導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 電影俱樂部的英文簡介


發布時間:2023-02-11 05:28:10

㈠ 「電影俱樂部」翻譯

兩個都可以,film club用的廣泛一些

㈡ 求一篇英語作文,題目是:Our movie club

Our movie club My name is Tom Green, I am a member of a local movie club. I was born on July 5th, in 1990 and I am 20 years old. I like playing sports very much, especially basketball. While I am playing basketball, I can train my speed and flexibility, and I develop the sense of teamwork when we play it. I have a very good friend in our movie club. His name is Jack Morris. He is also a very good basketball player. The same love for basketball made us become friends very soon. Recently, our club has more films like Transformer II, The Iron Man on the list. We all got very excited and we are waiting anxiously for the days when they'll be put on, because we are all interested in science fiction films. I hope more people will join our movie club so I can make more friends and exchange our ideas on movies. Welcome to our movie club! 好累啊

㈢ 英語電影術語

關於電影的類型:documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片、literary film 文藝片、musicals 音樂片、comedy 喜劇片、dracula movie 恐怖片

documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片:紀錄片是以真實生活為創作素材,以真人真事為表現對象,並對其進行藝術的加工與展現的,以展現真實為本質,並用真實引發人們思考的電影或電視藝術形式。

literary film 文藝片:文學藝術影片的簡稱。文學性和藝術性並存,區別於商業電影。

musicals 音樂片:音樂片是類型片的一種,指以音樂生活為題材或音樂在其中佔有很大比重的影片。

comedy 喜劇片:喜劇片指以笑激發觀眾愛憎的影片。

dracula movie 恐怖片:「恐怖片」是以製造恐怖為目的的一種影片。


演職人員名稱:assistant cameraman 攝影助理、property manager/propsman 道具員、art director 布景師、stagehand 化裝師、lighting engineer 燈光師、film cutter 剪輯師、sound engineer/recording director 錄音師、scenario writer, scenarist 劇作家、direction 導演、distributor 發行人

㈣ 英語作文:假如你是電影俱樂部的會員 請全面的介紹你們的俱樂部。

hello everyone. i'm Laura , one of the
members of this firms club. and this is my
XXX, he is one of the members of this firms club, too. we are both 19 years old. we enjoy watching movies. you know , in our club, we always watched movies together, and the movies include many types. just like scared, funny, love, movement, criminal. we believe you would find your favourite movies in this club.

㈤ 英語俱樂部作文帶翻譯

Welcome to our English Club.We usually have many interesting activities on weekends.On Saturday,we can tell English stories.On Sunday,we can learn singing English songs and see Eng-lish moives together.If you are interested in English,please take 300 yuan to give us,so you can
join in us.

㈥ 怎麼用英語介紹英語俱樂部

English club belongs to a type of club, is to learn and use English as a carrier, learning music, learning to play a community organization, more common in universities, some high school, junior high school, enterprises and communities. Most places become English associations, but in fact called English clubs more with the spirit of the times.

㈦ 英語電影術語


film instry 電影工業 cinematograph 電影攝影機, 電影放映機

cinema, pictures 電影院 (美作:movie theater) first-run cinema 首輪影院

second-run cinema 二輪影院 art theatre 藝術影院

continuous performance cinema 循環場電影院

film society 電影協會,電影俱樂部 (美作:film club) film library 電影資料館

premiere 首映式 film festival 電影節 distributor 發行人

Board of Censors 審查署 shooting schele 攝制計劃

censor's certificate 審查級別 release 准予上映 banned film 禁映影片

A-certificate A級(兒童不宜) U-certificate U級 X-certificate X級(成人級)

direction 導演 proction 製片 adaptation 改編 scenario, screenplay, script 編劇

scene 場景 exterior 外景 lighting 燈光 shooting 攝制 to shoot 拍攝

dissolve 漸隱,化入,化出 fade-out 淡出 fade-in 淡入 special effects 特技

slow motion 慢鏡頭 editing, cutting 剪接 montage 剪輯 recording, sound recording 錄音

sound effects 音響效果 mix, mixing 混錄 bbing 配音 postsynchronization 後期錄音合成

studio 製片廠,攝影棚 (motion)film studio 電影製片廠 set, stage, floor 場地

properties, props 道具 dolly 移動式攝影小車 spotlight 聚光燈 clapper boards 拍板

microphone 麥克風,話筒 boom 長桿話筒 scenery 布景 filming shooting 電影攝制

camera 攝影機 shooting angle 拍攝角度 high angle shot 俯拍 long shot 遠景

full shot 全景 close-up, close shot 特寫,近景 medium shot 中景 background 背景

three-quarter shot 雙人近景 pan 搖鏡頭 frame, picture 鏡頭 still 靜止

double exposure 兩次曝光 superimposition 疊印 exposure meter 曝光表 printing 洗印

影片類型films types film, motion picture 影片,電影 (美作:movie) newsreel 新聞片,紀錄片

documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片 filmdom 電影界 literary film 文藝片 musicals 音樂片

comedy 喜劇片 tragedy 悲劇片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武俠片

detective film 偵探片 ethical film 倫理片 affectional film 愛情片 erotic film 黃色片

western movies 西部片 film d'avant-garde 前衛片 serial 系列片 trailer 預告片

cartoon (film) 卡通片,動畫片 footage 影片長度 full-length film, feature film 長片

short(film) 短片 colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film) silent film 默片,無聲片

bbed film 配音復制的影片,譯製片 silent cinema, silent films 無聲電影

sound motion picture, talkie 有聲電影

cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅瑪斯科普型立體聲寬銀幕電影,變 形鏡頭式寬銀幕電影

cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉瑪型立體聲寬銀幕電影,全景電影

title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 對白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕

credits, credit titles 對原作者及其他有貢獻者的謝啟和姓名 telefilm 電視片

演員actors cast 陣容 film star, movie star 電影明星 star, lead 主角

double, stand-in 替身演員 stunt man 特技替身演員 extra, walker-on 臨時演員

character actor 性格演員 regular player 基本演員 extra 特別客串 film star 電影明星

film actor 男電影明星 film actress 女電影明星 support 配角 util 跑龍套

工作人員technicians adapter 改編 scenarist, scriptwriter 腳本作者

dialogue writer 對白作者 proction manager 製片人 procer 製片主任

film director 導演 assistant director 副導演,助理導演

cameraman, set photographer 攝影師 assistant cameraman 攝影助理

property manager, propsman 道具員 art director 布景師 (美作:set decorator)

stagehand 化裝師 lighting engineer 燈光師 film cutter 剪輯師

sound engineer, recording director 錄音師 script girl, continuity girl 場記員

scenario writer, scenarist 劇作家 放映projection reel, spool (影片的)卷,本

sound track 音帶,聲帶 showing, screening, projection 放映 projector 放映機

projection booth, projection room 放映室 panoramic screen 寬銀幕

大話衡陽 www.d0734.com

㈧ 俱樂部的意思是什麼




club;[電影]The Club;

[club] 進行社會交際、文化娛樂等活動的團體和場所



丁玲 《入伍》:“上邊俱樂部里傳出來斷斷續續的口琴聲。” 周而復 《上海的早晨》第三部四十:“第二天下班,在俱樂部的辦公室里,他又見到了 余靜 。” 巴金 《中國人》:“我們感謝華僑俱樂部的盛情招待。”《文匯報》1985.4.19:“協會在茶室的活動,得到了市總工會和徐匯區工人俱樂部的支持,使我們這些鳥迷有了一個穩定的室內活動場所。”



We affiliated ourselves with their club.


He has nosed the secrets of that “Club”.


She never knew why they blackballed her from the club.

㈨ 電影俱樂部英語作文

I was called Jason in the movie club,I work in it as a part-time job.And there is another guy called machil is my best friend^^ ,He is a humorous yong man.We share the same hobby of appreciation of various of films.Besides,I often listen to the classic and current music,sometimes attending some dancing meeting and having a fun .Machil likes reading and fishing^^. However,about the thoughts of movies,we have many to share with each other.
Machil has another special skill that is making and designing the flash movie.So he often makes some interesting flash to show me ^^
Nearly,our club will provide the film called 2012,this is a science fiction.It mainly tells a story that the destruction people to the earth finally leads to the catastrophe of the earth.If we human beings still don't take any action to stop the destruction ,the home we live will soon disappear……
The film will screen on Friday,3nd August,expecting for you^^

㈩ 我們加入了一個電影俱樂部 用英語怎麼說

We joined a movie club .




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