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『壹』 《亂世佳人》英文影評100字以內

The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it not only is a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.

『貳』 電影《亂世佳人》的影評


《亂世佳人》(GONE WITH THE WIND)是好萊劇照塢影史上值得驕傲的一部影片,其魅力貫穿整個20世紀,有好萊塢「第一巨片」之稱。其耗資巨大,場景豪華,戰爭場面宏大逼真的歷史巨片,以它令人稱道的藝術成就成為美國電影史上一部經典作品。她的誕生,標志著好萊塢電影進入「恢弘巨制」時代。其恢弘的氣勢,亮麗的色彩,豪華的場景,以及宏大逼真的戰爭場面,細膩的心理刻畫和男女主人公天衣無縫的完美組合,給人以視覺上又一次《飄》的極大享受。




『叄』 亂世佳人英語影評

Gone With the Wind」 is quite famous. The story happens ring Civil War. Scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. Before the war, her life was placid. But when the war broke out, her life changed totally. Her husband died because of disease, and she became a widow. However, she was different from other women. She couldn』t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time. Just at that time, Captain Butler came into her life. They were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. Scarlet had to be feed the whole family, and this made her marble. Later on, Scarlet had her own factory, and was graally disliked by many people because of her arrogance.Captain Butler was very wealthy and charming as well. He loved Scarlet, and before long, they got married.On the other hand, Scarlet had been loving a man called Ashley for a long time, but Ashley had a wife, Melanie, who was respected by everyone, except Scarlet. Even after she got married with Butler, she still wanted Ashley.Some time later, Scarlet and Captain Butler had a daughter. This made Butler become a kind father. But their daughter died. From then on, Scarlet and Butler quarreled much oftener than before. Otherwise, when Scarlet met Ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made Butler fly into a rage.Melanie fell sick and she was about to die. Scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that Melanie was her only female friend, and she loved her very much. She also realized she didn』t really love Ashley. But everything was too late. When she came back home, Captain Butler was leaving. Her tears couldn』t do any help, and she could only watch him leave.This story figured a lady who was fortitudinous. But the society made her play hard, and her personality distorted. She only cared for money, and she didn』t care about other people』s feeling. When she finally regretted, Butler』s patience had been deplenishedIn addition, Scarlet had a tag, 「 Tomorrow is another day.」 This showed that she was optimistic. When Butler left her, she also said, 「Tomorrow is another day.」 This sentence gave her courage, and made her feel much better. Maybe we should learn this point from her. No matter how difficult our life is, just face it optimistically, and tomorrow would be another day.

『肆』 英文評亂世佳人

前面是對電影的簡介,next page 是review,即影評,長短你可以整理一下:)~


The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it is not only a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.

As time goes by, the film 「Gone with the wind」 is forgotten by most teenagers, but it』s still my favorite film.

I admire Captain Rett, he is really a gentleman, and really knows what』s true love. So smart, interesting, handsome and strong. Most important is: he really knows how to protect and take care his wife: Scarlet.

Different from most other girls, I don』t like Scarlet very much, not because of her selfish and cool, just because I really think she is a poor fool woman, though she is good at negotiating with customers and good at attracting guys, she even doesn』t know who』s her true love, doesn』t know Rett is the one who really fit for her, I think that she doesn』t know herself at all, she is that kind of person who never like literatures, doesn』t have any romantic dreams.

That』s why she misunderstands herself loving Ashley but it』s not true.
I think another problem lead to their divorce is short of communication. Both of them are good at attracting others, so, for their experience and pride, they don』t like to show love to their partner, just pretend 「I don』t love you」, and hope their partners shows his/her love at first. This kind of game only works for chasing each other and having fun, but when they marry, it will terminates their relationship upgrade.

So as time goes by, their love faded, their marriage became a tragedy.

『伍』 電影《亂世佳人》的影評

我看了這部長達四小時的電影《Gone with the Wind》即《亂世佳人》之後,有很多難以言喻的感受。可能是因為長大了,所以想的也隨著多了。
斯嘉麗——費雯·麗詮釋的這個女主角,真的無可挑剔。她把斯佳麗的輕佻、高傲和任性,當然還有她的堅強、勇敢以及無畏都表現得淋漓盡致。然而,斯佳麗絕不是像那時代的千 金小姐一樣是個呆板的淑女。相反,她面容姣好,身姿窈窕,鋒芒畢露,招搖張揚,令無數男人為之傾倒。可是,她卻愛上了一個不該愛的人---已有未婚妻梅蘭妮的阿希禮,她是那麼執著又不顧一切。而她最初的堅強也是來自於阿希禮臨走前的一句託付----好好照顧梅蘭妮。我忘不了南北戰爭時斯佳麗在橫屍遍野的地方找不到醫生,最後親手幫梅蘭妮接生的那一刻;我忘不了斯佳麗帶著梅蘭妮和剛出生的孩子頂著炮火紛飛一路出逃,瑞德與斯佳麗在橙紅色的沖天火光里深深親吻的剪影;我忘不了斯佳麗從容地扯下綠色天鵝絨的窗簾圍到身上做成新衣服去向瑞德求救的場面;我忘不了斯佳麗重回塔拉庄園時發現田地荒蕪家業衰敗,她在紅色的夕陽照耀下從田地里拔出來一個蘿卜,連泥土都未擦去就狠狠咬一口的情景。這個倔強的女人面對夕陽,雙手握拳高舉雙臂用盡全身的力氣向蒼天吶喊:「我以後絕不挨餓!」她纖細的背影在夕陽下投下長長的影子。斯佳麗這絕不挨餓的宣言,還有她在紫紅雲霞里的背影卻永遠的留在了我的心裡。她這樣的堅定與勇氣,這樣連戰亂都打不垮的女人,生命力頑強得如同春天的野草。看到她,生活就總有希望,不管面對什麼樣的困難。正如電影最後她說的那句經典勵志台詞:「Tomorrow is another day.」
我最難忘的一幕是在塔拉,當斯佳麗用槍殺死那個入侵的壞人時,剛生完孩子虛弱得連下床都困難的梅蘭妮已經作好了廝殺准備,她手裡拿著軍刀,准備為了保護斯佳麗而和壞人對峙;隨後,她幫極度恐懼的斯佳麗隱瞞了殺人的事情並果斷地用自身的衣服清理現場和埋掉了屍體。 她愛斯佳麗,她勇敢地用自己微薄的力量保護她。她更愛她的丈夫阿希禮,她勇敢地支持他的信念。梅蘭妮柔弱的外表和堅毅的內心使我看到了她擁有真正強者的力量:因為真心真意愛著身邊的人,所以在關鍵時刻挺身而出,一心想保護自己在乎的人。她和斯佳麗一樣,在戰火紛飛中頑強生存。然而最後,梅蘭妮卻死了,所有人都悲痛萬分。但是我寧願相信她的死亡只不過是一種形式,一種新的解脫。她的美好傳達了一個真理:無論在什麼年代,一顆善良的心,一種達觀的人生態度,無疑都是一個人的立身之本,幸福之源。

『陸』 亂世佳人的英文影評加上中文翻譯


便是最好的歸宿。 Can't help falling in love with him.
Rough experience made him aware and can't even sincere,
But in mercenary, cynical appearance,
The hidden a star can bring anyone happy really --
He can in the most critical juncture appeared in birth Melanie and panicked scarlett in front,
The face always bad laugh,
Tone appearing rhett type of satire.
But that is such a man,
With your arms to snap ring tight, scarlett
Soothing words, like a soft spells,
Can make any manic soul instant calm down,
Can make any confusion body no longer away.
Rhett's charm lies in,
His whole body and send out the mature man glamour
And incomparable wisdom,
But it all comes down to the most important point,
That is, he has a kind of magic power that will bring people strong sense of security.
Have him on, it seems that all things can be solved,
Have him on, even facing all danger all don't worry about that.
His arms are so powerful, the warm
As the most safe haven.
So of man,
His arms
Is the best end-result.

『柒』 亂世佳人的影評..要英文的,一百詞左右

My view about Scarlett

At the first begening of the film,I have no idea about Scarlett,but later ,I like Scarlett more and more.

Scarlett is not beautiful, as indicated by Margaret Mitchell's opening line, however she is a coquettish Southern belle who grows up on the Georgia plantation of Tara in the years before the American Civil War. Scarlett is described as being 16 years old at the outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, which would put her approximate birthdate in 1844 or early 1845. Selfish, shrewd and vain, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her Irish father Gerald, but also desires to please her well-bred, genteel French American mother Ellen, from a good Savannah family. Scarlett loves Ashley Wilkes, her aristocratic neighbor, but when his engagement to meek and mild-mannered Melanie Hamilton is announced, she marries Melanie's brother Charles out of spite. Her new husband dies early in the war, and Tara falls into the marauding hands of the Yankees. In the face of hardship, the spoiled Scarlett uncharacteristically shoulders the troubles of her family and friends, and eventually the not-so-grieving widow marries her sister's beau, Frank Kennedy, in order to get funds to pay the taxes on her beloved home. Repeatedly, she challenges the prescribed women's roles of her time, as a result, she becomes very disliked by the people of Atlanta. Scarlett's ongoing internal conflict between her feelings for the Southern gentleman Ashley and her attraction to the sardonic, opportunistic Rhett Butler — who becomes her third husband — embodies the general position of The South in the Civil War era.

In the 1939 film version of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara is similar to the character in the original novel, but there are some noticeable differences. In the book, Scarlett gives birth to three children: Wade Hampton Hamilton, Ella Lorena Kennedy, and Eugenia Victoria "Bonnie Blue" Butler. In the film version, only Bonnie Blue is mentioned. (In the novel Scarlett, Scarlett O'Hara gives birth to another daughter by Rhett, Katie Colum "Cat" O'Hara Butler.)

While the studio and the public agreed that the part of Rhett Butler should go to Clark Gable (except for Clark Gable himself), casting for the role of Scarlett was a little harder. The search for an actress to play Scarlett in the film version of the novel famously drew the biggest names in the history of cinema, such as Bette Davis (whose casting as a Southern belle in Jezebel in 1937 took her out of contention), and Katharine Hepburn, who went so far as demanding an appointment with procer David O. Selznick and saying "I am Scarlett O'Hara! The role is practically written for me." David replied rather bluntly "I can't imagine Rhett Butler chasing you for ten years." Jean Arthur, and Lucille Ball were also considered. Susan Hayward was "discovered" when she tested for the part, and the career of Lana Turner developed quickly after her screen test. Joan Bennett was widely considered to be the most likely choice until she was supplanted by Paulette Goddard. However, Goddard's failure to proce a marriage license between her and Charlie Chaplin lost her the part.

This film shows the best of the American cinema. Whether we like the film, or not, one has to recognize the greatest achievement, perhaps, of the creative talent of the people working in the movie instry. "Gone with the Wind" represents a monumental leap, as well as a departure, for the movies, as they were done prior to this film. The vision of David O. Selznick, the power behind bringing Margaret Mitchell's massive account about the South, before and after the Civil War, pays handsomely with the film that Victor Fleming directed. This movie will live forever because it reminds us of how this great nation came into being, despite the different opinions from the two stubborn factions in the war. "Gone with the Wind" brought together the best people in Hollywood. The end result is the stunning film that for about four hours keep us interested in the story unfolding in the screen. Of course, credit must be e to the director, Victor Fleming, and his vision, as well as the adaptation by Sydney Howard, who gave the right tone to the film. The gorgeous cinematography created by Ernest Haller gives us a vision of the gentle South before the war, and the Phoenix raising from the ashes of a burned Atlanta. The music of Max Steiner puts the right touch behind all that is seen in the movie. One can't conceive another Scarlett O'Hara played by no one, but Vivien Leigh. Her beauty, her sense of timing, her intelligent approach to this role, makes this a hallmark performance. Ms. Leigh was at the best moment of her distinguished career and it shows. Scarlett goes from riches to rags, back to riches again and in the process finds an inner strength she didn't know she possessed. Her impossible love for Ashley will consume her and will keep her away from returning the love to the man that really loves her, Rhett. The same thing applies to the Rhett Butler of Clark Gable. No one else comes to mind for playing him with the passion he projects throughout the movie. This is a man's man. Captain Butler was torn between his loyalty to the cause of the South and his sense of decency. His love for Scarlett, the woman he knows is in love with a dream, speaks eloquently for itself. The other two principals, Olivia de Havilland and Leslie Howard, give performances that are amazing to watch. Ms. de Havilland's Melanie Hamilton is perfect. Melanie is loyal to the woman that does everything to undermine her marriage to Ashley. Mr. Howard's Ashley gives a perfect balance to the man in love with his wife, while Scarlett keeps tempting him. The rest of the cast is too numerous to make justice to all the actors one sees on the screen, but omitting the contribution of Hattie McDaniel to the film would be sinful. Ms. McDaniel was such a natural actress that she is excellent no matter in what movie she is playing. This huge talent is a joy to watch. Comments to this forum express their objections to the way the race relations play in the movie, but being realistic, this movie speaks about the not too distant past where all kinds of atrocities, such as the slavery, were the norm of the land. While those things are repugnant to acknowledge, in the film, they are kept at a minimum. After all, this film is based on a book by one of the daughters of that South, Margaret Mitchell, who is presenting the story as she saw it in her mind, no doubt told to her from relatives that lived in that period of a horrible page in the American history. Enjoy this monumental classic in all its splendor.

As time goes by, the film 「Gone with the wind」 is forgotten by most teenagers, but it』s still my favorite film. I admire Captain Rett, he is really a gentleman, and really knows what』s true love. So smart, interesting, handsome and strong. Most important is: he really knows how to protect and take care his wife: Scarlet. Different from most other girls, I don』t like Scarlet very much, not because of her selfish and cool, just because I really think she is a poor fool woman, though she is good at negotiating with customers and good at attracting guys, she even doesn』t know who』s her true love, doesn』t know Rett is the one who really fit for her, I think that she doesn』t know herself at all, she is that kind of person who never like literatures, doesn』t have any romantic dreams. That』s why she misunderstands herself loving Ashley but it』s not true. I think another problem lead to their divorce is short of communication. Both of them are good at attracting others, so, for their experience and pride, they don』t like to show love to their partner, just pretend 「I don』t love you」, and hope their partners shows his/her love at first. This kind of game only works for chasing each other and having fun, but when they marry, it will terminates their relationship upgrade. So as time goes by, their love faded, their marriage became a tragedy.

『捌』 電影《亂世佳人》的英文版觀後感

So wonderful is「Gone with the wind」that it』s still my favorite film though there are many great movies in the world.
As far as I'm concerned,Captain Rett is such a gentleman that he protect and take care of his wife,Scarlet, in real earnest. His love is deep as the ocean,however,the girl he loves doesn't love him.
Opposite to everyone else,I don』t like Scarlet very much,because of not only her cool,but aiso I really think she is so silly that she is guilty,to Rett. Although she is good at attracting guys,she doesn』t know who』s her true love,and never value Rett's love.That』s why she can't get Rett's trust in the end.
In short,love is gift that should be cherished and never forgotten,love can't lose after regret.

『玖』 亂世佳人觀後感電影影評

影片開始於1861年美國南北戰爭爆發前夕,喬治亞州一個名叫塔拉(Tara)的庄園。斯佳麗·奧哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)是庄園主愛爾蘭移民傑拉爾德·奧哈拉(Gerald O'Hara)和妻子埃倫(Ellen)的三個女兒中的長女。她愛上了阿希禮·威爾克斯(Ashley Wilkes),而阿希禮卻選擇了表妹梅蘭妮·漢密爾頓(Melanie Hamilton),並定於次日在十二橡園舉行燒烤宴會,同時宣布兩人訂婚。

在十二橡園,她遇見了瑞德·巴特勒(Rhett Butler)。在一場關於戰爭的討論中,瑞德說南方沒有機會戰勝北方。當斯佳麗和阿希禮單獨在一起的時候,她向阿希禮表明了自己的愛慕。阿希禮承認斯佳麗很吸引人,但是梅勒妮更適合自己,斯佳麗給了阿希禮一個耳光。當她發現瑞德在邊上偷聽的時候,說,“先生,你不是一個紳士!”("Sir, you are no gentleman!”)而瑞德予以反擊:“而你,小姐,不是一個淑女!”("And you, miss, are no lady!”)





在回家的路上,她發現十二橡園已經焚毀,塔拉庄園還在,她的母親剛剛去世,而她的父親由於過度悲傷而神經錯亂。塔拉庄園被軍隊洗劫一空,她成為一家人的支柱,斯佳麗發誓要讓家人不再挨餓,“上帝為我作證,我將不再飢餓。”("As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.”)


傑拉爾德·奧哈拉在騎馬驅逐一個窺視他財產的人的時候不幸從馬上摔落身亡。斯佳麗繼續照顧整個家庭,她發現自己難以支付庄園的重稅。因此她精心打扮自己,去亞特蘭大找瑞德求助。然而瑞德告訴她自己的外國銀行賬戶已經被凍結了,不能給她以幫助。在返回的途中,斯佳麗遇上了她妹妹蘇倫(Suellen)的未婚夫弗蘭克·肯尼迪(Frank Kennedy),弗蘭克成功地經營著一家商店和木材工廠。



有一天,斯佳麗審視完工廠,聽到阿希禮說希望回到過去簡單的生活,她擁抱了阿希禮給他以安慰。而他們的對話被阿希禮的姐姐尹蒂·威爾克斯(India Wilkes)和米笛太太聽到。尹蒂一向對斯佳麗不滿,這個事件更是使斯佳麗名譽受辱。但是梅勒妮不相信流言,並邀請斯佳麗參加阿希禮的生日晚會。瑞德喝醉了,將斯佳麗拖上樓梯,並警告說,“這個夜晚只屬於我。”("This is one night you're not turning me out.”)次日早晨,當斯佳麗醒來准備和瑞德重新開始的時候,瑞德卻向她提出了離婚,並帶著邦妮去了倫敦。當他們回來的時候,斯佳麗告訴瑞德她再次懷孕,瑞德顯得很冷漠。斯佳麗很生氣要廝打瑞德,卻不慎從樓梯摔落流產。



當瑞德邁出大門的時候,斯佳麗問:“瑞德,如果你走了,我將去哪裡?我該做什麼?”("Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?”)瑞德說,“坦白講,親愛的,我一點也不在乎。”("Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.”)

斯佳麗站在台階上,在絕望之餘又燃起了希望:“塔拉庄園,我的家!我要回家。總有一天我會讓他回來的!畢竟,明天又是新的一天!”("Tara! Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!”)
我看了這部長達四小時的電影《Gone with the Wind》即《亂世佳人》之後,有很多難以言喻的感受。可能是因為長大了,所以想的也隨著多了。

斯嘉麗——費雯·麗詮釋的這個女主角,真的無可挑剔。她把斯佳麗的輕佻、高傲和任性,當然還有她的堅強、勇敢以及無畏都表現得淋漓盡致。然而,斯佳麗絕不是像那時代的千 金小姐一樣是個呆板的淑女。相反,她面容姣好,身姿窈窕,鋒芒畢露,招搖張揚,令無數男人為之傾倒。可是,她卻愛上了一個不該愛的人---已有未婚妻梅蘭妮的阿希禮,她是那麼執著又不顧一切。而她最初的堅強也是來自於阿希禮臨走前的一句託付----好好照顧梅蘭妮。我忘不了南北戰爭時斯佳麗在橫屍遍野的地方找不到醫生,最後親手幫梅蘭妮接生的那一刻;我忘不了斯佳麗帶著梅蘭妮和剛出生的孩子頂著炮火紛飛一路出逃,瑞德與斯佳麗在橙紅色的沖天火光里深深親吻的剪影;我忘不了斯佳麗從容地扯下綠色天鵝絨的窗簾圍到身上做成新衣服去向瑞德求救的場面;我忘不了斯佳麗重回塔拉庄園時發現田地荒蕪家業衰敗,她在紅色的夕陽照耀下從田地里拔出來一個蘿卜,連泥土都未擦去就狠狠咬一口的情景。這個倔強的女人面對夕陽,雙手握拳高舉雙臂用盡全身的力氣向蒼天吶喊:“我以後絕不挨餓!”她纖細的背影在夕陽下投下長長的影子。斯佳麗這絕不挨餓的宣言,還有她在紫紅雲霞里的背影卻永遠的留在了我的心裡。她這樣的堅定與勇氣,這樣連戰亂都打不垮的女人,生命力頑強得如同春天的野草。看到她,生活就總有希望,不管面對什麼樣的困難。正如電影最後她說的那句經典勵志台詞:“Tomorrow is another day.”



我最難忘的一幕是在塔拉,當斯佳麗用槍殺死那個入侵的壞人時,剛生完孩子虛弱得連下床都困難的梅蘭妮已經作好了廝殺准備,她手裡拿著軍刀,准備為了保護斯佳麗而和壞人對峙;隨後,她幫極度恐懼的斯佳麗隱瞞了殺人的事情並果斷地用自身的衣服清理現場和埋掉了屍體。 她愛斯佳麗,她勇敢地用自己微薄的力量保護她。她更愛她的丈夫阿希禮,她勇敢地支持他的信念。梅蘭妮柔弱的外表和堅毅的內心使我看到了她擁有真正強者的力量:因為真心真意愛著身邊的人,所以在關鍵時刻挺身而出,一心想保護自己在乎的人。她和斯佳麗一樣,在戰火紛飛中頑強生存。然而最後,梅蘭妮卻死了,所有人都悲痛萬分。但是我寧願相信她的死亡只不過是一種形式,一種新的解脫。她的美好傳達了一個真理:無論在什麼年代,一顆善良的心,一種達觀的人生態度,無疑都是一個人的立身之本,幸福之源。


有這樣一部小說叫做《飄》,讀過的人都感動不已。有這樣一部電影叫做《亂世佳人》,看過的人無不為之動容。 故事 發生在美國南北戰爭時期,如此動盪的年代,卻孕育了一場偉大的愛情,而這場愛情之所以偉大,只因為它誕生在戰爭年代。



這部影片把美國人奮斗於逆境,追求個人獨立、尊嚴、愛情,永遠樂觀進取的民族精神表現得淋漓盡致。郝思嘉,一個中產階級家庭出身的弱小女子,歷經情場失意,內亂戰火,家園重建,愛女夭折,丈夫出走等等一連串巨大的困難和挫折,但是她很少膽怯,一次次重新把生活的主動權奪回到自己手中。"Afterall,tomorrow is another day."(畢竟,明天是新的一天)便是她樂觀自強人生的最好表白。這是郝思嘉留給人一句令人回味的話,這句話就 總結 了她對生活對愛情的態度了,是的一切都會過去,我們相信她一定能重新屬於自己的真愛。

幾年前,在央視六套的“佳片有約”中,我只是把《亂世佳人》當作一部佳片來觀看,具體“佳”在哪?我也說不出什麼所以然來,只是欣賞作者帶給我的復雜而又華麗的故事情節,感受著女主角帶給我們的 愛情故事 。轉眼幾年過去,有了一定的閱歷,再回頭來看這部影片,審視的角度寬泛了許多。“佳”的地方數不勝數,政治上、情感上、精神上、生活態度上……它蘊涵了很多東西的,愛情故事是吸引人的,對愛情也有一些啟迪,更深層的還有一些精神的、人類的斗爭的,同時背景還衍射出整部美國變革時期的歷史變革時期人們的思想波動和演變,同時還描述了戰爭對人類造成的災難,損失,反戰追求和平等等。再次觀看完這部影片,有兩點對我影響最大,它讓我看到了許多生活的影子,感受到了復雜社會的余溫。

首先,什麼是生活的影子?Afterall,tomorrow is another day,這句話帶給了我們生活的希望,能讓我們對未來有憧憬。現在大多年輕人對生活的定義,除了“郁悶、無聊、得過且過”,似乎沒有更新鮮的詞彙了。是的,現在年輕人的壓力是很大,考學、工作、維系家庭等等等等,我們對生活的憧憬漸漸淡忘了,似乎在忙碌中迷失了自我。人生本來就應該是豐富多彩的,雖然有壓力,雖然有不如意,但還是需要“從絕望中尋找希望”,用平常心去面對遇到的一切,學業、愛情、事業,我們是應該去爭取做到最好,今天努力過就足夠了,今天經歷過就勝利了,畢竟明天是新的一天,今天怎樣並不重要,就算失敗了,受傷了,又有什麼?我們都是年輕的一代,新的希望需要我們這一代來創造,心態的平和對於當今的年輕人是至關重要的。


以上便是影片對我影響最深的兩個方面,也許不夠專業,也許不夠全面,也許不夠細致,但是是它給我心靈上的最真實的觸碰。永遠記得那句話:Afterall,tomorrow is another day……我們要學會怎樣去生活,怎樣去面對遭遇的一切。世事變化,唯心永恆。


1. 亂世佳人觀後感800字精選

2. 飄讀後感400字作文

『拾』 求一篇亂世佳人五百字英文觀後感

The story sounds more wonderful against the American War Time. Scarlet, the heroine, like Jane Eyre, Scarelet was a strong woman instead of a coward, was crazy about love and was determined.She is self-willed, but there is still so much kindness and purity live in her heart.
Every coin has two sides. Humanity and single-mind in love, it is a great quality of ladies, and Scarlett has it.
「After all, tomorrow is another day!」 It』s a day of good fortune for all the good. Remember the old saying: Yesterday is dead, forget it; tomorrow doesn』t exist, don』t worry; today is here, use it!





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