1. 求蘇菲瑪索的《心火(firelight)》的原聲
01. A Bleak Journey (02:01)
02. Making an Heir (02:45) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
03. Louisa (02:40) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
04. The Chimes Polka (02:20)
05. Meeting Louisa (03:24) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
06. Charles Returns (02:17) Violin Solo by Kenneth Sillito
07. Amy (02:46) Violin Solo by Kenneth Sillito
08. Learning By Firelight (03:23) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
09. The Lake House (01:51) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
10. Loving By Firelight (04:10) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
11. The Rescue (03:06) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
12. A Bitter Decision (02:14)
13. The Bridal Polka (01:28)
14. Firelight (02:39) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
15. Amy's Funeral (03:01) Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
16. The Power of Desire (02:13)
17. A New Journey (04:48) Violin Solo by Kenneth Sillito
這就是所有的歌 去網路搜一下就可以了
2. 心火片尾曲叫什麼誰唱的
《心火》是由曾曉欣、陳冬冬執導,陳彥編劇,蘇岩、謝蘭、劉之冰、高明等合作主演的家庭倫理劇。2006年3月22日於東方電影頻道首播 ,2008年10月23日於河南衛視上星播出 。
該劇以剖析人的嫉妒之心為主題,講述兩個女人因嫉妒而產生的愛恨情仇 。
1989年參演首部電影《一半是火焰一半是海水》 。1993年出演電視劇《梅花三弄之水雲間》 。1996年因在軍旅劇《紅十字方隊》中飾演的趙志偉一角獲得關注 。2002年參演年代劇《大染坊》 。2008年主演家庭倫理劇《婚後五年》 。2012年主演都市情感劇《小麥進城》。2014年8月憑借年代劇《茶頌》獲得第13屆華鼎獎古裝類劇集最佳男主角提名 。
3. 跪求法國電影 心火(firelight)的插曲
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4. 哪位知道電影《心火 firelight》的配樂
1. A Bleak Journey (02:01)
2. Making an Heir (02:45)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
3. Louisa (02:40)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
4. The Chimes Polka (02:20)
5. Meeting Louisa (03:24)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
6. Charles Returns (02:17)
Violin Solo by Kenneth Sillito
7. Amy (02:46)
Violin Solo by Kenneth Sillito
8. Learning By Firelight (03:23)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
9. The Lake House (01:51)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
10. Loving By Firelight (04:10)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
11. The Rescue (03:06)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
12. A Bitter Decision (02:14)
13. The Bridal Polka (01:28)
14. Firelight (02:39)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
15. Amy's Funeral (03:01)
Violin Solo by Marcia Crayford
16. The Power of Desire (02:13)
17. A New Journey (04:48)
Violin Solo by Kenneth Sillito
5. 蘇菲瑪索的電影《心火》的片尾曲叫什麼