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⑴ 由布蘭登費舍爾演的人猿泰山電影英文什麼

George of the Jungle 中文名是森林泰山。

⑵ 我想要動畫片《人猿泰山》英文版的故事介紹,謝謝

Tarzan, a fictional character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, first appeared in the 1912 novel Tarzan of the Apes, and then in twenty-three sequels. He is the son of a British Lord and Lady, marooned on the coast of Africa by mutineers. His parents died when he was an infant, and he was raised by Great Apes of a species unknown to science. Kala is his ape mother. Tarzan (White-skin) is his ape name; his English name is John Clayton, Lord Greystoke (according to Burroughs; Earl of Greystoke in later, non-canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke). As a young alt, he meets Jane, and when she returns to America he leaves the jungle in search of his true love. Tarzan and Jane marry, and he lives with her for a time in England. They have one son, Jack, who takes the ape name Korak. Tarzan is contemptuous of the hypocrisy of civilization, and he and Jane return to Africa where, both being immortal, they still live.

The Tarzan character
Burroughs has created in Tarzan an extreme example of a hero figure unalloyed with character flaws or faults. Tarzan is described by Burroughs as being Caucasian, extremely athletic, tall, handsome, and tanned. He has gray eyes. Emotionally, he is courageous, loyal and steady. He is intelligent and learns new languages easily. He is presented as always behaving ethically in all situations, according to Burroughs' definitions. He is deeply in love with his wife and totally devoted to her. Always the gentleman, in numerous situations where other women express their attraction to Tarzan, he politely and as kindly as possible declines their attentions. If presented with a situation where a weaker indivial or party is being preyed upon by a stronger foe, Tarzan will invariably take the part of the weaker party (and invariably, if eventually, win). In dealing with other men Tarzan is firm and forceful. With male friends he is reserved but deeply loyal and generous. As a host he is likewise generous and gracious. As a leader he commands devoted loyalty.

In contrast to all these urbane and sophisticated capabilities and characteristics, Tarzan's philosophy embraces an extreme form of "return to nature". His preferred dress is a knife and a loin cloth made from uncured animal hide. His preferred abode is a convenient tree branch which happens to be nearby when he desires to sleep. His preferred food is raw meat, killed by himself; even better if he is able to bury it a week so that putrefaction has had a chance to tenderize it a bit. Although Tarzan is able to pass within society as a civilized indivial, he prefers to, as Burroughs often puts it "strip off the thin veneer of civilization".

This philosophy was absorbed by countless fans, amongst whom was Jane Goodall, who describes the Tarzan series as having a major influence on her childhood. She states that she felt she would be a much better spouse for Tarzan than his fictional wife, Jane, and that when she first began to live among and study the chimpanzees she was fulfilling her childhood dream of living among the great apes just as Tarzan did.

⑶ 95年的《人猿泰山》時長多少





⑷ 《泰山(1999)》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1W325aNBHpNCa-ZPaVnE90Q

?pwd=2n8b 提取碼: 2n8b
導演: 克里斯·巴克、凱文·利瑪
編劇: 泰布·墨菲、鮑勃·祖迪克、諾尼·懷特、斯蒂芬·安德森、Carole Holliday、蓋坦··布里茲、保羅·布里茲、唐·多爾蒂、Ed Gombert、唐·霍爾、凱文·哈基、格蘭·基恩、伯尼·馬丁森、傑夫·斯諾、克里斯·烏雷、馬克·沃爾頓、施特維·韋默斯、埃德加·賴斯·巴勒斯
主演: 布耐恩·布萊塞得、格倫·克洛斯、明妮·德里弗、托尼·戈德溫、奈傑爾·霍桑、蘭斯·亨利克森、韋恩·奈特、亞歷克斯·D·林茲、羅茜·歐唐內、傑克·安傑爾、約瑟夫·阿什頓、鮑伯·伯根、羅德格爾·邦帕斯、莉莉·柯林斯、凱特·克雷西達、吉姆·卡明斯、Aria Noelle Curzon、詹妮弗·達林、黛比·德里貝里、Patti Deutsch、保羅·伊丁、布萊克·麥克萊弗·尤因、斯科特·馬丁·格爾琴、Sam Gifaldi、傑姬·戈諾、麥卡·霍普特曼、Grady Hutt、雪莉·琳恩、丹尼·曼恩、傑森·馬斯登、米凱·麥高萬、菲爾·普洛克特、Michael A. Reagan、伊恩·雷德福、傑西卡·羅特、克里斯·桑德斯、史蒂芬妮·索伊爾、Laurie A. Schillinger、布瑞安·西爾多、Shane Sweet、伊瑞克·馮·迪滕、喬·懷特、Danielle Keaton、Michael Perl、瑪麗·凱·伯格曼、Darren T. Knaus、弗蘭克·維爾克、艾普爾·溫切爾
類型: 劇情、動畫、家庭、冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1999-06-18(美國)
片長: 88 分鍾
又名: 人猿泰山、Tarzán

⑸ 人猿泰山與美女水中約會是什麼電影

人猿泰山 Tarzan the Ape Man (1932)
導演: W.S.范戴克
編劇: 埃德加·賴斯·巴勒斯 / 西里爾·休謨 / 艾弗·諾韋洛
主演: 約翰尼·韋斯默勒 / 尼爾·哈彌爾頓 / 莫琳·奧沙利文
類型: 動作 / 愛情 / 冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1932-04-02
片長: 100 分鍾
又名: 野人泰山
人猿泰山的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·

⑹ 1995年版的《人猿泰山》電影主角是誰






⑺ 95年的人猿泰山時長多少134


⑻ 人猿泰山1995年出版電影主題曲

《人猿泰山》1995年出版電影主題曲是《You'll be in My Heart》。

《You'll Be In My Hear》是動畫電影《人猿泰山》的主題曲,發行於1999年05月18日,獲得第72屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創歌曲獎。

該歌曲由Phil Collins擔任電影配樂、歌曲創作及主唱,中文版由周華健演唱。Phil Collins深情動聽的歌聲,緩慢而有力量,給人以溫暖和感動,伴隨著優美的音樂,我們彷彿被帶回到那個溫馨感人的故事裡。


come, stop your crying, it will be all right

just take my hand, hold it tight

i will protect you from, all around you

i will be here, don't you cry

for one so small, you seem so strong

my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm

this bond between us, can't be broken

i will be here, don't you cry

cause you'll be in my heart

yes, you'll be in my heart

from this day on

now and forever more

you'll be in my heart

no matter what they say

you'll be here in my heart


why can't they understand the way we feel?

they just don't trust, what they can't explain

i know we're different but, deep inside us

we're not that different at all

and you'll be in my heart

yes, you'll be in my heart

from this day on,

now and forever more

don't listen to them

cause what do they know?

we need each other, to have to hold

they'll see in time

i know

when destiny calls you, you must be strong

i may not be with you, but you've got to hold on

they'll see in time

i know

we'll show them together

cause you'll be in my heart

believe me, you'll be in my heart

i'be there from this day on

now and forever more

oh ,you'll be in my heart(you'll be here in my heart)

no matter what they say

i'll be with you be here in my heart(i'll be there always)


i'll be with you

i'll be there for you, always

always and always

just look over your shoulder

just look over your shoulder

just look over your shoulder

i'll be there, always

⑼ 95年的人猿泰山在線時長多少




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