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發布時間:2023-02-07 19:06:04

『壹』 飛屋環游記英文觀後感,50詞就好


From story data, to music orchestration, to the clever design of cartoon characters, to visual effects and sensuality, to artistry and enjoyment, Up is truly a work of immortality, and history will prove it.

Although the film is animation, animation is not only for children, the film "Up" has also awakened the preferences of the elderly, animation "Up" is suitable for all ages ah! Personal opinion.

Up is a great movie about life and dreams! There are touching pain, there are touching happiness!




『貳』 飛屋環游記 英文觀後感 80 字翻譯

I feel this is a very touching a cartoon! His wife is gone, he do more with cabin balloon to search for the slice of wonderland, has no intention of small and medium-sized Russell and he began the journey together. The hero Carl and ronaldinho have a moment of clinging to the heart. The last two people in trouble become good friends.


『叄』 飛屋環游記英文小介紹




故事開始時,小男孩卡爾·費迪遜(Carl Fredrickson)正聚精會神地看著新聞影片,著名探險家查爾斯·蒙茲(Charles Muntz)和他的愛狗們剛剛乘坐熱氣球從南美探險歸來,蒙茲宣布發現了新物種,但科學家們不信,稱他是個騙子,蒙茲名譽掃地。不過小卡爾對蒙茲的經歷深信不疑,對他的話句句在心,尤其是他那句「探險就在前方」(Adventure is out there)更被小卡爾當作至理名言,他也想像蒙茲一樣成為偉大的探險家。
畫面一轉,小卡爾牽著氣球走在回家的路上,當他路過一個無人居住的房子前時,傳來了另一個孩子的聲音,這是個假小子性格的女孩,叫艾麗(Ellie) ,她也同樣迷戀蒙茲的探險故事,喋喋不休的艾麗拿屋子頂上的風向標當操縱桿,把整個屋子當成一艘大飛船,竭力說服不知所措的卡爾加入她的計劃,坐著「飛屋」冒險。當然兩個孩子並沒能飛起來,而是摔了下來。不過卡爾和艾麗就此結識。隨後的時間,鏡頭為我們展現了他們倆長大、結婚、在一起生活的蒙太奇片段,艾麗做了動物園管理員,卡爾則弄了個車專門賣氦氣球。兩人一輩子都夢想著到蒙茲提到的南美洲「仙境瀑布」(Paradise Falls)去探險,但他們始終都疲於為生活而奔波。直到艾麗病逝,這個願望也沒能實現。
不過老卡爾沒想到的是,他的飛屋上搭乘了一個「偷渡客」——8歲亞裔小男孩小羅(Russell) ,這個過度樂觀的小男孩喜歡快速的說個不停,他參加了野外探險者協會,為了成為高級會員,正需要集齊最後一枚徽章——幫助老人徽章。不幸的是他挑選的幫助目標是脾氣古怪的卡爾,卡爾討厭這個老跟著自己的小胖墩。
在叢林里,卡爾和小羅遇到了新的朋友——一隻長著長長紅色的喙的色彩斑斕的大鳥(就是探險家蒙茲發現的新物種),這只鳥真的很大,還喜歡吃巧克力,小羅給它起名叫凱文(Kevin) ,鳥很喜歡小羅,但不太喜歡卡爾;接著兩人又遇到了第二個朋友——會說話的狗「逗逗」(Dug),說這只狗會說話並不確切,實際上是狗脖子上戴的項圈能把狗的想法通過人類語言表達出來,之後他們來到一個峽谷,那裡有好幾只狗出場,兩只鬥牛犬,一隻杜賓犬(後面陸續還有其他很多狗出場,這些狗都和蒙茲有關)。

『肆』 飛屋環游記英文簡介



UP, Pixar's latest animated feature, is just delightful. But how do you go about extolling the movie's virtues without giving away its surprises? Like the kid at the beginning of the movie, you don't try to conquer the immovable force; you work around it.

The one clue I can give away – because it's the movie's heavily hyped premise – is that Carl Fredrickson, a gruffy old widower (voiced with gruffy old charm by Ed Asner), miraculously inflates enough balloons to use his house as an aircraft. Soon, he finds himself reluctantly sharing his ride with a short-attention-spanned kid named Russell.

I'll also mention a couple of other items that can gauge your potential interest in the movie. One is a gag that is a take-off on a famous painting – perhaps too inside of an inside joke, but typical of Pixar's cheery attempts to appeal to viewers of all ages.

Also, part of the plot involves Carl's long-held wish to meet a Lindbergh-type adventurer named Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer!). This is another in-joke that's even vaguer than the first one. Cartoon historians know that Walt Disney started in the cartoon biz by creating Oswald the Rabbit for procer Charles Mintz, who then greedily stole the rights to Disney's creation. This gives you a pretty good idea where the ostensible hero Muntz stands in the scheme of things.

Beyond that, I can only offer you some enticing clues about the characters. There's a dog who's the leader of his pack and in menacing beyond measure, until he opens his mouth and gets one of the movie's biggest laughs. There's a huge, awkward bird that is a big laugh-getter at first. Then she becomes a real enough character that – at least in the audience I was in – when she's injured, she elicits screams of fright worthy of Bambi's late mother.

There's surprising, heartfelt emotion, vivid imagery (you can almost touch the landscapes and skies), and a music score by Michael Giacchino that's practically a character in the movie – particularly in a thoughtful montage that takes Carl from childhood to widowhood.

There aren't many (or at least not enough) live-action movies that are engrossing as this cartoon. Pixar Studios has gotten to be one of those movie icons that shouldn't even have to deliver a premise to get funded anymore. The moneymen should just shut up, hand over the money, and trust they'll get a proct that will appeal to everyone.

UP is only the second Pixar feature to get a PG rating, only for mildly intense imagery and action – nothing off-color in the least. Again, if you can handle "Bambi," this film should be a breeze.

『伍』 求英文動畫片飛屋環游記的英文觀後感。大概在60詞左右。

There is love of people around, there is a dream to go to achieve, in fact, well-being has always been very simple.Becuse the love,Eille had their house flied with the many ballons to make their dream come true.Selfish,obstinate and mercilessly,but it changes when a boy's appearance.Eille feel the different love about take care of others and help others.Even though the house was missing,but the love exist forever.

『陸』 飛屋環游記的英文概括

Carl Frederickse feel loney after his wife dies.
Carl Frederickse(人名)在他妻子死後感覺很孤獨
He and his wife always dream to have an adventure.
So he decide to have an adventure.
He travelled by many balloons.
It's a wonderful trip.

『柒』 急求《飛屋環游記》英文觀後感!!一百字左右就行!!

I feel it's a very touching cartoon! Male host Mr. The beginning is very love their own wives (and he had grown up, together dream good partner, can saying is childhood friends). She's wife painted a picture, in a large waterfall beside the cabin, building a two of them can be where you are happy life, they were very yearning that xana. Then his wife, he is not a man keep in that small hut, miss her, then there should tear open change, he decided to keep hut, hence done.i more with cabin balloon to search for the slice of fairyland,, has no intention of small and medium-sized Russell with him and began this journey, hero Carl ronaldinho and have got the moment persistence heart, a in order to find out the dream of, one to obtain a badge. Begin to Carl ronaldinho sick, he thought that is the heart of great falls, little indifference, to the things around also not too interested. But the world is full of dreams of ronaldinho and curious, meets a rare bird, afterwards the plot is an emotionally, big bird by bad person away, ronaldinho but Karl's opposition, go alone that bird. This is Karl looking ronaldinho, thought of his fundamental fights only bad guys, hence take house in and do with the person I love sofa, small table, etc are pushed out, let a house again fly, to help ronaldinho, right now the slice of fairyland is here, but he inadvertently to feel, just think of a go at any time could be dangerous child, after a ferocious fight, they win, but Karl's cabin but from the big airships on dropped, right now Karl looking at it, the in the mind is very sad, but then he said a word, but let me think for a long time, deeply spoke: that's just a house just, finally two people in trouble became good friends.

『捌』 飛屋環游記英語手抄報


let's do: Head, head, touch your head. Face, face, touch your face. Nose, nose, touch your nose. Mouth, mouth, touch your mouth.

學習水果單詞時,自編以下let's do: Apple, apple, draw an apple. Pear, pear, draw a pear.









8、還有一個小小的我,me,me就是我,日子過得so happy.

『玖』 看電影《飛屋環游記》做一張英語小報怎麼做

our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude

『拾』 飛屋環游記英文簡介

When the story begins, a small boy Karl Fisher Dixon (Carl Fredrickson) is concentrating on watching the newsreels, the famous explorer Charles Muntz (Charles Muntz) and his dog have just returned from a hot air balloon expedition to South America, Mongolia hereby announced the discovery of a new species, but scientists do not believe in, saying he is a liar, Edmonds discredited. But Kleinkahl to Edmunds experience convinced sentence for his words in mind, especially his phrase "adventure lie ahead" (Adventure is out there) but also by Kleinkahl as wisdom, as he imagined Edmonds become a great explorer.

Picture of a turn, Kleinkahl holding balloons walking on the way home, when he passed the time before an uninhabited house, came the sound of another child, this is a tomboy character of the girl, named Ally (Ellie) She is also obsessed Edmunds adventure story, chattering Elle take the house when the vane atop the joystick, the whole house as a big spaceship, trying to persuade the bewildered Karl planned to join her, sitting "Flying House "adventure. Of course, the two children did not able to fly, but fell down. But this Meet Carl and Elle. Subsequent time, the camera shows us two of them grow up, get married, live together montage fragments, Elle did a zoo administrator, Karl then broke a car specializing in selling helium balloons. We all dream of a lifetime to South America Edmonds mentioned "Wonderland Waterfall" (Paradise Falls) to explore, but they always struggling to run around for a living. Until Elle died, this wish did not come true.

After Ellie's death, Carl become withdrawn up, unwilling to contact with people. But even worse, his house just at the government plans to develop the land, a skyscraper to be built here. Carl reluctant to move out of here into a "nail house", the government sent him to the nursing home to prepare, but in those who come before, Carl decision, together with the house left here and went to South America, to achieve his wife and his common dream!

So we see the trailer that classic scene, pulling a colorful balloons flying in the air the whole house. Picture house fly in the air overlooking the earth is very beautiful (which is the initial inspiration inspire creative director of the film).

But the old Carl did not think that his flying house aboard a "illegal immigrants" --8-year-old Asian boy Ronaldo (Russell), this overly optimistic little boy likes fast go on, he took part in the outdoor adventure Association, in order to become a senior member, is in need of final assembly of a badge - to help the elderly badge. Unfortunately, he chose to help target is cantankerous Carl, Carl hate this old followed his chubby pier.

Karl thought many children leave this nasty way to go from flying house. But before he implemented, flying house flew into a storm cloud, a lot of relics Elle's fall, Carl rush to protect these things ...... after Karl woke up, "stowaways" Ronaldinho told Carl waterfall wonderland His GPS can help them fly "Wonderland Waterfall", but Carl is still cut off several balloons, preparing to land and Ronaldinho sent the car to go home. Just then the accident happened, the fog is close to the ground and hit boulders flying house, although the house escaped unharmed, but Carl and Ronaldinho have been thrown down. Seeing flying house would drift away, Karl caught it with water, then dragged him flying house was stopped until the cliff, Karl discovered, "Wonderland Waterfall" is at hand (right). From here the two began pulling flying house walk forward (they then went inside the jungle). That night, Ronaldinho with Karl talked about his family ......

In the jungle, Carl and Ronaldinho met new friends - one with long red beak colorful bird (that is, new species discovered explorer Edmunds), the bird is really great, also like to eat chocolate, Ronaldinho gave it named Kevin (Kevin), birds liked Ronaldinho, but not like Karl; and then they encountered a second friend - talking dog "Doudou" ( Dug), he said that the dog will speak not exact, is actually wearing a neck collar on the dog dog's idea can be expressed by human language, after which they came to a valley, where there are several dogs appearances, two bullfighting dog, a Doberman (later played in succession there are many other dogs, these dogs are related and Edmonds).

Subsequently, Yeliang was taken to a blimp, they found that the airship is actually the owner of explorer Charles Muntz, his aim is to seize the bird, to prove himself.

Edmonds that will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, the Yeliang first to escape. When put the bird home, Edmonds arrived and took away the bird ...... then, Yeliang on and Edmonds started fighting, to rescue the bird. But Edmonds release the aircraft from the airship, the first line interference flying house ......

After the battle, Mounds houses are falling and flying clouds. And Yeliang and big dog and bird goodbye after driving the airship Edmonds returned to the city, Ronaldinho also won the award by Karl badges, three "people" became inseparable friends, live happily and comfortable life (like Ronaldinho did with Carl when talking about his family described). And their final falling with balloons flying house alone in the "Pingdingshan Pulse" Wonderland Waterfall edge (while Edmonds unaccounted for), Elle and Carl realized a lifelong dream.



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