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❶ 哈利波特的英文經典台詞(隨便10句)

1For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.對於頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。
2 .This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一個人這樣深深地愛過,盡管那個愛我們的人已經死了,也會給我們留下一個永遠的護身符。
3、We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同樣也需要很大的勇氣。
4、Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什麼地方。
5、The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表現我們真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們所俱有的能力更重要。
6、If you kill Harry, then you should we have to kill.如果你要殺哈利,那你要把我們也殺死!
7、Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it does not like real people do despair, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt.守護神是一種正面力量,它所倡導的東西正是攝魂怪的食糧——希望、快樂、活下去的願望——但它不能像真正的人那樣感到絕望,因此攝魂怪就沒法傷害它。
8、Die than betray a friend, and we will do so for you!死了總比背叛朋友強,我們也會為你這樣做的!
9、Your father live in you, Harry, you need him, he was in you know.你爸爸活在你身上,哈利,在你需要他的時候,他在你身上表現得最清楚。
10、Only through unity can we have a strong, if the split, then a single blow.我們只有團結才會強大,如果分裂,便不堪一擊。
11、As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle.只要我們目標一致,敞開心胸,習慣和語言的差異都不會成為障礙。
12、I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.我不想要它,也不需要它。但是我需要一些歡笑。我們可能都需要一些歡笑。我有一種感覺,我們很快就會需要比往常更多的歡笑了。
13、The past will always come and we will accept it.該來的總歸會來,來了我們就接受它。
14、But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive.可是漠不關心,還有視而不見,往往會比直截了當的厭惡造成的傷害大得多。
15、It is easy to forgive someone else's mistake, it is difficult to forgive someone else's right.人們容易原諒別人的錯誤,卻很難原諒別人的正確。
16、Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter?徹頭徹尾是鄧不利多的人,對不對,波特?
17、Only when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore), he would leave this school.只有當這里的人都不再忠實於他(鄧不利多),他才會離開這所學校。
第6中的,When we in the face of darkness and death, we fear that is unknown, in addition, no other.當我們在面對黑暗和死亡的時候,我們害怕的只是未知,除此之外,沒有別的

❷ 哈利波特英文經典台詞

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.

Lord Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.

If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!

What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? Only innocent lives! Died rather than betray your friends!

I'm never going over to the Dark Side!

Me! Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.

Give her hell from us, Peeves.

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.


The truth,it is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.

What would come, and he would have to meet it when it did.

He will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to him.

It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.



❸ 求哈利波特7部電影的每一部中英對照台詞,每一部5句。


Once it comes,you have to face it bravely


I'm just dead reading,and a little bit of cleverness


There are more important things: friendship and courage


It's like after a long day,you can finally go to bed


People like to choose the things that are not good for them



Now,Harry you must know all about Muggles,tell me,what exactly is the function of a rubber ck


It's not much,but it's home


Voldmort killed my parents,he was nothing more than a murderer


Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself


Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes



Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be reunited once more


I would die,rather than betray my friends


I will never forget the first time I walked through those doors,it will be nice to do it again as a free man


A child"s voice however honest and true,is meaningless to those who"ve forgotten how to listen


He will return tonight He who betrayed his friends whose heart rots with murder



Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it


Only when we unite can we be strong. If we split,we will be vulnerable


Time will not meet your wishes,but will speed up its progress It's a strange thing


Dark and difficult times lie ahead ,soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy


If you want to know what a man's like,take a good look at how he treats his inferiors,not his equals



There is no denying the signs that the mysterious man has come back


I've been teaching here for 16 years. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do that


If you want everyone to know it,the best way is to ban it


What you fear is fear itself


Just because you have only one teaspoon of feelings doesn't mean everyone is like this



You should be honored Cissy,as should Draco


I don't believe you,She wants me looked at。They think I'm different


I was chosen for this,out of all others,me


You're blinded by hatred


Why is it,that whenever anything happens,it's always you three



It is the quality of one's faith,not the number of believers,that determines one's success


Victory depends on the will of the fighters,not the number of followers


Only stupid people can show their feelings freely


This mirror can't teach us knowledge or tell us the truth


People spend time in front of him,obsessed with what they see


❹ 哈利波特與魔法石里的英語句子

This boy will be famous. There won"t be a child in our world who doesn"t know his name.

You come here to study the potion is made precise scientific and strict process. There are no silly to wave a magic wand, and so many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you can truly understand the simmer about cauldron braved the white smoke out bursts of fragrance, beautiful place, you never really know the influx of people vascular fluid, wild, will the miraculous magic blurred.
I can teach you how to enhance the prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death -- but there must be a way, that is you are not I often meet the idiot fool."

There is no good and evil, there is only power……and those too weak to seek it.
Together……we'll do extraodinary things.

❺ 哈利波特全7部和納尼亞傳奇全3部中的5句經典台詞

Harry:You? No it can』t be; Snape he was he was the one---
Quirrell:Yes he does seem the type doesn』t he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-poor st-st-stuttering Professor Quirrell?
Harry:But that day, ring the Quidditch match, Snape tried to kill me.
Quirrell:Oh no dear boy, I tried to kill you! And trust me if Snape』s cloak hadn』t caught on fire and broken my eye contact I would have succeeded. Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse.
Harry:Snape was trying to save me?
Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Malfoy! I have something of yours.
馬爾福先生 馬爾福先生 這兒有你的東西
Mine? I don't know what you're talking about.
I think you do, sir. I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day at Diagon Alley. You do, do you?
Why don't you prove it? Come, Dobby.
Open it. Dobby.
快打開 Dobby.
Harry Potter: I don"t care! Anywhere"s better than
Dumbledore: But you know
happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to
turn on the light.
Remus Lupin: That suggests that what you fear most of
all... is fear itself.
Severus Snape: Well, well, Lupin, out for a little
walk in the moonlight, are we?
Trelawney: He will return tonight! He who betrayed his friends - whose heart
rots with murder! Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be
reunited once more!
Dumbledore: If chosen, you stand alone.
And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted.
2. 穆迪:這是索命咒。至今只有一個人逃過這個咒語,而他現在就坐在這個房間里。
Professor Moody: The Killing Curse.
Only one wizard is known to have survived it. And he"s sitting in this
Harry Potter: Yeah, rather you than me.
4. 雙胞胎:這才是它了不起的地方,因為它又可悲又愚蠢。
Fred Weasley&George Weasley: But that"s
why it"s so brilliant. Because it"s so pathetically dimwitted.
5. 麥格教授:每個女孩心中都藏著一名優雅的舞者,渴望展露本性大顯身手。
Professor McGonagall: Inside every
girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight.
1. 鄧布利多:種種跡象表明,神秘人已經回來了,這是無法否認的。
Dumbledore: The evidence that the Dark
Lord has returned is incontrovertible.
2. 特里勞妮:我在這里教了16年,霍格沃茨就是我的家,你不能這么做。
Professor Trelawney: 16 years I"ve
lived and taught here! Hogwarts is my home! You can"t do this!
3. 赫敏:我是說,這個很刺激,違反校規。
Hermione Granger: I mean, it"s sort of exciting,
isn"t it, breaking the rules?
4. 小天狼星:世界不是分為好人和壞人,每個人內心都有光明和黑暗,真正重要的是我們如何選擇,知道我們究竟是什麼人。
Sirius Black: The
world isn"t split into good people and Death Eaters. We"ve all got both light
and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That"s who we

5. 斯內普:你這個令人失望多愁善感的小子,只會苦澀的抱怨生活如何的不公平。你可能沒有注意到,生活本來就是不公平的。
Severus Snape:
Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have
been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn"t fair.

'Draco, Draco, you are not a killer.'(Dumbledore)

'Killing is not nearly as easy as the innocent believe...'(Dumbledore)

Bellatrix: You should be honored Cissy, as should

. 湯姆·里德爾:我不信,她想讓我去看病,他們覺得我跟別人不一樣。
Tom Riddle: I don"t believe you. She
wants me looked at. They think I"m... different

Draco Malfoy: I was chosen for this, out of all
others, me!
1For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.對於頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。
2 .This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一個人這樣深深地愛過,盡管那個愛我們的人已經死了,也會給我們留下一個永遠的護身符。
3、We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同樣也需要很大的勇氣。
4、Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什麼地方。
5、The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表現我們真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們所俱有的能力更重要。
1.P:你願意和我並肩作戰嗎? Are you with me ?
O:至死不渝! To the death.
2.A:美麗的東部海洋, To the glisttening Eastern Sea,
我賜予你露西女王, i give you Queen Lucy,
3.A:在納尼亞一日為王, Once a King or Queen of Narnia,
終身為王。 always a King or Queen.3.我賜予你愛德蒙國王 King Edmund,
4.B:彼得說快離開這兒! Peter said get out of here!
E:彼得還不是國王! Peter's not king yet!
5.P:如果他在叫我們快一點If he tells us hurry one more time,
i'm gonna turn him into a big,fluffy hat!
1.Aslan: All that you know is about to change.

2.Edmund Pevensie: I don't remember any ruins in Narnia.

3.Lucy Pevensie: I wonder who lived here.

Susan Pevensie: I think we did.


4.Susan Pevensie: Who are you?

Prince Caspian: I am Prince Caspian.

5.Trumpkin: You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember...

1.「You are nothing if you don』t believe」
2.「Defeat the darkness outside? Defeat the darkness inside first!」
3.Extraordinary people have extraordinary mission…I will stay with you
4.「When you choose to become others, you will lose yourself.」
5.I focus too much on what I lost, not what I have.

❻ 《哈利波特》電影經典台詞有哪些


1、We've all got both light and darkness inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.


2、It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.


3、If you want to know what a man's like , take a good look at how he treats his inferiors , not his wquals.

如果你想知道一個人到底怎麼樣,那就好好看看他是怎麼對待比他卑微的物種的,而非和他平等的人。 作者:不會取名字的北奧 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv2726163 出處:bilibili

4、It matters not what someone is born ,but what they grow to be.


5、Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.


6、Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.


❼ 《哈利波特》經典台詞中英文對照帶你進入奇幻的魔法世界


8.「Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.」 — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
你終將意識到:暫時麻痹疼痛只會使事情變得更糟。 ——《哈利波特與火焰杯》
9. 「Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.」 — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
冷漠與忽視往往比直截了當的不喜歡帶來更大的傷害。 ——《哈利波特與鳳凰社》
10.「Of course it is happening inside your head... but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?」 — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
也許他正發生在你的腦中,但究竟為什麼這意味著它並不真實? ——《哈利比特與死亡聖器》

❽ 哈利波特第3部里有什麼經典的台詞嗎拜託各位大神

作者:喇叭 授權書:我授權夢幻精靈MM轉載本人在OB論壇的精華帖子,但僅限於"哈利波特魔法世界——金色籮林"。(切記!) 順便給我一個連接~ 原載地址: http://www.obbbs.com/bbs/dispbbs ... ;ID=3422&skin=1 我的指環王病毒~~新鮮出爐的第三部!! 承蒙各位大人的鼓勵,喇叭的第三部終於完成了。 如果各位大人覺得喇叭的文寫的還算說得過去,就請回貼鼓勵;如果大人們還想看第四部,請回貼支持。大人們的回貼是喇叭的精神食糧哦~~(眾:還有這么不要臉的人?!?!) 一 黑暗數學篇 數學課上,老師開始講有關與橢圓的知識。老師用某個數學軟體給我們演示橢圓的形成過程。於是,一個超級標準的橢圓在大屏幕上漸漸地出現了。(如示意圖) 「哇~~這么完美的橢圓,根本不可能畫得出來嘛~~~」大家紛紛議論。「哼!」喇叭很憤憤不平的說:「完美?再完美有我們小來完美嗎?我們小來是這個破電腦畫得出來的嗎?根本和小來沒有可比性!」 (眾:好像把橢圓和小來相比較的人是你吧? 喇叭(憤怒ing):「完美」是小來的專用詞!這個詞就是為小來而造的!別人不許用! 眾:……走吧,這人已經瘋了……) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 學過橢圓的大人們知道,這是兩個焦點在x軸上的情況。於是老師接著畫了一個兩個焦點在y軸上的情況。 「哇啊啊啊啊~~」一陣怪叫從喇叭那裡傳來。「老師,你,你,你果然有一點點精靈的血統(詳見第二部),你已經被索倫的力量所誘惑了~~你,你……竟敢公開宣傳黑暗力量!!」(喇叭是美術白痴,畫的圖……) 魔眼啊~~大家快逃~~收衣服嘍~~ 汗………… 二 現代地理篇 地理課上講旅遊資源,老師讓我們從自然景觀中的生物資源舉幾個例子,有的同學提到了植被。老師說:「植被是一個很廣的范圍,可以分為很多種:比如有熱帶雨林,亞寒帶針葉林,紅樹林,西北的的胡楊林……」「洛絲蘿林,黑森林……」喇叭兩眼直冒紅心~~ 「喇叭,你收拾書包干什麼啊?離放學還早著吶!」 喇叭頭也不抬:「旅遊。」 嗯嗯……有哪位大人願意和喇叭一起去? 三 生死體育篇 喇叭學校的體育課是分組上的,有排球組,籃球組,足球組,還有就是綜合組。前三個組很好理解,就是著重的學習某一項運動,至於那個「綜合組」呢……汗……就是集中營似的的魔鬼訓練處。而不知死活的喇叭,就是在綜合組…… 周三,老師沒有讓我們做額外的跑步練習而是讓我們練習傳球,大家都覺得太陽從南邊出來了。離下課還有十五分鍾,老師把我們叫到籃球架前,面帶陰森的笑容對我們說:「男生十次機會,女生八次,每隊一個代表;投進一球,減一圈。也就是說,如果你們一個球都沒進的話,男生就要跑十圈,女生則跑八圈。」 「哇啊啊啊啊~~什麼?如果我們籃球好,就不會再綜合…不,魔鬼組了……」 每辦法,大家的籃球都不怎麼樣,十幾個女生沒有一個上得了檯面的。 於是,開始投! 老師恐怖的聲音:「三個進一個……六個進兩個……」 汗!簡直是生死的數字! 喇叭突然想起小來和小吉的「殺戮數字」來了!這和我們現在的處境好像啊~~這個數字越大,我們活下來的希望就越大!殺啊~~~ 小來啊~~保佑我們啊~~ 一……二…… (眾:你們最後跑了幾圈? 喇叭:……六圈…… 技不如人……呃,精……) 四 英語台詞篇 課上講關於錢的發展歷史,老師提到硬幣的反面叫作tail。「tail ……好像tale(神話)哦~~」喇叭突然想到了第一部序幕裡面的話,一句喇叭認為非常經典的台詞:「歷史變成了傳說,傳說變成了神話。」嗯嗯嗯,喇叭興奮了好久啊~~ 這個單元我們學的是「frist aid(急救)」,其中提到了「poison」。大家想起什麼來了嗎?第二部裡面,格里馬對伊歐文說過一段很陰險的話之後,伊歐文恨恨的含著眼淚說:「your words is poison !」 呵呵呵呵呵,喇叭把這句台詞念了一天啊~~ 五 聯想歷史篇 歷史課講「西歐國家的殖民擴張」中的「殖民主義的罪惡」,書上有一張販賣黑人奴隸的海報,但是,但是……喇叭竟然從其中看出了「lagolas」!! 大家看出來了嗎?喇叭通過「三部曲(去?取?)」給大家說明。大家請看中間那個最大的單詞「negroes」。首先,把開頭的「n」換成「l」;然後把「r」換成「l」再調到「o」的後面:最後,把那個「e」改成「a」就大功告成了!這樣,「legolas」的名字就出現在歷史書上了!! 六 能量生物篇 生物課是喇叭最喜歡的了,每次都是集中大腦匯聚眼球的認真聽講,但是,仍不能逃脫病毒發作的命運。有一次,老師上講atp。 atp的結構式的簡寫是a-p~p~p。喇叭居然……… a-p~p~p中有三個p,就是「3p」;然後atp中有一個「t」;二者「中和」之後,就變成「3t」。「3t」就是ttt啊~~~ 講細胞器老師要講到葉綠體;講光合作用也要講到葉綠體。 啊啊啊啊啊~~葉綠體??葉??小來啊~~ 天啊~~植物有光合作用在葉綠體里合成的有機物,不僅是所有生物的能量來源;小來,我們的葉綠王子……呃……綠葉王子還是我們所有mm的精神能量來源啊~~ 七 舉例政治篇 哲學課上講到了矛盾,老師為了說明矛盾上方既包含著既對立又統一的一面而給我們舉了很多例子,而且讓同學們自己也想想生活中的例子並用哲學的方法加以分析。 喇叭的例子是:「小來和小吉就是一對兒矛盾,二者既對立又統一。二者是非常好的朋友,這是統一;二者的相貌形成鮮明對比,這是矛盾。二者相互依存:即相比較而存在,如果世界上的人,精都長成一個樣子的話,那麼就沒有美醜而言。二者在一定條件下可以相互轉化……(??怎麼轉化??)呃……呃……運用現代的整容手段二者就可以進行轉化…… (眾:殺了她!!沖啊~~) 老師為了讓我們更深刻的體會矛盾在生活中的存在,給我們看了非常多的圖片。老師講到:「家長和孩子之間相互依存:沒有孩子,這個大人也就為所謂家長;沒有家長,這個孩子也就不會存在。下面,是一幅父親和女兒的照片……「 看著大屏幕,一張很特別的照片出現了——因為這明顯不是從網上弄下來的,而是自己照的.一個很秀氣的戴著眼鏡的二十五六歲的阿姨……呃,姐姐穿著粉色的羽絨服,站在雪景中,甜甜的笑著。這就是女兒嘍?那麼爸爸呢? 這時,一張小照片緩緩移入大屏幕……噴血!!那不是教我們政治的校長大人的照片嗎?暴汗……校長大人樂呵呵地說:「這是我女兒在今年巴黎下了第一場雪以後給我發過來的……」 啊~我們全班都暴了!!大家可以理解吧?我們笑的都直不起腰來了!(覺得不好笑的大人請閉上眼睛想像一下~~) 喇叭在爆笑之餘也沒忘了犯病,於是,這樣一幅畫面出現在喇叭的腦中: 大屏幕上,赫然出現了一張小來的絕美照片……(口水啊~~)喇叭的照片緩緩移入……然後老師介紹說:「這就是男朋友和女朋友……啊,呸!是崇拜者與被崇拜者的關系。二者是相互依存的關系……」 啊啊啊啊~~鼻血~~ 八 無奈生活篇 1 秀色可餐 一天中午吃飯,坐在喇叭前面的露露端著湯進了門,對擋在她前面的小奇說:「來,來,讓一下~」 我頓時臉色極為恐怖,幾乎是破口大罵:「啊~~露露,你,你這個笨蛋!好不容易見到小來,你,你居然讓他讓開?!?!」 露露一臉的驚恐:「我,我怎麼招著她啦?」(我身邊的人都約好不許說魔啊戒啊等字眼)喇叭已臨近崩潰的邊緣:「啊~~你剛才不是說『來來,讓一下』嗎?你,竟然讓他讓開?!?!我,我跟你拚了!!」 2 念君深情 喇叭有神經性頭疼的毛病(眾:一種神經病?),累了就會頭痛。那天下午,喇叭煩躁的敲著腦袋:「好難受啊~~」小年關切地問喇叭:「喇叭,為什麼你會頭疼呢?」喇叭非常靦腆的一笑,做出一副林妹妹的樣子,右手緩緩的放在下顎,輕輕的嘆了一口氣:「唉,相思之痛,刻骨銘心啊……」 3 相思之歌 那天,喇叭神經錯亂(眾:你什麼時候神經正常過?),換了一種聲音(知道為什麼喇叭的外號叫「喇叭」了吧?)大唱: (大人們跟著喇叭一起唱吧?) 小來在那裡啊,小來在那裡? 小來在那黑森林的宮殿里; 這里有口水啊,這里有紅心, 還有那痴心不該的小喇叭啊~ 來來來來來來來,來來來來來來來…… 來來來來來來來,來來來來來來來…… 還有那痴心不該的小喇叭啊~ 4 學校論壇 精靈王儲 校長 精靈貴族 副校長 精靈 各部門主任 光明使者 各年級組長 風雲使者 行政,黨委負責人 天使長 各年級副組長 天使 班主任 白袍巫師 主科老師 灰袍巫師 副科老師 劍聖 學生會主席 劍士 各班班長 游俠 普通同學 遊民 勤雜工 大人們~~喇叭盼望大人們的回復啊~~如果大人們覺得喇叭寫的還說得過去,就請大人們回復~~這是喇叭的精神動力啊~~ ???????????? UID 13829 帖子 67 精華 0 積分 67 金幣 335 加隆 魔力 0點 貢獻值 0點 閱讀許可權 10 在線時間 0 小時 注冊時間 2003-12-6 最後登錄 2006-1-27 查看詳細資料 TOP [孽海晴天]哈愛·原創文評論活動 紫色天行者 霍格沃茨二年級 帖子 67 精華 0 積分 67 金幣 335 加隆 魔力 0點 貢獻值 0點 在線時間 0 小時 注冊時間 2003-12-6 發短消息 加為好友 當前離線 2 # 大中小 發表於 2004-5-31 02:37 AM 只看該作者 [轉帖]我的指環王病毒~~新鮮出爐的第三部!! By:喇叭喂蝦米每人捧場呢,這可都是OB論壇里的精華帖啊~~~ ???????????? UID 13829 帖子 67 精華 0 積分 67 金幣 335 加隆 魔力 0點 貢獻值 0點 閱讀許可權 10 在線時間 0 小時 注冊時間 2003-12-6 最後登錄 2006-1-27 查看詳細資料 TOP Pullings 霍格沃茨六年級 帖子 572 精華 1 積分 582 金幣 4015 加隆 魔力 0點 貢獻值 0點 在線時間 0 小時 注冊時間 2004-4-22 發短消息 加為好友 當前離線 3 # 大中小 發表於 2004-6-1 02:48 AM 只看該作者 [轉帖]我的指環王病毒~~新鮮出爐的第三部!! By:喇叭我又頂~ 支持樓主~

❾ 哈利波特中的英文好句


Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of friends to stick to his guns, also need a great deal of courage.


Never believe any things to think independently, unless you see it to mind hidden in any place.


What will eventually come, once arrived, he had to accept it.


When we face death and darkness, we feared only unknown, besides is no other.


As long as we consistent aim, open, habits and language differences are not become obstacles.


For the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure.


But also turn a blind eye, indifference, often than straightforward abhor the damage.


People easier to forgive the mistakes of others, but it's hard to forgive others correct.


Truth is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with.


Inlge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good.


To show our true selves, is our own choice, this is better than what we have ability is more important.


Things always use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears.


In this world, no whose lineage is noble, no flow blood is vile.


Temporarily pain become numb, will only make you feel pain when last pain more severe.


A person's background is not important, the important thing is that he grew into what kind of person.


The biggest failure is cannot understand and worse things than death.


Old people underestimate young people, is stupid and forgetful.

最終決定我們命運的不是能力,而是我們自己的選擇。Harry Potter and the Philosopher』s Stone

Eventually determine our fate is not the ability, but our own choices. Harry Potter and the men 's required


Don't know what will happen, but at least ahead than behind the past.


Inlge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good.


Always innocents first hurt, for centuries is so, now or so.


Besides dies studies, again by a little trickier besides, still have many more important things -- friendship and courage.


Death actually like after a long day after finally went to bed. Moreover, for the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure.


No matter how much wealth, want to have long life, can obtain fulfiled - these two things are human want - the problem is that humans are like choice for their most no good thing.


Things have to use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears.


The truth, this is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with.


Be a man so loved, although the love of our people have been killed and will leave us a forever talisman.


Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of friends to stick to his guns, also need a great deal of courage.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Secrets of it


To show our true selves, is our own choice, this is better than what we have ability is more important.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


We the consequences of your actions are often so complicated, so scattered. Therefore, predicting the future is indeed a very difficult thing to do.


We loved the dead will not really left us, in great trouble when we will brighter than ever to clearly recollect them.


Understanding is to accept the first step, only accept only after would recover... Temporarily pain become numb, will only make finally feel pain when it hurt so much worse.


A person's background is not important, the important thing is that he grew into what kind of person!


In no get precise information for future before all calculation is of no use.


Sit stem worried is useless, this to the goal of will come, come to accept it.


Only unity will strong, if split-ticket, as weak. We should show the unbreakable you of friendship and trust. As long as we consistent aim, open, habits and language differences are not become obstacles.


When an unpleasant things in front, time is not slowed down.


The teacher preferred not to impart their knowledge to students, but let them remember, there is no such thing as foolproof.


The biggest failure is cannot understand and worse things than death.


Young people don't know road elderly people how think, also don't know their feelings. But if elderly people have forgotten when I was young, that is how the situation mistaken.


Indifference, and blind, often can than straightforward abhor the damage.


There is a strength, than death, than human wisdom, than the powers of nature more magical, more terrible - that is to love.


Thoughts will almost more than any other things left deeper imprinting.


Indifference, and blind, often can than straightforward abhor the damage.


People easier to forgive the mistakes of others, but it's hard to forgive others correct.


Great cause jealousy and envy lead to poison poison breeding, lies.


Know the tyrant is how scared the oppressed people? They all know someday, in numerous victims will be an RISC against! They are always searching for that will challenge to them, the results not only personally selected the most likely to remove them, and gave him a particularly deadly weapon! Are they made her worst enemy!


Was dragged into arenas to face a bloody battle and his head walk into is a huge difference.


There are many things than physical damage more fearful. 老年人低估年輕人,是愚蠢和健忘的。

Old people underestimate young people, is stupid and forgetful.


We face death and darkness, fear is unknown, besides there is nothing.


Important is constantly struggle, the struggle, again struggle. Only as to evil control, though that could never be completely destroyed.


I use than ink more lasting things a record of my memory


Sometimes you must consider than their safety more things! Sometimes you have to consider a great interests!


Fake-out intelligence is mankind's greatest wealth.


Disappear into the null something, namely into the universe.


Death is not so easy, breathing every second, the fragrance of the green grass, cool breeze cheeks feeling, is so precious.


About the fairy tale about love, loyalty and simplicity, is a powerful force, which transcends any magical powers.


Conquering death, a manewho dream! Is stupid person the t.


Perhaps the most suitable for power is that never hack people, was forced to trickery as a leadership role, where the circumstances compelled by under wear shirt, result surprised to discover unexpectedly wear well.




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