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1. 求三部熱門電影(要兒童看的)的中英文簡介 字數控制在100左右!高分!!

順便再推薦一部電視劇《老爸老媽的浪漫史》,英文名是《How I meet your mother》,這是一部幽默電視劇,很好看,內容也沒有什麼兒童不能看的地方,你可以自己先去看看

2. 在一部中英文字幕電影中,原本中文字幕在上,但我想英文字幕在上,怎麼切換


如果只有中上英下的字幕,且是封裝在mkv中的軟字幕,可以用 mkvtoolnix 軟體中的 mkvextractgui2 工具,把字幕提取出來。用記事本打開看一下,有的雙語字幕,中文、英文是分開的,播放時,根據時間碼實現中文、英文同時顯示,這樣的字幕文件,用記事本直接復制粘貼,把英文部分放在上面,中文部分放在下面,就可以了。


3. 如何在一部電影上同時顯示中英文字模






Peking.Opera.Blues.1986.DVDRip.XviD-SMoR.sub (擴展名可以是rar)


用暴風影音或者Media Player播放時,任務欄上會有一個綠箭頭,在綠箭頭上點滑鼠右鍵,可以選擇字幕,還可以設置字體、字型大小、顏色等等。



P.S. parity原創,請勿抄襲。

4. 有什麼好看的英文電影並且有中英文字幕的



5. 求幾部比較好看的英文電影的中英文故事簡介。急用。謝謝了,要適合學生看的!越多越好!

《人生遙控器》 很好 就是講一個人弄到了一個可以遙控人生的遙控器,然後臨死時發現了家庭的溫暖和重要。發現是一個夢 回到現實中。很感人 很啟發。
《big fish》 大魚 也很好 講一個兒子對他爸爸的諒解。充滿了有趣的故事。也很讓人感覺不錯。。

6. 求篇英文電影的中英文影評

2012是一部美國的電影。這是一部激動人心的電影。2012重要講了在2012時世界將會被毀滅,然而一部分人活下來的故事。看完這部電影,我每天都在思考世界末日這件事,我很害怕也很好奇。這部電影十分精彩,劇情也很驚險。這部電影也告訴我們要保護我們這個地球,愛護壞境,也要珍愛生命。2012給我很多啟示,希望大家也去看看。這是多麼好的一部電影呀!2012 is an exciting American movie. It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2012, only a small percentage of human beings survived. After watching the movie, I ponder a lot about the end of the world everyday, because I am both afraid and curious about it. This is an excellent movie with a thrilling storyline. It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment, as well as all creatures on earth. 2012 teaches me a lot, I think everyone should go and see it. What a good movie it is!

7. 求一部用中英文介紹劇情內容的電影

Sleepless in Seattle 西雅圖夜未眠.Introction Sam is an architect in Chicago. After his wife Maggie died of illness, Sam and his eight-year-old son Jonah move to Seattle to avoid the sad memories. But he fails to cast off the deep sorrow because of his deep love for Maggie. On Christmas Eve, Jonah calls to a radio program and tells the psychiatrist that he hopes his father could find a new wife. At the MC's request, Sam tells his love for his wife. Annie is a journalist in Baltimore, she happens to listen to the program and is deeply moved by Sam's sensitivity. She can't help trying every opportunity to approach him. This is a comic movie love story made in 1993. Tom Hanks, the Academy winner, and the sweetheart of Hollywood Meg Ryan, their wonderful performance makes the movie a heart-throb, and the songs in it are so beautiful that a thick warm feeling is made to encircle it. 西雅圖不眠夜 影片簡介 薩姆是芝加哥的一名建築師。在妻子瑪姬不幸病勢之後,他就帶著八歲的兒子喬納遠離那個傷心地,來到西雅圖,以避免觸景生情,勾起難過的回憶。但是他對瑪姬的愛太深了,他拼盡了全身所有的力量,還是深陷悲哀,無法自拔。在聖誕前夜,小喬納撥通了電台的熱線,告訴主持人他希望給父親找一位好妻子。在主持人的請求下,薩姆吐露自己對妻子的深深愛意。這話正巧被安妮--巴爾的摩一家報社的記者--無意中聽到了,她收聽著節目,被薩姆的款款深情深深打動。電波切斷之後,她回過身來,情不自禁地想方設法、通過各種途徑,一定要把薩姆找出來……(但此時,安妮已和男友沃爾特定了婚。如何面對一往情深的未婚夫,如何處理這突如其來的意外情愫?安妮面臨著抉擇……)電子情書:現今的世界已進入了網路時代,人與人之間的交流更加的快捷、方便,劇中的男女主角就是相識在網路上,他們互相發送電子郵件,訴說心曲。那種方式看來是沒有我們今天的QQ方便,不過我覺得那更有另一番情趣! Nowdays we are in the interent world and people cantact with each other in a more efficient and convinient way. The mean actor and actress in this film are met through the net, they contact and talk with each other by emails. that method didn't seem convinient that the QQ we uses today, nevertheless I found it very interesting in another way. 影片一開始,兩個人都是在男(女)友出門後,迫不及待地打開電腦,查看自己的電子郵件,那種急切的心情,就像個貪吃的孩子,等父母出門以後,悄悄地打開餅干筒偷糖吃一樣,又像戀愛中的少女,按捺住跳動的心,急急地撕開戀人的來信! The film starts with two people, they couldn't wait to turn on their computers and checking their emails straight after their current girl friend ad boy friend are out. That urgent feelings are just like a kid wanted to have a candy, waited until their parents are out, they quietly to steal the candy's from the round box to eat. It was also like a girl in love, hope her breath tear off the envelop to read her lovers letter. 在網路上,他們無話不談,互相訴說自己的煩惱,自己的開心。我總認為,人們在網路上更容易敞開自己的心扉,當然前提是2個人互相吸引。雖然互相看不見對方,可是心的交流卻能讓彼此心靈相通,真切地感受到對方的存在!那種知心的感覺,我以為在現實中也未必能得到! On the internet, they talk about everything, about their worries and happiness. I've always thought that people are more easily to open up their mind on the the interent, of course they must like each other first. Although thy can't see each other, but teir similar thoughts brought them together to truly feel the exsting of each other. That kind of feeling I've never felted before. 片中有幾個細節讓我印象特別的深,一個是當男女主人公得知他們是現實中的競爭對手時,(當然還不知道網路上的關系),兩人在大街上、超市裡,互相躲避,像躲貓貓的小孩兒一樣,漢克斯的憨態,梅格瑞恩的俏皮,真是讓我樂不可支。超市裡付款那一段,梅格瑞恩的氣惱和無奈,漢克斯的竊笑和得意,讓我笑出了聲來! Several seens in the film had make a deep impression on me. One is when the acter/actress found out they were the competitors in their actual life(of course not knowing of their relationship on the interent). Both of them tried to avoid seeing each other on the street, in the supermarket. They were like childrens plays hidden cats. The stupidity of Hanks, and the naughty Maggery, they made me laugh. Especially the part while paying at the supermarket, Maggerin was anger and hopeless while Hanks was happy and feel advantaged. They made me laugh loud. 當他們真的決定走出網路,在現實中見面時,那份期待,那種心跳,那種心神不定,被兩位演員演繹的出神入化!漢克斯在約定見面的咖啡店外激動的不知所雲,不敢自己去看心儀的女孩兒什麼模樣,卻讓朋友去幫自己看,當得知對方竟然是自己生意上的對手時,心裡的那種矛盾難以言表,不敢說出真情,挨罵以後黯然離去,那份失落讓我有種心痛的感覺! When they decided to walk out from the net and to meet up in the real life. That expectation, heart beating and unsureness was been acted by those two actor/actress. Hanks didn't know what to do while outside the cafe where they were going to meet, he was afraid to look at her face, asked a friend of his to look at the girl for him. When he found out she was his business competitor in real life, the conflic feeling of whether teel her the truth was strong. He left after they argued. That scene made me wanted to cry. 梅格瑞恩的書店終於關門了,而兩人在現實中的關系反而有所好轉!他們仍然在網路上互發電子郵件,只不過漢克斯在明處,梅格瑞恩在暗處了,漢克斯一會兒在現實中為梅格瑞恩提出良好的建議,一會兒在網路中為她出謀劃策,那份良苦用心讓我好生感動! Maggerine's book shop has finally close down, as the result of it, their relationship turned out better in real life! They still contact each other on the interent by emails, but with Hanks knows her real identity and Maggerine does not know his real identity. Hanks help and advised her in real life as well on the interent. What he did was touchy. 時機成熟時,他們終於決定再次見面,見面之前,漢克斯問梅格瑞恩:「你能原諒放你鴿子的人,為什麼不能原諒我呢?如果沒有生意上的競爭關系,我們一定會在一起的!」那一刻,她的心裡充滿了矛盾,可是她仍然舍不下網路上的那個他!她回家換上漂亮的衣服,來到約定見面的地方,充滿期待地四處張望,當眼前出現的人是漢克斯時,她的眼裡先是驚喜,而後就是那種如釋重負的感動!她對他說:「剛才,我真的希望那就是你!」淚水盈滿了她的眼眶,當兩人熱情相擁相吻時,我發現,自己的眼淚也開始滑落! When it was time, they decided to meet again. Before they meet, Hanks asked Magrinre:"Will you forgive the one who lied to you....why can't you forgive me? If we weren't competitors, we will be together!" That time, she was confussed, but Magrine still can't let go of Hanks of the interent! She went back home put on her favourate dress and come to the place where they would meet. She looked everywhere searching for Hanks. The impression I had from her face was firstly surprised, then thankfullness. She said to him: "Just then, I really hoped that was you!..." They cried and kissed. I felt my tears were also came out from my eyes. 真是好美的愛情,無論在現實中,還是網路上,只要是真心付出,都會是那麼的美,不是么? What a beautiful love story. No mater in real life or the interent, as long as you really give out from your heart, everything will bebeautiful, isn't it?

8. 這兩部電影的中英文名字分別叫什麼

starship troopers

9. 「這一部電影有中英文字幕,另一部是原聲片,沒有翻譯的」求助這句話的英文翻譯

This movie has both Chinese and English subtitles, the other one is original without subtitles.

10. 一部英文電影的20句對白,中英文均要

TITANIC 1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming. 外表看,我是個教養良好的小姐,骨子裡,我很反叛. 2.We』re the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world. 我們是真他媽的走運極了.(地道的美國國罵) 3.There is nothing I couldn』t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you』re heart to me. 如果你不違背我,你要什麼我就能給你什麼,你要什麼都可以.把你 的心交給我吧. 4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband. 讀大學的目的是找一個好丈夫.(好像有些片面,但比較真實) 5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you』re in the club. 只要你裝得很有錢的樣子他們就會跟你套近乎。 6.All life is a game of luck. 生活本來就全靠運氣。 7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what』s going to happen, or who I』m going to meet, where I』m going to wind up. 我喜歡早上起來時一切都是未知的,不知會遇見什麼人,會有什麼樣的結局。 8.I figure life is a gift and I don』t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you』re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我覺得生命是一份禮物,我不想浪費它,你不會知道下一手牌會是什麼,要學會接受生活。 9.To make each day count. 要讓每一天都有所值。(※I like this one ) 10.We』re women. Our choices are never easy. 我們是女人,我們的選擇從來就不易。 11.You jump, I jump. (another touching sentence) 12.Will you give us a chance to live? 能不能給我們留一條生路? 13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away. 上帝擦去他們所有的眼淚.死亡不再有,也不再有悲傷和生死離別,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣. 14.You』re going to get out of here. You』re going to go on and you』re going to make lots of babies and you』re going to watch them grow and you』re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. 你一定會脫險的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看著他們長大.你會安享晚年,安息在溫暖的床上,而不是今晚在這里,不是像這樣的死去 追問: 能不能再多給6句,這是老師的作業 回答: 我再找找 ==啊 追問: 恩,辛苦拉 回答: 1.JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. ( 傑克 已經感到他的時間不多了,他要把話說完,他必須使露絲活下去。)此刻,他不顧自己的顫抖與 喘息 ,略有些急促地對露絲說:「……我贏得船票……是一生……最幸福的事情……」 2.You jump, I jump 你跳我就跳 3.To make each day count. 要讓每一天都有所值。 4,All life is a game of luck. 生活本來就全靠運氣。 5.We're women. Our choices are never easy. 我們是女人,我們的選擇從來就不易。 6.Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. 傑克:「你向我保證…… 答應我 你要活下來……永遠也不放棄……不管發生什麼……不管多麼絕望無助……現在就答應我,不要忘了這個承諾」



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