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① 哈利波特的演講稿 英文 急求!!!


Harry Potter (character)

Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980) is a fictional character and the protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

He is the only child of James and Lily Potter. Harry inherited his mother's bright green eyes and his father's perpetually untidy jet-black hair. In his younger years, Harry is described as being small and skinny for his age. His most intriguing physical characteristic is a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead, which he gained when Lord Voldemort attempted to murder baby Harry with a killing curse. Voldemort also killed Harry's parents and destroyed their home on October 31, 1981.

Harry attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry is famous throughout the wizarding world for being the only known person to have survived the Killing Curse and subsequently causing Lord Voldemort's downfall.

In the film adaptations of the series, Harry has been portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Prior to the Harry Potter novels
Harry is the only child of James and Lily Potter, having inherited his mother's green eyes and his father's untidy black hair. His birthday is July 31, coinciding with Rowling's. According to the most popular timeline of the books, his year of birth would be 1980.

Harry Potter is famous in the wizarding world for having survived a murderous attack when he was just one year old by Lord Voldemort, one of the most powerful and feared wizards ever known and the primary antagonist in the series. Harry's parents were killed in this incident on 31 October 1981 in their home in Godric's Hollow, while protecting Harry from Voldemort. James died first, eling Voldemort in the entrance hall. Lily's dying act – sacrificing herself to save her son– placed Harry under ancient magic that protected him from Voldemort.

Subsequently, when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, the curse backfired, rebounding on him and leaving him bodiless while Harry survived unscathed, apart from his now-famous lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. Voldemort did not die but lost his powers, and it led to his exile and eventual decline from a position of power and fear in the wizarding world. Ever since, Harry has been heralded as a celebrity – often touted as "The Boy Who Lived" – the only person known to survive Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse. (Voldemort also survived when the spell rebounded onto him, although its full power may have been diminished.) Many in the wizarding world credit Harry for Voldemort』s downfall.

Despite surviving Voldemort's murder attempt, it isn't until the fifth book that Harry learns why Voldemort lost his powers. In the second book, Harry confirms this fact when he replies to a question asked of him by Tom Riddle:

I don't know why you lost your powers that night, but I know why you couldn't kill me . . .

After his parents' death, Harry was forced to live with his only remaining family–his mother's Muggle sister, Petunia Dursley, and her husband, Vernon, in the small town of Little Whinging, Surrey, England. The Dursleys live at Number Four, Privet Drive in a large, impeccably maintained house and seem moderately well off. However, throughout Harry's first eleven years, they neglect him in favour of their own son, Dudley, and attempting to remove all traces of Harry's magical self to make him 'normal', revealed nothing to him about his past and isolated him from the wizarding world.

Harry is categorised as a half-blood wizard, even though both his parents were magical. His mother Lily (Evans) Potter was Muggle-born, and according to Rowling, to those for whom blood purity matters, a Muggle-born is equivalent to a Muggle - and derogatively referred to as a "Mudblood". [1]

Little is known about Harry's relations. His mother, Lily Evans, was born into a Muggle family, and after the death of his parents, Harry was sent to live with his maternal aunt, Petunia Dursley, and her family. Harry's father, James Potter, was born into a pure-blood wizarding family, to somewhat elderly (by wizarding standards) parents, apparently their only child. It's likely Harry is distantly related to other pure-blood families through his father, as Sirius Black once told him that all the old pure-blood families are related through intermarriage. (See the Black family tree) James and Lily left Harry a large inheritance of wizard money, which he uses for his Hogwarts supplies.

Harry may also be related to his godfather, Sirius Black. James and Sirius may have been first cousins once-removed - not surprising, given the size of the Black family. A Charlus Potter was married to Dorea Black, granddaughter of Phineas Nigellus Black. Some fans speculate that Dorea and Charlus may have been James' parents - however, this seems to contradict Rowling's statements that James' parents were "old in wizarding terms" when they died, because she has also said that wizards have "a much longer life-expectancy than Muggles" (Griselda Marchbanks is known to be over 160) - Dorea died at only 57. However, Charlus and Dorea were born into the same generation as Sirius' grandparents, so it is possible they might be James' parents. Regardless, since no living Potter relatives or any unrelated wizards named Potter have yet appeared in the series, it is possible that Charlus Potter was somehow related to Harry.

For more, see Relatives of Harry Potter.

Life and adventures while at Hogwarts

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, eleven-year-old Harry learns he is wizard when Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and aide to Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, hand-delivers his invitation to attend Hogwarts. Previous letters from the school were blocked by his non-magical aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, who want nothing to do with magic. Hagrid tells Harry about his magical background and his fame in the wizarding community, although Harry soon learns to dislike his celebrity that causes many people to fawn over him or be resentful.

Harry soon begins his studies at Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor House. He quickly becomes friends with Ron Weasley, and eventually Hermione Granger. Draco Malfoy, who has been sorted into Slytherin, becomes Harry's archnemesis. Harry shares his dormitory with Ron, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. Harry's first year is marked by many events, such as being chosen as the new seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team e to his natural flying abilities. He is the youngest player in a century.

Evil wizard, Lord Voldemort has secretly emerged from hiding, returning to the wizarding world to seek the Philosopher's Stone in his quest to regain a physical body and immortality. Using Hogwarts Defence against the Dark Arts Professor Quirrell as a host body, Voldemort searches for the stone at the school. Voldemort is thwarted by Harry, with help from Ron and Hermione, and—unable to defeat Harry and seize the Stone—the Dark Lord flees, leaving Quirrell to die. After completing his first year at Hogwarts, Harry returns to the Dursleys knowing for the first time that there are people who care about him, and he now has a place to call 「home.」

There is a difference in how the film version treats Harry's climactic struggle with Quirrell/Voldemort for the Stone. In the book, Quirrell is blistered and burned as a result of the magical protection provided by Lily Potter when he assaults Harry while attempting to seize the Stone from him; Harry manages to retain the Stone and is saved by Dumbledore, resulting in Voldemort escaping and leaving Quirrell to die. In the film version, Quirrell's body turns to ash and disintegrates (resulting in death) as a direct result of the struggle with Harry; Voldemort flees Quirrell's remains, injuring Harry in the process. Although Harry's actions were clearly in self-defence and justified in both versions, and whilst the effects were caused by the protection charm from Lily Potter (rather than any direct desire to kill on Harry's part), the death of Quirrell in the film is directly caused by Harry, rather than by Voldemort (as it is in the book).

② 急求關於哈利波特的演講稿 三分鍾左右!!

2009-12-12 10:04:01 來自: 米老虎(小電影.avi) 一個棕色頭發,在鼻樑上架著一副寬邊大眼鏡的男孩。他手持一根神奇的魔法棒,輕輕便能帶你進入神奇的魔法世界,讓你時刻都為他的神力所驚喜。他擁有一把神奇的掃把,騎上它,便可盡情的在空中飛行。他是誰?他便是神奇的小魔法師--哈利波特。 在《哈利波特》這本書中,虛幻的事物變成了真實。有巫師,有怪獸,有精靈,也有惡魔。他們分別代表著善與惡。而這個善良的男孩,哈利波特,是這個故事的主角。從整本書來看,作者是以這個小魔法師的神奇經歷為線索,從而表現了孩子與孩子,學生與老師之間的真摯感情,還有的便是孩子們面對困難時堅持不退縮,機智斗惡,用他們有限的力量,一次又一次地逃過難關。而這本書最特別的地方就是記述了哈利波特,還有他的朋友,在這個神秘的魔法學校中的點點滴滴。 一切是那麼神奇,在這個神秘的國度里,住滿了巫師,有老有少,貓頭鷹成為他們的信差,信刊:可以自己開口朗讀,飛天掃帚是交通丁具,多的如天上的鳥一樣。西洋棋會思考,主人叫它怎麼走,便聽從命令,命令一F,自動移入其位。畫像的人是活的,會微笑,會眨眼,有空還會互相串串門。還有的一切,都是那麼神奇。怪不得哈利波特可以成為風靡全球的小魔法師。我真有點佩服這本書的作者,竟有那麼豐富的想像力!而在這本書5中,我最佩服的還是哈利波特和他的朋友面對惡勢力的那種勇敢。他們始終都有這么一個信念:「這是一個不尋常的國度,危險時刻都存在,但只要相信自己,勇敢的去面對困難,甚至是惡魔,沒有什麼奸怕的,就算會陷於危及生命的困境,只要適當的使用在學校里所學到的魔法,一定可以勝利。」這是多麼堅定的信念啊!每次一看到這種驚險的關頭,都被他們這種堅定所感動,同時也為這群有神奇經歷的孩子捏一把汗,畢竟,邪不勝正,那些邪惡的人最終還是不會有好下場的。 總之,這本書給我的感覺只能用一個詞來形容--「神奇」。在這個世界的另一個角落裡,有一個神奇的國度。在那裡,有一個擁有不可思議力量的男孩--哈利波特。而我在閱讀時,也隨之掉入了一個魔法的時空。

③ 求一篇關於哈利波特的英語演講稿,大約3分鍾的樣子,謝謝

The series of Harry Potter books is great! It was written by J.K.Rowling. A normal boy called Harry Potter suddenly found that he was a wizard, his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was only 1 years old. Then he went to Hogwarts, a school which teach wizards and witches how to use magic, to study. At there, he learned many things, and made friends with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. When he was 15, he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Then Harry started to prepare to kill him. His friends stayed with him to help him. After many difficulties, at the age of 17, they finally finished the task. The whole world was saved by Harry, and became peaceful again. I can not describe so much in this short passage, but, really, the books are worth watching. You can learn many things in it, for example, many kinds of love. Your feeling goes with the story, you will laugh, you will cry, and you can not forget it. So come to enjoy it~!

《哈利波特》這部書非常棒!它由J.K.Rowling寫作。一個名叫Harry Potter的普普通通的男孩突然發現自己是一個巫師,而且自己父母在自己一歲時被黑暗魔王伏地魔殺害。於是他到霍格沃茨,一所教授巫師們怎樣使用魔法的學校,去學習。 在那裡,他學會了很多,並與赫敏格蘭傑和羅恩韋斯萊結為朋友。當他15歲時,他突然發現自己是世上唯一可以殺掉伏地魔的人。於是Harry開始准備去殺掉他。他的朋友們同他一起幫助著他,在克服了許多困難之後,在17歲時,他們終於完成了使命。整個世界都被哈利拯救了,世界又恢復了和平。我無法在這片短小的文章中描述很多,但是,真的,這部書非常值得閱讀。你能從中學會很多,比如說,各種愛。你的心緒連著這個故事,你會笑,你會哭,而且無法忘記它。所以去享受它吧~!


④ 一篇關於哈利波特的英文5分鍾演講


⑤ 電影《哈利波特與死亡聖器上》開頭魔法部長演講內容的英語原文,謝謝~

These are dark times, there is no denying.Our world has perhaps faced no greater
threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry. We, ever your servants,
will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that would seek to take it
from you.Your Ministry remains strong!! 對著電影英文字幕打得,應該沒問題~

⑥ 哈利波特電影英語演講稿2分鍾

Harry James Potter is the title character and the main protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy series. The books cover seven years in the life of the lonely orphan who, on his 11th birthday, learns he is a wizard. He attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic. Under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Harry discovers that he is already famous in the wizarding world, and that his fate is tied to Lord Voldemort, the evil wizard who killed his mother and father, and who supposedly died when he tried to fatally curse baby Harry.

⑦ 關於電影《哈利波特》的英語短文

The movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone tells us that Harry Potter,a little boy whose parents died together,is the offspring of a magician。


His parents were killed by a bad wizard in the magic world,but when the bad wizard tried to kill Harry Potter,he was stopped by a huge force。


Harry Potter survived,then lived with his aunt's family。


And was sent to the wizard school,there are many incredible experiences。





⑧ 哈利波特英文演講稿

Harry Potter is the name of a popular series of fantasy novels by British writer J. K. Rowling. Six of seven planned books have been published to date, not including the two school books, Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. These two are supposed to be two of the school books in the seven original books. The books depict a world of witches and wizards, the main character being a young wizard named Harry Potter. The first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the United States), was released in 1997. The first four books have been made into films, and the fifth movie has begun filming (February 2006), with an expected release in 2007. As of 2005, Rowling has written the last chapter of the seventh book. Rowling has also mentioned that the last word of the book would be "scar," which remains to be seen. However, she is unsure whether that will be in the final draft in the book, as she was asked about it in an interview concted by fan sites Mugglenet and The Leaky Cauldron. The Harry Potter books have achieved a profile unparalleled by any other series of books, with worldwide sales exceeding 300 million copies. They have been praised for encouraging children and indeed even alts to read, while also drawing criticism from some quarters. The books are published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (original; distributed in the UK and other Commonwealth countries except Canada), Scholastic Press (US edition; distributed in the United States) and Raincoast Books (original; distributed in Canada).

⑨ 哈利波特與魔法石演講稿600



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