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1. 電影情節英語怎麼說


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電影情節 Not Like The Movies
少年模仿電影情節 asics gel kayanos
陷入電影情節當中 Launched into a description of the movie.


2. 翻譯英文電影情節

A few months ago, I read an in Hong Kong the United States romance called "No Reservations." In this film, Catherine Zeta Jone playing in a Manhattan restaurant of a luxury French chef, her life is very orderly, the whole a workaholic, and her, life is work work work again, and rigorous style, summary She will not allow anyone to undermine the quality of the dishes, and even for cooking a dish with non-arbitrary command guests "fight."
But one day, her life has changed completely. Kate's sister died when the car left the young niece Zuoyi, Kate must shoulder the responsibility of taking care of Zuoyi. Kate can be no matter how carefully proced exclusively from food to help Zuoyi喪母pain are of no avail, and this has been a loss of confidence especially her. What Kate feeling horrible, she repeated pleas boss requested under a false worship RBI sister corpse found back when the restaurant was hired new vice kitchen, a different character from her, opera-loving, life Italy is full of passionate men. Let her crazy face of the crisis will only professional but at the men's entirely different style of work she led her headaches. However, the Knicks have a remarkable ability to move - to let the bad mood Zuoyi obediently dinner, which had to make Kate favour. 2 joy accuser, from the beginning of mutual hostility, has gone through some twists and turns, in the lovely small and delicious dishes, accompanied by her niece, the final march in together, and set up their own delicious restaurant. The whole story warm and romantic, has left me with a beautiful good impression.

3. 英語描述電影里的情節

in the film

4. 有部電影,裡面有個情節是一個白人和黑人比試鋼琴,黑人用一根煙的功夫彈完一首,白人他也拿了一根白人的

名為《海上鋼琴師》,英文名《The Legend of 1900》,你說的那段是本影片非常經典的片段,此片由義大利著名導演吉賽貝·托納多雷執導,他還有一部非常經典的作品是《天堂電影院》,以及一部由超級美女莫妮卡·貝魯奇主演的《西西里島的美麗傳說》!!!

5. 1。求一部電影,很早以前看過,外國的,應該是歐美片,只記得電影中有一個挖心的情節,結局是男主角最後。

導演: 加里.弗蘭德
主演: 加里.西尼斯 馬德琳.斯托 托尼.謝爾侯伯
蒂姆.圭尼 梅基.菲弗爾 加利.杜爾丹 林賽.克勞斯

6. 用英語介紹電影 用什麼時態 電影裡面有一個情節 他殺了她全家 我用英語怎麼說

he killed her entire family
he killed all her family members

7. 一部英語電影,其中有情節一個女特工雪茄剪剪掉了一個男人的鼻子,還剪了他的手指!這是什麼電影!!

一部英語電影,其中有情節一個女特工雪茄剪剪掉了一個男人的鼻子,還剪了他的手指!這個電影是《our academic artistic andso》!!

8. 誰能給我一段英文的詳細的《哈利波特》電影情節描述

哈利波特與魔法石(電影開頭一段):(一個牌子上面寫著「女貞路」)鄧布利多從森林裡走出來,打開熄燈器,把女貞路周圍的路燈吸了進去。一隻貓出現,鄧布利多說:「我早知道你也會來,麥格教授。」貓變成了麥格教授。麥格教授說:「那些傳言是真的,阿不思?」鄧不利多:「是真的,教授,有好消息也有壞消息。」麥格教授:「那孩子呢?」鄧不利多:「海格會帶來的。」麥格:「把這么重要的事交給海格,這是否明智?」鄧不利多:「教授,我能把性命交給海格。」(海格坐著一輛飛摩托車從天空降落)海格:「鄧不利多教授……呃……麥格教授。」鄧不利多:「沒遇到什麼麻煩吧,海格?」(海格把孩子遞給鄧不利多教授)海格:「沒有,我們飛過布里斯托爾的時候,小傢伙睡著了,呃……和別吵醒他……」麥格:「真的要把孩子放在這里嗎?我觀察了他們一整天,沒有比這更糟糕的麻瓜了,他們真的是……」鄧不利多:「是這孩子唯一的親人。」麥格:「這孩子會出名,我們那個世界裡的孩子都會知道他的名字。」(鄧不利多把哈利放在德斯里家的門口,海格哭了)鄧不利多:「好了,好了海格,這畢竟不是真正的分別。」(海格點點頭,鄧不利多注視著正在熟睡的哈利)鄧不利多:「祝福你,哈利破特!」 我可是一個字一個字的打的哦~~希望你看了能有用!

9. 誰能用英文寫一下電影情節

Title: Accepted
Translation: taking notice
Director: Steve-Steve Pink grams
Starring: Justin Long Gushidinglang
Jiaonaxier Jonah Hill
Black Laifuli Blake Lively
Adam Herschman Adam Herschman
Type: Comedy
Level: PG-13 (involving, sexual content and drug use)
Procts: Universal Pictures Universal Pictures
Release date: August 18, 2006 (United States)

◇ brief story
Batlle faster than high school graates are facing academic pressure, he cast the eight university-wide enrollment application letter was refused. This is not willing to see his parents the situation. Fortunately, Batlle than it is not the only one struggling students, his several all facing the same problem. Faced by the failure to enter the universities graally dimmed the future, parents exert pressure, the more attractive their dream lover - Monica, Bart ratio and his friends, no experience of a group of high school students in the "freedom "After the word to broad interpretation, under-employed venues, the actors were, carrying out a virtual sites and determine their own to establish a one simply does not exist" Nahameng Polytechnic "to the University's name for himself taking notice issued to muddle parents and friends.
Meanwhile, just that they need to make proper arrangements for everything, Bart ratio and his friends found their good work seems far - came from all over the hundreds of good with them, was rejected numerous universities people stand in the "Nahameng Polytechnic" the door to join the two-story house had a total of only one university study. Next to the formal university students face contempt vision than Batlle and his friends in this false go farther and farther along the road, they began to constantly improve the function of the university, and those at the same time admiring each other from the learners encourage and common growth, efforts to this university into a fake and shoddy truly qualified university ...

◇ behind-the-scenes
However,is innovative foreign students, domestic students if not admitted to universities, always heap, and even death are, and foreign students are forced to the road to ruin, they will simply build a university taking their own good. Of course, such an approach is not worthy of promotion, but can also see that the exam-oriented ecation and the quality of ecation successors grew up under the style is very different ...
In the summer as a completely stall the youth market as a target works, film may be a bit childish, and did not, after all, was to give high school students Endeavourers University readable. Age class as a small low cost comedy ...

◇ lineup for major film proction
The film is directed by director Steve-grams career debut. As an over 40, set series, my I. "triphibian person", the actor Steve go on the road is not so brilliant Stars, but the script is small airs, in 2001 he With "Lovelorn list "has won the British Academy Award for Best Screenwriter nomination. This year, he directed film, the actor is still not give up his career, star of the "video war" ( "the war tape"), seems to be interested in Hollywood to create its own cause "multi-faceted second spring" .
The cost of the film's actors are invited from the TV session of young actors and actresses, most experienced inside on the actor, "Crazy beetles vehicle" in the Gushidinglang, he starred in this year, the Dayton Aniston You love comedy "separation of men and women" in supporting roles. Sometimes, the box-office potential comedy special unpredictable, although seemingly not very competitive, but might it was just the audience's appetite for a period of time ...



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