導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 紐約紐約電影英文歌


發布時間:2023-03-03 04:37:21

Ⅰ 電影紐約紐約裡面的阮經天和幾個朋友開敞篷車時的背景英文

My heart is so proud.
My mind is so unfocused.
I see the things you do through me
And now you gently break me,
Hold me as my Father and mold me as my Maker.
I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up,
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?"
And you answer: "My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking my face,

You'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient
At times I may grow weak
And feel a bit discouraged,
Knowing that someone,
Somewhere could do a better job.
For who am I to serve you?
I know I don't deserve you.
And that's the part that burns in my heart
I ask you:
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?"
And you answer: "My child, I love you
. And as long as you're seeking my face,
You'll walk in the power
You are so Patient with me, Lord.
As I work with You, I'm learning
What Your grace really means.
The price that I could never pay
was paid at Calvary.
So, instead of trying to repay you,
I'm learning to simply obey You
By giving up my life to You For all that
I ask you:
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?"
And you answer: "My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking my face,
You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace."

Ⅱ 紐約紐約在什麼電影裡面的歌曲


Ⅲ 跪求關錦鵬新電影"紐約紐約"片尾曲 是一種英文歌,有句歌詞好像是while there is st

紐約紐約里路途和鵑在酒吧一起跳舞時的背景音樂插曲 開頭let us keep dancing ……結尾while there is still time
網易雲里關注主播電台Perl Yuen
裡面有一首音樂叫做While there is still time.
個人很喜歡 覺得非常好聽

Ⅳ 紐約紐約預告片里的男聲英文歌

Life Goes On
歌手:LeAnn Rimes
所屬專輯:Twisted Angel

Ⅳ 紐約紐約主題曲背景音樂是什麼歌是誰唱的

歌曲:Empire State Of Mind聽下這首吧,這是剛在一威信平台「每晚睡前音樂」那找的,聽著還算不錯,,若不喜歡這首,你也可到這去看看!以下歌詞:
Ooohh New York x2 「噢,紐約」「噢,紐約」
Grew up in a town that is famous as the place of movie scenes生長在一個作為電影場景而聞名的城鎮
Noise was always loud, there are sirens all around and the streets are mean周圍都是喧鬧聲,警笛聲,以及險惡的街道
If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere, that's what they say 「如果我能在這兒立足,我可以在任何地方生存」,這是過來人所說的
Seeing my face in lights or my name on marquees found down on Broadway看到我的臉在聚光燈下出現,或者我的名字顯示在百老匯劇院的滾動字幕上

Even if it ain't all it seems, I got a pocketful of dreams即使它不如看來的美好,但我心中已裝了一口袋的夢
Baby, I'm from New York親愛的,我來自紐約
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of 這造就夢想的混凝土密林
There's nothing you can't do在這沒什麼你不能做
Now you're in New York你現在在紐約
These streets will make you feel brand new這街道會讓你感覺煥然一新
Big lights will inspire you燦爛的街燈會讓你鼓舞
Hear it for New York, New York, New York! 傾聽紐約,紐約,紐約吧!

On the avenue, there ain't never a curfew, ladies work so hard在大街上,從來沒有宵禁,女士們賣力工作
Such a melting pot, on the corner selling rock, preachers pray to God 如此一個大熔爐——傳教士在賣搖滾音樂的街角里,向上帝祈禱 (紐約社會對各種文化兼收並蓄)
Hail a Gypsy cab, takes me down from Harlem to the Brooklyn Bridge招呼一輛吉普賽人開的計程車,把我從哈萊姆送到布魯克林大橋
(吉普賽是外來民族,哈萊姆區是非裔人聚居地,布魯克林一帶的多為上流社會的白人; 旨在說不同民族不同血統在紐約都能共處)
Some will sleep tonight with a hunger far more than an empty fridge 今晚有些人將帶著精神上的飢餓感入睡,這遠勝於和肉體產生的飢渴共度長夜
( 此處為意譯,直譯為「今晚有些人會帶著渴望睡覺,遠好過和空空如也的冰箱一起」;「hunger」兩重意思,既可指身體上的飢餓,也可指精神上的渴望,此處取後者解釋,與後文「an empty fridge」所指代的肉體飢餓作對比)

I'm gonna make it by any means, I got a pocketful of dreams我盡我所能在這里生存發展,我心中已裝了一口袋的夢
Baby, I'm from New York親愛的,我來自紐約
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of ——造就夢想的混凝土密林
There's nothing you can't do在這沒什麼你不能做
Now you're in New York你現在在紐約
These streets will make you feel brand new這街道會讓你感覺煥然一新
Big lights will inspire you燦爛的街燈會讓你鼓舞
Hear it for New York, New York, New York! 傾聽紐約,紐約,紐約吧!

One hand in the air for the big city, 手伸進空氣中感受大城市的氣息,
Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty路燈和人們的夢想相映生輝No place in the world that can compare世界上沒有一個地方能與這里比
Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah把打火機高舉在空中,大家一起唱 yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

In New York在紐約
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of 這造就夢想的混凝土密林
There's nothing you can't do沒什麼你不能做
Now you're in New York你現在在紐約
These streets will make you feel brand new這街道會讓你感覺煥然一新
Big lights will inspire you燦爛的街燈會讓你鼓舞
Now you're in New York! 你現在在紐約!



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