導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 她想去看電影嗎英文怎麼說


發布時間:2023-02-08 21:45:36

A. 他想去看電影,英語怎麼說

He wants to see the movie.

B. 你想去看電影嗎英語怎樣寫

1,Do you wanna see movie?
2, Would you like to see movie with me ?
3,Do you like to see movie with me ?
4,Are you interested in seeing movie with me ?
5,Do you have interests to see movie with me ?
6,How about seeing movie together?
choose your favourite one . good luck !!!

C. 請翻譯成英文,,,(初一水準)

你想去看電影嗎? Do you want to see a movie?
她想去看電影嗎? Does she want to see a movie?
你喜歡什麼類型的電影?What kind of movie do you like?
我喜歡恐怖片,我也喜歡動作片。 I like thrillers, and I also like action movies.
我喜歡喜劇片,但是我不喜歡紀錄片。I like comedies, but I don't like documentaries
她覺得動作片很令人激動。 She thinks action movies are exciting.
她覺得恐怖片很恐怖。 She thinks thrillers are scary.
她還喜歡京劇。 She also like Bingjing Opera.
她覺得她能學到有關中國的歷史。 She thinks she can learn about Chinese history.
她經常在周末和她爸爸一起去看京劇。 She often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends with her father .
我最喜歡的男演員是Paul Jackson。 My favorite actor is Paul Jackson.
成龍(Jackie Chan)是一名偉大的男演員。 Jackie Chan is a great actor.
這部電影很令人激動。The moive is exciting.
他的電影憨豆先生(Mr Bean)是一部非常成功的喜劇。 His movie Mr Bean is a very successful comedy.
李連傑(Jet Li)在這部電影中出演 。 Jet Li is in the movie.

D. Tom想去看電影嗎 用英語怎麼說

Does Tom want to see movie?

E. 英語:she ( )[想] ( )看 the mivie. 她想看電影用英語怎麼說

wants to see ( 主語第三人稱單數謂語動詞要加S)

F. 他想去看電影嗎用英語怎麼寫

Does he want to see the movie

G. 想要去看電影嗎怎麼用英文回答

Do you want to go to a movie?

H. Sally想去看電影嗎(翻譯成英語)

OH~ 以一個英語專業畢業的人的眼光看來...樓上三位的英語水平不堪入目啊...

Would sb. like to go to the movie\ film?

Does sb. feel like going to a movie?等

see a film
go to the movie
watch movies
go to the cinema
filmwatch (n.)




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