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發布時間:2023-02-12 04:10:34

❶ 我急需一個介紹加勒比海盜系列電影的英文ppt 介紹演員 電影內容以及表達的思想字少圖多 簡單的就好

故事發生在傳說中海盜最活躍的加勒比海(Caribbean Sea)。這片神秘的海域位於北美洲東南部,那裡碧海藍天,陽光明媚,海面水晶般清澈。17世紀的時候,這里更是歐洲大陸的商旅艦隊到達美洲的必經之地,所以,當時的海盜活動非常猖獗,不僅攻擊過...

❷ 求一個全英文的ppt 有關電影介紹的

With Po long-lost father suddenly appeared, the father and son reunion with people came to a piece of unknown panda paradise. Here, met a lot of lovely panda similar Po. When a mysterious force villain trying to sweep China, destroying all the martial artist, Po must be grasped the nettle and put those keen pleasure, clumsy panda villagers trained a group of invincible kung fu panda.

❸ 有沒有3分鍾之內英文PPT,主題不限,介紹電影的之類的都行。


Roman Holiday

Roman Holiday (1953) is a delightful, captivating fairy-tale romance shot entirely on location in Rome, and proced and directed by one of Hollywood's most skillful, distinguished, professional and eminent directors - William Wyler.

The film's bittersweet story is a charming romantic-comedy, a kind of Cinderella tale in reverse (with an April-October romance). A runaway princess (Hepburn) rebels against her royal obligations and escapes the insulated confines of her royal prison to find a 'Prince Charming' commoner - an American reporter (Peck) covering the royal tour in Rome. The story was reportedly based on the real-life Italian adventures of British Princess Margaret.

Wyler was known for other great films including Dodsworth (1936), Jezebel (1938), Wuthering Heights (1939), The Letter (1940), Mrs. Miniver (1942), The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), The Heiress (1949), Friendly Persuasion (1956), Ben-Hur (1959) and Funny Girl (1968). Wyler's well-crafted, stylish films that cover a wide range of film genres (family dramas, westerns, epics, romantic comedies, and even one musical) always included down-to-earth characters in real-life situations.

The film received a phenomenal ten Academy Award nominations for a comedy. It won a Best Actress Oscar for its under-experienced British (Belgium-born) actress named Audrey Hepburn - it was her first American film, although she had previously appeared in six European movies and on Broadway in an adaptation of Colette's Gigi. Another of the film's three Oscar awards, the one for Best Original Story was given to Ian McLellan Hunter. In 1992, a posthumous Oscar was properly credited and given to blacklisted Hollywood Ten author Dalton Trumbo, who actually wrote the screenplay. The third Oscar it received was for Best B/W Costume Design (Edith Head). The other seven nominations included: Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Eddie Albert), Best Director, Best Screenplay (Ian McClellan Hunter and John Dighton), Best B/W Cinematography, Best B/W Art Direction/Set Decoration, and Best Film Editing.

❹ 【精品】大氣歐美風《哪吒》動畫電影主題PPT模板(獲獎作品)圖文


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1lWKx3fObt7OqI_YCRYQl0g

提取碼: adeg


❺ 尋求一個關於電影介紹的PPT!!!!


❻ 我想用英文介紹《天下無賊》這部電影,並製作出精美並有創意的PPT,誰能幫幫我啊!


A con-team couple (Andy Lau & Rene Liu) head west after taking a city businessman for his BMW. But an encounter with a naive young carpenter travelling home with his life savings challenges their fate as thieves.

Two grifters, Wang Bo and Wang Li, a couple who've been arguing, board a train in rural China. He wants to fleece a peasant, nicknamed Dumbo for his naiveté, who's carrying 60,000 yuan and trusts everyone. She wants to protect the hick kid, an act of expiation brought on by prayer and a visit to a temple. Also on board are one of more sets of thieves, including a calculating boss and his femme fatale. The boss wants to recruit Wang Bo, and a series of contests ensue, with the potential of turning deadly. While Li guards Dumbo from Bo and the others, can she and Bo sort out their relationship? And can Dumbo's simple spirituality touch anyone else?

影片類型(Genres:): Action | Crime | Drama

Feng has traditionally proced a movie each year close to the new year, but the tone of his movie has grown darker and sadder. A World without Thieves is another example of this progression.
The story is simple, but the characters have layers, and the dialog remains classic Feng-style as ever. All performances are good to great. The villain role is set up perfectly for Ge You. The proction value is the most polished I've seen from a Feng's film. The camera work, the editing, and the music score all feel artistic and are mixed together quite well.

Feng Xiaogang has made himself the fame of making good holiday films in the past several years. Most of them achieved the purposes of making laugh and making people a happy new year.

This one is the best one in that both in the filming and proce, it has more meaning and more depth. Well, it is still not an 'art' movie. It is still just targeted for box income.

The performance of actors and actresses is OK, not too much to exceed what they are usually doing. By maintaining their perform, this movie achieve the adequate balance between a good movie (usually a heavy one) and a laughter making movie.


❼ 求一個全英文的介紹電影的ppt


❽ 急需,英語課,需要一份PPT,介紹一部英文電影,【包含圖片,經典語句,片段】PPT

http://wenku..com/view/47d5a0eff8c75fbfc77db2ce.html 網路文庫的,《重返十七歲》喜劇

❾ 做PPT 《我最喜歡的英文電影》

課件學苑網 有源碼免費下載 根據你的需求進行修改就可以了.



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