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⑴ 《查理與巧克力工廠》英語故事

這是一本既寫給孩子又寫給大人的書。接下來,我給大家准備了《查理與巧克力工廠》 英語 故事 ,歡迎大家參考與借鑒。


Roald Dahl's beloved book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, celebrates its 50th birthday this year—and yesterday, The Guardian has posted a fun treat for its fans: a previously unpublished chapter from an early draft of the book. "The Vanilla Fudge Room" was discovered among Dahl's papers after he died; according to The Guardian, it was "deemed too wild, subversive and insufficiently moral for the tender minds of British children."

"The Vanilla Fudge Room" would have been chapter five, and in it, Charlie—accompanied by his mother, not his grandfather—and a few other kids head with Wonka to the Vanilla Fudge Room, where "there was an actual mountain, a colossal jagged mountain as high as a five-storey building, and the whole thing was made of pale-brown, creamy, vanilla fudge." Naturally, two disobedient children get into some trouble after deciding—against Wonka's wishes—to ride the wagons the workers were using to transport fudge:

The remaining eight children, together with their mothers and fathers, were ushered out into the long white corridor once again.

"I wonder how Augustus Pottle and Miranda Grope are feeling now?" Charlie Bucket asked his mother.

"Not too cocky, I shouldn't think" Mrs Bucket answered. "Here – hold on to my hand, will you, darling. That's right. Hold on tight and try not to let go. And don't you go doing anything silly in here, either, you understand, or you might get sucked up into one of those dreadful pipes yourself, or something even worse maybe. Who knows?"

Little Charlie took a tighter hold of Mrs Bucket's hand as they walked down the long corridor. Soon they came to a door on which it said:


"Hey, this is where Augustus Pottle went to, isn't it?" Charlie Bucket said.

"No", Mr Wonka told him. "Augustus Pottle is in Chocolate Fudge. This is Vanilla. Come inside, everybody, and take a peek."

They went into another cavernous room, and here again a really splendid sight met their eyes.

In the centre of the room there was an actual mountain, a colossal jagged mountain as high as a five-storey building, and the whole thing was made of pale-brown, creamy, vanilla fudge. All the way up the sides of the mountain, hundreds of men were working away with picks and drills, hacking great hunks of fudge out of the mountainside; and some of them, those that were high up in dangerous places, were roped together for safety.

As the huge hunks of fudge were pried loose, they went tumbling and bouncing down the mountain, and when they reached the bottom they were picked up by cranes with grab-buckets, and the cranes mped the fudge into open waggons – into an endless moving line of waggons (rather like smallish railway waggons) which carried the stuff away to the far end of the room and then through a hole in the wall.

"It's all fudge!" Mr Wonka said grandly.

"Can we climb up to the top?" The children shouted, jumping up and down.

"Yes, if you are careful," Mr Wonka said. "Go up on that side over there where the men aren't working, then the big hunks won't come tumbling down on top of you."

So the children had a wonderful time scrambling up to the top of the mountain and scrambling down again, and all the way there and back they kept picking up lumps of fudge and guzzling them.

"Now I'm going to have ride on one of those waggons," said a rather bumptious little boy called Wilbur Rice.

"So am I!" Shouted another boy called Tommy Troutbeck.

"No, please don't do that." Mr Wonka said. "Those things are dangerous. You might get run over."

"You'd better not, Wilbur, darling," Mrs Rice (Wilbur's mother) said.

"Don't you do it either, Tommy," Mrs Troutbeck (Tommy's mother) told him. "The man here says it's dangerous."

"Nuts!" Exclaimed Tommy Troutbeck. "Nuts to you!"

"Crazy old Wonka!" shouted Wilbur Rice, and the two boys ran forward and jumped on to one of the waggons as it went by. Then they climbed up and sat right on the top of its load of fudge.

"Heigh-ho everybody!" shouted Wilbur Rice.

"First stop Chicago!" shouted Tommy Troutbeck, waving his arms.

"He's wrong about that," Mr Willy Wonka said quietly. "The first stop is most certainly not Chicago."

"He's quite a lad, our Wilbur", Mr Rice (Wilbur's father) said proudly. "He's always up to his little tricks."

"Wilbur!" shouted Mrs Rice, as the waggon went shooting across the room. "Come off there at once! Do you hear me!"

"You too Tommy!" shouted Mrs Troutbeck. "Come on, off you get! There's no knowing where that thing's headed for!"

"Wilbur!" Shouted Mrs Rice. "Will you get off that … that … my goodness! It's gone through a hole in the wall!"

"Don't say I didn't warn them," Mr Wonka declared. "Your children are not particularly obedient, are they?"

"But where has it gone?" Both mothers cried at the same time. "What's through that hole?"

"That hole," said Mr Wonka, "leads directly to what we call The Pounding And Cutting Room. In there, the rough fudge gets tipped out of the waggons into the mouth of a huge machine. The machine then pounds it against the floor until it is all nice and smooth and thin. After that, a whole lot of knives come down and go chop chop chop, cutting it up into neat little squares, ready for the shops."

"How dare you!" screamed Mrs Rice. "I refuse to allow our Wilbur to be cut up into neat little squares."

"That goes for Tommy, too!" cried Mrs Troutbeck. "No boy of mine is going to be put into a shop window as vanilla fudge! We've spent too much on his ecation already!"

"Quite right," said Mr Troutbeck. "We didn't bring Tommy in here just to feed your rotten fudge machine! We brought him here for your fudge machine to feed him! You've got it the wrong way round a bit, haven't you, Mr Wonka?"

"I'll say he has!" said Mrs Troutbeck.

"Now, now," murmured Mr Willy Wonka soothingly. "Now, now, now. Calm down, everybody, please. If the four parents concerned will kindly go along with this assistant of mine here, they will be taken directly to (the) room where their boys are waiting. You see, we have a large wire strainer in there which is used specially for catching children before they fall into the machine. It always catches them. At least it always has up to now."

"I wonder," said Mrs Troutbeck.

"So do I," said Mrs Rice.

And high up on the mountainside, one of the workers lifted up his voice, and sang:

"Eight little children – such charming little chicks. But two of them said 'Nuts to you,' and then there were six."

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⑵ 查理與巧克力工廠 英文簡介






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⑷ 跪求《查理和巧克力工廠》電影的詳細介紹

片名: 查理和巧克力工廠
譯名: 威利和他的巧克力工廠
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The IMAX Experience
導演: 蒂姆·伯頓 tim burton
主演: 約翰尼·德普 johnny depp弗雷迪·海默 freddie highmore戴維·凱利 david kelly安娜索菲婭·羅伯 annasophia robb海倫娜·博納姆·卡特 helena bonham carter克里斯托弗·李 christopher lee詹姆斯·福克斯 james fox加瑞克·哈根 garrick hagon
編劇: 約翰·奧古斯特 john august
類型: 奇幻家庭喜劇冒險
片長: 106分鍾
地區: 歐美
級別: 美國:pg
發行公司: golden village
上映日期: 2005-7-15
上映國家: 美國 / 英國

電影 查理和巧克力工廠 劇情介紹:





⑸ 求《查理和巧克力工廠》英語中文的百度網盤鏈接


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1V-pgnQhdr6ej4Xv6cnOLhg



⑹ 查理和巧克力工廠字幕有幾個版本


⑺ 求查理和巧克力工廠高清百度雲,英文完整版帶中文字幕的!!!謝謝謝謝,急求

我有網路雲 。賬號分享給你吧

⑻ 求《貓和老鼠:查理和巧克力工廠(2017)》百度雲免費在線觀看,羅里·艾倫主演的

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1hH6arg1068x2OfmJHwMNSg

提取碼: x8ve
編劇:羅爾德·達爾/Gene Grillo
主演:羅里·艾倫/傑夫·伯格曼/克蘭西·布朗/傑斯·哈梅爾/理查德·麥克格納格爾/林肯·梅爾徹/艾米麗·奧布萊恩/格雷格·埃利斯/凱斯·索西/史派克·布蘭特/Rachel Butera/凱特·希金斯/JP Karliak/Dallas Lovato/肖恩·施梅爾
又名:貓和老鼠:查理與巧克力工廠 / 貓和老鼠:威利旺卡和巧克力工廠

⑼ 電影《查理和巧克力工廠》的英文簡介能再簡短些嗎謝謝!



In a small town where little Charlie grew up, there was the largest chocolate factory in the world.

The factory was owned by Willy Wonka, a great chocolate inventor and manufacturer. The factory is very mysterious.

The gate is locked. People in the whole town have never seen anyone go in or out of the gate.

⑽ 跪求《查理和巧克力工廠(2005)》百度雲免費在線觀看,蒂姆·波頓導演的

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1cq2jlJkfBGPfGx-9PEAHww

提取碼: fsr1
導演: 蒂姆·波頓
編劇: 羅爾德·達爾、約翰·奧古斯特
主演: 約翰尼·德普、弗萊迪·海默、海倫娜·伯翰·卡特、克里斯托弗·李、諾亞·泰勒、大衛·凱利、米西·派勒、詹姆斯·福克斯、安娜索菲亞·羅伯、迪普·羅伊、亞當·戈德利、弗蘭西斯卡·托格內爾、茱莉亞·溫特、喬丹·弗雷、菲利普·韋格拉茨
類型: 喜劇、奇幻、冒險
製片國家、地區: 美國、英國、澳大利亞
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2005-07-15(美國)
片長: 115 分鍾
又名: 朱古力獎門人(港)、巧克力冒險工廠(台)
威利•王卡(強尼•戴普 飾)是一位偉大的巧克力發明人和製造商,經營著全世界最大的巧克力工廠——王卡巧克力工廠。那是座神秘的工廠,大門緊鎖,15年來,從來沒有看見有工人從大門進去或出來過,可是卻能聞到濃郁的巧克力香味。工廠出產的旺卡牌巧克力銷往世界各地,深受孩子們的喜愛。
其中有一個小客人叫查理(弗萊迪•海默 飾),家庭非常貧寒,在經歷兩次失敗後,他發現了最後一張金券,巧克力工廠的大門因此為他打開。



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