導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 她說悲傷的電影讓他哭的英文


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1. 悲傷的電影的歌詞

Sue Thompson演唱的《Sad Movies》 英文歌詞 Sad movies always make me cry. He said he had to work, So I went to the show alone. They turned down the lights And turned the projector on. And just as the news of the world started to begin, I saw my darling and my best friend walk in. Though I was sitting there, They didn't see, And so they sat right down in front of me. And when he kissed her lips, I almost died. And in the middle of the color cartoon, I started to cry. Oh, sad movies always make me cry. Oh, sad moives always make me cry. So I got up and slowly walked on home. And mama saw the tears And said「What's wrong?」 And so to keep from telling her a lie, I just said, Sad movies make me cry. Woo…woo… Sad movies make me cry. 悲傷的電影 悲傷的電影總是讓我哭。 他說不得不去工作,我只好獨自觀賞電影。 當燈光變暗,電影就要放映時, 那個盡人皆知的傳說又在重現--- 我的好友與我的心愛相攜而入。 他們並沒有看見我坐在那裡, 他們剛好坐在我前面, 他吻她時我幾乎要死去, 在彩色卡通電影放映中我開始哭泣。 喔……悲傷電影總令我哭泣, 喔……悲傷電影總令我哭泣。 我起身離開慢慢走回家, 媽媽看見淚流滿面的我,問發生了什麼? 我用謊言來迴避她--- 我僅僅說:是悲傷電影令我哭泣。 喔……悲傷電影總令我哭泣, 喔……悲傷電影總令我哭泣。 這是一首悲傷的心情歌曲,女主人公想和愛人去看場電影,但是她的愛人說,他必須去工作,所以女主人公只好非常孤獨和失落地獨自走進電影院,但就在關閉影院燈,開始播放電影的一剎那,她愕然看見自已心愛的愛人和她最好的朋友親密地坐在了她的前面,她的心情無法自控,是那麼悲傷,淚流滿面,可當他吻她時,女主人公心碎的幾乎要死去,I almost died.自已深愛的愛人偷偷地愛著另一個人,無敢相信地如此讓人心碎的場面呈現在自已的眼前,本來如此好看的一部卡通片,卻變成了一部悲傷的電影,Oh,Sad moives,Oh,Sad movies,面對媽媽的詢問,謊言不停地,痛苦地不斷重復,.....Oh,Sad movies,made me cry. 這首歌的詞曲作者均為約翰·勞德密爾克。由於許多歌手的演唱及其富於戲劇性的內容,這首歌深受聽眾喜愛。Sue Thompson演唱的《Sad Movies》,1961年由Hickory Records發行。Sue Thompson原名Eva Sue McKee ,1925年7月19日出生於Nevada。她最早是參加電視演出,並獲得了1954年的艾美獎。

2. 當我看一部悲傷的電影時我哭了 英文

I saw a movie last night which is a sad movie,I have cried for hours that's why my eyes get swollen.
I saw a movie last night,it was a sad movie.I cried for hours,which is why my eyes get swollen.
have done是強調完成了,
I had cried for hours before going to bed,which is why .
I saw a movie last night which is a sad one.I cried for hours and that's why my eyes get swollen.
I have seen a movie which is a sad one.I wwas crying while watching it.That's why my eyes get swollen.
I saw a movie last night,which was a tragedy.I cried ring the watching time,Thats why my eyes get swollen now.
你看電影是過去式了,哭了很久也是last night 的事,而have done 是做過的事對現在的影響即眼睛腫了,哭的動作不能用have cried
I have done是強調你完成了某件事情.
I did是強調動作.
你可以直接說I watched a sad movie last night 不需要用which is.watch a movie not see a movie.
還有你應該說I cried when I was watching the movie.
I did 就是發生在過去的一件事對現在沒有影響比如I did my homework last night.
I have done是過去發生的一件事對現在有影響比如I have done with my homework from yesterday so I got an "A" for today's grade.所謂對現在有影響就是在句子後面加上現在發生的事.

3. 英語翻譯:她說悲傷的電影讓他想哭。

want to cry

4. 那部悲傷的電影是我非常難過 英語翻譯

The sad film makes me very sad.

5. 英語翻譯:這部電影太悲傷了,是我們都哭了

The movie was __so sad____that_____it___made us all cry_______.



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