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發布時間:2023-02-12 08:06:43

㈠ 影視行業常用的英語術語



Episode 一集

定義:A regular installment of an ongoing program.


Extra 群眾演員;臨時演員

定義: An actor without a speaking part, usually hired by the day as part of a crowd scene.


FX 特技

定義: Slang for “special effects.”


舉例:Steve is a FX man for a major film company.

Genre 風格,體裁

定義:A film using a specific technique, style, story, or setting.


Made-for-TV-movie 為電視製作的電影

定義: A movie that is made expecially for TV.


Makeup Artist 化妝師

定義:A person who applies makeup to actors.


Candid Camera 偷拍

定義:The action of filming people in various situations without them knowing that they are being filmed.


Cast 全體演員

定義:The actors who portray all the roles in a play.


舉例:There will be a meeting for all cast members this afternoon.

Blockbuster (=Hit) 火爆片;叫座片

定義:A movie which is a huge financial success. In common usage a "blockbuster" is a movie that has a box-office of more than $100 million upon release in North America.


舉例:Movie-makers are hoping for a summer of full of blockbusters.


The film “Mr. Bean” was a box-office success, but it was not much praised by the critics.


Cameo 大演員小角色

定義:A bit part (i.e. small role) played by a famous actor who would ordinarily not take such a small part. Originally meaning "a small piece of artwork", the term was borrowed by director Michael Anderson when attempting to attract famous actors to play bit parts in Around the World in 80 Days.

由一名著名演員扮演的一般他們不接受的小角色。原意為“小件藝術品”,這個詞被導演麥克·安德森借用以吸引著名演員演出他的影片《80日環游世界》(1956) 。

Slow-motion 慢動作;慢鏡頭

定義:The effect of very slow action by filming faster than normal then replaying the film at normal speed.

Nominate 提名

舉例:Nicole has been nominated for 3 golden globes, and won 2.


Star 主演,擔任主角

舉例:She starred in a film about schizophrenia, where she was an aspiring architect who developed the horrible disease。


Paparazzo (pl. Paparazzi) 狗仔隊

舉例:Some paparazzi go to outlandish extremes to photograph a particular star that they are following.


gossip / / n. v. 流言蜚語,說長道短;閑聊

interview / / v. 采訪,訪談

date / / v. 約會

suck / / v. 糟糕

pathetic / / adj. 無聊

hilarious / / adj. 有趣的,滑稽的

sultry / / adj. (女子或其神態)性感迷人

box-office / / n. 票房

critics / / n. 評論

Love Triangle 三角戀愛

Follow-up=Sequel 續集

Supporting Actor 男配角

Sitcom=situation comedy 喜劇情節,幽默單元劇。


㈡ 英語電影推薦







㈢ 影視類的英語單詞包括哪些


1).television n.電視

I spent a whole day in watching television at home yesterday


2).broadcast v.播送(電視或廣播節目)

The newsman will broadcast the news in a special way


3).airtime n.廣播時間

She complained that the airtime of advertisement was too long


4).televise v.用電視播送

It is estimated that the debate will be televised live this weekend.


5).show n.(電視或廣播)節目

Please don't leave until the end Of the show


6).showman n.演出主持人

He is such a talented man that he is invited to be a showman


7).act v.扮演

When we have the game of「play house「,1 0ften act as the mother to take care of others


8).artiste n.專業演員,藝人

As far as I know, she admires the life Of artistes very much.


9).role n.(演員的角色)

Who will play the leading role in our drama play?


10).impersonate v.扮演

He has a special talent that he is able to impersonate different types of people


11).render v.表演

l am afraid that he is not competent to render Othello


12).star n.明星,主角

In fact, being a film star is not as easy as you have imagined


13).entertainer n.演員,藝人

What do you think of the occupation of being an entertainer?


14).famous adj.著名的

He likes to collect some anecdotes Of famous people


15).popular adj.受歡迎的,當紅的

This teacher is popular with students


16).direct v.導演(戲劇或電影)

We must select a person to direct the play


17).screen n.銀幕

She had never expected that she would appear on the screen one day


18).premiere n.首映式

me premiere of this new play is proved to be successful


19).screen n.(統稱)電影,電視

In my opinion, the screen plays an important part in enriching cultural life of citizen


20).phonofilm n.有聲電影

Phonofilm brings sound into our screen life and enriches our life.


21).cine adj.電影的,電影業的,n.電影

It is no doubt that this cine is instructive


22).film n.電影;v.拍攝電影

His life goal is to make as many perfect films as possible in his life


23).scriptwriter n.劇作家

He is a good scriptwriter with keen observation and rich knowledge


24).serial n.電視連續劇;adj.連載的,連播的

He seems to lose his interest in watching serials


25).censor n.(書籍、電影的)審查員

The censor decided to cut several scenes from the film.


26).cast v.分配角色;n.(一部電影的)全部演員

Thanks to the wonderful performance of the cast. our film got the Golden Horse Prize.


27).amateur adj.業余的,外行的

You shouldn't let an amateur actor play such an important role


28).costume n.戲裝

l want you to help me choose a costume, because I have a masquerade tonight


29).comedy n.喜劇,喜劇片

This comedy made all of us burst into laughter.


30).tragedy n.悲劇,悲劇作品

As far as l know, Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's famous tragedies


31).cliffhanger n.懸念

He seems to be attracted by the cliffhanger of this novel.


32).docudrama n.紀實電影

There is only a little false composition in docudrama


33).feature film 故事片

Feature film is my favorite among all the films


34).soap opera 肥皂劇

Please keep yourself away from the soap opera


35).model n.模特兒

It is a common phenomenon that almost all models is tall and slim


36).stylish adj.時髦的,新潮的

Although my grandmother is 70, she is still a stylish woman


37).fashion n.時尚

I would like to do any kind of job related to fashion


38).outdated adj.過時的

My computer in the office is outdated, and l think you should change one for me


【拓展】 影視英語學習


1)精練音調 Friends不戰而勝:







2)從被動聽到主動聽 超越聲音融入畫面

聽懂Friends之後我進入了一個很長困惑期, 一方面簡單的節目輕易能聽懂;另一方面難的劇如prison break,Ugly betty,Las Vegas還是困難重重,尤其是Las Vegas這么聽也跟不上速度,一季過了又一季,還是聽不懂,無計可施;後來我做了一個大膽的嘗試,不認真聽了,重點分析圖像,觀察主角的動作、表情和故事發展,預測會說什麼(用英語想)。這樣一來竟然能聽懂大概了,雖然很多音漏了,但故事發展至少能跟上了。




3)提升英語思維 用口語發展潛意識




當然我現在還是有很多聽不懂的地方,這個是不可避免的;我曾經問過在外國生活多年的華人,他們一樣不能完全聽懂。關鍵是能要聽懂常見的主流劇比如: 越獄,醜女貝蒂,緋聞女孩,絕望主婦,慾望都市等等,另外其實電影整體比電視要簡單,熟悉了電視節目,很多電影其實並不難。

㈣ 影視以及傳媒英語詞彙都包含了哪些

names of some chinese and foreign movie companies, film studios and film distribution corporations
agricultural film studio of china 中國農業電影製片廠
august first film studio (中)八一電影製片廠
beijing children』s film studio (中)北京兒童電影製片廠
beijing film studio (中)北京電影製片廠
central newsreel and documentary film studio (中)中央新聞紀錄電影製片廠
changchun film studio (中)長春電影製片廠
china film distribution and exhibition corporation 中國電影發行放映公司
china motion picture studio (中國台灣)中國電影公司
cinema international corporation (美)新藝國際電影公司
cinema television ltd. (英)電影電視有限公司
emei film studio (中)峨嵋電影製片廠
pacific audio and video corporation of china 中國太平洋影音公司
pearl river film studio, zhujiang river film studio (中)珠江電影製片廠
radio films (美)雷電華影片公司
shanghai film bbing studio (中)上海電影譯制廠
shenzhen film enterprise (中)深圳影業公司
taiwan film studio (中)台灣電影製片廠
20th century fox fed. inc. (美)二十世紀福斯影片公司
unique films, ltd. (美)比高電影有限公司
united artists (美)聯藝影片公司
universal picture corporation (美)環球影片公司
warner brothers (美)華納影片公司
xi』an film studio (中)西安電影製片廠
xiaoxiang film studio (中)瀟湘電影製片廠
youth film studio (中)青年電影製片廠
film actors, screen actresses 電影演員
atmosphere person (電影)臨時演員
cast 演員班子
character actor (電影)性格演員
child actress 女童星
cinemaster \ (美),film star,movie star 電影明星
crowd film actor, film super 演配角的電影演員
bber, bbing speaker 配音演員
extra 特別客串演員(拍攝群眾場面)臨時演員
film artist 電影表演藝術家
film comedian 電影喜劇演員
leading cinemactor, leading photo player 演主角的電影演員
leading movie luminary 大牌電影明星
leg artist 「大腿」明星
lip-synchronist 對口型錄音者,配音演員
matinee idol 受女觀眾歡迎的男明星
money making movie star 所拍影片賣座的影星
movie king 影帝
movie queen 影後
new star 新星
regular film actor 基本演員
semi star 二流演員
sex goddess 受歡迎的性感女明星
stand in 在拍攝前對光調整鏡頭的演員替身
starlet 正在受訓的小明星
stunt girl 女明星的替身,替身中的女性
stunt man 拍攝危險場面時的替身演員
super-numerary (電影)無聲配角演員
superstar (電影)超級明星
supporting cinemactress, supporting movie actress 演配角的電影女演員
top screen star 最佳電影演員
tragic star 悲劇明星
ugly star 丑星
young actress 年輕的女電影演員

films, magic lamps, lantern slides, screen scripts 電影,影片,幻燈,幻燈片,電影劇本
pictures 電影,影片
action film 情節電影
added short 加映的短片
alt western 成年人看的西部電影
adventure film, adventure story 驚險片
affectional film, love story film 愛情片
american movie 美國影片
animated film 動畫片
anti-espionage film, anti-spy film 反特片,反諜片
art film, artistic film 藝術片
artistic documentary film 藝術紀錄片
athletic film, sports film 體育片
audience picture 受一般觀眾歡迎的影片
avant-garde picture (法)前衛派電影
bang-bang, war film 戰爭片
biographical film 傳記片
black and white film, black and white movie 黑白電影
blue film, peep cinerama 黃色下流電影
b movie b級片,水平不高的影片
cartoon and puppet films 美術片
children's film, kid movie 兒童電影
chinese film 中國影片,漢語片
cinema colour, colour film, colour movie 彩色影片
cinemascope 一種寬銀幕電影(商標名)
cinema verite, cineverite (法)實錄電影
cinemexploration 探險題材的影片,游記片
cinepanoramic 全景寬銀幕電影
cinerama 寬銀幕立體電影
collective story film 集合故事片
college film 學院片
colour documentary film 彩色紀錄片
colour printing film 彩印片
comedy film 喜劇片
costume film 古裝片
cow-boy film 牛仔電影,美國西部電影
cutting , sample film 樣本,樣片
day-light movie 白晝電影
deepie (口),stereoscopic film, three-dimensional film 立體電影
detective film 偵探片
documentary shorts, newsreel 新聞短片
double feature 分上、下集之影片
double feature movie 雙題材故事片
dracula movie 內容殘酷、恐怖的電影
bbed film 譯製片
bbed foreign film 譯制的外國片
plicated film 復製片
ecation film, ecational film 教育片
english film with chinese captions 帶中文字幕的英語影片
english story film 英國故事片
epic film 史詩片
erocion, erotic film, pornographic film, sex film, sexploiter 色情電影
ethical film 倫理片
experimental film 探索性影片
fairy film 童話片
feature film 故事片,長片,正片
featurette 短故事片,短藝術片,教育影片
featurization 特製片
film colossus 規模很大的電影
filmlet 短小的影片
first run film 首輪放映的影片
foreign film 外國影片
full length record film 大型紀錄片
full length wide screen cartoon film 大型寬銀幕動畫片
instruction film 教學片
medical film 醫學片
military film 軍事片
movie-movie 真實的電影
multi media show 多媒體電影
original version 原版片,原文片
popular science film 科普片
preview, prevue(美) 預告片
puppet film, puppetoon 木偶片
science and ecation film 科教片
science fiction, sci-fi film 科幻片
serial 分集的影片,成套的影片
silent film, silent picture 無聲電影
swordsmen film 武俠片
titled film 片印字幕的影片
topical film 時事片
tragedy film 悲劇片
trailer 廣告性的電影預告片
vitaphone 利用唱片放音的有聲電影
titles 電影字幕與標題
art title 美術字幕
bridging title 插入字幕
chinese title 中文字幕
clip 新聞影片的標題
credit title 工作人員名單(電影字幕)
descriptive title 敘述字幕
english captions 英文字幕
explanatory title 說明字幕
film name, film title 片名
leader 片頭部分,敘述字幕
main title 主字幕
side title 說明字幕,幻燈字幕
spoken title 對白字幕
sub-title 副字幕
working title (美)影片的暫定名稱,工作字幕
g(general audience) g級(此類影片男女老少均可觀看)
late show 午夜場
packed house 爆滿
premiere, screen debut 電影的首映
public show 公映
restricted (restricted under 17) r級(專為十七歲以下青年放映)
film awards 電影獎
academy awards, oscar awards (美)電影藝術科學院獎,奧斯卡獎
best actor award 最佳男演員獎
best art direction award 最佳藝術指導獎
best cameraman award 最佳攝影獎
best costume designing award 最佳服裝設計獎
best director award 最佳導演獎
best documentary award 最佳紀錄片獎
best bbing award 最佳配音獎
best feature film award 最佳故事片獎
best female supporting role award 最佳女配角獎
best film editing award 最佳剪輯獎
best foreign language film award 最佳外國影片獎
best make up award 最佳化裝獎
best male supporting role award 最佳男配角獎
best props award 最佳道具獎
best recording award 最佳錄音獎
best scenarist award 最佳編劇獎
best science film award 最佳科教片獎
best science film award 最佳布景設計獎
best sound effects award 最佳音響效果獎
best special effects award 最佳特技獎
gary cooper prize (戛納國際電影節)加菜·古柏獎
golden bear (柏林電影節最高獎)金熊獎
golden gate award (舊金山國際電影節)金門獎
golden harvest (亞洲電影工作者聯盟最佳獎)豐收獎
golden rooster awards (中)金雞獎
gold horse prize (中國台灣)金馬獎
gold lion award (威尼斯國際影展)金獅獎
grand prix (電影比賽)大獎,最高獎
hong kong gold statue awards 香港金像獎
honorary award 榮譽獎
hundred flowers awards (中)百花獎
new york film critics』 award (美)紐約電影評論家獎
outstanding film award 優秀影片獎
special award 特別獎
comedies, tragedies 喜劇,悲劇
black comedy, comedie noire(法),dark comedy 荒涎的喜劇
comedie de moeurs(法),comedy of manners 社會習俗諷刺喜劇
comedy of character 性格喜劇
comedy of humors 幽默喜劇
comedy of situation, situation comedy 情節喜劇
cothurnus, tragedy 悲劇
high comedy 主題嚴肅、含義深長的喜劇
light comedy 輕松喜劇
low comdey 低級喜劇
masked comedy 假面喜劇
musical comedy 歌舞喜劇
narrow comedy 無聊喜劇
sentimental comedy 言情喜劇
slap-stick comedy 下流喜劇
tragicomedy 悲喜劇

㈤ 影視類英語單詞(3)

location search 勘景

log 拍攝日誌

long shot 遠景鏡頭

Low angle 低角度

Lucas Films 盧卡斯影業


magnetic tape 磁性錄音帶

makeup artist 美容師

manipulation 操縱

markup 固定利潤

matte 影像形板

Maysles Films 梅思利電影公司

memory-hook 回馬槍

memory-jogger 回馬槍

Merrill Lynch 美林動畫

metamorphic animation 變形動畫

metamorphosis 變形

micro-markets 微眾市場

mixer 混音師

modeling 模型製作

montage 蒙太奇

morph 型變

MOS 不需要現場收音的無聲取景

motion board 活動腳本或動作腳本

motion capture 動作資料截取

motion cintrol 電腦控制拍攝系統

motion picture film 動畫影片

motion tests 動作測試

motor home 移動居住車

mouse 滑鼠

mouthpiece 發言人

multi-city bidding 多城市竟標

music bookends 音樂書簽

music first 以音樂為優先

Musical Instrument DigitaL Interface MIDI 電子樂器一的數位介面


National Association of Broadc 國家廣播電子技師協會

National Cash Register 國家收銀機公司

NBC 國家廣播公司

negative conformer 底片組合員

New Yorker 《紐約客》雜志

NG 不好的鏡頭

Nikon camera 尼康相機

nonlinear editing 非線性剪輯


offf-camera 鏡外表演

off-key 走調

offline system 線外系統

offline system 線外剪輯系統

one-stop operation 一貫作業

on camera 鏡內表演

on-camera SAG rates 電影演員同業公會規定的上鏡費

on location 出外景

online editing 線上剪輯

one-light 單一光度

one-light film print 單光影片洗印

one-stop operation 一次作業

opaquer 著色人員

open camera 公開攝影

optical house 視覺效果工作室

optical printer 光學印片室

original arrangment 編曲著作

original recording 錄音著作

original score 總譜製作

out-of-pocket 現款支付

outside props 棚外道具師

outtakes 借用鏡頭


Pacific Data Images 太平洋影像公司

pegs 過場用之畫面

pencil test 鉛筆測試稿

perceived value 知覺價值

personalities 知名人士

Personality testimonials 名人見證

petsuasion 說服

photo CD 影像光碟

pickup footage 從舊有的廣告借湊而來的影片

Pictures first 以畫面為優先

pixels 像素

playback 播放

playback person 錄影機播放員

post-scoring 後制配樂

posttesting 後測

pre-lite 預先排演

pre-proction meeting 拍制前會議

pre-proction stage 制前階段

prescoring music 拍攝前配樂

pretesting 前測

price-quote 報價或喊價

printed circuiry 印刷電路

procer 廣告公司的製片,製作人

proct shot 商品展示鏡頭

proction assistant P.A製作助理

proction boutique 製片工作室

proction notes 製作住記

proction package 製作議價組合

proction specification sheets 製作分工明細表

promotions 促銷

prop people 道具師

peoperties 舞台道具

props 道具

public-domain music 大眾共有或版權公有的音樂

publisher's fee 發行費用

pulldowm 抓片


randdom access 隨機存取

Random Access Memory RAM隨機存取記憶體

raster 屏面

Read Only Memory ROM唯讀記憶體

real opinions 真實反應的意見

real people 消費大眾或一般人

Real people reactions and opinions 消費大眾的真實反應及意見

recordist 錄音師

reebok 銳跑

reflections 反光

rendering 算圖

rental facilities 出租公司

resial 後續付款

Rhapsody in blue 《藍色狂想曲》

Rhythm and Hues 萊休電腦動畫公司

right-to-work 自由工作權

Ripomatic/stealomatic storyboard 借境腳本

Roll camera 開動攝影機

rotoscope 逐格帖合的重覆動畫動作

rough cut 粗剪


sample reels 作品集

scencs 場景

scenics artist 布景設計師

scratch track 臨時音軌

Screen Actors Guild SAG電影演員同業公會

Screen Extra's Guild SAG電影臨時演員同業公會

scripts 劇本

script clerk 場記

set construction costs 搭景費用

set designer 布景設計師

set dresser 布影裝飾師

shadows 陰影

shape library 清晰對焦

shooting board 模型資料庫

shooting day 製作腳本拍片日

shooting in two 一次兩畫格的方式拍攝

shot list 拍攝程序表

shutter 快門

sides 台詞表

silent scenes 無聲場景

silent takes 無聲取景

slate 開拍板

Slice-of-life episodes 生活片段式對白

snapshot 快照拍攝

Solid State ScreenSound 數位錄音工作站

㈥ 電影干貨|常見的電影專業術語和電影詞彙(附中英文對照)




1、電影工業Film instry  

cinematograph 電影攝影機, 電影放映機  

cinema, pictures 電影院 (美作:movie theater)  

first-run cinema 首輪影院  

second-run cinema 二輪影院  

art theatre 藝術影院  

continuous performance cinema 循環場電影院  

film society 電影協會,電影俱樂部 (美作:film club)  

film library 電影資料館  

premiere 首映式  

film festival 電影節  

distributor 發行人  

Board of Censors 審查署  

shooting schele 攝制計劃  

censor』s certificate 審查級別  

release 准予上映  

banned film 禁映影片  

A-certificate A級(兒童不宜)  

U-certificate U級  

X-certificate X級(成人級)  

direction 導演  

proction 製片  

adaptation 改編  

scenario, screenplay, script 編劇  

scene 場景  

exterior 外景  

lighting 燈光  

shooting 攝制  

to shoot 拍攝  

dissolve 漸隱,化入,化出  

fade-out 淡出  

fade-in 淡入  

special effects 特技  

slow motion 慢鏡頭  

editing, cutting 剪接  

montage 剪輯  

recording, sound recording 錄音  

sound effects 音響效果  

mix, mixing 混錄  

bbing 配音  

postsynchronization 後期錄音合成  

studio 製片廠,攝影棚  

(motion)film studio 電影製片廠  

set, stage, floor 場地  

properties, props 道具  

dolly 移動式攝影小車  

spotlight 聚光燈  

clapper boards 拍板  

microphone 麥克風,話筒  

boom 長桿話筒  

scenery 布景  

2、電影攝制filming shooting  

camera 攝影機  

shooting angle 拍攝角度  

high angle shot 俯拍  

long shot 遠景  

full shot 全景  

close-up, close shot 特寫,近景  

medium shot 中景  

background 背景  

three-quarter shot 雙人近景  

pan 搖鏡頭  

frame, picture 鏡頭  

still 靜止  

double exposure 兩次曝光  

superimposition 疊印  

exposure meter 曝光表  

printing 洗印  

3、影片類型films types  

film, motion picture 影片,電影 (美作:movie)  

newsreel 新聞片,紀錄片  

documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片  

filmdom 電影界  

literary film 文藝片  

musicals 音樂片  

comedy 喜劇片  

tragedy 悲劇片  

dracula movie 恐怖片  

sowordsmen film 武俠片  

detective film 偵探片  

ethical film 倫理片  

affectional film 愛情片  

erotic film 黃色片  

western movies 西部片  

film d』avant-garde 前衛片  

serial 系列片  

trailer 預告片  

cartoon (film) 卡通片,動畫片  

footage 影片長度  

full-length film, feature film 長片  

short(film) 短片  

colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film)  

silent film 默片,無聲片  

bbed film 配音復制的影片,譯製片  

silent cinema, silent films 無聲電影  

sound motion picture, talkie 有聲電影  

cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅瑪斯科普型立體聲寬銀幕電影,變形鏡頭式寬銀幕電影  

cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉瑪型立體聲寬銀幕電影,全景電影  

title 片名  

original version 原著  

dialogue 對白  

subtitles, subtitling 字幕  

credits, credit titles 對原作者及其他有貢獻者的謝啟和姓名  


Best Picture最佳影片  

Best Director最佳導演  

Best Actor最佳男主角  

Best Actress最佳女主角  

Best Supporting Actor最佳男配角  

Best Supporting Actress最佳女配角  

Best Animated Feature Film最佳動畫長片  

Best Foreign Film最佳外語片  

Best Makeup最佳化妝獎  

Best Original Score最佳配樂獎  

Best Original Song最佳音樂  

Best Animated Short Film最佳動畫短片  

Best Live Action Short Film最佳真人短片  

Best Sound Editing最佳音效剪輯  

Best Sound Mixing最佳音響效果  

Best Visual Effects最佳視覺效  

Best Writing(Adapted Screen play)最佳改編劇本  

Best Art Direction最佳藝術執導  

Best Cinematography最佳攝影  

Best Costume Design最佳服裝設計  

Best Film Editing最佳剪輯  

Best Documentary最佳紀錄片  

Best Documentary ShortSubject最佳紀錄短片  

Honorary Academy Award終身成就獎 

㈦ 影視的英文單詞怎麼拼寫

第 61 屆美國電視艾美獎主辦方 8 月 12日宣布,9 月 20 日進行的第 61 屆艾美獎頒獎典禮所有獎項均現場直播,以平息之前預錄部分獎項導致部分人士的不滿。

A total of 28 Primetime Emmy Awards, especially those involving made-for-television movies and miniseries that were previously excluded from the live broadcast, will be presented live by CBS television ring the Sept. 20 event, according to a report on the Dailynews website.

《每日新聞》網站報道稱,美國哥倫比亞電視台將於 9 月 20 日現場直播黃金時段節目艾美獎頒獎典禮。艾美獎所有 28 個獎項都將現場直播,其中還包括原本不在此列的電視電影獎和電視系列短劇獎。

艾美獎是美國電視界的權威獎項,為什麼要為電影頒獎呢?原來這個 made-for-television movie(電視電影)是 a feature film that is proced for and originally distributed by a television network(為電視製作,最初也在電視上播放的電影長片),也被稱為 telemovie 或者 telefilm。文中的 miniseries 也被稱為「迷你劇」,指的是篇幅較短的電視劇。

在 prime-time slot(黃金時段)播出的 long-running television series(長篇連續劇)通常 television ratings(收視率)較高,而一些觀眾則喜歡看 documentary film(紀錄片)。一些企業還會製作 television special(專題片)來宣傳企業形象。

㈧ 和喵斯學影視英語|電影《鋼鐵俠》:Tony和Pepper的第一場對手戲

 Tony, in suit-slacks and an undershirt, grimy from working on a classic 『32 Ford.


slack常作為形容詞來使用,指「不緊的,松的」(not tight, loose)。

▫ These tent rope are too slack—they need tightening. 這些帳篷繩太鬆了——需要把它們緊一緊。

而當slack做名詞時,則指不太緊的褲子,也就是我們平時穿的休閑褲(trousers, especially for casual wear)。和trousers一樣,slacks做「褲子」之意,時,常為復數。


undershirt([ˈʌn.dɚ.ʃɝːt]),英式英語中也寫做vest,指「(襯衣等裡面貼身穿的)背心,汗衫」(a piece of underwear worn under a shirt, etc, next to the skin)。

最常見的男士貼身背心,無疑就是咱們俗稱的「跨欄背心」,你可以簡單粗暴地稱它為Sleeveless Undershirt,或者,它還有一個很霸氣側漏的昵稱叫「Tank Top」(可以亮出手臂結實的肌肉)。如果要直譯為Hurdle Slim T-shirt也可以,但前面最好強調一下是Sleeveless的。

grimy ([ˈɡraɪ.mi]),形容詞,指「滿是污垢的,骯臟的」(covered with or characterized by diry)。

▫ The child's face was grimy and streaked with tears. 那個孩子臉上滿是污垢,還掛著道道淚痕。

grimy源自於名詞grime([ɡraɪm])。grim指「污垢,塵垢,積垢」(a layer of dirt on skin or on a building)。

▫ The walls were covered with grime. 牆上滿是污垢。



首先,dirt相對比較中立,即對客觀事實的描述,例如,the dirt on a car, clothing, the floor,等等,這些東西落上污垢是不可避免的,你把它們清洗干凈就好了。但grime清洗起來要比dirt更麻煩,也會給人一種很不好的體感。同樣是落在衣服上的污漬,dirt可能指的是泥印、塵土之類的,而grime則側重於油污等不好清洗的東西,而且看起來很臟,讓你感覺很不舒服。



Give me an exploded view.


exploded view,俗稱「爆炸圖」,也翻譯成「分解圖」,即將一個組件的主要零件,以立體的方式拆分顯示,在機械圖紙中屬於很常見的類型。

I'll keep you posted.


keep sb posted指「不斷(向某人)更新最新情況」(to make sure that someone always knows what is happening)。

▫ Keep me posted on anything that happens while I'm away. 在我離開期間,隨時告訴我最新的情況。

 Like a champ.



能夠和大名鼎鼎的Tony滾一把床單,Pepper形容那個女人「Like a champ」還真是挺諷刺的。

Why are you trying to hustle me out of here?


hustle([ˈhʌs.əl]),及物動詞指「推搡,推擠(某人)」(to make someone move quickly by pushing or pulling them along)。所以,hustle sb out of sp,就是「將某人推搡出某地」。

▫ After giving his speech, Johnson was hustled out of the hall by bodyguards. 演講結束後,約翰遜被保鏢們簇擁著出了大廳。

看到hustle,就會不禁想到bustle,這兩個詞常常「結伴」出現,構成短語hustle and bustle。不過,它不是動詞短語,而是名詞短語,指「喧鬧嘈雜」(noise and activity)。

▫ I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. 我喜歡市場里的熙攘喧鬧。

I thought with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there.


這句台詞出現了think with的用法。我們知道,think可以搭配介詞about、of,或that引導的賓語從句,但think with卻很少見。

當然,think with的用法也是有的,with在這里用來指「憑借某工具」,所以think with即「靠……來思考」。

▫ We talk with our mouth, but we think with our head. 我們用嘴說話,但我們用腦思考。

顯然,台詞中的think with不是這種的用法。其實,我們把台詞的短句順序換一個位置就一目瞭然了,I thought that it would just wait for me to get there with it being my plane and all.


Larry called. He's got another buyer for the Jackson Pollock in the wings



波洛克生前的工作室和故居都位於美國紐約州的斯普林斯(Springs)。但Tony似乎不太懂藝術,至少不了解波洛克,以為Springs是波洛克在春季的作品,因為波洛克的代表作中有一副叫《秋韻:第30號》(Autumn Rhythm (Number 30))。

in the wings,或wait in the wings,指「准備就緒;隨時可使用」(If something is in the wings, it is about to happen or be made public.)。

▫ More bad news could be in the wings in the form of rises in licence fees. 更多壞消息可能會以提供許可費的方式出現。

I think it's a fair example. I think it's incredibly overpriced.


fair在這里指「不好不壞的,一般的」(neither very good nor very bad)。

▫ I was fair at science but it was never my thing. 我理科成績還算過得去,但我從來都不喜歡理科。

example,我們都很熟悉了,是指「例子,案例」,只有具有典型特點才能作為例子,所以它也可以指某物藝術家或創作者的代表作(something that is typical of the group of things)。

▫ This painting is a marvellous example of her work. 這幅畫是她非常出色的代表作。

那麼,「it's a fair example.」的意思就是「這是他比較一般的代表作。」

The MIT commencement speech...


commencement([kəˈmens.mənt]),名詞,指「學位授予典禮;(大學或高中)畢業典禮」(a ceremony at which students formally receive their degrees)。需注意,commencement已含有典禮的意思,不需要在後面再加上ceremony。

▫ He was invited to speak at the commencement. 他受邀在畢業典禮上講話。

commencement是美式英語的說法,而英式英語中還是習慣使用graation ceremony。

Please, don't harangue me about stuff that's way, way, down...


harangue([həˈræŋ]),源自於法語,也寫作harangué,一開始僅作為名詞使用,本意是指「公開的演說」(a public address, public discourse),後來演變出「義憤填膺的譴責;慷慨激昂的勸說」的意思(a long loud angry speech that criticizes sb/sth or tries to persuade people to do sth)。


▫ She gave her son a harangue about the dangers of playing in the street. 她很嚴厲的批評了兒子,在大街上玩是很危險的。

而現在,harangue更多被當做動詞,尤其是及物動詞,指「長篇大論地演說;斥責」(to speak to someone or a group of people, often for a long time, in a forceful and sometimes angry way, especially to persuade them)。

▫ A drunk in the station was haranguing passers-by. 一名醉漢在車站大聲訓斥路人。

Deflect it and absorb it. Don't transmit it back to me.


動詞deflect([dɪˈflekt]),雖然及物或不及物都可以,但及物的使用會更常見,指「使某物轉向或偏斜」(to cause to change direct, or to prevent sth from being directed at you)。

▫ He deflected the ball away from the goal. 他把球擋住了球門。

Tony的這句「deflect it」其實是簡化的說法,完整應該是「You should deflect it from me」。

A deflect sth from B,也是經常出現的一個短語,意思是「由A替B去處理sth」(to cause B to veer away from sth)。

▫ That』s why I have an assistant—she deflects all of this minutes away from me. 這就是我為什麼要有一個助理的原因——她會替我處理所有會議記錄。

absorb最基本的意思是「吸收(液體、氣體)等」(to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space)。

▫ Plants absorb oxygen. 植物吸收氧氣。

而台詞中的absorb則是對以上基本意思的延伸,當主語為人時,absorb sth就是「記住、理解、掌握sth」(to take sth into the mind and learn or understand it)。

▫ It』s a lot of information to absorb all at once. 要一下子消化這么多資料,真是很難。

所以,Tony說「absorb it」,就是要Pepper替他記著這件事就行了。

What are you trying to get rid of me for?


當get rid of 後接sth時,一般有兩個意思:

 一是「清除,去除,丟棄」(to remove or throw away sth unwanted)

▫ I used weedkiller to get rid of the weeds in the garden. 我用了除草劑來除去花園里的雜草。

 二是「處理掉,賣掉」(to sell an old or unwanted possession)

▫ Have you managed to get rid of your old Volvo yet? 你處理掉你的舊沃爾沃車了嗎?

而當get rid of後接sb時,則是「趕走,打發走sb」的意思(to send away someone annoying or to persuade them to leave)。

▫ We got rid of our unwelcome guests by saying we had to go to bed. 我們說必須要上床睡覺了,這才把那一幫不受歡迎的客人打發走。

Very tasteful.


tasteful,形容詞,既可以做表語,也可以做定語,指「雅緻的;趣味高雅的;有品位的」(attractive and chosen for style and quality)。其比較級和最高級是在前面加more和most。

▫ Their house is very tasteful, but it doesn't have any soul. 他們的房子很雅緻,但我總覺得少了點兒個性。

㈨ 影視英語怎麼說

問題一:「影視」這個詞用英語翻譯,怎麼翻譯最恰當? 1.movies
3.Film &TV
5. 華納影視 Warner Home Video

問題二:「英文電影」和「英文電視劇」用英語怎麼說? 你問的有些只不過是不同語法的表達,而其他的則是不同意思。以下是詳細的譯釋:
English films 英國電影 / 英語電影 films in English 說英語的電影
TV plays 電視話劇 (不同類的電視劇統稱)
TV series 電視劇集 (一套連續的電視劇)
TV episode 電視劇的回數 (即中文的第幾回)
soap opera 肥皂劇 (也可作連續劇)

問題三:「影視傳媒有限公司」用英語怎麼說? 不要那麼想當然啊!看看這些著名的影視公司!
索尼影視公司(Sony Pictures Television)
環球影視公司(Universal Studios)

問題四:影視製作中心的英文怎麼翻譯 Film and Video Proction Center

問題五:國際影視城 英文怎麼說 international cinema

問題六:影視作品英語怎麼說 VCR
films and television programs

問題七:影視藝術鑒賞用英語怎麼說 影視藝術The Art of the Film and TV
Appreciation of Film & TV Art.
或者Movie & 俯eleplays art appreciation

問題八:影視基地用英語怎麼講? Film base

問題九:「影視」這個詞用英語翻譯,怎麼翻譯最恰當? 1.movies
3.Film &TV
5. 華納影視 Warner Home Video

問題十:「影視傳媒有限公司」用英語怎麼說 影視傳媒有限公司
Television media Co., Ltd.
Television media Co., Ltd.

㈩ 「影視」這個詞用英語翻譯,怎麼翻譯最恰當



3.Film &TV


5. 華納影視 Warner Home Video




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