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發布時間:2023-02-24 06:10:50

A. 看一部英語動畫片,摘抄影片中的五句對白。

Hey, Nala.(Simba) 嗨,娜娜。(辛巴)
Hi, Simba (Nala) 嗨,辛巴。(娜娜)
Come on. I just heard about this great place.(Simba) 來,我剛才聽說一個好地方。(辛巴)
Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath.(Nala) 辛巴,我正在洗澡呢。(娜娜)
And it's time for yours.(Sarabi) 你也該洗了。(沙拉碧)
Mom!(Simba) 媽媽!(辛巴)
Mom, you're messing up my mane!(Simba) 媽媽,你把我的頭發弄亂了!(辛巴)
OK, I'm clean. Can we go now?(Simba) 好了,我干凈了,現在我們可以走了嗎?(辛巴)
So, where we going?(Nala) 那麼,我們去哪兒?(娜娜)
It better not be anyplace mb.(Nala) 最好不是無聊的地方。(娜娜)
No, it's really cool.(Simba) 不,那地方很酷。(辛巴)
So, where is this really cool place?(Sarabi) 那麼,這個很酷的地方在哪兒?(沙拉碧)
Around the water hole.(Simba) 在水坑周圍。(辛巴)
The water hole?(Nala) 水坑?(娜娜)
What's so great about the water hole?(Nala) 水坑周圍有什麼好?(娜娜)
I'll show you when we get there.(Simba) 到那兒我再告訴你。(辛巴)
Oh, Mom, can I go with Simba?(Nala) 媽媽,我能跟辛巴去嗎?(娜娜)
Hmmm, What do you think, Sarabi?(Sarafina) 你覺得呢,沙拉碧?(沙拉菲娜)
Well...(Sarabi) 這個...(沙拉碧)
Please?(Simba/Nala) 求求你。(辛巴/娜娜)
It's all right with me.(Sarabi) 我沒意見。(沙拉碧)
Yeah!/All right!(Simba/Nala) 太好了!/好吧!(辛巴/娜娜)
As long as Zazu goes with you.(Sarabi) 只要沙祖和你一起去。(沙拉碧)
No, not Zazu.(Simba) 不,不是沙祖。(辛巴)
Step lively.(Zazu) 走快一點。(沙祖)
The sooner we get to the water hole the sooner we can leave.(Zazu) 我們越早趕到水坑,就能越早離開。(沙祖)
So, where are we really going?(Nala) 我們要去哪兒?(娜娜)
An elephant graveyard.(Simba) 象家墓地。(辛巴)
Wow!(Nala) 啊!(娜娜)
Zazu.(Simba) 沙祖。(辛巴)
Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?(Nala) 對,那我們怎麼甩掉這個糊塗蛋?(娜娜)
Oh, just look at you two.(Zazu) 看你們倆個。(沙祖)
Little sends of romance blossoming in the savanna.(Zazu) 浪漫的種子在大草原上開花。(沙祖)
Your parent will be trilled, what with your being betrothed and all.(Zazu) 你的父母會感到驚喜的,你還有你的未婚妻。(沙祖)
Be...what?(Simba) 什麼?(辛巴)
Betrothed. Intended.(Zazu) 婚約。(沙祖)
Affianced.(Zazu) 訂婚。(沙祖)
Meaning...?(Nala) 什麼意思...?(娜娜)
One day, you two are going to be married.(Zazu) 將來,你們要結婚的。(沙祖)
I can't marry her. She's my friend.(Simba) 我不能娶她,他是我朋友。(辛巴)
Yeah, it'd be so weird.(Nala) 對,感覺很怪。(娜娜)
Sorry to bust your bubble, but you two tudle doves have no choice.(Zazu) 對不起,我不應該決你們的念頭,但是你們沒有選擇。(沙祖)
It's tradition going back generations.(Zazu) 這是時代相傳的風俗。(沙祖)
When I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.(Simba) 我當國王時,第一件事就是廢除它。(辛巴)
Not so long I'm around.(Zazu) 只要我在就沒門。(沙祖)
In that case you're fired.(Simba) 那樣的話,你就被開除了。(辛巴)
Hmmm. Nice try, but only the king can do that.(Zazu) 做的不錯,但只有國王可以那麼做。(沙祖)
Well, he's the future king.(Nala) 他是未來的國王。(娜娜)
Yeah, so you have to do what I tell you.(Simba) 沒錯,所以你得按我說的去做。(辛巴)
Not yet, I don't.(Zazu) 不行,我不會的。(沙祖)
And with an attittued like that,I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king, indeed.(Zazu) 以那種態度,我擔心你會變成一個很可憐的國王,真的。(沙祖)
Hmmm. Not the way I see it.(Simba) 我不這么看。(辛巴)
I'm gonne be a mighty king.(Simba) 我將成為強大的國王。(辛巴)
So enemied beware.(Simba) 所以敵人們都要小心。(辛巴)
Weel I've never seen the king of beasts.(Zazu) 我從未見過一個獸王。(沙祖)
With quite so little hair.(Zazu) 只有這么一點點頭發。(沙祖)
I'm gonna be the main event.(Simba) 我將會萬眾注目。(辛巴)
Like no king was before.(Simba) 超越歷代國王。(辛巴)
I'm push'in up on look'in down.(Simba) 我整裝打扮,俯視眾生。(辛巴)
I'm work'in on my road.(Zazu) 練習哄聲。(辛巴)
Thus far a rather unibspiring thing.(Zazu) 目前為止還很平凡。(沙祖)
Oh, I just can't wait to be king.(Simba) 我迫不及待要當國王。(辛巴)
You're rether a long way to go, young master, if you think...(Zazu) 你要走的路還很長,殿下,如果你覺得...(沙祖)
No one sayin'「Do this」(Simba) 沒人說「這么做」。(辛巴)
video frequency no show this sentence. 視頻沒顯示這句。
No one saying「Be there」.(Nala) 沒人說「到那兒」。(娜娜)
What I meant was...(Zazu) 我的意思是...(沙祖)
NO saying「Stop that」.(Simba) 沒人說「那樣不行」。(辛巴)
But what you did't realise...(Zazu) 你還不知道...(沙祖)
No one sayin'「See here」.(Simba) 沒人說「看這兒」。(辛巴)
Now, see here!(Zazu) 看這邊!(沙祖)
Fre to run around all day.(Simba) 每天自由自在的奔跑。(辛巴)
Well, that's definitely out.(Zazu) 那肯定是越界了。(沙祖)
Fre to do it all my way.(Simba) 隨心所欲的做任何事。(辛巴)
I thingk it's time that you and I.(Zazu) 我認為現在你和我。(沙祖)
Arranged a heart-to-heart.(Zazu) 應該交下心。(沙祖)
Kings don't need advice.(Simba) 國王不需要。(辛巴)
From little hornbills for a start.(Simba) 小犀鳥的建議。(辛巴)
If this is where the monarchy is headed.(Zazu) 如果這是君主制度的方向。(沙祖)
Count me out.(Zazu) 淘汰我吧。(沙祖)
Out of service, out of Africa.(Zazu) 趕我走,離開非洲。(沙祖)
I whoudn't hang about.(Zazu) 我不會逗留。(沙祖)
this child is getting wildly out of wing.(Zazu) 這孩子心比天野。(沙祖)
Oh, I just can't wait to be king.(Simba) 我等不及待要當國王。(辛巴)
Everybady, look left.(Simba) 大家,向左看。(辛巴)
Everybady, look right.(Simba) 大家,向右看。(辛巴)
Everywhere you look, I'm.(Simba) 不管向哪邊看。(辛巴)
Standing in the spotlight.(Simba) 我都是萬眾注目的中心。(辛巴)
Not yet!(Zazu) 還不是。(沙祖)
Let every creaturn go for broke and sing. 讓所有生靈都盡情唱歌吧。
Let's hear it in the head and on the wing. 讓我們一起自由自在地欣賞。
It's gonna be King Simba's fined fling. 這是國王辛巴最奔放的舞蹈。
Oh, I just can't wait to be king.(animal/Simba/Nala) 我等不及待要當國王。(動物/辛巴娜娜)
Oh, I just can't wait to be king.(animal/Simba/Nala) 我等不及待要當國王。(動物/辛巴/娜娜)
Oh, I just can't wait.(animal/Simba/Nala) 我等不及待要。(動物/辛巴/娜娜)
To be king.(animal/Simba/Nala) 當國王。(動物/辛巴/娜娜)
I beg your pardon, madam, but...(Zazu) 對不起,夫人,我...(沙祖)
Get off!(Zazu) 走開!(沙祖)
Simba?(Zazu) 辛巴?(沙祖)
All right! it worked!(Simba) 好了!這個主意不錯!(辛巴)
We lost him.(Nala) 我們甩掉他了。(娜娜)
I am a genius.(Simba) 我是個天才。(辛巴)
Hey, genius, it was my idea.(Nala) 嗨,天才,這是我的主意。(娜娜)
Yeah, but I pulled it off.(Simba) 沒錯,但是我實施的。(辛巴)
With me!(Nala) 還有我!(娜娜)
Oh, yeah?(Simba) 哦,是嗎?(辛巴)
Pinned ya.(Nala) 壓住你了。(娜娜)
Hey, let me up.(Simba) 讓我起來。(辛巴)
Pinned ya again.(Nala) 又壓住你了。(娜娜)
This is it. We made it.(Simba) 是這兒,我們做到了。(辛巴)
It's really creepy.(Nala) 真可怕。(娜娜)
Yeah.(Simba) 對。(辛巴)
Isn't it great?(Simba) 是不是很棒?(辛巴)
We could get in a big trouble.(Nala) 我們可能會有大麻煩的。(娜娜)
I konw!(Simba) 我知道!(辛巴)
I wonder if its brains are still in there.(Nala) 不知道他的腦子還在不在?(娜娜)
There's only one way to know.(Simba) 只有一個辦法能知道。(辛巴)
Come on, let's go check it out.(Simba) 來,我們去看一看。(辛巴)
Wroug! The only check it out you will do wiil be to check out of here.(Zazu) 不對!你要做的只有離開這兒。(沙祖)
Oh man!(Simba) 老兄!(辛巴)
We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands.(Zazu) 我們越過榮譽大地的邊界了。(沙祖)
Look, banana beak is crared.(Simba) 看呀,香蕉嘴害怕了。(辛巴)
It's Mr banana beak to you, fuzzy, and right now we are all in very real danger. (Zazu) 對你來說是香蕉嘴先生,乳臭位乾的小子,現在我們的處境很危險。(沙祖)
Danger? Ha!(Simba) 危險?哈!(辛巴)
I walk on the wige side.(Simba) 我想到哪兒就到哪兒。(辛巴)
I laugh in the face of danger.(Simba)
Well, well, well, Banzai, what have we got here?(Shenzi) 啊哈,班仔,那是什麼人?(桑琪)
Hmmm. I don't know, Shenzi.(Banzai) 我不知道,桑琪。(班仔)
What do you think, Ed?(Banzai) 你覺得呢,阿德(班仔)
Just what I was thinking.(Banzai) 和我想的一樣。(班仔)
A trio of trespassers!(Banzai) 三個私闖禁地的人!(班仔)
And qiute by accident let me assure you.(Zazu) 這是個意外,我向你保證。(沙祖)
A sinple navigational error.(Zazu) 導航系統有一點錯誤。(沙祖)
Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait.(Shenzi) 哦,哦,等等,等等,等等。(桑琪)
I know you. you're Mufasa's little stooge.(Shenzi) 我知道你,你是木發沙的小助手。(桑琪)
I, madam, am the king's major-domo.(Zazu) 我,夫人,是國王的得力助手。(沙祖)
And that would make you...(Banzai) 那你是...(班仔)
The future king.(Simba) 未來的國王。(辛巴)
Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?(Sengzi) 你知道我們怎麼對付走出自己領地的國王嗎。(桑琪)
Hum! You can't do anything to me.(Simba) 哼!你們不能對我做任何事情。(辛巴)
Technically, they can, we are on their land.(Zazu) 法律上講,他們能,我們在他們的土地上。(沙祖)
But Zazu, you told me they're nothing but slobbering、mangy、stupid poachers.(Simba) 但是,沙祖,你告訴我他們只是些貪婪、骯臟、愚蠢的偷獵者。(辛巴)
Ix-nay on the upid stay.(Zazu) 不要提愚蠢這字。(沙祖)
Who you callin'upid stay?(Banzai) 你在說什麼?(班仔)
Mia, mia, mia, oh, look at the sun!(Zazu) 哦,看太陽。(沙祖)
It's time to go(Zazu) 是時間走了。(沙祖)
What's the hunrry?(Shenzi) 為什麼這么快?(桑琪)
We're love you to stick around for dinner.(Shenzi) 我們愛你留下吃晚飯。(桑琪)
Yeah, we could have whatever's lion around!(Banzai) 我們可以吃,所有用獅子做的東西!(班仔)
Wait, wait, wait, I got one, I got one!(Shenzi) 等等,等等,等等,我有了,我有了!(桑琪

B. 求獅子王中娜娜和辛巴重逢的那段英文配音原稿

{The lions tangle for a bit more. The fight becomes a
wrestling. The lioness flips Simba and pins him with a
loud thump. Simba is startled by this. The lioness is still
baring her teeth. Simba, however, is very surprised and
no longer threatening.}Simba: Nala?{She immediately backs off and looks at Simba, examining him.}Simba: Is it really you?Nala: Who are you?Simba: It's me. Simba.Nala: Simba? {Pause for realization} Whoah!{Simba and Nala run together and greet each other. The
greetings are enthused and run over each other.}Nala: Well how did you.. where did you come from... it's
great to see YOU...
Simba: Aaah! How did you... who... wow... this is cool... it's
great to see you...{Camera view of Timon who is completely baffled by this
sudden change}Timon: Hey, what's goin' on here?Simba: {Still to Nala} What are you doing here?Nala: What do you mean, "What am I doing here?" What are
you doing here?Timon: HEY! WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE!?!?!Simba: Timon, this is Nala. She's my best friend.Timon: {Thoroughly confused} Friend?!?Simba: Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa, come over here.{Pumbaa gets himself unstuck.}Simba: Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala.Pumbaa: Pleased to make your acquaintance.Nala: The pleasure's all mine.Timon: How do you do.. Whoa! Whoa. Time out.. Lemme get
this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she
wants to eat him. And everybody's... okay with this?
DID I MISS SOMETHING?!?Simba: Relax, Timon.Nala: Wait till everybody finds out you've been here all
this time! And your mother... what will she think?Simba: {Misunderstanding} She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know.Nala: Well, of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead.Simba: They do?Nala: Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede.Simba: He did? Well... {beginning to see something} what else
did he tell you?Nala: What else matters? You're alive. and that means...
you're the king.Timon: King? Pbbb. Lady, have you got your lions crossed.Pumbaa: King? Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet. {Noisily
kisses Simba's paw}Simba: Stop it.Timon: {To Pumbaa} It's not "gravel." It's "grovel." And
DON'T-- he's not the king. {to Simba} Are ya?Simba: No.Nala: Simba?Simba: No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was gonna be, but...
that was a long time ago.Timon: Let me get this straight. You're the king? And you
never told us?Simba: Look, I'm still the same guy.Timon: {Enthusiastic} But with power!Nala: {Apologetic} Could you guys... excuse us for a few minutes?Timon: Hey, {taps Pumbaa} whatever she has to say, she can
say in front of us. Right, Simba?Simba: Hmm. Maybe you'd better go.Timon: {Aghast, then resigned} It starts. You think you know a guy...{Pumbaa and Timon pad off. Pumbaa sighs.}Simba: Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love 'em.{Nala has her head bowed down sadly.}Simba: What? ...What is it?Nala: {Quietly} It's like you're back from the dead. You
don't know how much this will mean to everyone. {Pained
expression} ...What it means to me.Simba: Hey, it's okay.Nala: {Rubbing under Simba's chin, purring} I've really
missed you.Simba: {Startled by Nala's boldness for an instant, then
reciprocating} I've missed you too.["Can You Feel the Love Tonight" Scene]{They are rubbing heads. We hear Timon sigh; camera
switch to show them watching from the bushes.}Timon: {Heavy sigh} I tell you, Pumbaa, this stinks.Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry.Timon: Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alone.Pumbaa: What's wrong with that?{Singing}{Parenthetical part is spoken by Pumbaa.}Timon:
I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two.
(Oh.){In a sarcastic mock-French accent} Ze sweet caress of twilight{Back to normal, but still sarcastic} There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air{The scene passes from Timon and Pumbaa to Simba and Nala
in front of a waterfall.}FS:
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things{After walking around each other, taking in each other's movements,
they stop to drink at the water.}Simba:
So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from meNala:
He's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is
The king I see inside?{During the Chorus the following occurs: Simba looks at
Nala, smiles, and runs off stage. He runs back on stage,
grabs a vine in his mouth and splashes into the middle of
the pond. Nala looks out over the still water. Suddenly
Simba lunges up under her and pulls her in the pond
playfully. She immediately comes out dripping and miffed.
When Simba comes out, she pushes him back in. The scene
switches to them tussling. They end up play fighting.
After tumbling down a hillside, Simba ends up pinning
Nala for a first. She gives him a tiny lick, resembling a
kiss. Simba looks startled and stares at Nala. Close-up
of Nala, as she stares back with a sective smile. Close-up
of Simba, whose expression changes from a surprised one to
a comprehending one.. The two rub heads (a cat-style kiss)
as the last lyrics are sung.}Chorus:
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are{Camera switches back to a tearful Timon and Pumbaa.}Timon:
And if he falls in love tonight {Pumbaa sniffs}
It can be assumed{Timon hugs Pumbaa, tearfully.}Pumbaa:
His carefree days with us are historyTimon and Pumbaa:
In short, our pal is doomed{They let loose crying full force.}[Hammock Scene]Simba: Isn't this a great place?Nala: It is beautiful. But I don't understand something.
You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come
back to Pride Rock?Simba: {Climbing into a "hammock" of hanging vines} Well,
I just needed to... get out on my own. Live my own
life. And I did. And it's great. {He sounds almost as
if trying to convince himself as well as Nala.}Nala: {Voice catching, as though barely under control} We've
really needed you at home.Simba: {Quieter} No one needs me.Nala: Yes, we do! You're the king.Simba: Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king.
Scar is.Nala: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands.Simba: What?Nala: Everything's destroyed. There's no food. No water.
Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will
starve.Simba: I can't go back.Nala: {Louder} Why?Simba: You wouldn't understand.Nala: What wouldn't I understand?Simba: {Hastily} No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata.Nala: {Confused} What?Simba: Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here.
Look, sometimes bad things happen...Nala: Simba!Simba: (Continuing, irritated) ...And there's nothing you can do
about it. So why worry?{Simba starts away from Nala, walking on a fallen tree. Nala
trots back up to him.}Nala: Because it's your responsibility!Simba: Well, what about you? YOU left.Nala: I left to find help! And I found YOU. Don't you
understand? You're our only hope.Simba: Sorry.Nala: What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I
remember.Simba: You're right. I'm not. Now are you satisfied?Nala: No, just disappointed.Simba: You know, you're starting to sound like my father.
{Walking away again}Nala: Good. At least one of us does.{Simba is obviously cut by the comment about his father;
he tears into Nala with his words.}Simba: {Angry} Listen, you think you can just show up and
tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what
I've been through!Nala: I would if you would just tell me!Simba: Forget it!Nala: Fine!{Simba walks off. Camera switch to Simba pacing in a field.}Simba: She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove,
anyway? It won't change anything. You can't change the
past.{He looks up at the stars.} You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not.
And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's my fault.{He bows his head, choking back tears. The camera backs to
a far view and then zooms over to Rafiki in a nearby tree.
We hear his chant. Just for fun, I've included its translation.} Rafiki's Chant: Translation: Asante sana! [Thank you very much!]
Squash banana! [Squash banana!]
We we nugu! [You're a BABOON,]
Mi mi apana! [And I'm not!]

C. 獅子王辛巴和父親木法沙對話的英文台詞


Mufasa:Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.




Mufasa:A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and rise with you as the new king.


Simba:And this all be mine?




Simba:Everything the light touches! What about thatshadowyplace?


Mufase:That's beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba.


Simba:But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.


Mufasa:Oh, there's more to being a king than getting your way all the time.


Simba:There's more?


Mufasa:Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.

As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from thecrawlingantto the leapingantelope.


Simba:But dad, don't we eat the antelope?辛巴:但是爸爸,我們不是吃羚羊的嗎?

Mufase:Yes, Simba. But let me explain.

When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass, and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.







D. 求一個經典英語電影片段的對話

一《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救贖》
1.You know some birdsare not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.
2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch.That's yours.
那是一種內在的東西, 他們到達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。
3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing everdies.

二《Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳》
1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
2.Stupid is as stupid does.
3.Miracles happen every day.
4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.
5.Have you given any thought to your future?
6.You just stay away from me please.
7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.
8.It made me look like a ck in water.
9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.
10.I was messed up for a long time.
11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating aroundaccidentally——like on a breeze.

三《The Lion King獅子王》
1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
2.I laugh in the face of danger.
3.I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking fortrouble.
4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
5.It's like you are back from the dead.
6.You can't change the past.
7.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn fromit.
8.This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?
9.Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.
10.I'll make it up to you, I promise.

四《Gone with The Wind 亂世佳人》
1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for,worth dying for. Because it is the only thing that lasts.
土地是世界上唯一值得你去為之工作, 為之戰斗, 為之犧牲的東西,因為它是唯一永恆的東西。
2.I wish I could be more like you.
3.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.
4.I think it's hard winning a war with words.
5. Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.
6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always getpaid.
7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, Ilove you.
8.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer foryou than I've waited for any woman.
9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I'll never behungry again!
10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world inwhich there is no place for me.
11.You're throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out forsomething that will never make you happy.
12.Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all,tomorrow is another day.

1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I wasscreaming.
2.We're the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.
3.There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, ifyou would not deny me. Open you're heart to me.
4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.
5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you'rein the club.
6.All life is a game of luck.
7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, orwho I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up.
8.I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know whathand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
9.To make each day count.
10.We're women. Our choices are never easy.
11.You jump, I jump.
12.Will you give us a chance to live?
13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be nomore death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be anymore pain, for the former world has passed away.

六《Sleepless in Seattle西雅圖不眠夜》
1.Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see youthrough this.
2.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your ordertakes out and it changes your life.
3.Destiny takes a hand.
4.You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.
5.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.
6.You know it's easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over theage of 40.
7.You are the most attractive man I ever laid ears.
8.Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?
9.When you are attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attractedto their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate, is just twoneuroses knowing they are a perfect match.
10.Everybody panics before they get married.
11.Your destiny can be your doom.
12.The reason I know this and you don't is because I'm younger and pure. So I'mmore in touch with cosmic forces.
13.I don't want to be someone that you're settling for. I don't want to besomeone that anyone settles for.
14.What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn't get to you? Whatwould I have done without you? You're my family. You're all I've got.

1.Money is not everything. There's MasterCard.
鈔票不是萬能的, 有時還需要信用卡。
2.One should love animals. They are so tasty.
每個人都應該熱愛動物, 因為它們很好吃。
3.Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.
要節約用水, 盡量和女友一起洗澡。
4.Love the neighbor. But don't get caught.
要用心去愛你的鄰居, 不過不要讓她的老公知道。
5.Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessfulman, there are two.
每個成功男人的背後, 都有一個女人. 每個不成功男人的背後, 都有兩個。
6.Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
再快樂的單身漢遲早也會結婚, 幸福不是永久的嘛。
7.The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.
8.Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
成功是一個相關名詞, 他會給你帶來很多不相關的聯系。
9.Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.
愛情就象照片, 需要大量的暗房時間來培養。
10.Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats causechildren.
後排座位上的小孩會生出意外, 後排座位上的意外會生出小孩。
11.Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.
現在的夢想決定著你的將來, 所以還是再睡一會吧。
12.There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
應該有更好的方式開始新一天, 而不是千篇一律的在每個上午都醒來。
13.Hard work never killed anybody. But why take the risk?
14.Work fascinates me. I can look at it for hours!
15.God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.
神決定了誰是你的親戚, 幸運的是在選擇朋友方面他給了你留了餘地。

E. 尋《獅子王》。。。英文版電影台詞原文




F. 獅子王(英文版)經典台詞

1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。

2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危險就越合我心意。

3. I』m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn』t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的時候才會勇敢,勇敢並不代表你要到處闖禍。

4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果這個世界對你不理不睬,你也可以這樣對待它。

5. It』s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而復生似的。

6. You can』t change the past. 過去的事是不可以改變的。


①《獅子王》(The Lion King)是迪士尼出品的一部歌舞冒險動畫電影,由羅傑·艾勒斯、羅伯·明可夫聯袂執導,馬修·布羅德里克、詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯、傑瑞米·艾恩斯等主演配音,影片於1994年6月24日在美國全面公映。

G. 有哪些適合英語對話的電影片段


Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人淺薄,有些人金玉其外敗絮其中,但是總有一天,你會遇到一個絢麗的人,他讓你覺得你以前遇到過的所有人都只是浮雲。
These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institution alized.

Scar: Life's not fair; is it? You see I... Well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.
Zazu : Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? 你媽媽沒有告訴過你不要拿食物玩嗎?
Scar: What do you want? 你來做什麼?
Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.
Scar: Oh now look Zazu, you made me lose my lunch. 噢,Zazu,你弄丟了我的午餐
Zazu: Hah! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a Hippo with a Hernia.
Scar: Ohhh...I quiver with FEAR! 我怕得發抖。
Zazu: Now Scar, don't look at me that way...HELP!!!! Scar,別那樣子看我。救救我!
Mufasa: Scar! ... Drop him. 放下它。
car: Mmm-Mmm-Hmmm?
Zazu: Impeccable timing your majesty. 來得正是時候,陛下。
Scar: Why! if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.
Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. Sarabi和我在辛巴的慶典上沒有見到你。
Scar: That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful. Must have slipped my mind. 是今天舉行嗎?噢,太可怕了。肯定是我搞錯了。
Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should have been first in line!
Scar: Well, I was first in line...until the little hairball was born. 我一直是第一位,直到這個小毛頭出生。
Mufasa: That hairball is my son...and your future king. 那小毛球是我的兒子,也是你們未來的國王。
Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy. 噢,我應該練習自己的禮儀。
Mufasa: Don't turn your back on me, Scar. 不要給我臉色看,Scar。
Scar: On, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me. 噢,不,Mufasa,也許是你不該給我臉色看。
Mufasa: Is that a challenge? 想挑戰我嗎?
Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. 別發火,別發火,我從未想過挑戰你。
Zazu: Pity! Why not? 真遺憾,為什麼不?
Scar: Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.


Zazu: There's one in every family, sire...two in mine, actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions.
Mufasa: What am I going to do with him? 我該怎麼處置他?
Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug. 他做條地毯很不錯。
Mufasa: Zazu!
Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him. 想一想,無論何時只要他弄臟自己,你就可以把他拖出去打。
Rafiki: Hmmm...heh heh heh...Simba.
Simba: Dad! Dad! come on Dad, we gotta go. Wake up! Oops! Sorry. Dad? Dad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad,...
爸爸,爸爸,快點兒,爸爸,我們得走了,醒醒。 Sarabi: Your son ...is awake...你兒子醒了…
Mufasa: Before sunrise, he's your son.太陽升起前,他是你的兒子。
Simba: Dad. Come on Dad. 快點兒,爸爸。
Simba: You Promised! 你答應過我的。
Mufasa: Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm up.
Simba: Yeah!
Mufasa: Look Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. 看,辛巴,有陽光的地方都是我們的王國。
Simba: Wow.
Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.
Simba: And this will all be mine? 那這都會成為我的?
Mufasa: Everything. 一切。

H. 求《獅子王》一個配音片段的對白(英文字幕),不勝感激。

Get out! Get out! Get out of here!

I love this! Bowling for buzzards.


Gets 'em every time.

Uh-oh. Hey,Timon,you better come look.

I think it's still alive.

All righty,what have we got here?

Jeez,it's a lion!

Run,Pumbaa,move it!

Hey,Timon,it's just a little lion.

Look at him. He's so cute and all alone.

- Can we keep him?
而且是一個人 我們能留下他嗎?

- Pumbaa,are you nuts?

You're talking about a lion.

Lions eat guys like us. - But he's so little.

- He's going to get bigger.


Maybe he'll be on our side.

Ha! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he'll...

maye be

Hey,I got it.

What if he's on our side?

You know,having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.

So,we're keeping him?

Of course. Who's the brains of this outfit?

My point exactly.

Jeez,I'm fried.

Let's get out of here and find some shade.
我們快離開這兒 找個陰涼的地方

- You OK,kid? - I guess so.

- You nearly died.


- I saved you.

Well,Pumbaa helped... a little.

Thanks for your help.

- Hey,where you going?

- Nowhere.

Gee,he looks blue.

I'd say brownish gold.

No,no,no. I mean he's depressed.

Kid,what's eating you?

Nothing. He's at the top of the food chain.

The food chain.

So,where you from?

Who cares? I can't go back.

Ah,you're an outcast.

- That's great. So are we.

- What'd you do,kid?

Something terrible,but I don't want to talk about it.
很可怕的事 但是我不想跟你們說

Good. We don't want to hear about it.

Come on,Timon. Anything we can do?
拜託,丁滿 我們能幫忙嗎?

Not unless you can change the past.

Kid,in times like this,my buddy Timon here says...
孩子你要知道在這個時候 我這位夥伴丁滿說

you got to put your behind in your past.

- No,no,no.

Amateur. - I mean...
我是說… 笨蛋

Lie down before you hurt yourself.

It's,you got to put your past behind you.

Look,kid,bad things happen...
孩子 你常會碰到一些倒霉的事

and you can't do anything about it,right?

- Right. - Wrong!
對 錯

When the world turns its back on you...

you turn your back on the world.

Well,that's not what I was taught.

Then maybe you need a new lesson.

Repeat after me.

- Hakuna matata. - What?

Hakuna matata


It means "no worries."

I. 獅子王英語台詞,不要是對話的,3~5分鍾,謝謝。

辛巴,我對你非常失望--Simba, I'm very disappointed in you

Si:我知道--- I know

M:你可能會死掉--You could've been killed
你故意不聽我的話--You deliberately disobeyed me
而且更糟的是,你把娜拉置身於危險中--and what's worse, you put Nala in danger

Si:我只是想要跟你一樣勇敢--I was just trying to be brave, like you

M:我只有在必要的時候才勇敢--I'm only brave when I have to be
勇敢並不表示你要去找麻煩--being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble

Si:可是你什麼都不怕--But you're not scared of anything

M:我今天就被嚇了--I was today

Si:真的?--You were?

我怕我會失去你--I thought I might lose you

Si:噢原來國王也會害怕,是嗎?--Oh I guess even kings get scared, huh?


Si:但是你知道嗎?--- But you know what?


Si:我認為那些土狼比你還嚇慘了--I think those hyenas were even scareder

M:因為沒有人有膽子敢惹你爸爸--'Cause nobody messes with your dad
過來,你--- Come here, you

Si:哦,不,不要!啊!哈!--Oh, no! No!Aaagh! Errrggh!
哈,快過來!--Aah! Come here!


S:我們是夥伴,對吧?--We're pals, right?


S:那我們就永遠在一起,是嗎?--And we'll always be together, right?

M:辛巴我告訴你一些--Simba, let me tell you something
我爸爸以前跟我說的話--that my father told me
你看那些星星--Look at the stars
過去那些偉大的君王--The great kings of the past
正從那些星星上看著我們--look down on us from those stars

Si:真的?--- Really?

所以每當你寂寞的時候--So, whenever you feel alone
要記得那些君王--just remember that those kings
永遠在那裡指引著你--will always be there to guide you
我也會的--and so will I

T:外行。躺一邊去,別傷著自己--Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself
是你得把你的過去拋到腦後--You got to put your past behind you
嗨,孩子 一些壞事發生了--Look, kid, bad things happen
你也拿它沒辦法,對吧?--and you can't do anything about it, right?


當這個世界不理你的時候--When the world turns its back on you
你也不必理這個世界--you turn your back on the world

M(g):辛巴,你已經忘了我--Simba, you have forgotten me

Si:不!我怎麼忘得了--No How could I?

M(g):你已經忘了你是誰--You have forgotten who you are
那也不會記得我了--and so have forgotten me
好好看看你自己吧,辛巴--Look inside yourself, Simba
你真不該是現在這個樣子--You are more than what you have become
你一定要在生命之圈中找到自己的位置--You must take your place in the circle of life

Si:我怎麼能回去呢?--How can I go back?
我已經不再是以前的我了--I'm not who I used to be

M(g):要記住你是誰--Remember who you are
你是我兒子,也是唯一的國王--You are my son, and the one true king
要記住你是誰--Remember who you are

Si:不!求求你,不要離開我--No! Please, don't leave me!




Si:不要離開我--Don't leave me




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