① 請用英語寫一篇短文,介紹你最喜歡的一部電影80詞左右。My Favorite Movie 為題
My favorite movie is the Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Firstly, Catniss Everdeen values loyalty to friendship, which I really like. Even ring the Hunger Games, when everyone has to kill people until only one person survive, they make allies and still save each other. It made me rethink about humanity, when everyone still has a instinct to save each other. Lastly, when an old woman saves Catniss by running into the poisonous fog, I had been moved by her courage and her sacrifice. This movie had made me rethink about loyalty and humanitity, and these are the reasons why I like it.
② 用英語敘述一部電影,大約80詞左右
Gone with the wind is the best movie that i have ever watched. It tells about the civil war of the American, how the south was defeated by the north, how the slavery was bolished and how those southerner survived through these dramatic changes in their lifestyles.A kind of life was over ring the civil war, a civilization was changed by the war, everything was gone, gone forever with the wind and only those who look forward and adapt themselves to the changes can survive.
what impressed me most is the chacracter Scarlet who is not only beautiful, energetic but also smart and reassuring. She got through all thess hard times and finally gain success.
③ 給朋友介紹電影的英語作文80詞 英語作文
The movie is by the activity and slide-show art combined with
neuroscientists have developed a kind of modern art.Is a can accommodate
literature drama,photography,painting,music,dance,art DuoZhong
comprehensive art,but it also has the artistic characteristics of
alone.The movie in the artistic expression on not only have a variety of
other art characteristics,and because this can use montage of strong
artistic skill,has formed the movie beyond all other means the
performance of art.
④ 英語推薦 80字 近期英語電影~
今天開始放暑假了。暑假到了,但是暑假要干什麼呢?覺得是想做一些不同的事情,但是不知道從哪裡開始,又從哪裡結束……或許本來就沒有開始,沒有結束。暑假是這樣,生活也是這樣。 在孩子們的眼裡,社會總是充滿著真善美,生活是甜蜜而多彩的。在大人們的眼中,社會是有兩面性的,既有真善美,又有假丑惡,生活具有酸甜苦辣。為何大人與孩子的思想有那麼大的差別?結論只有一個:這是成熟與稚嫩最根本的區別。 大千世界中,任何事物都具有雙面性。大人們的閱歷豐富,決定了他們看東西比較全面。而孩子要走向成熟,就必定需要經歷一些事情。有人說:「生活是一個大練兵場,是磨礪人的舞台。」在這個特殊的舞台上,每個人將會遇到開心的事情與悲哀的事情。悲哀的事情會使人承受巨大痛苦,開心的事物會讓人擁有美好的心情。如果整日面對悲事,人容易喪失信心進而自暴自棄、頹廢沉淪;而整日面對喜事,人又會被眼前的事物所迷惑,缺乏社會經驗,容易上當受騙。正如植物不能缺少陽光與雨水一樣,人的經歷中不能缺少快樂和悲傷。
2. 暑假裡面最愛做的一件事情之一當然是看《快樂男生》了。我最喜歡陳楚生了,我想很多人都喜歡他,有人喜歡他的聲音,有人喜歡他抱著吉他的神情,有人喜歡他的故事,有人喜歡他的為人……我喜歡他,似乎不需要因為什麼,又似乎是因為他的一切。 當再次看到他的時候就已經很是被他吸引了,是因為他的聲音,還有他抱著吉他用心歌唱,用音樂講故事的神情,記得當時聽他演唱的時候,整個人就完完全全的陷進去了,似乎是你走進了他的故事,又似乎是他走進了你的內心深處,這種感覺是當時在場的其他所有選手都沒有的,別的選手唱歌時就是簡單的機械的在聽,而對於楚生是聆聽。 在後來一場一場的比賽中對他的喜歡一次次加深。決賽在陳楚生和蘇醒之間,歌迷分成了兩派,評委分成了兩派,主持人似乎也分成了兩派,最終結果出來後,何老師還口誤把陳楚生說成蘇醒。陳楚生和蘇醒,完全是兩個世界的人,一個賣盒飯度日,一個少年留學海外。最後冠軍是陳楚生,我興高采烈地大聲疾呼,我贏了,我們楚生贏了。 這個世界上,我相信每個人付出的堅持與努力都是回得到回報的。
3. 炎熱的夏季往往是考驗人毅力的時候,每個人的毅力不同,但求知的大門永遠敞開。就看遠處的你我願不願走進。走過了炎熱,也就代表你走上了一個新的起點。今天我無意中看書,看到童第周這篇課文,童第周學習十分差,但他艱苦努力,早上、晚上都合理利用學習,從最後一名成為第一名。我從中受到很大的啟發:無論做什麼事要想成功,必須付出辛勤的勞動和汗水,才能獲得豐收的喜悅。這又使我想起一句名言:「一分耕耘,一分收獲。」多麼好的名言,我的精神一下子提上來了,我找到了精神需要的補品。向以往那樣,我又好好學習,每天老師帶我們去知識的海洋,攻破了一道道難關。得到了一份份美好的戰利品。 使我堅定了信念,鍛煉了意志和不斷學習攀登的精神。等待下一關的挑戰......
4. 呆在家裡做作業,不免覺得有些乏味,除了看看書或電視,陪著外公外婆打幾副牌,尋開心。媽媽對我非常苛刻,時常在我耳邊嘮叨,定要讓我復習語數英,說什麼「馬上畢業了,升初中還那麼放鬆!」我只好乖乖認命,僅5天,就做完了作業的一半!驚人啊!我的暑假雖吁了口氣,但還是「閉門自習」的,唉,倒霉! 游泳是我在夏日中必不可少的運動,在碧波里狠狠一個猛躥,便會讓那碧湛湛的、清涼的池水,涼便全身,浸透心田。雖說在游泳池裡偶爾喝幾口水,但在池裡感覺還是很棒、很爽的!在炎熱的夏,來幾個狗爬式,幾下蛙泳,有一種休閑時尚的感覺。 暑假,平淡中也有自在,也有快樂。無聊而快樂的生活啊!呵呵。
5. 暑假裡,我看見媽媽總是心事重重的,還總是在鏡子前照來照去,我知道,媽媽是為自己逐漸變胖的身材而苦惱。暑假以來,媽媽的客戶經常請媽媽吃飯,這些東西不知道有多少卡路里呢!唉,可不是嘛,《大長今》過後,媽媽愛上了韓劇,每天晚都要看,而且天天都到10點多鍾,早上怎麼能早起?媽媽下班晚,根本沒有時間去運動,怎樣才能讓媽媽變瘦呢? 我先讓媽媽做健美操,其實就是廣播操,媽媽才做了一半,就已經氣喘吁吁了,接下來,是轉呼啦圈,媽媽接過那個特大號的呼啦圈。只見媽媽踢踢腿,彎彎腰,扭扭脖子,甩甩手,很認真地做著每個動作。一會兒工夫,就見她全身大汗。我趕緊拿來毛巾和水杯,關心地說:「好了好了,今天到此為止。」媽媽擦了擦汗,一下子喝完了整杯水,這才舒了一口氣。 一個星期後,媽媽站上台稱。她驚喜地喊道:「減了減了,1公斤呢!」「耶!減肥成功!」我歡呼道。 原來只要能堅持,減肥一定也會成功。
6. 今天去吃肯德基了。一進去,我們一家三口立即分了工,爸爸去訂餐,我和媽媽去找座位。好不容易找了個座位坐了下來,趁爸爸還沒來,我又打量了一下肯得基店堂:大廳很寬敞,桌椅整潔漂亮,設施齊全,四周的牆壁上畫滿了兒童卡通畫和肯得基宣傳畫,有清涼的飲料、酥焦的薯條、香噴噴的漢堡包、色香味具全的大雞腿,看著畫上的食物,我饞得直流口水。「可以吃了!」隨著我的一聲歡叫,爸爸端著滿滿一托盤食物走來了。爸爸給我買了兒童套餐,我往餐盤里一看,哇!兒童套餐原來還送玩具呢!一個小巧玲瓏的肯得基小人正在翻油桶,可每次他都運氣不好,總是一頭栽進桶里去!看著他那滑稽的樣子,我不由得「咯咯」地笑出聲來!「洋洋,你要是不餓,我們可要全吃了!」媽媽故意逗我,只見她拿起漢堡包大大地咬了一口,我一看急了,左手抓起大雞腿,右手拿起漢堡包,也啊嗚啊嗚地吃起來,不一會兒,一套兒童套餐就被我「報銷」了! 走出肯德基店門,肯德基的美味還在我嘴裡回味。我心中一直在想,其實國外真的有很多好的東西值得我們學習。
7. 今天,因為天氣炎熱,所以爸爸帶我到河邊去玩,還帶了瓶子裝魚。來到河邊,爸爸坐在大樹下乘涼,我呢,就在河裡玩水呀、捉魚呀。 忽然,我看見一隻蝦,還以為是魚,就迫不急待地正想把它摟了起來,沒想到它卻跑了。我又去追,好不容易才用手把它圍住了,摟到瓶子里,仔細一看,呀,原來是一隻蝦。這時,我像一個泄了氣的皮球,一下子軟了。我想:好不容易才把它抓住,還是把它養起來吧!接著,我又捉住幾條魚放在瓶子里,和蝦做伴。 我抬著瓶子得意地往前走,不小心踩到石頭上的一塊青苔。只聽「咚」的一聲,我像一隻落湯雞,渾身是水。而且瓶子里的魚和蝦也趁此機會跑了,留下一個空瓶子泡在水裡。我撿起瓶子悶悶不樂地向岸上走去。真是「偷雞不成,反失把米」。結果我就這樣濕漉漉地回家了。 平時的我,總是在學校,很少和大自然親密接觸,對於大自然的很多東西,我都很陌生,以後有機會我一定多接觸接觸大自然。
⑤ 求兩篇英文電影的評論不少於80詞。出名一點的
⑥ 英文電影的英語簡介,80詞
你好 只有這篇比較短 你可以根據需求自行刪減 謝謝 英文電影介紹·哭泣游戲 The Crying Game
This highly original film put screenwriter-director Neil Jordan on the
international map. The story begins at a carnival in Ireland with British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker) kidnapped by IRA terrorists Jude (Miranda Richardson) and Fergus (Stephen Rea). Fergus is assigned to guard Jody, and they become friends. After the kidnapping goes horribly wrong, Fergus escapes to London to track down Jody's girlfriend, Dil (Jaye Davidson), to fulfill a promise to Jody and ends up falling in love with her. The only problem--well, it's not the only problem--is Jude has also come to London with news that the IRA is after Fergus and has a dangerous new mission in mind.
1 After the kidnapping goes horribly
2 ends up falling in love with herend up
按金山和朗道的解釋是豎著,結束,死的意思。看上下文它絕不是這些解釋。看中文介紹原意是Fergus跑到倫敦找到Jody的女朋友,並最後愛上了她。這說明不要太迷信詞典,只能做參考。不過中文介紹中最後Fergus發現Jody的女朋友是個男身。有誰看過這部電影嗎,能解釋一下。 A sensation ring its original release for its controversial plot development,
THE CRYING GAME went on to win several awards and remains a tender and thrilling viewing experience. Jordan's script bristles with wit and intelligence, and the
plentiful symbolic imagery shows the hand of a true artist. Ian Wilson's photography beautifully captures the various locales of London and rural Ireland. Boy George sings the title song,
⑦ 要一篇用英文介紹英文電影的作文 80個單詞
The Day After Tomorrow 《後天》
starring: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Dash Mihok, Jay O Sanders丹尼斯-奎德、傑克-吉倫哈爾、艾米-羅森、莎拉-沃德
director: Roland Emmerich 羅蘭德-艾默里克
studio: 20th Century Fox 發行公司:二十世紀福斯影片公司
synopsis 內容大綱
Jack Hall is a climatologist , whose research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the planet's climate. While Jack warns the White House of the impending climate shift, his 17 year-old son Sam finds himself trapped in New York City where he and some friends have been competing in a high school academic competition. He must now cope with the severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. Having taken refuge inside the Manhattan Public Library, Sam manages to reach his father by phone. Jack only has time for one warning: stay inside at all costs. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, Jack heads north to New York City to save Sam. But not even Jack is prepared for what is about to happen--to him, to his son, and to his planet.
⑧ 觀看兩部英文電影並用自己的想像力寫出其續集,60—80字
⑨ 求介紹一部電影的英語作文,80詞,初2水平,謝謝。。。。
My favorite movie is "kung fu panda,". This movie is about the beautiful scenery in the pinggu and, there lived a group of wulin. But the difference is, and the wulin, pinggu are all animals. The panda the treasure is probably one of the valley will not the fighting skill of residents. And fat and slow the treasure in the father of work in business noodle, father hope the treasure can inherit, however the treasure is a noodle who is learning in the valley, and become the first fighting skill of kung fu masters. But it has always been lazy to bo, it was just a distant dream only. The tortoise master recently had the foreboding: the great dragon snow leopard, is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely come and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting
The story happened ring the Second World War.Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency[1] in Paris. One day he met with Ilsa in Paris. They soon fell in love and planned to marry. However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. But just before the leaving by train, Rick received a letter from Ilsa, saying that she couldn't go with him. So he had to pass through many places to Casablanca and runs a Cafe[2] there. One night, he met Ilsa at his Cafe, who escaped with her husband to Casablanca. They hoped to obtain exit visas here and escaped to the New World At first, Rick can't forgive that Ilsa's gone back on[3] her word. At first he refuses to help them get the exit visas. Learning this Ilsa determines to go alone to see Rick.