② 《匹諾曹2022》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求網盤資源
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導演: 羅伯特·澤米吉斯
編劇: 卡洛·科洛迪 / 西蒙·法納比 / 克里斯·韋茲 / 羅伯特·澤米吉斯
主演: 湯姆·漢克斯 / 本傑明·埃文·安斯沃思 / 盧克·伊萬斯 / 辛西婭·艾莉佛 / 約瑟夫·高登-萊維特 / 科甘-邁克爾·凱 / 洛南·布雷科 / 希拉·阿蒂姆 / 漢娜·弗林 / Aidan Towers / Amy Lee Ronaldson / LaToya Harding / Sinem Saridagli / Alastair Crosswell
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 歌舞 / 家庭 / 奇幻 / 冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2022-09-08(美國網路)
片長: 105分鍾
又名: 木偶奇遇記(港/台)
匹諾曹的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
迪士尼1940年版動畫片《匹諾曹》(Pinocchio)是根據義大利作家卡洛·科洛迪(Carlo Collodi)的《木偶奇遇記》(The Adventures Of Pinocchio)改編的,曾獲兩項奧斯卡獎。故事主要講述老木匠傑佩托(Geppetto)造了一個木偶,給他起名叫匹諾曹。匹諾曹一心想成為真正的男孩,但因為撒謊學壞而受到懲罰,變成了驢被壞人販賣的冒險經歷。
迪士尼不是唯一一個打算拍《匹諾曹》電影的,吉爾摩·德爾托羅(Guillermo del Toro)和Netflix合作,將於2022年12月推出3D定格動畫版《匹諾曹》(Pinocchio)。
此外華納兄弟也曾計劃過一部真人版的《匹諾曹》(Pinocchio),還打算讓本·斯蒂勒(Ben Stiller)執導,讓小羅伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)同時扮演匹諾曹和他的木匠爸爸,不過該計劃早已沒有了動靜。
③ 匹諾曹 電影簡介
老人戈佩托(羅伯托·貝尼尼飾)把一塊能哭會笑的木頭雕成了木偶,他把取得生命的小木偶當成兒子,並給木偶取名匹諾曹(費德里科·伊帕迪飾)。戈佩托賣掉了上衣,換取了供匹諾曹學習的課本。可是匹諾曹一心貪玩,為了看木偶戲不惜賣掉課本。匹諾曹隨後在木偶戲班獲得了戲班老闆曼吉亞福科(吉吉·普羅耶蒂飾)的五枚金幣,回家路上卻被狐狸(羅科·帕帕萊奧飾)和貓(馬西莫·切可里尼飾)騙走了金幣。不久後,在仙女(瑪麗恩·瓦斯飾)的教導下,匹諾曹一心想成為一個用功讀書的好孩子,可是他又經不起誘惑,在壞同學的慫恿下被引誘到玩兒國,在瘋狂地玩了一段時間後,匹諾曹變成一頭又懶又蠢的驢。後來,匹諾曹被鯊魚吞進了肚子里,他和戈佩托在鯊魚腹中意外重逢,並成功地逃了出來。他們在海邊住下,匹諾曹也在仙女的幫助下並變成一個真正的小孩子 。
④ 小木偶匹諾曹 英文簡述
It is the story of the old potter puppet cover bits (Geppetto) hands have carved a puppet,he is the name of Pinocchio.In the sorcerer for Pinocchio into the magical vitality after,Pinocchio has desire to be a real live boy.In order to realize this dream,Pinocchio find kind of blue fairy.The blue fairy promised his demands,but an additional conditions:Pinocchio must learn to truth,courage,not selfishness.And at the same time as a punishment,when Pinocchio lie,his nose and will continue to get longer.Indeed,honest and not a can easily have the virtue,also not seriously consciousness to honest important Pinocchio,the nose soon to grow,and trouble things come!.Finally,after countless hardships hardships and test,Pinocchio managed to understand the meaning of the "honesty.And as the fairy's reward,Pinocchio also realized his longing dream--into a real live "people".
⑤ 老人(真人)在鯨魚的肚子里生活的電影,是我小時候看,木偶奇遇記(匹諾曹)是動畫版的,我想看的是真人
英文名:The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
上映年度: 1988
國家:英國 / 西德
導演: 特里·吉列姆 Terry Gilliam
主演: 烏瑪·瑟曼 Uma Thurman
約翰·內威爾 John Neville
薩拉·波莉 Sarah Polley
特里·吉列姆 Terry Gilliam
喬納森·普雷西 Jonathan Pryce
埃里克·艾多爾 Eric Idle
奧利弗·里德 Oliver Reed
⑥ 英文版 匹諾曹的故事 主要內容70個單詞 急急!!
said the adventures of the puppet pinocchio,the adventures of the eighteenth century italy was the writer carlo. carlo collodi for the world of classic fairy story. this is the famous italian comedy with begni, artists, for the film again, this happened in 1880, italy, some fantastic stories on the screen.【【要認可哦】】
⑦ 小學生必看的十部電影英語
⑧ 一部關於木偶匹諾曹的美國電影
是不是小男孩穿著紅色的衣服 有一頂白色帽子 是義大利的 小男孩的頭發是栗色的
T T我也想知道..那一部貌似還很新 仙女是藍色的紗裙 演蟋蟀的那個女的有頭發下面一些綠色
⑨ 匹諾曹的英文故事
Once upon a time an old woodcarver named Gepetto carved a puppet which he called "Pinocchio".
When Gepetto finished , he was amazed that Pinocchio came to life—but Pinocchio did some very naugty things.He stuck out his tongue at Gepetto and stole his wig and kicked him.
Then Pinocchio ran away.
When he got tired of running around ,Pinocchio returned home .But the house was empty except for a talking cricket who warned him ,『You`d better settle down and go to school or you will turn into a donkey『.
When Gepetto returned , he forgave Pinocchio but made him promise to be good and to go to school . The next day,the old man sold his only overcoat to buy Pinocchio a spelling book and sent him off to school .
On the way to school ,Pinocchio passed a puppet show and sold his spelling book to buy a ticket to the show.
When the puppets and the owner saw that Pinocchio was also a puppet , they stoped their show to welcome him.Then the owner gave him five gold pieces . Pinocchio thanked him and set out for home.
On his way he met a fox and a cat . He showed them the gold pieces .The fox and the cat looked greedily at the gold ,but said nothing.
Later ,as Pinocchio went down the road.He was attacked by two robbers with bags over their heads.They demanded his gold piecies . Pinocchio thrust the gold into his mouth and ran away from them .He didn`t know it , but the robbers were really the fox and the cat in disguise.
He ran until he came to the house of blue fairy .When he told her the story ,she asked what happened to the gold coins.
『I lost them『 , he said but he was lying . They were in his pocket now . Just then , his nose began to grow and to grow and to grow.
『Lies are always discovered『 ,the fairy said ,『and your lies give you a long nose『.
Pinocchio asked the fairy to fogive him . The fairy clapped her hands and called some woodpackers who packed his nose to the right size.
Pinocchio kissed the fairy and hurried home with his gold , but on his way , he met the fox and the cat again.
this is the question of "彈眼落睛 - 助理 三級", but It is not a complete version, for more please go to him or her.
⑩ 木偶歷險記和匹諾曹用英文怎麼說
木偶歷險記即(木偶奇遇記)The Adventures of Pinocchio.
匹諾曹(英文名:Pinocchio) 內容介紹: 《匹諾曹》又稱《木偶奇遇記》
另外,《太空木偶歷險記》是《Muppets From Space》