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Ⅰ 傲慢與偏見中的優美句子 英文


1、Arrogance makes others unable to love me, prejudice makes me unable to love others.


2、Something you have to do should wait until you are alone.


3、 Once happiness is rejected, it is not worth our attention.


4、But it's always the case in the world. If you don't complain, no one pity you.


5、It is sometimes a bad thing to bury your feelings too deep. If a
woman disguises her feelings for the man she loves, she may lose the
chance to get him.


6、It's a long time to be alone.


7、Pride is more than our own valuation of ourselves, but vanity involves what we want others to think of us.


8、Pretending humility is the most hypocritical performance, because it
may be the beginning of a false tongue, or a self praise that is


Ⅱ 簡·奧斯汀《傲慢與偏見》語錄摘抄附英文原句

1. Prejudice let you can't accept me,pride let me can't love you.


2. If you have something on your mind, you should wait until you are alone.


3. Once happiness is rejected, it is not worth paying more attention to.


4. But the world is always like this. If you don't complain, no one will pity you.


5. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.


6. Life is changeable, things are impermanent, moral or rational, nothing is reliable.


7. If wisdom is really superior, arrogance will not be too much.


8. Some people even did not intend to do bad things, can in fact it can still do wrong, misery consequences. Every careless and don't see other people's well-intentioned, and the lack of a decisive person, all similar to harm them.


9. Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.


10. Not all of us can offord to be romantic.


11. There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well.


12. The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it.


13. My good opinion once lost is lost forever.


14. I will never regret losing other people』s attention. Too much attention sometimes costs a lot.


15. I am not as good as others, I can talk and laugh in front of strangers. I will not feignly hush cold and ask warmth like others do.


16. A successful plan is often unsuccessful. Only by keeping a bit of annoyance can you avoid being too disappointed.


17. Humility is often accompanied by talking. There is only a thin line between debate and dispute.


Ⅲ 《傲慢與偏見》經典語錄英文有哪些


1、But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out.


2、My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.


3、Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.


4、Only deep love will persuade me to marry.Which is why I'll end up an old maid.


5、There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well.


Ⅳ 《傲慢與偏見》的英文經典語錄有哪些

1、Not all of us can offord to be romantic.


2、Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.


3、Married life is happiness, completely is a chance to question.


4、Only deep love will persuade me to marry.Which is why i'll end up an old maid.


5、You must know .Surely you must know it was all for you.


6、My affections and wishes have not changed.


Ⅳ 《傲慢與偏見》經典佳句中英

1.Some people even did not intend to do bad things, can in fact it can still do wrong, misery consequences. Every careless and don't see other people's well-intentioned, and the lack of a decisive person, all similar to harm them.


2.Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast


3.Married life is happiness, completely is a chance to question.


4. pair of lovers premarital understand each other well or character special similar, this does not mean that after their marriage can be happy. They are often get later distance farther and farther, each other troubles. Since you have with this person for life, to his faults know as little as possible.


5.Only deep love will persuade me to marry.Which is why i'll end up an old maid.


7.You must know .Surely you must know it was all for you.


8.There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well.

我真心愛的人不多 看得起的人更少。

9.The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it.

對這個世界看得越多 ,我就越不滿。

Ⅵ 求《傲慢與偏見》英文經典語句

Miss Elizabeth. Elizabeth小姐
[68:42.89]l have struggled in vain and l can bear it no longer. 我不斷地想剋制自己 但實在撐不下去了
[68:45.16]These past months have been a torment. 過去的幾個月實在是一種煎熬 我來Rosings只是為了見你
[68:47.23]l came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you.
[68:49.33]l had to see you.
[68:50.57]l have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectation... 我與自我判斷 家庭期望
[68:53.40]the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance... 你低微的出身 我自己的身份相抗爭
[68:55.61]all these things, and l'm willing to put them aside and ask you... 我把它們棄之一旁 請求你能結束我的痛苦
[68:58.08]to end my agony. - 我不明白 - 我愛你
[68:59.11]l don't understand. l love you.
[69:04.65]Most ardently. 滿懷深情
[69:09.72]Please do me the honor of accepting my hand. 真誠地希望你能接受我的求婚
[69:15.33]Sir, l appreciate the struggle you have been through... 先生 我欽佩你曾歷經掙扎
[69:19.33]and l am very sorry to have caused you pain. 很抱歉 我給你帶來了痛苦
[69:22.10]Believe me, it was unconsciously done. 那完全是無意造成的
[69:25.60]ls this your reply? Yes, sir. - 這就是你的回答? - 是的 先生
[69:27.47]Are you laughing at me? - 你在嘲笑我? - 不
[69:30.31]No. Are you rejecting me? 你在拒絕我?
[69:31.61]l'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me... 我相信 以前使你未能向我表白的顧慮 現在一定能讓你剋制住這種好感
[69:33.61]have hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it.
[69:37.45]Might l ask why... 也許我可以請教一下 我為什麼遭到如此無禮的拒絕?
[69:38.62]with so little endeavor at civility, l am thus repulsed?
[69:40.79]And l might as well enquire why... 我也想請問一下 你為什麼非要告訴我 你是違背自己的判斷而喜歡我的?
[69:42.29]with so evident a design of insulting me...
[69:44.12]you chose to tell me that you liked me...
[69:45.29]against your better judgment! No, believe me-- 如果我當真無禮 難道不也有情可原
[69:46.82]lf l was uncivil, then that is some excuse!
[69:48.73]But l have other reasons. You know l have. - 但你知道我有其他理由 - 什麼理由?
[69:50.39]What reasons? 難道你認為我會去愛一個也許毀了
[69:51.70]Do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man...
[69:54.20]who has ruined, perhaps forever... 我最心愛的姐姐的終身幸福的人嗎?
[69:55.70]the happiness of a most beloved sister?
[69:59.00]Do you deny it, Mr. Darcy? 你敢說你沒干嗎? Darcy先生 你拆散了一對相愛的戀人

[70:01.64]That you separated a young couple who loved each other...
[70:04.14]exposing your friend to the center of the world for caprice... 使你朋友被指責為朝三暮四
[70:06.48]and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes. 我姐姐被譏笑為痴心妄想
[70:09.65]And involving them both in misery of the acutest kind? 害得他們痛苦至極
[70:11.68]l do not deny it. - 我不否認
[70:14.19]How could you do it? - 你怎麼能這么做?
[70:15.25]Because l believed your sister indifferent to him. - 我認為你姐姐對他無動於衷 - 無動於衷?
[70:18.22]l watched them most carefully... - 我意識到他已經一往情深 - 那是因為她害羞!
[70:19.36]and realized his attachment was deeper than hers.
[70:20.96]That's because she's shy.
[70:22.16]Bingley, too, is modest... Bingley也是 他也明白你姐姐對他沒意思
[70:23.16]and was persuaded she didn't feel strongly for him.
[70:24.76]Because you suggested it. l did it for his own good. - 是因為你說的 - 我是為了他好
[70:26.86]My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! 我姐姐對我都很少表現她的真情
[70:34.41]l suppose you suspect that his fortune had some bearing-- 我想你是因為 怕我姐姐是為了他的財產?

[70:37.71]No! l wouldn't do your sister the dishonor! 我絕沒有把你姐姐說成那樣
[70:39.31]Though it was suggested-- What was? - 我只是說... - 說什麼?
[70:42.05]lt was made perfectly clear that an advantageous marriage-- 這是樁門不當戶不對的婚姻
[70:44.48]Did my sister give that impression? No! No! - 我姐姐給你這種印象? - 不!
[70:47.25]No. There was, however, l have to admit, the matter of your family. - 不 是因為 怎麼說 你們家人... - 我們想攀關系? Bingley先生似乎不是很介意
[70:49.75]Our want of connection?
[70:50.89]Mr. Bingley didn't seem to vex himself about that.
[70:52.76]No, it was more than that. How, sir? - 不 不僅僅是這樣 - 那是怎樣? 先生
[70:54.06]lt was the lack of propriety... 因為你母親和你妹妹的不成體統 有時候連你的父親也再所難免
[70:55.19]shown by your mother, your three younger sisters...
[70:57.06]even, on occasion, your father.
[70:58.70][thunder rumbling]
[71:02.40]Forgive me. 請原諒我
[71:05.37]You and your sister l must exclude from this. 你和你姐姐當然排除在外
[71:12.38]And what about Mr. Wickham? 那Wickham先生的事怎麼說?
[71:16.11]Mr. Wickham? Wickham先生?
[71:17.32]What excuse can you give for your behavior towards him? 你在這件事上還有什麼好說的?
[71:19.82]You take an eager interest in that gentleman's concerns. - 你對他的事倒是很關心啊 - 他對我說了他的不幸遭遇
[71:21.82]He told me of his misfortunes.
[71:23.05]Oh, yes, his misfortunes have been very great indeed. - 是啊 他的遭遇是很不幸 - 你毀了他的大好前程
[71:25.29]You ruin his chances, and yet you treat him with sarcasm? 現在你還加以挖苦嘲笑
[71:28.69]So this is your opinion of me. 這就是你對我的看法
[71:31.33]Thank you for explaining so fully. 謝謝你解釋得這么詳盡 只怪我老實坦白了遲疑不決的原因
[71:32.73]Perhaps these offenses might have been overlooked had not your...
[71:35.13]pride been hurt by my honesty... My pride? 結果傷害了你的自尊心
[71:36.57]...in admitting scruples about our relationship.
[71:38.94]Could you expect me to rejoice... 難道你指望我會為你 那些微賤的親戚而歡欣鼓舞嗎?
[71:40.30]in the inferiority of your circumstances?
[71:42.54]And those are the words of a gentleman. 這就是一個紳士說的話
[71:45.24]From the first moment l met you... 從我剛一認識你的那刻起 你的狂妄自大 自私自利 無視別人的感情

[71:46.61]your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain...
[71:48.98]for the feelings of others... 就讓我覺得哪怕我一輩子找不到男人 也休想讓我嫁給你
[71:50.15]made me realize that you were the last man in the world...
[71:52.42]l could ever be prevailed upon to marry.
[72:07.37]Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time. 請原諒我 耽擱了你這么多時間
[114:03.91]l couldn't sleep. Nor l. My aunt.... - 我睡不著 - 我也是 我姨媽...
[114:07.15]Yes. She was here. 是啊 她來過
[114:09.92]How can l ever make amends for such behavior? 我怎樣才能補償你呢?
[114:13.46]After what you have done for Lydia, and l suspect for Jane also... 你為Lydia做了那麼多事
[114:17.63]it is l who should be making amends.
[114:20.56]You must know. Surely you must know it was all for you. 你肯定知道 你肯定知道這都是為了你
[114:28.04]You are too generous to trifle with me. 你是個有度量的人 不會戲弄我
[114:31.17]l believe you spoke with my aunt last night... 你昨晚跟我姨媽的談話 使我又有了希望
[114:33.14]and it has taught me to hope...
[114:34.91]as l had scarcely allowed myself before. 我以前不敢再指望什麼
[114:39.01]lf your feelings are still what they were last April... 要是你的態度還是和四月份一樣 就請你立即告訴我
[114:41.12]tell me so at once.
[114:44.29]My affections and wishes have not changed... 我的感情和心願還始終如一
[114:47.46]but one word from you will silence me forever. 不過只要你一句話 我就永遠不提此事
[114:55.80]lf, however, your feelings have changed... 如果 怎麼說 你改變了心意...
[115:02.77]l would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul... ...我得告訴你
[115:07.48]and l love.... l love.... l love you. 你對我施了魔法 我的肉體 我的靈魂 我愛...
[115:08.79]我愛... 我愛你
[115:11.81]l never wish to be parted from you from this day on. 我從來沒想過 今天要和你分開
[115:26.26]Well, then. 好吧
[115:32.73]Your hands are cold. 你的手很冷



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