『壹』 《地心歷險記2》6~8句經典台詞(英文)
1、We'll have all the wealth we'll ever need.(只要我們在一起)
2、just as long as we're together.(就能擁有一切)
3、I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world.(我無論如何也不會錯過你的生日)
《地心歷險記2:神秘島》(Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)是布拉德·佩頓執導的動作冒險電影,為2008年電影《地心歷險記》的續集,影片改編自科幻大師儒勒·凡爾納的經典小說《神秘島》,由道恩·強森、喬什·哈切森聯袂主演,於2012年2月10日在美國上映。
『貳』 《地心游記》好詞好句
『叄』 儒勤·凡爾納《地心游記》有哪些好詞好句
『肆』 電影《地心游記》的英文簡介
Journey to the Center of the Earth
There are many myths and legends attendant to a belief by some through the centuries that the earth contains a natural hollow at its center, and that in this hollow exists another world domain, populated with human or human-like beings living in a Utopian fashion. The vision of the legendary "Shamballah" is one such version of this concept. It was widely publicized through esoteric circles in the past that Admiral Byrd briefly flew into the rim of the inner earth portal at the South Pole in the early part of the 20th century. It was said that he filmed what he saw from the aircraft...a lush vegetation with what appeared to be mammoths grazing on the flora. This silent and very primitive film was shown in theaters around the United States for a short period before the U.S. government put a stop to it. A few people who saw the film at that time were interviewed in the 1950's before their deaths. Whether or not all this actually happened, I do not know.
A little over 30 years ago I began to have my own experiences with the inner earth...or so I believed (and still do). I experienced vivid "tours" of the Interior in my mind, which certainly could have been imagination. However, at the same time I was also receiving cosmic sciences and other akashic information that was being validated in many different ways. Several scientists (two of whom had been protégées of Einstein) were quite interested in the science I was receiving. I mention this, as since the "inner earth" experiences were happening concurrent with my adventures in science, it would seem to lend some credibility to the former.