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發布時間:2023-02-24 19:55:07

❶ 怎麼用英語去買電影票






❷ 買電影票的英文可以這樣說嗎

[網路] Buying Tickets for a Movie;
They queued up to buy tickets for the film.

❸ 怎麽用英文說買電影票

電影票:Hi, three student tickets for "Lovely Bones" at 7 o'clock please.

商場:Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find ___?

KFC:..其實外國人也沒有很特殊,照樣是 Could you give me a pepsi and a chicken burger please. 或者大咧咧一點就 a pepsi and chicken burger please. 主要是把please放在後面。


LOL do you ever say that? "g'day mate?" You guys are so famous for it.

❹ 英語題Mr.Black買了兩張電影票請Mr.Smith看電影,根據下表寫一段對話。要求:50詞左右 screen:1 row:5

Mr.Black: Hi, Mr. Smith! I bought two movie tickets, do you want to come with me?
Mr. Smith: Sure! Which cinema is it?
B: It's Happy Cinema which is in the plaza.
S: Okay. What's the name of the movie?
B: It's Rush Hour.
S: Yeah! What time is it?
B: It's seven pm on 27th of March, 2009. It's just this Friday. It's in Screen 1, Row 2, Seat 78
S: Okay. How much is the ticket?
B: It's six dollars.
S: Oh! I must pay you back.
B: No! It's okay! You don't have to. So I'll see you on Friday okay?
S: Yes! Bye!

❺ 假如你去大世界影城你可以在那很快買到電影票,英語

1.Ask:Where can I buy movie tickets?
2.Has come to the Fourth Street,you will find in the mall in front of you.
3 I write is a letter I sent to friends in the United States.
4.Visitors are interested in these works of art
5.If you wish to,please let me know.
6.Soon I look forward to receiving your letter

❻ 關於電影的情景英語對話閱讀



-hi what are you doing

-I just finish a movie

-oh, what kond of movie you prefer to watch?

-Action. Like Movies starring by Jackie Chan

-Yeah they are the greatest Kungfu star not only in CHina but also in the internationnal. What makes you like action movie?

-there is a hero in every action movie, who will beat the bad guys and save the weak ones. They are not locked by rules, they do it when it is morality. I cann't do not Loving it.

-wow, what a man you are!

-I need to do more to catch up with them. What about you?

-Me? I Prefer Love stories.

-Love story?

-Of course. you see, when a lady and a man become a couple, after overcome serious of difficalt, and different test of true love. How romantic! And especially, a hero saved a girl and also save his true love. wow, so ronabtic....

-okay, okay, Do you want to see the latest movie ?

-Of course .Come on


(Jim is buying tickets for a movie.)

M: May I have two tickets for Finding Nemo?

W: Ok. What time?

M: 2:30, please.

W: It's 60 yuan, please.

M: Sorry, we have student cards[1]. We can get discounts[2] with these, can't we?

W: Sure. That'll be 40 yuan, please.

M: Here is 50 yuan.




M: 能給我兩張《海底總動員》的票嗎?

W: 好的。什麼時間的?

M: 麻煩給我兩點半的。

W: 請給我六十元。

M: 對不起,我們有學生證。可以給我們打折,是吧?

W: 當然。那請給我四十吧。

M: 給您五十。


John:The movie is about to start. Let's hurry. 電影快開始了。我們趕緊吧。

May:Wait a moment. I'm going to buy some snacks. 等一下。我去買點兒零食。

John:Then be quick. 那你快點兒。

May:What would you like to have? 你要吃什麼?

John:Popcorn and cola. 爆米花和可樂。

May:Ok, I'll be right back. 好的,馬上回來。

❼ 怎麽用英文說買電影票

buy a movie ticket



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