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❶ 花木蘭替父從軍故事的英文簡單版

Mulan was a folk woman in ancient times. She practiced riding since childhood, and became more proficient in riding when she grew up.


When Khan enlisted, Mulan's father's name was also on the list, and many young people from the same village were on the expedition.


Because her father was too old and ill to March, Mulan put on men's clothes, bought a horse and saddle, and went out for her father.


Mulan went up against the Yellow River, crossed the black mountain, and fought for 12 years on horseback. She made many contributions.


Men can do things women may not be able to do, Mulan joined the army after the things people believe in this truth.


❷ 《花木蘭》英文影評


the feeling after reading Mulan This morning,I sat on the chair near the window and listened to the birds ,reading this book—Mulan .I have heard hundreds of times.I can say, she was with me throughout my childhood. But every time I pick up this book ,I always have more feelings.

Hua Mulan,as we all know,she was a brave woman.Since she was born,she have had an optimistic nature and a strong heart,just like a boy. As the Emperor called up a man in every family to the battleground .At that time her father was ill and old and her brother was only a little boy.So Mulan decided to join the fight resolutely instead of her father.

Why Mulan can become a general but others can』t? We can think this question in our mind.Why? Because she has a brave

heart! On the battleground,she didn』t fear the enemies.She shouted to her army.She fighted the emery courageously,countless enemies stepped by her foot.She saved the endless national dignity and honour. All her battle companions thought she was a real man!

In the army,nobody knew she was a woman in fact.In my eyes,This brave woman is more man than a real man instead.

If you have a brave heart,you won』t fear the difficulties in your life. However,how can we have a brave heart?We all know,failure is the mother of success.When we go through some difficulties,we will have a brave heart.By then,you will not fear the difficulties,the competition,and even the enemies.








❸ 花木蘭英文台詞片段

One beautiful spring morning I was alone in my room, reading. Suddenly a wonderful smell in the air made me get up and put out my hands . The spirit of spring seemed to be passing in my room. "What is it?"I asked. The next minute I knew it was coming from mimosa tree outside. I walked outside to the edge of the garden, toward the tree. There it was, shaking in the warm sunshine. Its long branches, so heavy with flowers, almost touched the ground. I walked through the flowers to the tree itself and then just stood silent. Then I put my foot on the tree and pulled myself up into it. I climbed higher and higher until I reached a little seat. Long ago someone had put it there. I sat for a long time... Nothing in all the world was like this.這是海倫凱勒

❹ 動畫片花木蘭英文台詞

Fa Mulan.

Speaking without permission.
Who spit in her bean curd?
Huh. Hmm.
Mmm. Too skinny.
Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.
Recite the final admonition.
Fulfill your ties calmly and... respectfully.
Um, reflect before you snack...
Act! This shall bring you honor and glory.
Hmm. This way.
Now, pour the tea.
To please your future in-laws,you must demonstrate a sense of dignity and refinement.
要取悅你未來的公婆, 你一定要表現出謹慎、庄嚴、優雅, 不但要心存恭敬
You must also be poised.
Um, pardon me.
And silent!
Could I just take that back?
For a moment.
Why, you clumsy...
Whoo! Whoo!
I think it's going well, don't you?
Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!
You are a disgrace!
You may look like a bride,but you will never bring your family honor!
你也許看起來像個新娘, 可是你永遠也不會為你們家的人爭光

❺ 寫關於花木蘭英語作文,150詞左右,謝謝各位了


Mulan is a 1998 American animated film proced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19 1998.The thirty-sixth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics and a part of the Disney Renaissance the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan.


Mulan was the first of three features proced primarily at the Disney animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando Florida. It was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook with story and screenplay by Robert D. San SouciRita Hsiao Philip LaZebnik Chris Sanders Eugenia Bostwick-Singer and Raymond Singer. Development for the film began in 1994 when a number of artistic supervisors were sent to China to receive artistic and cultural inspiration.


Fa Mulan is the only daughter of aged warrior Fa Zhou. She impersonates a man and takes her father's place ring a general conscription to counter a fictitious Hun invasion led by Shan Yu . Along with her guardian dragon Mushu her captain Li Shang a lucky cricket "Cri-kee" and her companions Yao Ling and Chien-Po she battles the invading Hun army.


❻ 電影《花木蘭》中比較好的10台詞 (中英文都要有)


❼ 花木蘭故事英文版 急用

The legend of Hua Mulan

The name Hua Mulan has been synonymous with the word "heroine" for hundreds of years in Chinese society and culture. Disney's 1998 animated film, "Mulan," brought her name to a wider audience. The following version of the well-known story is presented in the form of Longjiang Opera.

On a peaceful morning, glistening with a rosy glow, Mulan washes clothes and practices martial arts with her fellow mates. But the sound of the bronze gong breaks off the harmony in the small town: The army is again recruiting new soldiers.

The old and ailing Hua Hu, Mulan's father, is getting ready to be recruited, but his "son", a young and handsome soldier, is standing in front of the family - Mulan disguises as a man to stand for the ty of her father. With a sword inherited from ancestors of the family, Mulan leaves for the battlefield.

In the cold evenings on the frontier, Mulan, who is not used to sleeping with other soldiers in the tent, stands on guard ring the night shift. Soldiers like Zhang Shazi make fun of Mulan, but an honest officer called Jin Yong offers her his tent to sleep in: The two become good friends. Jin respects Mulan for her martial arts skills and ideas and Mulan admires Jin's masculine vigor and bravery.

For 10 years on the battlefield, the two friends experience a great deal together and Mulan gets promoted to general. She is in love with Jin Yong but has no means of expressing her feelings. In a surprise attack against the enemy one evening, Mulan gets wounded by an arrow and goes to recover at Han Mei's home, a girl who was saved by Mulan. The girl has admired and loved Mulan "the general" for a long time. When Mulan is well and longs to go back to the battlefield, Han Mei tells Mulan that she wants to marry her. At this point, Mulan is forced to reveal her true identity.

After Jin Yong learns that Mulan is female, he becomes even more infatuated with her, and Mulan also becomes more attached to Jin Yong. On the evening of Mid-autumn Day, Mulan dreams that she becomes a real woman again and marries Jin Yong. But the neighbors and Jin Yong's mother do not regard her as a woman and refuse to accept a wife who is also a general. Then Mulan awakes from her nightmare.

Jin Yong gets drunk and breaks into Mulan's tent, toasting three cups of wine to her, and reveals his deep passion for her. Mulan promises that the day the war is over will be the day when they get married.

The enemy launches a sudden assault and Jin Yong asks for an assignment. In the heated and brutal battle, Jin dies saving Mulan. Seeing the dead bodies on the battlefield, Mulan is devestated.

When the enemy retreats, Mulan goes back to the old battlefield to offer sacrifices to the martyrs. She changes back to a girl's clothing and the other soldiers realize for the first time that the general who has experienced such hardships for twelve years is female. A feeling of reverence and respect towards the woman overwhelms all of the soldiers. The imperial edict comes to promote Mulan, but she resigns from the position and goes back home where she writes: "Honors and disgrace, gains and losses are all external things; it's utter dedication and loyalty to save the country".

❽ 花木蘭電影經典電影台詞英語

1. There are plenty of young men to fight for China!
2. 很多年輕人都在為國家奮戰!
3. It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
4. 保護我的國家和家人是我的榮幸。
5. So you'll die for honor.
6. 所以你將為榮譽而死。
7. I will die doing what's right!
8. 我將為那些正確的事情拚命!
9. The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter.
10. 花家最大的榮耀,就是有你這個好女兒。
11. The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.—Emperor of China.
12. 逆境中綻放的花朵,才是最珍貴、最美麗的。
13. The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.—Emperor of China
14. 逆境中綻放的花朵,才是最珍貴、最美麗的。——玉皇大帝
15. To please your future in-laws,you must demonstrate a sense of dignity and refinement.
16. 要取悅你未來的公婆,你一定要表現出謹慎、庄嚴、優雅,不但要心存恭敬。
17. You may look like a bride,but you will never bring your family honor!
18. 你也許看起來像個新娘,可是你永遠也不會為你們家的人爭光。
19. Mulan:You shouldn't have to go!
20. 花木蘭:你不該走!
21. Mulan:There are plenty of young men to fight for China!
22. 花木蘭:很多年輕人都在為國家奮戰!
23. Fa Zhou:It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
24. 花弧:保護我的國家和家人是我的榮幸。
25. Mulan:So you'll die for honor.
26. 花木蘭:所以你將為榮譽而死。
27. Fa Zhou:I will die doing what's right!
28. 花弧:我將為那些正確的事情拚命!
29. Mulan:But if you...
30. 花木蘭:但是你……
31. Fa Zhou:I know my place!It is time you learned yours.
32. 花弧:我知道我將去往何方,現在輪到你問問自己了。
1.The flower that blooms in adversity isthe most rare and beautiful of all.
2.To please your future in-laws,youmust demonstrate a sense of dignity and refinement.
3.You may look like a bride,butyou will never bring your family honor!
4.There are plenty of young men tofight for China!
5.It is an honor to protect mycountry and my family.
6.I will die doing what's right!
7.I know my place!Itis time you learned yours.
8.I will serve the emperor in my father's place.
9.Ancestors, hear our prayer. Watch over Mulan.

❾ 花木蘭故事概括英文版 花木蘭故事概括英文版簡單介紹

1、Mulan was a folk woman in ancient times. She practiced riding since childhood, and became more proficient in riding when she grew up.


2、When Khan enlisted, Mulans fathers name was also on the list, and many young people from the same village were on the expedition.


3、Because her father was too old and ill to March, Mulan put on mens clothes, bought a horse and saddle, and went out for her father.


4、Mulan went up against the Yellow River, crossed the black mountain, and fought for 12 years on horseback. She made many contributions.


5、Men can do things women may not be able to do, Mulan joined the army after the things people believe in this truth.


❿ 美國版花木蘭英文經典片段

Mulan: Father, you can't go
Fa Zhou: Mulan!
Mulan: Please sir, my father has already fought bravely--
Chi Fu: Silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue
in a man's presence.
Fa Zhou: Mulan, you dishonor me.
Chi Fu: Report tomorrow at the WuShu camp.
Fa Zhou: Yes, sir.
Chi Fu: The Chu family. The Wen family.
The Chang family. The...
Mulan: You shouldn't have to go.
Fa Li: Mulan!
Mulan: There are plenty of young men to fight for China.
Fa Zhou: It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
Mulan: So you'll die for honor!
Fa Zhou: I will DIE doing what's right.
Mulan: But if you--
Fa Zhou: I know my place, it is time you learned yours.
Grandma Fa: Mulan is gone.
Fa Zhou: What? It can't be. Mulan! No.
Fa Li: You must go after her. She could be killed!
Fa Zhou: If I reveal her, she will be. [Fa Zhou embraces Fa Li]
Grandma Fa: Ancestors, hear our prayer: Watch over Mulan.

First Ancestor: Mushu, awaken!

Mushu: I live! So tell me what mortal needs my protection Great Ancestor. You just say the
word and I'm there.

First Ancestor: Mushu!

Mushu: Hey, let me say something. Anybody who is foolish enough to threaten
our family, vengeance will be MINE. Hrrrrr.

First Ancestor: Mushu! These are the family guardians.

Mushu [dejectedly]: Protect the family.

First Ancestor: And you, oh demoted one.

Mushu: I...ring the gong.

First Ancestor: That's right, now, wake up the ancestors.

Mushu: One family reunion coming right up. Okay people,
people look alive, lets go! C'mon get up. Let's move it, rise and shine.
You're way past the beauty sleep thing now trust me!
Ancestor 1: I knew it, I knew it. That Mulan was a trouble maker from the start.

Ancestor 3: Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family.

Ancestor 2: She's just trying to help her father.

Ancestor 4: But, if she is discovered, Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.
Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate.
Ancestor 5: Not to mention they'll lose the farm.
Ancestor 1: My children never caused such trouble. They all became
Ancestor 3: Well, We can't all be acupuncturists.
Ancestor 6: No, your great granddaughter had to be cross-dresser!
Ancestor 7: Let a guardian bring her back.
Ancestor 8: Yeah, awaken the most cunning.
Ancestor 4: No, the swiftest.
Ancestor 9: No, send the wisest.
First Ancestor: Silence! We must send the most powerful of all
Mushu: Ho, ho, heh, heh. Okay,okay, I get the drift, I'll go. You all don't think I can do it.
Watch this here. Ah, ha, Jump back, I'm prettyhot huh.
Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.



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