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發布時間:2023-03-02 08:01:45

⑴ 電影《變形金剛》里各個機器人的英文名稱是什麼

==AUTOBOT 博派==
Optimus Prime 擎天柱
Bumblebee 大黃蜂
Jazz 爵士
Ironhide 鐵皮
Ratchet 力捷
Megatron 威震天
Starscream 紅蜘蛛
Bonecrusher 碎骨魔
Blackout 眩暈
Barricade 路障
Frenzy 迷亂
Scorponok 巨蠍怪

⑵ 求一篇介紹關於機器人電影的英文簡介

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⑶ 電影里的機器人像什麼的英語

What do the robots in the movie look like?
What do the robots in the film look like?

⑷ 跪求~~!關於機器人的電影的英文簡介

Bicentennial Man

Genre: Comedy
Movie Type: Domestic Comedy, Sci-Fi Comedy
Themes: Journey of Self-Discovery, Opposites Attract, Robots and Androids
Director: Chris Columbus
Main Cast: Robin Williams, Sam Neill, Wendy Crewson, Embeth Davidtz, Oliver Platt
Release Year: 1999
Country: US
Run Time: 131 minutes
MPAA Rating: PG
If a robot spends enough time around humans, can he learn to become one of them? The Martin family purchases a domestic android as a servant and names him Andrew (Robin Williams). Andrew comes to know the man of the house as Sir (Sam Neill), his wife as Ma'am Wendy Crewson, and their daughter as Portia (Embeth Davidtz); before long, the Martins suspect that they do not have an ordinary robot on their hands. Andrew seems capable of expressing emotion and generating original thoughts, and the longer he stays with the Martins, the more strongly these human traits manifest themselves. Over the next 200 years, Andrew becomes less a machine and more a member of the family, until a mechanic (Oliver Platt) tells Andrew that he might be able to turn him into a human being. Based on a short story by renowned science fiction author Isaac Asimov (surprisingly, it's only the second Asimov story to be brought to the screen), Bicentennial Man was directed by Chris Columbus, who previously worked with Robin Williams on Mrs. Doubtfire. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide.

機器管家/變人 Bicentennial Man (1999)

導 演:克里斯·哥倫布 Chris Columbus
主 演:羅賓·威廉斯 Robin Williams 山姆·內爾 Sam Neill 艾伯斯·戴維斯 Embeth Davidtz 奧利弗·普萊特 Oliver Platt 海麗·凱特·艾森伯格 Hallie Kate Eisenberg Kevin Tiny Ancell Joe Bellan Merridee Book
上 映:1999年12月13日 ( 美國 )更多地區
地 區:美國 德國 ( 拍攝地 )
對 白:英語
評 分:6.1/10( 7330票 ) 詳細
顏 色:彩色
聲 音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
時 長:132 分鍾
類 型:劇情 科幻 愛情
分 級:瑞典:Btl 澳大利亞:PG 英國:PG 阿根廷:13 德國:0 美國:PG 紐西蘭:PG 法國:U

這個機器人,是好萊塢喜劇天王、羅賓威廉斯最新的嘗試。 擅長以溫馨喜感演出取勝的、好萊塢影星,羅賓威廉斯,在新片《機器人》中,飾演的機器人,在經歷兩百年後,終於透過先進科技,變成真正人類的故事。


⑸ 變形金剛里的幾個機器人都叫什麼,要中英文對照的




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