導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 拳擊電影英文歌


發布時間:2023-02-15 21:59:22

1. 拳擊的那首主題英文歌曲的名字

We are the champions(我們是冠軍) 歌詞如下: I′ve paid my es 我不惜一切 Time after time 屢敗屢戰 I′ve done my sentence 我甘願去逆來順受 But committed no crime 哪怕罪名是莫須有 And bad mistakes 低級錯誤 I′ve made a few 我也曾犯 I′ve had my share of sand kicked in my face 也曾一起 But I′ve come through 遭人迎面唾棄 We are the champions - my friends 但我最終能夠跨越艱辛 And we′ll keep on fighting - till the end 而我要繼續 繼續 繼續 繼續 We are the champions 我們是冠軍 朋友們 We are the champions 我們會戰斗到底 No time for losers 不再有失利 Cause we are the champions - of the world 因為我們是世界冠軍 I′ve taken my bows 我鞠躬 And my curtain calls 我謝幕 You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it 向造就我的名利 和一切一切的你 I thank you all 致以謝意 But it′s been no bed of roses 但即使不曾有成堆的鮮花和歡慶的巡遊 No pleasure cruise 我也會把困境當作對全人類的挑戰 I consider it a challenge before the whole human race 我決不放棄 And I ain′t gonna lose 而我要繼續 繼續 繼續 繼續 We are the champions - my friends 我們是冠軍 朋友們 And we′ll keep on fighting - till the end 我們會戰斗到底 We are the champions - 我們是冠軍 We are the champions 我們是冠軍 No time for losers 不再有失利 ′Cause we are the champions - of the world 因為我們是世界冠軍

2. 求一首英文歌,是一個黑人女歌手唱的,以拳擊手為背景的.

jennifer lopez的 Louboutins,好像是這個吧,去年的全美音樂獎表演過

3. 奎迪電影中康蘭上場的歌曲是什麼

《奎迪》電影中康蘭上場的歌曲是french Montana的《Don't waste my time》。影片中由Tony Bellew飾康蘭('Pretty' Ricky Conlan)。該片講述了阿多尼斯·約翰遜不顧家人反對參與拳擊運動,找到曾經打敗過他爸爸的對手洛奇當教練,試圖在拳壇闖出一片天地的故事。





3、《Meeting Rocky》



6、《First Date》

7、《Moving in with Rocky》


9、《Front Street Gym》

10、《The Sporino Fight》

11、《Shed You》

12、《I Got You》

13、《Rocky is sick》

14、《Caught in the Shadow》

15、《f I Fight, You Fight》

16、《Boxing Shorts》

17、《Conlan Fight》

18、《You're a Creed》

19、《you Can See The Whole Town From Here》

20、《End Credits - Creed》

21、《Creed Suite》

4. 關於拳擊節目的一首英文歌曲

Auld Lang Syne
should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
should auld acquaintance be forgot,
for the sake of auld lang syne.
if you ever change your mind,
but i living, living me behind,
oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving,
bring it home to me.
bring it home to me.yeah~ yeah~

lt;waterloon bridge gt;a good love story with this beautiful sound track
it's my favorit.thank you for download .
i wanna be your friend,please add me !:)

i'll give you jewelry and money too.
that' s all all i'll do for you.

darling you know i laughed when you left,
but now i know that i only hurt myself.
please bring it to me,bring your sweet sweet love,
bring it home to me, bring it home to me.

for auld lang syne my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet
for the sake of auld lang syne.

再介紹幾首來源比較曲折的歌曲:《念故鄉》譯自《愛的喜悅》,《送別》則是由一個中國美男子和尚譯自美國民歌並重新賦詞,《什錦飯/小癩嘛/小冤家》則是翻譯自漢克· 威廉姆斯最負盛名的代表作品Jambalaya

5. 美國拳擊電影《挑戰者》背景音樂叫什麼

《挑戰者》有如下10音軌 :

6. 有個拳擊視頻尼瑪啊這才是一代宗師的英文歌是什麼音樂

Shawty Shawty - Austin Mahone
Aye shawty shawty don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the world
I need you by my side
We can dance all night
and party like yeah
Wake up in the mornin
do it do it again
ah mama
Aye shawty shawty don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the city
if your ready to ride
We can live for the moment
we yellin out ya
Wake up in the morning
do it do it again like mama

You lookin like a Star tonight

they all know who you are tonight

Whatcha doin later on

I don't mean tonight
I'm talkin 'bout
Your life yeah aye girl
you lookin like a star tonight
Won't you jump up in my car tonight
We can do it all is this
your favorite song
aw yeah yeah
Yeah yeah already
I love you already we gotta do it we
Gotta do it all dressed
already standing by the door
See you smilin and we're ready to go

Aye shawty shawty don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the world
I need you by my side
We can dance all night
and party like yeah

Wake up in the mornin do it do it again
Aye shawty shawty
don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the city
if your ready to ride
We can live for the moment
we yellin out ya
Wake up in the morning do it
do it again like mama

You got us feelin like
a stars light so open
Up your heart tonight

and we can do it most
Starting with a toast
let's raise em up to us

Aye girl I wanna turn it up tonight

so we can do whatever
You like I got the radio on
I say is this your favorite song
She said yeah yeah yeah

Already I love you already

we gotta do it we gotta do it all
Dressed already standing
by the door see you smilin and I love you
We're ready to go singin

Aye shawty shawty
don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the world
I need you by me side
We can dance all night
and party like yeah

Wake up in the morning
do it do it again mama

Aye shawty shawty don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the city
if your ready to ride
We can live for the moment
we yellin out ya
Wake up in the morning
do it do it again
Like aye shawty shawty
not tryin to make you
Property but if you was mine
I'd be sure to treat you
Properly I know sometimes
love isn't always all
What it's made out to be this
could be what ours
Could be willing and hourly I
know them other guys
Tryin to string you along
try ma nice line but i'ma
Sing you a song said
it's hard to open up well your
Hearts been mistreated
but I got just what you needin
I'm just hoping you'll
Recieve it and we can do it big
All over the world got the diamonds
and the pearls all
Over my girl and I ain't really
into favoritism but if
I was you'd be my favorite
sendin you a text I hope
You save it yo
Aye shawty shawty
don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the world
I need you by my side
We can dance all night
and party like yeah
Wake up in the morning
do it do it again like mama
Aye shawty shawty don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the city
if your ready to ride
We can live for the moment
we yellin out ya
Wake up in the morning
do it do it again mama
Aye shawty shawty don't you wanna be
Mine we can cruise the world
I need you by my side
We can dance all night
and party like yeah

Wake up in the morning
do it do it again like mama

7. 求一個mv是拳擊手的英文歌

One more night



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