before I met Amos I use to date this well-to-do ugly bootlegger. He used to like to take me out and show me off. Ugly guys like to do that. Once it said in the paper, "Gangland's Al Capelli seen at Chez Vito with cute blond chorine." That was me. I clipped it and saved it. You know, all my life I wanted to have my own act. But noooo, no, no, no, it's always no, they always turned me down. One big world full of no! And then Amos came along. Safe, sweet Amos. Who never says no. Ohh. (coy giggles) I』ve never done this before, but you know, it is such a special night and you are such a great audience! (applause from Roxie's "audience") And, and, I just really feel like I can talk to you, you know? So forget what you've read in the papers, and forget what you』ve heard on the radio because, because, because I'm gonna tell you the truth. (giggles) Not that the truth really matters, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. In the bed department, Amos was......zero. I mean, when he made love to me, it was like, it was like he was fixing a carborator or something, (pretends to play with her breasts, imitating Amos) "I love ya, honey, I love ya!" Anyway, I started fooling around...and then I started screwing around, which is fooling around without dinner. Then I met Fred Casley, who said he could get me into vaudeville, but that didn't quite work out like I planned. I guess it didn't really work out too great for Fred either. So I gave up with the whole vaudeville idea, 'cause you gotta figure after all those years -- opportunities just pass you by. (sings) But it ain't, oh no no no no, but it ain't. (speaking again) And now, if this Flynn guy gets me off, with all this publicity, I got me a world full of YES!

The English Patient 英國病人
A very slow reading; switches voices back and forth from the recent past to the present, Katharine (Kristin Scott Thomas) and Hana (Juliette Binoche).
Voice of Hana/Voice of Katharine: My darling. I'm waiting for you. How long is the day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone. And I'm cold, horribly cold. I really want to drag myself outside but then there'd be the sun. I'm afraid I'll waste the light on the paintings, not writing these words. We die. We die, we die rich with lovers and triumphs, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have...entered and swum up like rivers. Fears we have hidden in--like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. Where the real country is. Not boundaries drawn on maps, names of powerful men. I know you'll come carry me out to the Palace of Winds. That's what I've wanted: to walk in such a place with you. With friends and an earth without maps. The lamp has gone out and I'm writing in the darkness.

Isabel: I never wanted to be a mom. Well, sharing it with you is one thing, but caring alone the rest of my life, always being compared to you. You're perfect. They worship you. I just don't want to be looking over my shoulder everyday, for twenty years, knowing that someone would have done it right, done it better, the way that I can't. You're mother-earth incarnate, you ride with Anna, you know every story, every wound, every memory Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you. Every single moment. Don't you get it? Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her Fitting her veil, fluffing her dress. Telling her, no woman has ever looked that beautiful. And my fear is that (pause) she'll be thinking "I wish my mom was here".

You've Got Mail 電子情書
Meg Ryan 的台詞,不過好像是打字的獨白。
Kathleen: I like to start my notes to you as if we're already in the middle of a conversation. I pretend that we're the oldest and dearest friends -- as opposed to what we actually are, people who don't know each other's names and met in an "Over 30" chat room where we both claimed we'd never been before. What will NY152 say today, I wonder. I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently as it boots up. I go on line, and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words: You've got mail. I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I have mail. From you.

The Wizard of Oz 綠野仙蹤
桃樂絲回到家後跟她的阿姨的獨白,不過是很老很老的片子了。 所以比較。。。老舊。。。不過最後一句很經典There's no place like home!
Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you? No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasn't very nice, but most of it was beautiful--but just the same all I kept saying to everybody was "I want to go home," and they sent me home! Doesn't anybody believe me? But anyway, Toto, we're home! Home. And this is my room, and you're all here and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again. Because I love you all. And... Oh Auntie Em! There's no place like home!

The Terminator 終結者

Sarah: The hardest thing is deciding what I should tell you and what not to. Well, anyway, I've got a while yet before you're old enough to understand the tapes. They're more for me at this point... to help get it all straight.
Should I tell you about your father? That's a tough one. Will it change your decision to send him here...knowing? But if you don't send Kyle, you could never be. God, you can go crazy thinking about all this...I suppose I'll tell you...I owe him that. And maybe it'll be enough if you know that in the few hours we had together we loved a lifetime's worth...

Serendipity 緣份天註定 / 美國情緣 / 情有獨鍾
Sara: I've always believed in fate. I've always believed that life is more than a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. But rather, a tapestry of events that culminate into an exquisite plan. I mean, I just spent the entire flight staring into the sky thinking. Not about my fiance, but about this mystery guy I met a million and a half hours ago. A guy I don't even remember except for this vague picture inside my head. It's just a few seconds, a fragment really, and it's like, in that moment the whole universe existed just to bring us together. We spent only a few precious hours together and I never even gave him my last name or my phone number. Instead, I told him that if we were meant to be together, if fate meant for us to be together, we'd meet again someday. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm going to let fate take me anywhere it wants to go, because when all of this is over, atleast I'll never have to think of him ever again. Let's just pray he's a bald Fascist who picks his nose and wipes it under the car seat

The Princess Diaries 公主日記
Mia: Hi, um... hello. I'm Mia. Um, it's stopped raining! I'm really no good at speech-making. Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away, or sometimes I even get sick. But you really didn't need to know that... But I'm not so afraid anymore. See, my father helped me. Earlier this evening had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne. And my mother 0helped me, by telling me it was ok, and by supporting me like she has for my entire life. But then I wondered how I'd feel after abdicating my role as Princess of Genovia. Would I feel relieved, or would I feel sad? And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word 'I.' And probably all I ever do is think about myself. And how lame is that when there's like seven billion other people out there on the planet, and... sorry, I'm going too fast. But then I thought, if I cared about the other seven billion out there, instead of just me, that's probably a much better use of my time.
See, if i were Princess of Genovia, then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard, and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions. So this morning when I woke up, I was Mia Thermopolis. But now I choose to be forevermore, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia.



順便建議你,要不要考慮學唱<don't cry for me agentina> 貝隆夫人的獨白,或是moulin rouge紅磨坊里的獨白?雖然是唱的,但比較好背。

⑹ 求美國電影《公主日記》觀後感要求:全文英語 50詞以上

The movie is very good! I love it very much!

⑺ 電影中經典的英語勵志句子




You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it.



If there’s any kind of magic in the world, it must be the attempt of understanding someone or share something.



I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you.



Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish… is the wonderful workings of your mind. Your humor, your kindness… and your moral courage.



I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face.You were right there for me.

在我的生命中有你是多麼幸運,當我回憶過去, 眼前就會浮現你的臉龐 ,你總會在那守候著我


I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen, but it hurt just as badly when I had to watch you go.



If you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind.



To be a princess, you have to believe you are one. You’ve got to walk the way you think a princess would walk. Smile and wave, and just have fun.




“Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and alittle less time trying to impress people.” – Richard Vernon, Breakfast Club

“少花點時間去取悅別人,多花些時間來經營自己。”——理查德•弗農(Richard Vernon),《早餐俱樂部》(Breakfast Club)


“Deliberate cruelty is unforgivable, and the onething of which I have never, ever been guilty of.” Blanche, A Streetcar Named Desire

“刻意傷害別人不可原諒,我從未這樣做,也無需因此而感到愧疚。”——布蘭奇(Blanche), 《慾望號街車》(A Street car Named Desire)


“Prejudice always obscures truth.” – 12 Angry Men

“偏見往往會模糊了真相。”——《十二怒漢》(12 Angry Men)


“We all come into this world with our little egosequipped with indivial horns. If we don’t blow them, who else will?” –Addison De Witt, All aboutEve

“我們每個人都帶著自信的號角來到這個世界,如果我們自己不去吹響這個自信之號,還有誰會呢?”——艾迪生·德威特(Addison De Witt),《彗星美人》(All about Eve)


“There’s only one person who’s going to decide whatI’m going to do and that’s me.” – Charles Foster Kane, Citizen Kane

“只有一個人可以決定我要做什麼,那就是我自己。”——查爾斯﹒福斯特﹒凱恩(Charles FosterKane),《公民凱恩》(Citizen Kane)


“In every job that must be done, there is anelement of fun. You find the fun, and snap, the job’s a game.” – Marry Poppins,Marry Poppins

“每一份必須完成的工作中都蘊藏著許多樂趣。一旦找到其中的樂趣,你就會發現,工作其實就是個游戲。” ——瑪麗·波平斯(Marry Poppins),《歡樂滿人間》(Marry Poppins)


“I wanna be free. I wanna be gay and have fun.Life’s short. And I wanna live while I’m alive.” – Helen, Hell’s Angels

“我想要自由。我想要快樂。人生短暫,趁活著,好好活。”——海倫(Helen),《地獄天使》(Hell’s Angels)


“Love is eternal. It has been the strongestmotivation for human actions throughout history. Love is stronger than life.” –Laura, Laura




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