Ⅰ 30部必看經典英文電影,看完口語、聽力大幅提升!你到底看過哪些
《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption)取自斯蒂芬·金《不同的季節》中收錄的《麗塔·海華絲及蕭山克監獄的救贖》而改編成的《肖申克的救贖》劇本,並由弗蘭克·達拉邦特執導,蒂姆·羅賓斯、摩根·弗里曼等主演。
《百萬寶貝》(Million Dollar Baby)是一部勵志劇情電影。影片由克林特·伊斯特伍德執導,克林特·伊斯特伍德、希拉里·斯萬克、摩根·弗里曼等主演。
小說涵蓋了拿破崙戰爭和之後的十幾年的時間。故事的主線圍繞主人公獲釋罪犯冉阿讓(Jean Valjean)試圖贖罪的歷程,融進了法國的歷史、建築、政治、道德哲學、法律、正義、宗教信仰。1958年法國導演讓.保羅·李塞諾拍攝過同名電影,2006年日本出品了根據原著改編的動畫片《悲慘世界少女珂塞特》。
Ⅱ 找一些對人生很有意義的英文電影
《貧民窟的百萬富翁》贏得兩千盧比的背後,每答對一道題的背後,是一個人經歷過的故事······ 《贖罪》一段證詞改變了兩個相愛的人的命運,贖罪,他在書的世界為他們編了一個美麗的結局 《霧都孤兒》一個會為自己爭取幸運的孤兒 《百萬寶貝》死有時是一種解脫 《殺無赦》事情不要做得太過分 《泰坦尼克號》災難無情人應有情 《飛越瘋人院》瘋人院里究竟「誰」是瘋子 《母女情深》當你有事的時候第一個出來幫你的人 《雨人》兄弟情,鋼筋水泥的城市住久了,人變得麻木了,低智商的親情找回了人間的愛 《阿甘正傳》單純的人反而得到了世人想要的東西 《勇敢的心》為自由而戰 《斷背山》永遠不能在一起的愛情 《夢幻女郎》三個女人在演藝圈裡奮斗、得失 《珍珠港》戰爭年代的愛情、友情 《斯巴達三百勇士》用死人堆起的戰磊 《征服者》誰與誰是「同類」 《王者之心》意外相遇,錯失愛人,相愛想守,帶來戰爭 《最後的兵團》軟弱無濟於事,傲骨方能勝利 《完美風暴》《海嘯之後》《活火熔城》災難的無情可怕 《聖女貞德》究竟為誰而戰?英雄最後得到的獎勵是死亡 《冷山》用一生愛你、等你,可一生只相守十天 《廊橋遺夢》她在十字路口選擇了家庭和孩子,放棄了她的真愛 《甜心先生》以心才能換心 《太陽淚》同胞相互殘殺,局外人搭救弱者 《辛德勒的名單》真實的再現了納粹黨屠殺猶太人的罪行,但一念天堂,拯救一人,即拯救全世界 《這個殺手不太冷》最初的惻隱之心逐漸轉化成憐惜,憂慮,擔心,最後是不可失去 《無間行者》兩條看似平行的生命軌跡,一旦交叉,只會帶來毀滅 《天使愛美麗》一個人的價值在於用自己的光和熱去照亮周圍的世界 《沉默的羔羊》殺人狂破案 《忠奸人》FBI與黑手黨究竟哪方義氣 《鋼鐵俠》《綠巨人》《貓女》再強的強人也有感情 《諾丁山》與有名的女人相愛 《肖申克的救贖》對自由的渴望使他花了十九年才得到 《七宗罪》殺手殺人並非是因為嗜血,他以理論信條加上妄念來實施他自以為是的「審判」
Ⅲ 中學生英文勵志電影
弱者當自強,奮斗不停息。一段歌詞可以很完美的表達主題:Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted,one moment ,Would you capture it or just let it slip?
2、 《鋼琴師》
第一名《阿甘正傳(Forrest Gump)》
第二名《當幸福來敲門(The Pursuit of Happyness)》
彷彿影片講的是我們似曾相似的往昔再現,又彷彿對我們未來前進的叮囑,在感動之餘,對我們進行了人生的洗禮,只要不放棄,就一定會成功。威爾·史密斯主演。《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happyness)取材於發生在美國真實故事。故事的主角就是當今美國著名黑人投資專家Chris Gardner。影片詮釋出一位瀕臨破產、老婆離家的落魄業務員,刻苦耐勞的善盡單親責任,奮發向上成為股市交易員,最後成為知名的金融投資家的勵志故事
第三名 《畢業生(The Graate)》
第四名 心靈捕手(Good Will Hunting)
麻省理工學院的數學教授藍波在席上公布了一道困難的數學題,卻被年輕的清潔工威爾(馬特·戴蒙 飾)解了出來。可是威爾卻是個問題少年,成天和好朋友查克(本·阿弗萊特飾)等人四處閑逛,打架滋事。當藍波找到這個天才的時候,他正因為打架襲警被法庭宣判送進看守所。藍波向法官求情保釋,才使他免於牢獄之災。
藍波為了讓威爾找到自己的人生目標,不浪費他的數學天賦,請了很多心理學專家為威爾做輔導,但是威爾十分抗拒,專家們都束手無策。無計可施之下,藍波求助於他大學的好友,心理學教授尚恩(羅賓·威廉姆斯 飾),希望能夠幫助威爾打開心房。
第五名 美麗心靈(A Beautiful Mind)
第六名 百萬美元寶貝(Million Dollar Baby)
正如導演伊斯特伍德所說的,」這不是一個關於拳擊的故事,是關於希望、夢想和愛的故事」,看過這部電影,相信大家就會知道今年奧斯卡典禮上的大 獲全勝真的是實至名歸。
第七名 時尚女魔頭(The devil wears in Prada)
第八名 永不妥協(Erin Brockovich)
第九名 光輝歲月(Remember the Titans)
該片是根據真人真事改編,故事發生於1971年,兩間黑人中學和一間白人中學合並,於是這三個學校的足球隊必須重新組成一支混合球隊。白人教練約特(韋爾· 帕頓飾)將此視為「人格侮辱」而憤然辭職,於是黑人教練赫爾曼·布恩(丹澤爾·華盛頓飾)接手統領。他除了需要解決各隊的分歧外,還要應付當時徘徊於種族間的緊張狀況。最終,他排除萬難,帶領他的隊伍打開勝利之門。
第十名. 黑暗中的舞者(Dancer in the Dark)
;Ⅳ 美麗人生影評英文範文影評
美麗人生影評英文 範文 篇1
It goes without saying that Life is beautiful is one of those movies that take a lasting effect on you. In reality it is a back comedy. After watching it, I found that it had less to do with the holocaust and more to do with the human feelings. Even if you see something not beautiful, the world still intends to tell you: life is beautiful with a humorous tone. Whenever you face the difficulty, please keep on optimistic attitude and then go all out. As long as you are willing to face it, maybe you will realize that things are not as awful as you think. Obviously, it all depends on you. Through this film, we have cause to believe that life is beautiful forever.
The View of Life is Beautiful
As a man, he may be fragile, however, as a father, he will be brave beyond our imagination. This is what I learned from the movie, Life is Beautiful.
This story was adapted from Benigni's father's own experience. In the first half, we can laugh the loudest and delight at the comedy talent of Benigni. It tells us how a Jewish man has a wonderful romance with the help of his humour. Then the optimistic man, Guido, chased Dora strenuously and they had a cute little boy, Joshua. The film then delves into a very touchy area in which Guido and his family are transported to a concentration camp. Guido tries to effectively convince his son by using that same quality to protect his son that their entire imprisonment is part of a huge game in which participants must collect points to win a tank. Meanwhile, he seized every opportunity to let Dora know they were safe, like using the amplifier to talk to her. Finally, Guido was killed by Nazi soldiers while Dora and Joshua were rescued by American troops.
The most impressive part for me is when Benigni knows that Nazi is on the road to ruin. In the chaos, he tells his son to stay in a box until everybody has left and tries to save his wife. Unfortunately, he is caught by a Nazi soldier. When he passes by the box, he still makes funny gestures to indicate Joshua to stay in the box and continue the game.
I have been wondering about the movie's name, Life is beautiful. I think this story is a tragicomedy. Guido as well as a great number of people died in the concentration camp, which makes audience feel really pathetic; his wife and son survived, which could be viewed as a miracle. Under father and mother's careful protection, Joshua was so lucky. Although the historical setting is dark, we do not feel that depressed about it. It is an unforgettable fable that proves love, family and imagination conquer all.
Life Is So Beautiful
I am sure you will make a wrong judgment if you just watch the first half of the film—Life Is Beautiful. You may think it is a complete comedy, but in fact it is a black comedy. That means maybe you will see something not beautiful, even so, the director still wants to tell you: life is beautiful, with a humorous tone.
The movie released in 1997, telling us a story happened in World War II. Guido, a Jew, met a beautiful Italian woman called Dora in a small town. He loved her at first sight, and tried his best to win her heart. They
called married Joshua. and have a son But their happy life
Nazi caught Guido
took them away.
The with family her was ended soon. The and Joshua and Dora insisted she husband and son.
taken to Concentration camp
lied to his son that it by train. Guido
is a game prepared for his birthday, and the prize was a real tank. In order to protect his little son, Guido died. Finally Joshua and Dora survived.
The movie using World War II as the theme is very common, but a black comedy about this is creative. Many elements of comedy are used in the film, the humorous lines, the clownish action…
all of these make
you laugh. How can you feel that it is about World War II! Guido looks like just a little guy, who is a little silly, a little lovely. But it is this little guy teaches us many things.
Firstly, he teaches us that you should keep an optimistic attitude. Things are not as terrible as you think. It all depends how you treat them. “If you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile back.” Secondly, as a parent, it is your ty to ensure the healthy growth of your children, not only on physiology, but also on psychology. Children’s soul will be deeply hurt if they are faced with so cruel truth. And it will influence their life. Thirdly, just love who you love. Love your sweetheart, and love your family.
The director of the film—Roberto Benigni found another way to show World War II, subverting other traditional perspectives. It also shows the optimistic nationality of Italy.
Through this film, we have reason to believe that Nightmares are limited, the beautiful life is forever.
The View of La Vie Belle
This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on you. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son. The holocaust provides the ultimate context, that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such piece of art has ever before combined laughter and tears of sadness in me before and that is the miracle of the movie. The realism of the movie is not its strong point, but then again it is not supposed to be; this helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the nazi psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. This portrayed the nazi 'state of mind' (if ever such an expression existed) as a sick mentally disturbed state. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido's relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh. One can go on forever describing the creativity of this movie, but one will not be able to capture all its beauty in writing.
This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on you. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son. The holocaust provides the ultimate context, that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such piece of art has ever before combined laughter and tears of sadness in me before and that is the miracle of the movie. The realism of the movie is not its strong point, but then again it is not supposed to be; this helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the nazi psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. This portrayed the nazi
'state of mind' (if ever such an expression existed) as a sick mentally disturbed state. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido's relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh. One can go on forever describing the creativity of this movie, but one will not be able to capture all its beauty in writing.
In the second half, Guido, Guido's uncle Eliseo, and Joshua are taken to a concentration camp on Joshua's birthday. Dora demands to join her family and is permitted to do so. Guido hides Joshua from the Nazi guards and sneaks him food. In an attempt to keep up Joshua's spirits, Guido convinces him that the camp is just a game – a game in which the first person to get 1,000 points wins a tank. He tells Joshua that if you cry, complain that you want your mother, or complain that you are hungry, you lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn points. He convinces Joshua that the camp guards are mean because they want the tank for themselves and that all the other children are hiding in order to win the game. He puts off every attempt of Joshua ending the game and returning home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank. Despite being surrounded by rampant death and people and all their sicknesses, Joshua does not question this fiction both because of his father's convincing performance and his own innocence.
Guido maintains this story right until the end, when – in the chaos caused by the American advance drawing near – he tells his son to stay in a sweatbox until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. After trying to find Dora, Guido is caught, taken away, and is shot to death by a Nazi guard, but not before making his son laugh one last time by imitating the Nazi guard as if the two of them are marching around the camp together. Joshua manages to survive, and thinks he has won the game when an American tank arrives to liberate the camp, and he is reunited with his mother.
Ⅳ 推薦30部經典的英文電影
Ⅵ 20部人生必看英文電影
我相信有不少同學在假期都會惡補英語,買英文原著書,看英文電影(當然還有滿足精神 文化 需求的一方面!)。看到頭炸,英語也沒怎麼進步。怎樣才能有效的 學習英語 聽力和口語呢?我給大家找個人人愛的 方法 !
英文電影是很好的 英語學習 資料,而看電影學口語是很好的 學習方法 ,正在被越來越多的英語 愛好 者所採用。不過,看電影不能盲目、單一。看英文電影時不妨運用「加減」法則來學口語,讓自己在輕松愉快的心情下收獲流利地道的口語。
1. 經典台詞 是影片的點睛之筆,正如每當想起影片ForestGump(《阿甘正傳》),很多人都會情不自禁的說出「Life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what you' regonnaget」。
2. 俚語 則是地道口語的重要構成之一,如在《princess diaries》(《公主 日記 》)中有一段Mia和外婆Clarisse的對話:
Mia:So,my mom said you wanted to talk to me about something.Shoot。Clarisse:Oh,before I''shoot,''I have something I want to give you.Here。
「Shoot」常見的意思為「 射擊 、開槍」。但作為一個俚語,shoot多表示「開始講話」。3.電影是由聲音和圖像組合而成,包含了大量的信息。想通過看電影學習口語,就要從中選出適合口語學習的信息:經典台詞、俚語和文化元素。
看電影時,多留意這些內容,將十分有助於你對影片的理解,以上這三部分對於 英語口語 學習十分重要,相輔相成,缺一不可。
最終達到不看字幕也能理解台詞,這樣下來聽力就沒有問題了,而且積累到了很多的口語 句子 ,為口語學習打下堅實的基礎。
一.《美麗人生》( Life is Beautiful)
二次世界大戰期間的義大利,由羅伯托·貝里尼(Roberto Benigni)飾演的小人物─基多,來到圖斯坎尼小鎮追求他的理想與愛情,全然不顧法西斯主義之下的政府管制,在這里他與小學老師桃拉墜入情網。幾年後,他們擁有了一個小男孩─約書亞,而基多也開了一間書店。
二.《幸福終點站》(The Terminal)
故事 發生在上個世紀80年代末,維克多(湯姆·漢克斯 飾)是一個斯洛維尼亞人,為了逃避祖國的戰亂,他決定移民美國,帶著簡單的行李買了飛往美國的機票。
當 他在終點站紐約的肯尼迪機場下機准備出機場時,卻被攔了下來。原來,他的祖國發生了政變,而且還成為了美國的敵對國!維克多的護照和身份證件,以及移民文 件都全都失去了效用,他被扣在了機場。瞬時間,維克多成了一個沒國沒家的孤立的人,他成為國際政治變化的犧牲品。在被扣在機場期間,維克多隻有兩個選擇: 要麼返回祖國,可是他的國家政變後,已經不再承認辦理了移民手續的他是國民;要麼拿到有效的證件,進入移民的美國,但他的證件顯然已經失效而且再也無法補 回了。
站 在這個不屬於自己的國家,看著來來往往陌生的人群,維克多不禁感到迷茫。無奈之下,他只能留在機場睡在大廳的椅子上,在衛生間里洗澡,靠為路過的乘客服務 生活。他現在擁有的只有自己不自由的身體,以及一個小皮箱,裡面裝著換洗的衣服、一把剃須刀和已經作費的身份證明。 一次偶然的機會下,維克多認識了一名美麗空姐艾米麗婭(凱瑟琳·澤塔·瓊斯 飾)。艾米麗婭開始很同情維克多的遭遇,幫他介紹些小工作和與機場交涉關系,慢慢的她愛上了這個細膩而憨厚的男人。
三.《阿甘正傳》(Forrest Gump)
阿甘(湯姆·漢克斯 飾)於二戰結束後不久出生在美國南方阿拉巴馬州一個閉塞的小鎮,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的媽媽是一個性格堅強的女性,她常常鼓勵阿甘「傻人有傻 福」,要他自強不息。阿甘像普通孩子一樣上學,並且認識了一生的朋友和至愛珍妮(羅賓·萊特·潘 飾),在珍妮和媽媽的愛護下,阿甘憑著上帝賜予的「飛毛腿」開始了一生不停的奔跑。阿甘成為 橄欖球 巨星、 乒乓球 外交使者、億萬富翁,但是,他始終忘不了珍妮,幾次匆匆的相聚和離別,更是加深了阿甘的思念。有一天,阿甘收到珍妮的信,他們終於又要見面。
四.《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption)
五.《放牛班的春天》(Les Choristes)
克萊門特是一個才華橫溢的音樂家,不過在1949年的法國鄉村,他沒有發展自己才華的機會,最終成為了一間男子寄宿學校的助理教師。到任後克萊門特發現學校 的校長以殘暴高壓的手段管治這班問題少年,性格沉靜的克萊門特嘗試用自己的方法改善這種狀況,令他驚奇的是這所寄宿學校竟然沒有音樂課,他決定用音樂的方 法來打開學生們封閉的心靈。
六.《海上鋼琴師》(The Legend of 1900)
1900 慢慢長大,顯示了出了無師自通的非凡鋼琴天賦,在船上的樂隊表演鋼琴,每個聽過他演奏的人,都被深深打動。爵士樂鼻祖傑尼聽說了1900的高超技藝,專門上船和他比賽,最後自嘆弗如,黯然離去。可惜,這一切的事情都發生在海上,1900從來不願踏上陸地,直到有一天,他愛上了一個女孩,情愫在琴鍵上流淌。
七.《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)
麻省理工學院的數學教授藍波公布了一道困難的數學題,卻被年輕的清潔工威爾(馬特·戴蒙 飾)解了出來。可是威爾卻是個問題少年,成天和好朋友查克(本·阿弗萊特 飾)等人四處閑逛,打架滋事。
八.《死亡詩社》Dead Poets Society
1959年,威爾頓預備學院以它凝重的風格受到了當時人們的尊敬。在那裡, 教育 的模式是固定的,不僅單調而且束縛了思想。然而這一切在一個新教師的手中發生了改變。
John Keating 反傳統的教育方法給學院帶來了一絲生氣:在他的課堂里,他鼓勵學生站在課桌上,用一個嶄新的視角去觀察周圍的世界;他向學生介紹了許多有思想的詩歌;他所提倡的自由發散式的思維哲學在學生中引起了巨大的反響。
九.《大魚》(Big Fish)
一個美麗的親情童話。父親愛德華(亞伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney 飾)年輕時,很愛給年幼的兒子講自己的傳奇經歷,他自稱在阿拉巴馬旅行推銷員時,經歷過很多光怪陸離,魔幻荒誕的事情。威爾(比利·克魯德普 Billy Crup 飾)並不相信,覺得是父親在虛榮和浮誇,父子關系漸漸疏離。
十.《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)
從一部迪士尼頻道的原創電視電影開始,在美播出後迅速走紅,引爆了具有轟動性的跨娛樂平台、跨越國際市場的全球青年新文化潮流。2006年1月美國首播,隨即引爆炫風,電視收視長紅,締造新紀錄。獲得艾美獎6項提名,並拿下兩項大獎(最佳 兒童 節目、最佳舞蹈編排)。此外還獲得2006年全美青少年票選3項大獎。
十一.《魔法師的學徒》The Sorcerer's Apprentice
是迪士尼影業2010年暑期檔的巨獻之一,本片除了「影帝」尼古拉斯•凱奇擔綱主演外,曾在《蜘蛛俠2》中扮演大反派「章魚博士」的阿爾弗雷德•莫里納將繼 續他的反派路線。故事講述了發生在現代紐約的真人奇幻童話,圍繞一個魔法師和他不聽話的學徒展開。這個魔法師正准備訓練他的學徒,以幫助他對抗邪惡黑勢力。
十二.《三傻大鬧寶萊塢》 3 Idiots
十三.《音樂之聲》(The Sound of Music)
瑪利亞(朱麗·安德魯斯 飾)是一個年輕活潑的修女,喜歡在大自然下高聲歌唱,所以她常常忘記了修道院里的規矩。院長認為瑪利亞並不屬於規矩嚴格的修道院。
院長與眾嬤嬤商量後,決定安排瑪利亞到一位名叫特拉普(克里斯托弗·普盧默 飾)上校家當家庭教師。上 校的妻子去世多年,留下7個孩子,他要求對孩子嚴格管教。他告訴瑪利亞在他家的家庭教師都做不長久,都是因為孩子的惡作劇。瑪利亞果然也遭到了惡作劇,可 是這位善良的老師並沒有告訴他們的父親,而是像個母親一樣照顧孩子,很快跟孩子打成一片。上校也漸漸在瑪利亞的引導下改變了對孩子們的態度。
十四.《天使愛美麗》(Amelie from Montmartre)
一個現代灰姑娘的童話,鏡頭底下的巴黎是比明信片更加明媚的世外桃源,把少女的悸動和憧憬化成一幕幕迷人的畫卷。完全屬於一個人的奇想世界。帶點無傷大雅的 小惡作劇,穿行在巴黎艷麗的陽光底下。心地澄澈,宛若天使凡落。那麼多的奇思妙想,於是得以在驚喜中看一個孤獨的女孩在守望愛的旅途中跋涉。
一 個偶然的機會,他認識了古斯特餐廳的學徒林奎尼,這個倒霉的學徒生性害羞,在廚藝上更是沒有什麼天賦,並且遭到餐廳大廚的排擠,即將被解僱。這一人一鼠結 成了奇特的聯盟:雷米奉獻自己極富創造力的大腦。操作林奎尼前台「表演」。在雷米的幫助下,林奎尼不但成為新的「天才廚師」,獲得了美女同事的愛情,還挫 敗了大廚的陰謀,成為古斯特餐廳的合法繼承人。突如起來的成功讓林奎尼有些不知所措,想擺脫自己的傀儡身份,把雷米趕出了廚房。
十六.《納尼亞傳奇》(The Chronicles of Narnia)
一天,幾個小孩子玩捉迷藏,露西(喬基·亨莉 Georgie Henley飾)躲進了衣櫃里,眼前卻意外出現了一個神奇的世界——那裡白雪皚皚,荒無人煙。她在雪地上走著走著,遇上了人羊怪物。其他孩子也一一進入這個魔法衣櫥。他們得知裡面的王國叫納尼亞,正在被一個邪惡的女巫所統治。
十七.《鼠來寶》 (Alvin And The Chipmunks)
戴維·塞維爾(傑森·李 Jason Lee 飾)是洛杉磯一名鬱郁不得志的詞曲作者,他不分白天黑夜,努力創作,但作品總也得不到唱片公司老闆的賞識。某天,滿腔憤怒的戴維在家中大發雷霆,這時,三 只來自大山的花栗鼠艾爾文(賈斯汀·朗 Justin Long 配音)、西蒙(馬修·格雷·古柏勒 Matthew Gray Gubler 配音)、西爾多(傑西·麥卡尼 Jesse McCartney 配音)闖入戴維的生活。
戴維驚訝地發現,這三個頑皮胡鬧的小傢伙不僅會說話,而且還能和聲 唱歌 。於是他和小傢伙們達成協議,它們可以在家中居住,但是必須演唱戴維創作的歌曲,妙趣橫生的故事也由此展開……本片榮獲2008年兒童選擇獎最受歡迎電影。
十八.《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)
十九.《新基督山伯爵》(The Count Monte Cristo)
二十.《公主日記》The Princess Diaries
Ⅶ 5篇100字左右的英文電影的觀後感,要用英語啊
I honestly don't know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.
I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script. It's cheesy, cliché-ridden, and poorly-structured. Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent. Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history. Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse. The writing of human characters is lazy at best, sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker, fat computer whizz, bumbling government agent etc etc. The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable, but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction. Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know, but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.
The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style), but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience. Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.
With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism, but it's patently clear that Bay and Co. had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise. GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be, but it is most certainly not Transformers.
Ⅷ 英文電影影評100字
Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.
Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.
However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.
3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple—human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.
Ⅸ 跪求適合大學生的英文電影推薦勵志電影,【在線觀看】免費百度雲資源
劇名:美麗心靈 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:
Ⅹ 英文電影觀後感精選五篇
《功夫熊貓》(《Kung Fu Panda》)的:
I see this movie lastweek,
So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu!
My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda?
I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it only lives in China.
In this movie, Panda learns how to improve his level of Kung fu,many scence show that this cartoon is so funny,
You can see how things goes on with laugh,
I recommend this film to you.!
The film stars a panda named Po (voice of Jack Black), who is so fat he can barely get out of bed. He works for his father, Mr. Ping (James Hong) in a noodle shop, which features Ping's legendary Secret Ingredient. How Ping, apparently a stork or other billed member of the avian family, fathered a panda is a mystery, not least to Po, but then the movie is filled with a wide variety of creatures who don't much seem to notice their differences.
They live in the beautiful Valley of Peace with an ancient temple towering overhead, up zillions of steps, which the pudgy Po can barely climb. But climb them he does, dragging a noodle wagon, because all the people of the valley have gathered up there to witness the choosing of the Dragon Warrior, who will engage the dreaded Tai Lung (Ian McShane) in kung-fu combat. Five contenders have been selected, the "Furious Five": Monkey (Jackie Chan), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu) and Crane (David Cross). Tigress looks like she might be able to do some serious damage, but the others are less than impressive. Mantis in particular seems to weigh about an ounce, tops. All five have been trained (for nearly forever, I gather) by the wise Shifu, who with Dustin Hoffman's voice is one of the more dimensional characters in a story that doesn't give the others a lot of depth. Anyway, it's up to the temple master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), an ancient turtle, to make the final selection, and he chooses -- yes, he chooses the hapless and pudgy Po.
The story then becomes essentially a series of action sequences, somewhat undermined by the fact that the combatants seem unable to be hurt, even if they fall from dizzying heights and crack stones open with their heads. There's an extended combat with Tai Lung on a disintegrating suspension bridge (haven't we seen that before?), hand-to-hand-to-tail combat with Po and Tai Lung, and upstaging everything, an energetic competition over a single mpling.
"Kung Fu Panda" is not one of the great recent animated films. The story is way too predictable, and truth to tell, Po himself didn't overwhelm me with his charisma. But it's elegantly drawn, the action sequences are packed with energy, and it's short enough that older viewers will be forgiving. For the kids, of course, all this stuff is much of a muchness, and here they go again.
Hotel Rwanda ---- a story of an African Schinderler
Hotel Rwanda is a film about a man. It was based on a real story of a man who saved 1268 people’s lives in a madness genocidal, which happened in Rwanda, 1994. The film was directed by Terry George, 2004. The main actor Don Cheadle is not handsome but just an ordinary man. You probably will even not recognize him when you happen to meet him on the street. He acted a hero based on a true story, a man who was as simple as he is, Paul Rusesabagina. Paul is a hero, a real man, while a hero and a real man doesn’t always need to be handsome or attractive in the appearance. There are two nations in Rwanda, hutu and tutsi. Paul is a hutu manager working for a 4 stars hotel on town. The hutu army planed a genocidal to clear out all the tutsi people in ruwanda. The tutsi people were suffering a madness blood bath. Over 800,000 people had been killed within 100 days. Paul has a tutsi wife, in order to protect his wife, children and other tutsis; he took them to hide in the hotel Rwanda. There are many white people from all over the world lived in this hotel so the hotel is the safest place in Rwanda to hide. There are 80 UN soldiers in Rwanda but only 4 guarded in the hotel and all of them are not allowed to shot. If we say that Paul just wanted to save his wife at the beginning, after recognized that there is no one would come to help the tutsis, Paul throw himself into the breach. He bribed the hutu general by wine and gold, used out every coin of his to purchase the refugees’ lives, ten, a hundred, 2 hundreds, 3 hundreds… more and more tutsi refugees flee to the hotel wishing to survive. To them, Paul is an angel who keeps a hope for those hopeless people in the calamity. His goodness his mercy is the key to be alive.
The hotel Rwanda is a dramatically and war film, ingeniously, there was almost no lens for slaughtering; however, the threatener of death was full filling with the whole movie. One of the tutsi asked Paul,
“Why they are so truculence?”
“ Hatred? Insanity? … I don’t know.”
The event is a humanitarianism disaster and Paul needs no reason to save the lives. When the world closed its eyes, he opened his arms. Facing a madness calamity and crazy crowds, the indivial’s power is far from enough. However, Paul saved more than 1000 people’s lives. Paul Rusesabagina is a hero, a real man, an African Schinderler.
Parents and children, inspirational, so the words used in qualitative, on the drama is on the excess; effort, struggle, happiness, and this proceis actually on the drama in excess. Art
comes from life than life; a successful television series might not require a highly anticipated new theme and return to life, perhaps the most real life is the highest art. Bottom line of this struggle in poverty in the inspirational family film more approachable, but also much more likely to live many of our emotional resonance.
Simba, the prince of the animals' kingdom, whose life was not always happy. Simba's uncle,
carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son, the old lion king died. And Simba, with his uncle taking his father's place, had no other choice but to flee. On his aimleroad, he met two new friends, a weasel and a boar. They were hearty.
The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Through efforts of himself and help from his friends, Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.
This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.