導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 邀請我的朋友來看電影用英文怎麼說


發布時間:2023-02-16 09:39:39

㈠ 昨天,我邀請了我的朋友們去看電影 英文

Yesterday,I invited my friends to see a movie

㈡ 用英文寫一篇關於看電影的邀請函

Dear (人名) :
You have been very supportive to us in the past year of operation and we are extremely grateful for all you've done.To show our appreciation,we would like to invite you to dinner [如果只是晚餐就說 "dinner",如果是宴會形式的晚宴就用 "a dinner party" 代替 "dinner"] on (日期格式是星期,月日,年 例如:Friday,March 16,2007)[一般邀請函上會指明時間,但您若一定要說"在財年結束之際",用at the end of this fiscal year] at the (地點- 例如:Marriot Hotel 這個美、加一家較有名氣得連鎖飯店,只是舉例因為我不是很清楚國內得情況).If your schele would allow,we will have transportation ready for you at (時間).[這句話的意思是"如果您的行程許可,我們將在(時間)為您備好車"."如果您的行程許可"只是客套話,但應該說,表示禮貌.如果被邀請方沒有車,那您應該提供交通工具.] We would be delighted if you will attend.

㈢ 我想邀請我的朋友星期天和我一起看電影英文

Mom, can I invite my friends to share the fruit with me? 希望能幫到你, 如有疑問,可追問~

㈣ 想邀請朋友一起去看電影,用英語怎麼說。(要兩種)急!


let us go ro see a movie !
why not see a movie?


I'd like to invite some friends to the movies
邀請invite; request
朋友friend; boy friend; girl friend; amigo; panion
一起去go along with
看電影see a movie


I went to see a movie with my friends.

他喜歡和她的朋友一起去看電影 用英語怎麼說

He likes to go to movies with her friends together.




Going to see a movie with friends by car.


can i go to the movies with friends on the weekend.

想請朋友晚上一起去看電影 英語怎麼說

I want to invite friends to the cinema at night.


我希望你能邀請你朋友一起去看電影 英文:
I hope you can invite your friends to the movies

㈤ 怎樣用英語邀請朋友參加看電影活動並說對他有幫助

Do you have time tomorrow? There's a movie going on in our school at 6pm. Would you like going there with me? The movie is in English. You can learn English by watching the movie. And the price is cheap too. Just 10rmb each person.

你明天有時間么? 晚上6點我們學校有看電影。 你願意跟我一起去么? 電影是原版英文的。 你可以通過看電影來學習英文。 而且票價也便宜。 每人只要10元。

㈥ 用英語說一下今天是星期五上午要上課下午沒課我打算邀請我的朋友湯姆去看電影

Today is Friday morning class will have no classes this afternoon I'm going to invite my friend Tom to go to the movies

望採納,謝謝 有疑問可以繼續追問。

㈦ 邀請朋友一起去電影院的英文怎麼說

invite friends to / cinema /see movies.

㈧ 英語作文邀請同學去看電影100詞帶翻譯


This weekend I invited three students to go to the movies together. There are many new movies released recently. We are going to take a bus to the cinema at the weekend.

When we get to the cinema, we will go to the front desk to buy movie tickets. Our plan is to go to the restaurant after watching the movie and go shopping after dinner. This is our preliminary plan. We will revise it according to the actual situation.

It must be a happy weekend.



㈨ 請問怎麼用英語邀請朋友去看電影

Would you mind my inviting you to go to cinema this evening?

Would you like to go to the movies on Friday night?

you pay for the supper and i treat you to a movie?ok?

㈩ 他邀請我跟他一起去看電影用英語怎麼說

He invited me to go to cinema with him.



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